提交 553e54ce 编写于 作者: T Terry

order item service

上级 fbbbed6f
......@@ -30,7 +30,31 @@ class Item extends Service
list($this->_itemModelName, $this->_itemModel) = \Yii::mapGet($this->_itemModelName);
* 得到order 表的id字段。
protected function actionGetPrimaryKey()
return 'item_id';
* @param $primaryKey | Int
* @return Object($this->_itemModel)
* 通过主键值,返回Order Model对象
protected function actionGetByPrimaryKey($primaryKey)
$one = $this->_itemModel->findOne($primaryKey);
$primaryKey = $this->getPrimaryKey();
if ($one[$primaryKey]) {
return $one;
} else {
return new $this->_orderModelName();
* @param $product_id | string , 产品的id
* @param $customer_id | int, 用户的id
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