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# Swagger – Spring REST 示例

> 原文: [https://howtodoinjava.com/swagger2/swagger-spring-mvc-rest-example/](https://howtodoinjava.com/swagger2/swagger-spring-mvc-rest-example/)

如今, [REST](http://restfulapi.net)[微服务](//howtodoinjava.com/microservices/microservices-definition-principles-benefits/)势头强劲。 同时,实际的 REST 规范并未建议任何标准方法来记录我们将要公开的 REST API(例如 WSDL for SOAP)。 结果,每个人都以自己的方式记录自己的 API,从而导致通用结构中的空白,所有这些都可以轻松地遵循,理解和使用。 我们需要一个通用的模式和工具。

[Swagger](https://swagger.io/) (得到了 Google,IBM,Microsoft 等公司的支持)完成了相同工作,以填补常见文档样式的空白。 在本教程中,我们将学习**使用 Swagger 来使用 **swagger 2 注释**来生成 REST API 文档**

Table of Contents

What is Swagger
Project Structure and Technology Stack
Create REST APIs
Swagger2 Configuration
Swagger2 Annotations

## 昂首阔步

Swagger(现为“ Open API Initiative”)是一种规范和框架,用于使用所有人都可以理解的通用语言来描述 REST API。 还有其他一些流行的框架,例如 RAML,Summation 等。但是,考虑到它的功能和在开发者社区中的接受程度,Swagger 在这一点上最受欢迎。

它提供了人类可读和机器可读的文档格式。 它同时提供 JSON 和 UI 支持。 JSON 可以用作机器可读格式,`Swagger-UI`用于可视化显示,人类只需浏览 api 文档即可轻松理解。

## 项目结构与技术栈


![Swagger2 Project Structure](img/e5fb83172c356c894cde300dfc0d9933.png)

Swagger2 Project Structure


1.  Eclipse 作为 IDE
2.  [Maven](//howtodoinjava.com/maven/) 作为构建工具
3.  Spring Boot 作为应用程序框架
4.  Spring Rest 作为 REST API 框架
5.  Swagger2 作为 REST 文档框架
6.  [Java 1.8](//howtodoinjava.com/java-8-tutorial/)

## 创建 REST API

我们将首先创建一些 REST API,这些 API 将用于展示 Swagger 文档功能。 我们将使用 Spring 引导样式公开剩余的 API,以缩短开发时间。

1.  Create a Spring boot project from [Spring Boot initializer](https://start.spring.io/) portal with `Web`, `Rest Repositories`, `Actuator` dependencies. Give other maven GAV coordinates and download the project. This screen will look like:


    Spring Boot REST Project Generation


    将项目解压缩并将其作为现有的 maven 项目导入 Eclipse。 在此步骤中,将从 maven 存储库下载所有必需的依赖项。 在此步骤中执行全新的`mvn clean install`,以便正确下载所有与春季启动相关的工件。

2.  打开`application.properties`并添加以下属性。 这将在`/swagger2-demo`上下文路径中启动应用程序。


3.  Add one REST controller `Swagger2DemoRestController` which will provide basic REST based functionalities on `Student` entity.


    package com.example.springbootswagger2.controller;

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.stream.Collectors;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    import com.example.springbootswagger2.model.Student;

    public class Swagger2DemoRestController {

    	List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
    		students.add(new Student("Sajal", "IV", "India"));
    		students.add(new Student("Lokesh", "V", "India"));
    		students.add(new Student("Kajal", "III", "USA"));
    		students.add(new Student("Sukesh", "VI", "USA"));

    	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudents")
    	public List<Student> getStudents() {
    		return students;

    	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudent/{name}")
    	public Student getStudent(@PathVariable(value = "name") String name) {
    		return students.stream().filter(x -> x.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)).collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0);

