未验证 提交 cca544fa 编写于 作者: 迷渡's avatar 迷渡 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #228 from huangjianke/master

Add Gitter
......@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
- [EastWorld/wechat-app-mall ★3000+](https://github.com/EastWorld/wechat-app-mall) - 微信小程序商城
- [tumobi/nideshop-mini-program ★2000+](https://github.com/tumobi/nideshop-mini-program) - 基于 Node.js + MySQL 开发的开源微信小程序商城
- [RebeccaHanjw/weapp-wechat-zhihu ★800+](https://github.com/RebeccaHanjw/weapp-wechat-zhihu) - 仿知乎
- [huangjianke/Gitter ★700+](https://github.com/huangjianke/Gitter) - Gitter for GitHub - 可能是目前颜值最高的GitHub小程序客户端
- [lypeer/wechat-weapp-gank ★600+)](https://github.com/lypeer/wechat-weapp-gank) - Gank 客户端
- [wangmingjob/weapp-weipiao ★300+](https://github.com/wangmingjob/weapp-weipiao) - 微票
- [charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux ★300+](https://github.com/charleyw/wechat-weapp-redux) - Redux 绑定库
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