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# Web 响应式开发资料索引
* [Sizzy #Project# ](https://github.com/kitze/sizzy):A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast. Sizzy 是辅助开发者预览网页在不同屏幕分辨率下显示效果的工具,它能够在同一页上列举出目标网页在多个设备上的显示效果,从而加速响应式开发的速度。
- [Sizzy #Project# ](https://github.com/kitze/sizzy):A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast. Sizzy 是辅助开发者预览网页在不同屏幕分辨率下显示效果的工具,它能够在同一页上列举出目标网页在多个设备上的显示效果,从而加速响应式开发的速度。
- [React SizeME](https://github.com/ctrlplusb/react-sizeme): Make your React Components aware of their width, height and position.
- [Reframe #Project# ](https://dollarshaveclub.github.io/reframe.js/)
- [移动端样式小技巧](http://www.tuicool.com/articles/niuaaar)
- [专注于移动端样式库Mobi.css](https://github.com/xcatliu/mobi.css/blob/master/dist/mobi.css)
* [React SizeME](https://github.com/ctrlplusb/react-sizeme): Make your React Components aware of their width, height and position.
- [Device.js #Project#](https://github.com/matthewhudson/device.js): 面向不同的设备选用不同的布局代码
* [Reframe #Project# ](https://dollarshaveclub.github.io/reframe.js/)
- [2013-Media Queries Are Not The Answer: Element Query Polyfill](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/06/media-queries-are-not-the-answer-element-query-polyfill/)
* [移动端样式小技巧](http://www.tuicool.com/articles/niuaaar)
- [2016-Element Queries: the Future of Responsive Web Design](http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/element-queries-the-future-of-responsive-web-design--cms-26945)
* [专注于移动端样式库 Mobi.css](https://github.com/xcatliu/mobi.css/blob/master/dist/mobi.css)
- [网易和淘宝移动 WEB 适配方案再分析](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25216275)
* [Device.js #Project#](https://github.com/matthewhudson/device.js): 面向不同的设备选用不同的布局代码
* [2013-Media Queries Are Not The Answer: Element Query Polyfill](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/06/media-queries-are-not-the-answer-element-query-polyfill/)
* [2016-Element Queries: the Future of Responsive Web Design](http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/element-queries-the-future-of-responsive-web-design--cms-26945)
* [网易和淘宝移动 WEB 适配方案再分析](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25216275)
- [Scaling Responsive Animations](https://css-tricks.com/scaling-responsive-animations/)
- [Scaling Responsive Animations](https://css-tricks.com/scaling-responsive-animations/)
* [这可能是史上最全的 CSS 自适应布局总结](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODIxMzg5MQ==&mid=2653995792&idx=1&sn=730974c4cff6d3738c52902a2f99ed7e&scene=23&srcid=0516rsLrl38nVY19S5QIKHGC#rd)
- [这可能是史上最全的CSS自适应布局总结](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODIxMzg5MQ==&mid=2653995792&idx=1&sn=730974c4cff6d3738c52902a2f99ed7e&scene=23&srcid=0516rsLrl38nVY19S5QIKHGC#rd)
* [developing-mobile-web-apps-when-why-and-how](https://www.toptal.com/android/developing-mobile-web-apps-when-why-and-how)
- [developing-mobile-web-apps-when-why-and-how](https://www.toptal.com/android/developing-mobile-web-apps-when-why-and-how)
- [10-tips-for-mobile-web-design-optimization](https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/10-tips-for-mobile-web-design-optimization)
- [The pro's guide to responsive web design](http://www.creativebloq.com/rwd/pros-guide-responsive-web-design-71515692):  Advanced techniques from top web designers to build better sites for any device.
* [10-tips-for-mobile-web-design-optimization](https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/10-tips-for-mobile-web-design-optimization)
* [The pro's guide to responsive web design](http://www.creativebloq.com/rwd/pros-guide-responsive-web-design-71515692):  Advanced techniques from top web designers to build better sites for any device.