    	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudentByCountry/{country}")
    	public List<Student> getStudentByCountry(@PathVariable(value = "country") String country) {
    		System.out.println("Searching Student in country : " + country);
    		List<Student> studentsByCountry = students.stream().filter(x -> x.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase(country))
    		return studentsByCountry;

    	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudentByClass/{cls}")
    	public List<Student> getStudentByClass(@PathVariable(value = "cls") String cls) {
    		return students.stream().filter(x -> x.getCls().equalsIgnoreCase(cls)).collect(Collectors.toList());




    package com.example.springbootswagger2.model;

    public class Student {

    	private String name;
    	private String cls;
    	private String country;

    	public Student(String name, String cls, String country) {
    		this.name = name;
    		this.cls = cls;
    		this.country = country;

    	public String getName() {
    		return name;

    	public String getCls() {
    		return cls;

    	public String getCountry() {
    		return country;

    	public String toString() {
    		return "Student [name=" + name + ", cls=" + cls + ", country=" + country + "]";


4.  作为 Spring 启动应用程序启动该应用程序。 测试几个 REST 端点,以检查它们是否工作正常:
    *   http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / getStudents
    *   http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / getStudent / sajal
    *   http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / getStudentByCountry / india
    *   http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / getStudentByClass / v

## Swagger2 配置

我们的 REST API 已准备就绪。 现在将 swagger 2 支持添加到 project.ff

#### 添加 Swagger2 Maven 依赖项

打开`spring-boot-swagger2`项目的 pom.xml 文件,并在下面添加两个与 swagger 相关的依赖项,即`springfox-swagger2``springfox-swagger-ui`




Actually `swagger` API has couple of varieties and maintained in different artifacts. Today we will use the `springfox` because this version adapts well with any spring based configurations. We can try other configurations also easily and that should give same functionality – with no/little change in configuration.

#### 添加 Swagger2 配置

在代码库中添加以下配置。 为了帮助您理解配置,我添加了嵌入式注释。

package com.example.springbootswagger2.configuration;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ResourceHandlerRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurerAdapter;
import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import springfox.documentation.builders.RequestHandlerSelectors;
import springfox.documentation.spi.DocumentationType;
import springfox.documentation.spring.web.plugins.Docket;
import springfox.documentation.swagger2.annotations.EnableSwagger2;

public class Swagger2UiConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter 
	public Docket api() {
		// @formatter:off
		//Register the controllers to swagger
		//Also it is configuring the Swagger Docket
		return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
				// .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.any())
				// .paths(PathSelectors.any())
				// .paths(PathSelectors.ant("/swagger2-demo"))
		// @formatter:on

	public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) 
		//enabling swagger-ui part for visual documentation


#### 验证 Swagger2 JSON 格式文档

执行 maven 并启动服务器。 打开链接 [http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / v2 / api-docs](http://localhost:8080/swagger2-demo/v2/api-docs) ,它应该以`JSON`格式提供整个文档。 这并不是那么容易阅读和理解,实际上 Swagger 已经提供了将其用于其他系统中的功能,例如如今流行的 API 管理工具,它提供了 API 网关,API 缓存,API 文档等功能。


JSON documentation

#### 验证 Swagger2 UI 文档

打开 [http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / swagger-ui.html](http://localhost:8080/swagger2-demo/swagger-ui.html) 在浏览器中查看 Swagger UI 文档。

![Swagger2 UI Docs without Annotations](img/de00227979aa13b38e66dc6d767ad0be.png)

Swagger2 UI 文档(无注释)

## Swagger2 注释

默认生成的 API 文档很好,但是缺少详细的 API 级别信息。 Swagger 提供了一些注释,可以将这些详细信息添加到 API。 例如

1.  `@Api` –我们可以将此注释添加到控制器,以添加有关控制器的基本信息。

    @Api(value = "Swagger2DemoRestController", description = "REST APIs related to Student Entity!!!!")
    public class Swagger2DemoRestController {

2.  `@ApiOperation and @ApiResponses` – We can add these annotations to any rest method in the controller to add basic information related to that method. e.g.

