提交 d8f8ccbc 编写于 作者: T Terry

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[![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/fancyecommerce/fecshop/v/stable)](https://packagist.org/packages/fancyecommerce/fecshop) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/fancyecommerce/fecshop/downloads)](https://packagist.org/packages/fancyecommerce/fecshop) [![Latest Unstable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/fancyecommerce/fecshop/v/unstable)](https://packagist.org/packages/fancyecommerce/fecshop)
project status:
> Fecshop open source project has been **fully developed**, a total of six major entrances: pc (appfront), wap (apphtml5), background (appadmin)
> , vue (appserver), third-party system api (appapi), background shell (console), all developed,
> You can use Fecshop for your online e-commerce project.
> Fecshop is a full-featured open source e-commerce system with a biased framework for programmers to learn and use.
> It is easier to second develop. Welcome to use Fecshop to develop your own e-commerce project.
1, Fecshop introduction
[Fecshop] (http://www.fecshop.com) Fully called Fancy ECommerce Shop, is an excellent open source e-commerce system based on the php Yii2 framework.
Fecshop supports multi-language, multi-currency, architecture support pc, mobile web, mobile app, and erp docking, etc. You can customize and deploy your e-commerce system for free and fast.
See the address for details: [Introduction to Fecshop] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-fecshop-about-description.html)
[Fecshop] (http://www.fecshop.com) website: http://www.fecshop.com, you can submit bugs, question consultation and so on.
[Fecshop](http://www.fecshop.com) [Completed] PC Web Demo: [http://fecshop.appfront.fancyecommerce.com] (http://fecshop.appfront.fancyecommerce.com/men? Fec_campaign=xxx&fec_content=94&fec_design=96&fec_medium=Share&fec_source=Facebook&fid=7a77a6ba-2d90-4ad5-bf75-fdf920de41f7)
[Fecshop](http://www.fecshop.com) [Completed] Mobile Web Demo (WAP): [http://fecshop.apphtml5.fancyecommerce.com] (http://fecshop.apphtml5.fancyecommerce.com ?fec_campaign=xxxx&fec_content=94&fec_design=96&fec_medium=Adwords&fec_source=Facebook&fid=100000005)
[Fecshop](http://www.fecshop.com) [Completed] Mobile VUE Demo (Appserver, front and back completely separated mode): [http://demo.fancyecommerce.com/#/] (http:// Demo.fancyecommerce.com/#/?fec_campaign=xxxx&fec_content=94&fec_design=96&fec_medium=Adwords&fec_source=Facebook&fid=100000005)
[Fecshop] (http://www.fecshop.com) Background demo address: Add QQ group, there are background demo address, account password and other information in the group announcement
Author, Terry Email: 2358269014@qq.com
[Fecshop](http://www.fecshop.com) Github Address: https://github.com/fancyecommerce/yii2_fecshop
Fecshop open source agreement: [Fecshop License Agreement] (http://www.fecshop.com/license)
Fecshop online project case: http://www.fecshop.com/topic/55
Fecshop question consultation, Bug submission, etc. See: [Fecshop Forum] (http://www.fecshop.com/topic)
Fecshop open source project history: [Fecshop timeline] (http://www.fecshop.com/site/timeline)
Fecshop Trace website traffic advertisement analysis system
> golang + mongodb + elasticSearch A set of user behavior analysis system, the management system interface uses vue admin, has been seamlessly docked with fecshop, Appfront, Apphtml5, Appserver three portals have opened data docking, especially appue such as vue Type data docking, the system is also an open source project, collect data through js management and php send data, save it into mongodb, and then perform a series of statistics through golang script, the result data is passed to elasticSearch for query, the system for The initial data statistics, as well as the analysis of the advertisements, have been improved. For details, please refer to the demo below. For the analysis of the data you want, you can develop it yourself.
For google analysis, Baidu statistics and other statistical systems, the data collected is too small, such as shopping cart data, search data, user email, and the problem of inaccurate order payment status, in addition, the advertising data can not meet the requirements, So terry developed a website traffic advertising system to improve the surrounding, more detailed introduction, and github source address reference documentation
Website Traffic Analysis System Documentation: http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fec-go-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-trace-about.html
> The project started in 2018, after 8 months of development, the documentation is gradually improved, and children's shoes with data analysis needs can be used.
Fecshop Trace Demo: http://trace.fecshop.com
Test account: test test123 (Do not change the password, the account has certain permission restrictions)
2, Fecshop document, video, extension library
**Second Open and Installation Documentation: ** [Fecshop Installation Development Document] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-README.html) [Completion Completion]
**Use help documentation:** [Fecshop Help Document] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/instructions/cn-1.0/guide-README.html) [Complete Completion]
**Installation Development Help Video:** [Fecshop Installation Development Video] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/instructions/cn-1.0/guide-fecshop_video_install.html) [Completion Completion]
** Front and rear split mode Api: ** [Appserver VUE Api document] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-fecshop-server.html) [Completion completed 】
**Fecshop extension: ** [Fecshop official extension list] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-fecshop-pkg-list.html)
3, install Fecshop
> Please follow the instructions to install, Fecshop is based on composer online installation, direct git clone download is not acceptable, please follow the instructions below
Re-emphasize again: **Fecshop is based on composer online installation, direct git clone download is not **, please follow the installation documentation
3.1, [Standard mode] Standard installation method: Step by step configuration from basic linux, see the documentation for details: [Fecshop installation] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0 /guide-fecshop-about-hand-install.html)
3.2, [strongly recommended] docker compose rapid deployment
: Because the above installation operations require more installation, the process is more complicated.
It is recommended to use docker compose, see:
[docker compose quickly deploy Fecshop] (https://github.com/fecshop/yii2_fecshop_docker)
3.3, [not recommended] vagrant box way: box made in 2017.6 months, no longer maintain vagrant box,
It is recommended to use docker compose installation. If you want to use vagrant box, you can refer to:
[Fecshop vagrant installation] (http://www.fecshop.com/doc/fecshop-guide/develop/cn-1.0/guide-fecshop-about-vagrantinstall.html)
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