# Media Query: 媒介查询
- [media-queries-for-standard-devices](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/media-queries-for-standard-devices/)
* [media-queries-for-standard-devices](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/media-queries-for-standard-devices/)
- [CSS Media Queries for iPads & iPhones](http://stephen.io/mediaqueries/)
* [CSS Media Queries for iPads & iPhones](http://stephen.io/mediaqueries/)
- [Respond.js #Project#](https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond): 针对IE6-8的媒介查询
* [Respond.js #Project#](https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond): 针对 IE6-8 的媒介查询
- [sass-mediaqueries #Project#](https://github.com/paranoida/sass-mediaqueries)
* [sass-mediaqueries #Project#](https://github.com/paranoida/sass-mediaqueries)
- [write-media-queries-sass](https://davidwalsh.name/write-media-queries-sass)
* [write-media-queries-sass](https://davidwalsh.name/write-media-queries-sass)
- [approaches-media-queries-sass](https://css-tricks.com/approaches-media-queries-sass/)
* [approaches-media-queries-sass](https://css-tricks.com/approaches-media-queries-sass/)
- [2017-Media Queries Based on Element Width with MutationObserver](https://parg.co/UuJ)
* [2017-Media Queries Based on Element Width with MutationObserver](https://parg.co/UuJ)
# 响应式图片
- [Image Compression for Web Developers](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/img-compression/)
* [Image Compression for Web Developers](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/img-compression/)
- [responsive-images-client-hints](https://davidwalsh.name/responsive-images-client-hints)
* [responsive-images-client-hints](https://davidwalsh.name/responsive-images-client-hints)
- [quick-guide-responsive-images](http://slicejack.com/quick-guide-responsive-images/)
* [quick-guide-responsive-images](http://slicejack.com/quick-guide-responsive-images/)
- [responsive-images-done-right-guide-picture-srcset](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/responsive-images-done-right-guide-picture-srcset/)
* [responsive-images-done-right-guide-picture-srcset](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/responsive-images-done-right-guide-picture-srcset/)
- [Picturefill #Project#](https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill)
- [2017-Fundamentals of Responsive Images](https://www.lullabot.com/articles/fundamentals-of-responsive-images): In this article, I’ll be explaining some of the key concepts for responsive images, as well as providing an overview of a few different responsive image tactics.
* [Picturefill #Project#](https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill)
* [2017-Fundamentals of Responsive Images](https://www.lullabot.com/articles/fundamentals-of-responsive-images): In this article, I’ll be explaining some of the key concepts for responsive images, as well as providing an overview of a few different responsive image tactics.
# 响应式布局与缩放
- [understanding-css-grid-systems](https://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-css-grid-systems/)
* [understanding-css-grid-systems](https://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-css-grid-systems/)
- [The future of layout with CSS: Grid Layouts](https://medium.com/@patrickbrosset/css-grid-layout-6c9cba6e8a5a#.abrk05o7z)
* [The future of layout with CSS: Grid Layouts](https://medium.com/@patrickbrosset/css-grid-layout-6c9cba6e8a5a#.abrk05o7z)
- [2017-Common Responsive Layouts with CSS Grid (and some without!)](https://parg.co/U5S): Example code for you to try out, change and make your own.
* [2017-Common Responsive Layouts with CSS Grid (and some without!)](https://parg.co/U5S): Example code for you to try out, change and make your own.
## 响应式尺寸
- [前端:『REM』手机屏幕高清适配方案](https://github.com/hbxeagle/rem/blob/master/HD_ADAPTER.md)
* [前端:『REM』手机屏幕高清适配方案](https://github.com/hbxeagle/rem/blob/master/HD_ADAPTER.md)
# 响应式组件
- [Autoresponsive React](https://xudafeng.github.io/autoresponsive-react/)
* [Autoresponsive React](https://xudafeng.github.io/autoresponsive-react/)
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* [Robust Client-Side JavaScript](https://molily.de/robust-javascript/): Why do we need to talk about robust JavaScript and how do we achieve it?
