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# Java Mutex 示例

> 原文: [https://javatutorial.net/java-mutex-example](https://javatutorial.net/java-mutex-example)


想想一个队列。 不管长短,都没关系。 现在想想一辆正在出售游乐园门票的卡车。 一次一个人可以买票。 该人买了票后,就该排队了。

这个小故事与理解 Mutex 有什么关系? 让我解释。


**Mutex 允许每个线程具有 1 个许可。** 换句话说,一次只能有 1 个线程可以访问资源。 在上面的类比中,两个人不能同时购买门票。 Mutex 也是如此。 它不是线程,而是人员,而是票证。 同样的事情或多或少..

Mutex 与 Semaphore 略有不同,因此 **Semaphore 允许多个线程访问资源。** 的意思是,多个人可以同时购买门票。

![Mutex java example thread](img/66ac23d82b34151f8831186826308565.jpg)

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## 构造器
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1.  公共[信号灯](https://javatutorial.net/java-semaphore-example)(国际许可);
2.  公共信号量(int 许可,布尔型公平);

第一个构造函数是我们实际上可以区分 Mutex 和 Semaphore 的地方。 如果那里有 1 作为参数,则意味着将只允许 1 个线程获取锁。 请记住,由于它没有第二个参数**布尔公平**,因此您正在使 Semaphore 类以任何顺序访问任何线程。

第二个构造函数如果传递 true(公平),则确保按线程请求访问并在队列中等待的顺序给出访问。

## **Mutex 基本代码实现**

import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;

public class MutexDemo {

    // create a Semaphore instance that makes it so only 1 thread can access resource at a time
    private static Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);

    static class ThreadDemo extends Thread {

		private String name = "";

		public ThreadDemo(String name) {
		    this.name = name;

		public void run() {
		    try {
                                // check the above mentioned analogy in the article for reference
				System.out.println("How many people can buy a ticket at a time: " + mutex.availablePermits());
				System.out.println(name + " is buying a ticket..."); 
				try {

					System.out.println(name + " is still buying a ticket. How many people can still buy the ticket alongside him: " + mutex.availablePermits());
				} finally {
					System.out.println(name + " bought the ticket.");
					System.out.println("How many people can buy tickets after " + name + " has finished buying the ticket: " + mutex.availablePermits());
		    } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

	ThreadDemo thread1 = new ThreadDemo("Bob");

	ThreadDemo thread2 = new ThreadDemo("Charlie");

	ThreadDemo thread3 = new ThreadDemo("Christie");



How many people can buy a ticket at a time: 1
Bob is buying a ticket...
How many people can buy a ticket at a time: 0
Charlie is buying a ticket...
How many people can buy a ticket at a time: 0
Christie is buying a ticket...
Bob is still buying a ticket. How many people can still buy the ticket alongside him: 0
Bob bought the ticket.
How many people can buy tickets after Bob has finished buying the ticket: 1
Charlie is still buying a ticket. How many people can still buy the ticket alongside him: 0
Charlie bought the ticket.
How many people can buy tickets after Charlie has finished buying the ticket: 1
Christie is still buying a ticket. How many people can still buy the ticket alongside him: 0
Christie bought the ticket.
How many people can buy tickets after Christie has finished buying the ticket: 1

从输出中可以看到,**当有人买票时,没有其他人可以买。** 这是显示以下内容的行之一:

Bob 仍在买票。 还有多少人可以和他一起买票: **0**


归根结底,它涉及 acquire()和 release()。 Acquire()是指该人开始“购买机票”的时间,release()是指该人“购买机票”的时间。