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# 服务网格资料索引
- [What is a Service Mesh?](https://avinetworks.com/what-are-microservices-and-containers/): Why Microservices Architecture Needs a Service Mesh.
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- [What is a Service Mesh?](https://avinetworks.com/what-are-microservices-and-containers/): Why Microservices Architecture Needs a Service Mesh.
- [解读2017之Service Mesh:群雄逐鹿烽烟起](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ur3PmLZ6VjP5L5FatIYYmg): 2017 年的 Service Mesh 历程,在平淡中开始,如戏剧般结束,留给我们一个充满想象和憧憬的 2018。让我们一起来回顾这堪称精彩的一年。
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# 长连接与实时通信资料索引
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* [WebRTC Data Channels Example](https://parg.co/UsK): A simple example of WebRTC Data Channels. Uses postMessage() as a substitute for a real signalling channel.
- [Pushpin #Project#](https://github.com/fanout/pushpin): Pushpin is a reverse proxy server written in C++ that makes it easy to implement WebSocket, HTTP streaming, and HTTP long-polling services.
# WebSocket
- [WebSocket 协议深入探究](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eNwWJ_sCqqOW9QuozZslbQ): 本文由浅入深,介绍了 WebSocket 如何建立连接、交换数据的细节,以及数据帧的格式。此外,还简要介绍了针对 WebSocket 的安全攻击,以及协议是如何抵御类似攻击的。
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* [WebSocket 浅析](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25592934)
* [WebSocket 原理说明](https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/214/4150)
* [2017-A Million WebSockets and Go](https://medium.freecodecamp.org/million-websockets-and-go-cc58418460bb)
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