# Accessibility: 可访问
# Accessibility: 易用
# UI
# Web 动画资料索引
# CSS 命名规范与模块化资料索引
- [CSS 模块化与工程化演进](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1QkGy9UbRF3FtyBllmJdmA)
* [CSS 模块化与工程化演进](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1QkGy9UbRF3FtyBllmJdmA)
- [RSCSS-CSS样式结构建议](https://github.com/rstacruz/rscss)
* [RSCSS-CSS 样式结构建议](https://github.com/rstacruz/rscss)
- [Thoughtful CSS Architecture](https://seesparkbox.com/foundry/thoughtful_css_architecture)
* [Thoughtful CSS Architecture](https://seesparkbox.com/foundry/thoughtful_css_architecture)
- [2017-基于 Shadow DOM 的样式封装](https://meowni.ca/posts/shadow-dom/):Shadow DOM 是 Web Components 标准的重要组成部分,它能够将 DOM 树进行隔离封装,而本文则是介绍如何利用 Shadow DOM 实现对于样式类的隔离封装。由于 CSS 并没有提供内置的模块化或者作用域机制,而在大型项目中不同组件间的样式又极易引发冲突,因此我们需要选择合适的 CSS 样式隔离方案。目前常用的隔离方案有 BEM 命名策略、IFrame、CSS Modules、CSS-in-JS 等,本文首先盘点了这些方案的优势与不足;然后介绍了 Shadow DOM 的基本原理以及如何应用到样式封装上。
* [2017-基于 Shadow DOM 的样式封装](https://meowni.ca/posts/shadow-dom/):Shadow DOM 是 Web Components 标准的重要组成部分,它能够将 DOM 树进行隔离封装,而本文则是介绍如何利用 Shadow DOM 实现对于样式类的隔离封装。由于 CSS 并没有提供内置的模块化或者作用域机制,而在大型项目中不同组件间的样式又极易引发冲突,因此我们需要选择合适的 CSS 样式隔离方案。目前常用的隔离方案有 BEM 命名策略、IFrame、CSS Modules、CSS-in-JS 等,本文首先盘点了这些方案的优势与不足;然后介绍了 Shadow DOM 的基本原理以及如何应用到样式封装上。
- [css-architecture](http://philipwalton.com/articles/css-architecture/)
* [css-architecture](http://philipwalton.com/articles/css-architecture/)
- [mediums-css-is-actually-pretty-fucking-good](https://medium.com/@fat/mediums-css-is-actually-pretty-fucking-good-b8e2a6c78b06#.p4vui6i9h)
* [mediums-css-is-actually-pretty-fucking-good](https://medium.com/@fat/mediums-css-is-actually-pretty-fucking-good-b8e2a6c78b06#.p4vui6i9h)
- [maintainablecss](http://maintainablecss.com/chapters/semantics/)
* [maintainablecss](http://maintainablecss.com/chapters/semantics/)
- [Improving CSS quality at Facebook and beyond](https://code.facebook.com/posts/879890885467584)
* [Improving CSS quality at Facebook and beyond](https://code.facebook.com/posts/879890885467584)
- [Modular CSS with React](https://medium.com/@pioul/modular-css-with-react-61638ae9ea3e#.wwleyppu3)
* [Modular CSS with React](https://medium.com/@pioul/modular-css-with-react-61638ae9ea3e#.wwleyppu3)
- [CSS Naming Conventions that Will Save You Hours of Debugging](https://parg.co/UkE)
* [CSS Naming Conventions that Will Save You Hours of Debugging](https://parg.co/UkE)
# Naming Conventions: 命名规范
- [What are the best CSS preprocessors/postprocessors?](http://www.slant.co/topics/217/~css-preprocessors-postprocessors)
* [What are the best CSS preprocessors/postprocessors?](http://www.slant.co/topics/217/~css-preprocessors-postprocessors)
- [2017-Advanced SCSS](https://gist.github.com/jareware/4738651):  16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.
* [2017-Advanced SCSS](https://gist.github.com/jareware/4738651):  16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.
- [阮一峰-SASS用法指南](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2012/06/sass.html)
* [阮一峰-SASS 用法指南](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2012/06/sass.html)
- [Official Documentation](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#variables_)
* [Official Documentation](http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#variables_)
- [2017-How Sass Can Save You a Lot of Time](https://codeburst.io/how-sass-can-save-you-a-lot-of-time-f1198b658012): I’ll explain what CSS preprocessors are, how you can install Sass, the 2 different Sass syntaxes, some of the main features of Sass and finish off with some cool examples.
* [2017-How Sass Can Save You a Lot of Time](https://codeburst.io/how-sass-can-save-you-a-lot-of-time-f1198b658012): I’ll explain what CSS preprocessors are, how you can install Sass, the 2 different Sass syntaxes, some of the main features of Sass and finish off with some cool examples.
