提交 a6643659 编写于 作者: A Aston Zhang

remove output

上级 a15bce57
# 机器翻译
```{.python .input n=1}
```{.python .input}
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import autograd, gluon, nd
from mxnet.gluon import nn, rnn, Block
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import collections
import datetime
```{.python .input n=2}
```{.python .input}
epochs = 50
epoch_period = 10
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ alignment_dim = 25
ctx = mx.cpu(0)
```{.python .input n=3}
```{.python .input}
# PAD (padding)符号,使每个序列等长。
PAD = '<pad>'
# BOS (beginning of sequence)符号,序列的开始。
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ BOS = '<bos>'
EOS = '<eos>'
```{.python .input n=4}
```{.python .input}
def read_data(max_seq_len):
input_tokens = []
output_tokens = []
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def read_data(max_seq_len):
return fr_vocab, en_vocab, input_seqs, output_seqs
```{.python .input n=5}
```{.python .input}
input_vocab, output_vocab, input_seqs, output_seqs = read_data(max_seq_len)
X = nd.zeros((len(input_seqs), max_seq_len), ctx=ctx)
Y = nd.zeros((len(output_seqs), max_seq_len), ctx=ctx)
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ for i in range(len(input_seqs)):
dataset = gluon.data.ArrayDataset(X, Y)
```{.python .input n=6}
```{.python .input}
class Encoder(Block):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers, drop_prob):
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Encoder(Block):
return self.rnn.begin_state(*args, **kwargs)
```{.python .input n=7}
```{.python .input}
class Decoder(Block):
def __init__(self, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers, max_seq_len,
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class Decoder(Block):
return self.rnn.begin_state(*args, **kwargs)
```{.python .input n=8}
```{.python .input}
class DecoderInitState(Block):
def __init__(self, encoder_hidden_dim, decoder_hidden_dim):
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class DecoderInitState(Block):
return [self.dense(encoder_state)]
```{.python .input n=9}
```{.python .input}
def translate(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, fr_ens, ctx, max_seq_len):
for fr_en in fr_ens:
print('Input :', fr_en[0])
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def translate(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, fr_ens, ctx, max_seq_len):
print('Expect:', fr_en[1], '\n')
```{.python .input n=10}
```{.python .input}
def train(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, max_seq_len, ctx, eval_fr_ens):
# 对于三个网络,分别初始化它们的模型参数并定义它们的优化器。
encoder.collect_params().initialize(mx.init.Xavier(), ctx=ctx)
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def train(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, max_seq_len, ctx, eval_fr_ens):
```{.python .input n=11}
```{.python .input}
encoder = Encoder(len(input_vocab), encoder_hidden_dim, encoder_num_layers,
decoder = Decoder(decoder_hidden_dim, len(output_vocab),
......@@ -305,22 +305,12 @@ decoder = Decoder(decoder_hidden_dim, len(output_vocab),
decoder_init_state = DecoderInitState(encoder_hidden_dim, decoder_hidden_dim)
```{.python .input n=12}
```{.python .input}
eval_fr_ens =[['elle est japonaise .', 'she is japanese .'],
['ils regardent .', 'they are watching .']]
train(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, max_seq_len, ctx, eval_fr_ens)
```{.json .output n=12}
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "Epoch 1, Loss 0.252837, Time 00:00:00\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is . . .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: she she is is .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\nEpoch 10, Loss 0.898673, Time 00:00:06\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is canadian .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: they are watching .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\nEpoch 20, Loss 0.328336, Time 00:00:06\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is wrong .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: they are watching .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\nEpoch 30, Loss 0.157388, Time 00:00:07\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is japanese .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: they are watching .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\nEpoch 40, Loss 0.003317, Time 00:00:07\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is japanese .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: they are watching .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\nEpoch 50, Loss 0.001417, Time 00:00:07\nInput : elle est japonaise .\nOutput: she is japanese .\nExpect: she is japanese . \n\nInput : ils regardent .\nOutput: they are watching .\nExpect: they are watching . \n\n"
## 结论
......@@ -328,4 +318,4 @@ train(encoder, decoder, decoder_init_state, max_seq_len, ctx, eval_fr_ens)
## 练习
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