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......@@ -4,54 +4,55 @@
seaborn.color_palette(palette=None, n_colors=None, desat=None)
Return a list of colors defining a color palette.
Available seaborn palette names:
deep, muted, bright, pastel, dark, colorblind
有 deep, muted, bright, pastel, dark, colorblind 六种颜色模式
Other options:
name of matplotlib cmap, ‘ch:<cubehelix arguments>’, ‘hls’, ‘husl’, or a list of colors in any format matplotlib accepts
matplotlib Colormap 的名字、‘ch:<cubehelix arguments>’, ‘hls’, ‘husl’,或任一 matplotlib 接受的不同格式颜色列表。
Calling this function with `palette=None` will return the current matplotlib color cycle.
调用此函数并设置 `palette=None` 会返回当前 matplotlib 色彩循环。
Matplotlib palettes can be specified as reversed palettes by appending “_r” to the name or as “dark” palettes by appending “_d” to the name. (These options are mutually exclusive, but the resulting list of colors can also be reversed).
matplotlib 调色板的顺序可以通过在调色板名称后添加 “_r” 来倒置,同样,添加 “_d” 可以将调色板设置为深色模式。(这些选项为互斥属性,返回的颜色列表同样可以被取反)
This function can also be used in a `with` statement to temporarily set the color cycle for a plot or set of plots.
可以在 `with` 语句中使用此函数来为一个或多个点临时改变调色板。
See the [tutorial](../tutorial/color_palettes.html#palette-tutorial) for more information.
参考这篇 [教程](../tutorial/color_palettes.html#palette-tutorial) 来获取更多信息。
参数:**palette:None, string, or sequence, optional**
> Name of palette or None to return current palette. If a sequence, input colors are used but possibly cycled and desaturated.
> 调色板或者 None 值来返回给当前调色板。如果是序列,输入颜色会被使用,可能会被循环化并降低饱和度。
`n_colors`:int, optional
> Number of colors in the palette. If `None`, the default will depend on how `palette` is specified. Named palettes default to 6 colors, but grabbing the current palette or passing in a list of colors will not change the number of colors unless this is specified. Asking for more colors than exist in the palette will cause it to cycle.
`n_colors`:int, 可选
`desat`:float, optional
> 调色板中的颜色数。如果为 None,则默认值将取决于调色板的指定方式。已命名调色板默认有 6 种颜色,抓取当前调色板或传递颜色列表不会更改颜色数,除非作出指定。要求比调色板中存在的颜色更多的颜色会导致调色板循环化。
> Proportion to desaturate each color by.
`desat`:float, 可选
> 每种颜色的去饱和比例。
返回值:`palette`:list of RGB tuples.
> Color palette. Behaves like a list, but can be used as a context manager and possesses an `as_hex` method to convert to hex color codes.
返回值:`palette`:RGB 元组序列。
> 调色板。操作类似于列表,但可以用作上下文管理器,并具有转换为十六进制颜色代码的 `as_hex` 方法。
See also
Set the default color cycle for all plots.Reassign color codes like `"b"`, `"g"`, etc. to colors from one of the seaborn palettes.
设置所有的默认颜色循环。重新分配颜色代码,如 “b”、“g” 等。从seaborn 调色板中选择颜色。
Calling with no arguments returns all colors from the current default color cycle:
>>> import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ Calling with no arguments returns all colors from the current default color cycl
Show one of the other “seaborn palettes”, which have the same basic order of hues as the default matplotlib color cycle but more attractive colors. Calling with the name of a palette will return 6 colors by default:
显示另一个 “seaborn 调色板”,具有与默认 matplotlib 颜色循环相同的基本色调顺序,但颜色更吸引人。默认情况下,使用调色板名称进行调用将返回6种颜色:
>>> sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("muted"))
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ Show one of the other “seaborn palettes”, which have the same basic order of
Use discrete values from one of the built-in matplotlib colormaps:
使用一个内置 matplotlib clolormap 的离散值:
>>> sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("RdBu", n_colors=7))
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ Use discrete values from one of the built-in matplotlib colormaps:
Make a customized cubehelix color palette:
>>> sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("ch:2.5,-.2,dark=.3"))
......@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ Make a customized cubehelix color palette:
Use a categorical matplotlib palette and add some desaturation:
使用一个明确的 matplotlib 调色板并降低一些饱和度:
>>> sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=8, desat=.5))
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ Use a categorical matplotlib palette and add some desaturation:
Make a “dark” matplotlib sequential palette variant. (This can be good when coloring multiple lines or points that correspond to an ordered variable, where you don’t want the lightest lines to be invisible):
创建 “dark”(深色)matplotlib 顺序调色板变体。(当对应于有序变量的多条线或点进行着色时,如果您不希望最轻的线不可见,则可以使用此选项):
>>> sns.palplot(sns.color_palette("Blues_d"))
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ Make a “dark” matplotlib sequential palette variant. (This can be good when
Use as a context manager:
>>> import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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