# CSS-in-JS
- [css-in-js](https://github.com/MicheleBertoli/css-in-js):  React: CSS in JS techniques comparison.
* [css-in-js](https://github.com/MicheleBertoli/css-in-js):  React: CSS in JS techniques comparison.
- [react-css-in-js-nationjs](http://blog.vjeux.com/2014/javascript/react-css-in-js-nationjs.html)
* [react-css-in-js-nationjs](http://blog.vjeux.com/2014/javascript/react-css-in-js-nationjs.html)
- [Virtual CSS 和 Styletron](http://www.zcfy.cc/article/virtual-css-with-styletron-1996.html)
* [Virtual CSS 和 Styletron](http://www.zcfy.cc/article/virtual-css-with-styletron-1996.html)
- [CSS in JS: The Argument Refined](https://medium.com/@steida/css-in-js-the-argument-refined-471c7eb83955#.z6czxmcfm)
* [CSS in JS: The Argument Refined](https://medium.com/@steida/css-in-js-the-argument-refined-471c7eb83955#.z6czxmcfm)
- [2017-A Unified Styling Language](https://medium.com/seek-blog/a-unified-styling-language-d0c208de2660): We’re going to take a look at why writing your styles in JavaScript isn’t such a terrible idea after all, and why I think you should be keeping an eye on this rapidly evolving space.
* [2017-A Unified Styling Language](https://medium.com/seek-blog/a-unified-styling-language-d0c208de2660): We’re going to take a look at why writing your styles in JavaScript isn’t such a terrible idea after all, and why I think you should be keeping an eye on this rapidly evolving space.
- [2017-CSS in JavaScript: The future of component-based styling](https://parg.co/bNe)
* [2017-CSS in JavaScript: The future of component-based styling](https://parg.co/bNe)
- [2017-Stop using CSS in JavaScript for web development](https://hackernoon.com/stop-using-css-in-javascript-for-web-development-fa32fb873dcc): This article lists common misconceptions (myths) and the existing CSS solutions to those problems.
* [2017-Stop using CSS in JavaScript for web development](https://hackernoon.com/stop-using-css-in-javascript-for-web-development-fa32fb873dcc): This article lists common misconceptions (myths) and the existing CSS solutions to those problems.
- [2017-Styled-Components in Action](https://medium.com/@lvarayut/styled-components-in-action-723852f2a93d): In this article, I will walk you through the main concepts of Styled-Components along with coding examples.
* [2017-Styled-Components in Action](https://medium.com/@lvarayut/styled-components-in-action-723852f2a93d): In this article, I will walk you through the main concepts of Styled-Components along with coding examples.
- [Why We Use Styled Components at Decisiv and why you might consider it as well](https://hackernoon.com/why-we-use-styled-components-at-decisiv-a8ac6e1507ac?source=linkShare-fe48c4221a4c-1508836944)
* [Why We Use Styled Components at Decisiv and why you might consider it as well](https://hackernoon.com/why-we-use-styled-components-at-decisiv-a8ac6e1507ac?source=linkShare-fe48c4221a4c-1508836944)
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## Compatibility:  兼容性
* [CSS Compatibility in Internet Explorer](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh781508%28v=vs.85%29.aspx): Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 was the first fully Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1 (CSS1)-compliant version of Internet Explorer. Windows Internet Explorer 8 is fully compliant with the Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS2.1) specification and supports some features of Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3). Windows Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 add even more support for many CSS3 modules.
# Syntax: 语法
* [2017-Locally Scoped CSS Variables: What, How, and Why](https://parg.co/bLS): CSS Custom Properties (also popularly called CSS Variables) are here! This is really exciting because we finally have true variables in CSS!
* [Basic CSS Selector Syntax Explained Using Cats](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/basic-css-selectors-explained-with-cats)
## 功能函数
* [How calc() Works](https://bitsofco.de/how-calc-works/)
# 选择器
* [How CSS pseudo-classes work, explained with code and lots of diagrams](https://medium.freecodecamp.com/explained-css-pseudo-classes-cef3c3177361#.ax2oehufx)
# Graphic: 绘图
* [css 巧用 border 属性制作各种图形(矩形,梯形,三角形)](http://www.manongjc.com/article/86.html)
* [CodePen-BorderShapes](http://codepen.io/wxyyxc1992/pen/BzrPrb)
## CSS Shape
* [How I started drawing CSS Images](http://6me.us/kpnB)
* [An Intermediate Guide to Pure CSS Images](http://codepen.io/mikemang/post/an-intermediate-guide-to-pure-css-images)
# 颜色与背景
* [Gradientify](http://www.gradientify.dfusic.net/): Best gradients in one place.
