提交 f5124f16 编写于 作者: A Allenyep


上级 936e8325
......@@ -166,4 +166,143 @@ public static boolean subsetOf (Collection<?> C0, Collection<?> C1) {
// ...
return true;
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``` java
package java.util;
/** A collection of values, each an Object reference. */
public interface Collection<T> extends Iterable<T> {
/* Constructors. Classes that implement Collection should* have at least two constructors:* CLASS (): Constructs an empty CLASS* CLASS (C): Where C is any Collection, constructs a CLASS that* contains the same elements as C. *//* Required met hods: *//** The number of values in THIS. */
int size ();
/** True iff size () == 0. */
boolean isEmpty ();
/** True iff THIS contains X: that is, if for some z in* THIS, either z and X are null, or z.equals (X). */
boolean contains (Object x);
/** True iff contains(x) for all elements x in C. */
boolean containsAll (Collection<?> c);
/** An iterator that yields all the elements of THIS, in some* order. */
Iterator<T> iterator ();
/** A new array containing all elements of THIS. */
Object[] toArray ();
/** Assuming ANARRAY has dynamic type T[] (where T is some* reference type), the result is an array of type T[] containing* all elements of THIS. The result is ANARRAY itself, if all of* these elements fit (leftover elements of ANARRAY are set to null).* Otherwise, the result is a new array. It is an error if not* all items in THIS are assignable to T. */
<T> T[] toArray (T[] anArray);
// Interface java.util.Collection, continued.
/* Optional methods. Any of these may do nothing except to* throw UnsupportedOperationException. */
/** Cause X to be contained in THIS. Returns true if the Collection *
/* changes as a result. */
boolean add (T x);
/** Cause all members of C to be contained in THIS. Returns true* if the object THIS changes as a result. */
boolean addAll (Collection<? extends T> c);
/** Remove all members of THIS. */
void clear ();
/** Remove a Object .equal to X from THIS, if one exists,* returning true iff the object THIS changes as a result. */
boolean remove (Object X);
/** Remove all elements, x, such that C.contains(x) (if any* are present), returning true iff there were any* objects removed. */
boolean removeAll (Collection<?> c);
/** Intersection: Remove all elements, x, such that C.contains(x)* is false, returning true iff any items were removed. */
boolean retainAll (Collection<?> c);}
代码2.5 接口java.util.Collection。必须方法和可选方法。
### 2.2.2 Set接口
``` java
package java.util;
public interface Set<T> extends Collection<T> { }
### 2.2.3 List接口
``` java
L.subList (k, L.size ()).clear ();
``` java
package java.util;
/** A Collection that contains at most one null item and in which no* two distinct non-null items are .equal. The effects of modifying* an item contained in a Set so as to change the value of .equal* on it are undefined. */
public interface Set<T> extends Collection<T> {
/* Constructors. Classes that implement Set should* have at least two constructors:* CLASS (): Constructs an empty CLASS* CLASS (C): Where C is any Collection, constructs a CLASS that* contains the same elements as C, with duplicates removed. */
/** Cause X to be contained in THIS. Returns true iff X was *
/* not previously a member. */
boolean add (T x);
/** True iff S is a Set (instanceof Set) and is equal to THIS as a* set (size()==S.size() each of item in S is contained in THIS). */
boolean equals (Object S);
/** The sum of the values of x.hashCode () for all x in THIS, with* the hashCode of null taken to be 0. */
int hashCode ();
/* Other methods inherited from Collection:* size, isEmpty, contains, containsAll, iterator, toArray,* addAll, clear, remove, removeAll, retainAll */
代码2.7 接口java.util.Set.只展示比Collection更具体的注释的方法。
``` java
package java.util;
/** An ordered sequence of items, indexed by numbers 0 .. N-1,* where N is the size() of the List. */
public interface List<T> extends Collection<T> {
/* Required metho ds: *//** The Kth element of THIS, where 0 <= K < size(). Throws* IndexOutOfBoundsException if K is out of range. */
T get (int k);
/** The first value k such that get(k) is null if X==null,* X.equals (get(k)), otherwise, or -1 if there is no such k. */
int indexOf (Object x);
/** The largest value k such that get(k) is null if X==null,* X.equals (get(k)), otherwise, or -1 if there is no such k. */
int lastIndexOf (Object x);
/* NOTE: The methods iterator, listIterator, and subList produce* views that become invalid if THIS is structurally modified by* any other means (see text). */
/** An iterator that yields all the elements of THIS, in proper* index order. (NOTE: it is always valid for iterator() to* return the same value as would listIterator, below.) */
Iterator<T> iterator ();
/** A ListIterator that yields the elements K, K+1, ..., size()-1* of THIS, in that order, where 0 <= K <= size(). Throws* IndexOutOfBoundsException if K is out of range. */
ListIterator<T> listIterator (int k);
/** Same as listIterator (0) */
ListIterator<T> listIterator ();
/** A view of THIS consisting of the elements L, L+1, ..., U-1,* in that order. Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException unless* 0 <= L <= U <= size(). */
List<T> subList (int L, int U);
/* Other methods inherited from Collection:* add, addAll, size, isEmpty, contains, containsAll, remove, toArray */
代码2.8 接口java.util.List的方法,以及从Collection继承的方法
迭代器(包括ListIterators)提供了另一个视图集合的示例。同样可以通过其方法提供的迭代器访问或修改Collection的当前内容。就此而言,任何Collect都可以是一个视图 - “身份视图”。
### 2.2.4 有序Set
函数有多种方法来定义某些set对象的排序。一种方法是用具有明显的含义来定义布尔运算如equals, less, greater等。C族语言(包括Java)中的库倾向于将所有这些组合成一个单独的函数,该函数用整数返回值表示关系。例如,在String类型上,x.compareTo("cat")返回一个零,负或正整数,具体取决于x是否等于“cat”,是否以词典顺序出现在它之前,或者在它之后出现。因此,Strings上的排序x≤y对应于条件x.compareTo(y)<= 0。
``` java
package java.lang;
/** Describes types that have a natural ordering. */public interface Comparable<T> {
/** Returns*
* a negative value iff THIS < Y under the natural ordering*
* a positive value iff THIS > Y;*
* 0 iff X and Y are "equivalent".*
Throws ClassCastException if X and Y are incomparable. */
int compareTo (T y);
代码2.9 接口java.lang.Comparable,它标记了自然排序的类。
出于SortedSet接口的目的,由compareTo方法(或者是compare)表示的此≤(或≥)排序旨在是总排序。也就是说,它是有传递性的(x≤y且y≤z意味着x≤z),自反性的(x ≤ x),反对称的(x≤y且y≤x表示x等于y)。此外,对于函数域中的所有x和y,x≤y或者y≤x。
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