    @ApiOperation(value = "Get list of Students in the System ", response = Iterable.class, tags = "getStudents")
    @ApiResponses(value = { 
    			@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success|OK"),
    			@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "not authorized!"), 
    			@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "forbidden!!!"),
    			@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "not found!!!") })

    @RequestMapping(value = "/getStudents")
    public List<Student> getStudents() {
        return students;



3.  `@ApiModelProperty` –在 Model 属性中使用此注释可为该 Model 属性的 Swagger 输出添加一些描述。 例如

    @ApiModelProperty(notes = "Name of the Student",name="name",required=true,value="test name")
    private String name;

添加 swagger2 注释后的 Controller 和 Model 类代码。


package com.example.springbootswagger2.controller;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.example.springbootswagger2.model.Student;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;

@Api(value = "Swagger2DemoRestController", description = "REST Apis related to Student Entity!!!!")
public class Swagger2DemoRestController {

	List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
		students.add(new Student("Sajal", "IV", "India"));
		students.add(new Student("Lokesh", "V", "India"));
		students.add(new Student("Kajal", "III", "USA"));
		students.add(new Student("Sukesh", "VI", "USA"));

	@ApiOperation(value = "Get list of Students in the System ", response = Iterable.class, tags = "getStudents")
	@ApiResponses(value = { 
			@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Suceess|OK"),
			@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "not authorized!"), 
			@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "forbidden!!!"),
			@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "not found!!!") })

	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudents")
	public List<Student> getStudents() {
		return students;

	@ApiOperation(value = "Get specific Student in the System ", response = Student.class, tags = "getStudent")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudent/{name}")
	public Student getStudent(@PathVariable(value = "name") String name) {
		return students.stream().filter(x -> x.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)).collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0);

	@ApiOperation(value = "Get specific Student By Country in the System ", response = Student.class, tags = "getStudentByCountry")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudentByCountry/{country}")
	public List<Student> getStudentByCountry(@PathVariable(value = "country") String country) {
		System.out.println("Searching Student in country : " + country);
		List<Student> studentsByCountry = students.stream().filter(x -> x.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase(country))
		return studentsByCountry;

	// @ApiOperation(value = "Get specific Student By Class in the System ",response = Student.class,tags="getStudentByClass")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/getStudentByClass/{cls}")
	public List<Student> getStudentByClass(@PathVariable(value = "cls") String cls) {
		return students.stream().filter(x -> x.getCls().equalsIgnoreCase(cls)).collect(Collectors.toList());



package com.example.springbootswagger2.model;

import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;

public class Student 
	@ApiModelProperty(notes = "Name of the Student",name="name",required=true,value="test name")
	private String name;

	@ApiModelProperty(notes = "Class of the Student",name="cls",required=true,value="test class")
	private String cls;

	@ApiModelProperty(notes = "Country of the Student",name="country",required=true,value="test country")
	private String country;

	public Student(String name, String cls, String country) {
		this.name = name;
		this.cls = cls;
		this.country = country;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public String getCls() {
		return cls;

	public String getCountry() {
		return country;

	public String toString() {
		return "Student [name=" + name + ", cls=" + cls + ", country=" + country + "]";


## 演示版

现在,在正确注释我们的 REST API 之后,我们来看一下最终输出。 打开 [http:// localhost:8080 / swagger2-demo / swagger-ui.html](http://localhost:8080/swagger2-demo/swagger-ui.html) 在浏览器中查看 Swagger ui 文档。

![Final Swagger2 REST API Output](img/1f62370e64802188fb3551506abb9860.png)

Final Swagger2 REST API Output

这一切都将通过弹簧启动应用程序[swagger2] **创建 REST API 文档。 将我的问题放在评论部分。**

[Download Source code](//howtodoinjava.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/spring-boot-swagger2.zip)