# CSS 语法资料索引
* [2017-Locally Scoped CSS Variables: What, How, and Why](https://parg.co/bLS): CSS Custom Properties (also popularly called CSS Variables) are here! This is really exciting because we finally have true variables in CSS!
* [Basic CSS Selector Syntax Explained Using Cats](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/basic-css-selectors-explained-with-cats)
## 功能函数
* [How calc() Works](https://bitsofco.de/how-calc-works/)
# 选择器
* [How CSS pseudo-classes work, explained with code and lots of diagrams](https://medium.freecodecamp.com/explained-css-pseudo-classes-cef3c3177361#.ax2oehufx)
# Graphic: 绘图
* [css 巧用 border 属性制作各种图形(矩形,梯形,三角形)](http://www.manongjc.com/article/86.html)
* [CodePen-BorderShapes](http://codepen.io/wxyyxc1992/pen/BzrPrb)
## CSS Shape
* [How I started drawing CSS Images](http://6me.us/kpnB)
* [An Intermediate Guide to Pure CSS Images](http://codepen.io/mikemang/post/an-intermediate-guide-to-pure-css-images)
# 颜色与背景
* [Gradientify](http://www.gradientify.dfusic.net/): Best gradients in one place.
# 优秀的 CSS 动画效果
- [2017-CSS Glitch Effect](https://parg.co/Uh7): An experimental glitch effect powered by CSS animations and the clip-path property. Inspired by the technique seen on the speakers page of the 404 conference.
* [2017-CSS Glitch Effect](https://parg.co/Uh7): An experimental glitch effect powered by CSS animations and the clip-path property. Inspired by the technique seen on the speakers page of the 404 conference.
## All github Emoji (Smiles)
:bowtie: | :smile: | :laughing: | :blush: | :smiley: | :relaxed: | :smirk: | :heart_eyes: | :kissing_heart: | :kissing_face: | :flushed: | :relieved: | :satisfied: | :grin: | :wink: | :wink2: | :tongue: | :unamused: | :sweat_smile: | :sweat:
:weary: | :pensive: | :disappointed: | :confounded: | :fearful: | :cold_sweat: | :persevere: | :cry: | :sob: | :joy: | :astonished: | :scream: | :neckbeard: | :tired_face: | :angry: | :rage: | :triumph: | :sleepy: | :yum: | :mask:
:sunglasses: | :dizzy_face: | :imp: | :smiling_imp: | :neutral_face: | :no_mouth: | :innocent: | :alien: | :yellow_heart: | :blue_heart: | :purple_heart: | :heart: | :green_heart: | :broken_heart: | :heartbeat: | :heartpulse: | :two_hearts: | :revolving_hearts: | :cupid: | :sparkles:
:star: | :star2: | :dizzy: | :collision: | :anger: | :exclamation: | :question: | :grey_exclamation: | :grey_question: | :zzz: | :dash: | :sweat_drops: | :notes: | :musical_note: | :fire: | :hankey: | :poop: | :shit: | :+1: | :thumbsup:
:-1: | :thumbsdown: | :ok_hand: | :punch: | :facepunch: | :fist: | :v: | :wave: | :hand: | :open_hands: | :point_up: | :point_down: | :point_left: | :point_right: | :raised_hands: | :pray: | :point_up_2: | :clap: | :muscle: | :metal:
:walking: | :runner: | :running: | :couple: | :family: | :two_men_holding_hands: | :two_women_holding_hands: | :dancer: | :dancers: | :ok_woman: | :no_good: | :information_desk_person: | :raised_hand: | :bride_with_veil: | :person_with_pouting_face: | :person_frowning: | :bow: | :couplekiss: | :couple_with_heart: | :massage:
:haircut: | :nail_care: | :boy: | :girl: | :woman: | :man: | :baby: | :older_woman: | :older_man: | :person_with_blond_hair: | :man_with_gua_pi_mao: | :man_with_turban: | :construction_worker: | :cop: | :angel: | :princess: | :smiley_cat: | :smile_cat: | :heart_eyes_cat: | :kissing_cat:
:smirk_cat: | :scream_cat: | :crying_cat_face: | :joy_cat: | :pouting_cat: | :japanese_ogre: | :japanese_goblin: | :see_no_evil: | :hear_no_evil: | :speak_no_evil: | :guardsman: | :skull: | :feet: | :lips: | :kiss: | :droplet: | :ear: | :eyes: | :nose: | :tongue2:
:love_letter: | :bust_in_silhouette: | :busts_in_silhouette: | :speech_balloon: | :thought_balloon: | :feelsgood: | :finnadie: | :goberserk: | :godmode: | :hurtrealbad: | :rage1: | :rage2: | :rage3: | :rage4: | :suspect: | :trollface: | :sunny: | :umbrella: | :cloud: | :snowflake:
:snowman: | :zap: | :cyclone: | :foggy: | :ocean: | :cat: | :dog: | :mouse: | :hamster: | :rabbit: | :wolf: | :frog: | :tiger: | :koala: | :bear: | :pig: | :pig_nose: | :cow: | :boar: | :monkey_face:
:monkey: | :horse: | :racehorse: | :camel: | :sheep: | :elephant: | :panda_face: | :snake: | :bird: | :baby_chick: | :hatched_chick: | :hatching_chick: | :chicken: | :penguin: | :turtle: | :bug: | :honeybee: | :ant: | :beetle: | :snail:
:octopus: | :tropical_fish: | :fish: | :whale: | :whale2: | :dolphin: | :cow2: | :ram: | :rat: | :water_buffalo: | :tiger2: | :rabbit2: | :dragon: | :goat: | :rooster: | :dog2: | :pig2: | :mouse2: | :ox: | :dragon_face:
:blowfish: | :crocodile: | :dromedary_camel: | :leopard: | :cat2: | :poodle: | :paw_prints: | :bouquet: | :cherry_blossom: | :tulip: | :four_leaf_clover: | :rose: | :sunflower: | :hibiscus: | :maple_leaf: | :leaves: | :fallen_leaf: | :herb: | :mushroom: | :cactus:
:palm_tree: | :evergreen_tree: | :deciduous_tree: | :chestnut: | :seedling: | :blossom: | :ear_of_rice: | :shell: | :globe_with_meridians: | :sun_with_face: | :full_moon_with_face: | :new_moon_with_face: | :new_moon: | :waxing_crescent_moon: | :first_quarter_moon: | :waxing_gibbous_moon: | :full_moon: | :waning_gibbous_moon: | :last_quarter_moon: | :waning_crescent_moon:
:last_quarter_moon_with_face: | :first_quarter_moon_with_face: | :moon: | :earth_africa: | :earth_americas: | :earth_asia: | :volcano: | :milky_way: | :partly_sunny: | :octocat: | :squirrel: | :bamboo: | :gift_heart: | :dolls: | :school_satchel: | :mortar_board: | :flags: | :fireworks: | :sparkler: | :wind_chime:
:rice_scene: | :jack_o_lantern: | :ghost: | :santa: | :christmas_tree: | :gift: | :bell: | :no_bell: | :tanabata_tree: | :tada: | :confetti_ball: | :balloon: | :crystal_ball: | :cd: | :dvd: | :floppy_disk: | :camera: | :video_camera: | :movie_camera: | :computer:
:tv: | :iphone: | :phone: | :telephone: | :telephone_receiver: | :pager: | :fax: | :minidisc: | :vhs: | :sound: | :speaker: | :mute: | :loudspeaker: | :mega: | :hourglass: | :alarm_clock: | :watch: | :radio: | :satellite: | :loop:
:mag: | :mag_right: | :unlock: | :lock: | :lock_with_ink_pen: | :closed_lock_with_key: | :key: | :bulb: | :flashlight: | :high_brightness: | :low_brightness: | :electric_plug: | :battery: | :calling: | :email: | :mailbox: | :postbox: | :bath: | :bathtub: | :shower:
:toilet: | :wrench: | :nut_and_bolt: | :hammer: | :seat: | :moneybag: | :yen: | :dollar: | :pound: | :euro: | :credit_card: | :money_with_wings: | :e-mail: | :inbox_tray: | :outbox_tray: | :envelope: | :incoming_envelope: | :postal_horn: | :mailbox_closed: | :mailbox_with_mail:
:mailbox_with_no_mail: | :door: | :smoking: | :bomb: | :gun: | :hocho: | :pill: | :syringe: | :page_facing_up: | :page_with_curl: | :bookmark_tabs: | :bar_chart: | :chart_with_upwards_trend: | :chart_with_downwards_trend: | :scroll: | :clipboard: | :calendar: | :date: | :card_index: | :file_folder:
:open_file_folder: | :scissors: | :pushpin: | :paperclip: | :black_nib: | :pencil2: | :straight_ruler: | :triangular_ruler: | :closed_book: | :green_book: | :blue_book: | :orange_book: | :notebook: | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: | :ledger: | :books: | :bookmark: | :name_badge: | :microscope: | :telescope:
:newspaper: | :football: | :basketball: | :soccer: | :baseball: | :tennis: | :8ball: | :rugby_football: | :bowling: | :golf: | :mountain_bicyclist: | :bicyclist: | :horse_racing: | :snowboarder: | :swimmer: | :surfer: | :ski: | :spades: | :hearts: | :clubs:
:diamonds: | :gem: | :ring: | :trophy: | :musical_score: | :musical_keyboard: | :violin: | :space_invader: | :video_game: | :black_joker: | :flower_playing_cards: | :game_die: | :dart: | :mahjong: | :clapper: | :memo: | :pencil: | :book: | :art: | :microphone:
:headphones: | :trumpet: | :saxophone: | :guitar: | :shoe: | :sandal: | :high_heel: | :lipstick: | :boot: | :shirt: | :tshirt: | :necktie: | :womans_clothes: | :dress: | :running_shirt_with_sash: | :jeans: | :kimono: | :bikini: | :ribbon: | :tophat:
:crown: | :womans_hat: | :mans_shoe: | :closed_umbrella: | :briefcase: | :handbag: | :pouch: | :purse: | :eyeglasses: | :fishing_pole_and_fish: | :coffee: | :tea: | :sake: | :baby_bottle: | :beer: | :beers: | :cocktail: | :tropical_drink: | :wine_glass: | :fork_and_knife:
:pizza: | :hamburger: | :fries: | :poultry_leg: | :meat_on_bone: | :spaghetti: | :curry: | :fried_shrimp: | :bento: | :sushi: | :fish_cake: | :rice_ball: | :rice_cracker: | :rice: | :ramen: | :stew: | :oden: | :dango: | :egg: | :bread:
:doughnut: | :custard: | :icecream: | :ice_cream: | :shaved_ice: | :birthday: | :cake: | :cookie: | :chocolate_bar: | :candy: | :lollipop: | :honey_pot: | :apple: | :green_apple: | :tangerine: | :lemon: | :cherries: | :grapes: | :watermelon: | :strawberry:
:peach: | :melon: | :banana: | :pear: | :pineapple: | :sweet_potato: | :eggplant: | :tomato: | :corn: | :109: | :house: | :school: | :office: | :post_office: | :hospital: | :bank: | :convenience_store: | :love_hotel: | :hotel: | :wedding:
:church: | :department_store: | :european_post_office: | :city_sunrise: | :city_sunset: | :japanese_castle: | :european_castle: | :tent: | :factory: | :tokyo_tower: | :japan: | :mount_fuji: | :sunrise_over_mountains: | :sunrise: | :stars: | :statue_of_liberty: | :bridge_at_night: | :carousel_horse: | :rainbow: | :ferris_wheel:
:fountain: | :roller_coaster: | :ship: | :speedboat: | :boat: | :sailboat: | :rowboat: | :anchor: | :rocket: | :airplane: | :helicopter: | :steam_locomotive: | :tram: | :mountain_railway: | :bike: | :aerial_tramway: | :suspension_railway: | :mountain_cableway: | :tractor: | :blue_car:
:oncoming_automobile: | :car: | :red_car: | :taxi: | :oncoming_taxi: | :articulated_lorry: | :bus: | :oncoming_bus: | :rotating_light: | :police_car: | :oncoming_police_car: | :fire_engine: | :ambulance: | :minibus: | :truck: | :train: | :station: | :train2: | :bullettrain_front: | :bullettrain_side:
:light_rail: | :monorail: | :railway_car: | :trolleybus: | :ticket: | :fuelpump: | :vertical_traffic_light: | :traffic_light: | :warning: | :construction: | :beginner: | :atm: | :slot_machine: | :busstop: | :barber: | :hotsprings: | :checkered_flag: | :crossed_flags: | :izakaya_lantern: | :moyai:
:circus_tent: | :performing_arts: | :round_pushpin: | :triangular_flag_on_post: | :jp: | :kr: | :cn: | :us: | :fr: | :es: | :it: | :ru: | :gb: | :uk: | :de: | :one: | :two: | :three: | :four: | :five:
:six: | :seven: | :eight: | :nine: | :keycap_ten: | :1234: | :zero: | :hash: | :symbols: | :arrow_backward: | :arrow_down: | :arrow_forward: | :arrow_left: | :capital_abcd: | :abcd: | :abc: | :arrow_lower_left: | :arrow_lower_right: | :arrow_right: | :arrow_up:
:arrow_upper_left: | :arrow_upper_right: | :arrow_double_down: | :arrow_double_up: | :arrow_down_small: | :arrow_heading_down: | :arrow_heading_up: | :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: | :arrow_right_hook: | :left_right_arrow: | :arrow_up_down: | :arrow_up_small: | :arrows_clockwise: | :arrows_counterclockwise: | :rewind: | :fast_forward: | :information_source: | :ok: | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: | :repeat:
:repeat_one: | :new: | :top: | :up: | :cool: | :free: | :ng: | :cinema: | :koko: | :signal_strength: | :u5272: | :u5408: | :u55b6: | :u6307: | :u6708: | :u6709: | :u6e80: | :u7121: | :u7533: | :u7a7a:
:u7981: | :sa: | :restroom: | :mens: | :womens: | :baby_symbol: | :no_smoking: | :parking: | :wheelchair: | :metro: | :baggage_claim: | :accept: | :wc: | :potable_water: | :put_litter_in_its_place: | :secret: | :congratulations: | :m: | :passport_control: | :left_luggage:
:customs: | :ideograph_advantage: | :cl: | :sos: | :id: | :no_entry_sign: | :underage: | :no_mobile_phones: | :do_not_litter: | :non-potable_water: | :no_bicycles: | :no_pedestrians: | :children_crossing: | :no_entry: | :eight_spoked_asterisk: | :eight_pointed_black_star: | :heart_decoration: | :vs: | :vibration_mode: | :mobile_phone_off:
:chart: | :currency_exchange: | :aries: | :taurus: | :gemini: | :cancer: | :leo: | :virgo: | :libra: | :scorpius: | :sagittarius: | :capricorn: | :aquarius: | :pisces: | :ophiuchus: | :six_pointed_star: | :negative_squared_cross_mark: | :a: | :b: | :ab:
:o2: | :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: | :recycle: | :end: | :on: | :soon: | :clock1: | :clock130: | :clock10: | :clock1030: | :clock11: | :clock1130: | :clock12: | :clock1230: | :clock2: | :clock230: | :clock3: | :clock330: | :clock4: | :clock430:
:clock5: | :clock530: | :clock6: | :clock630: | :clock7: | :clock730: | :clock8: | :clock830: | :clock9: | :clock930: | :heavy_dollar_sign: | :copyright: | :registered: | :tm: | :x: | :heavy_exclamation_mark: | :bangbang: | :interrobang: | :o: | :heavy_multiplication_x:
:heavy_plus_sign: | :heavy_minus_sign: | :heavy_division_sign: | :white_flower: | :100: | :heavy_check_mark: | :ballot_box_with_check: | :radio_button: | :link: | :curly_loop: | :wavy_dash: | :part_alternation_mark: | :trident: | :black_square: | :white_square: | :black_circle: | :white_circle: | :red_circle: | :large_blue_circle: | :large_blue_diamond:
:large_orange_diamond: | :small_blue_diamond: | :small_orange_diamond: | :small_red_triangle: | :small_red_triangle_down: | :shipit:
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