提交 5681ba94 编写于 作者: K KEQI HUANG

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### 218. The Skyline Problem
开始,假设只有2个建筑物,拿出第一个buiding B1,我们先把它的左上顶点加进我们的output结果skyline中,然后继续拿下一个building B2,我们现在需要将B2的左上顶点对应的x coordinate与B1的右上顶点所对应的x coordinate做比较:
- 如果前者小且B2的高度大于B1的高度,则我们将B2的左上顶点也加入skyline中去。
- 如果前者小且B2的高度小于于B1的高度,则忽略B2的左上顶点
接下来考虑更多建筑物的情况,从左到右扫描,当我们遇到一个楼的左边界时,把它push到一个heap中。如果后面扫描的楼的高度比heap中最高的楼还高,那么它的左上顶点一定会被加入到skyline中。当我们遇到一个building的右边界时,我们需要将其从heap中pop掉,如果heap中max height有变化,则push到结果中。
#### 程序代码解释
- liveBuildings代表(左上顶点已经被加入output中但右上顶点还没有做判断的building)的右上顶点的集合,形式为[(height, x-coordinate)…..]
- skyline是output
- 程序里面的这句代码```while idx < n and buildings[idx][0] == start:```是为了防止有左右坐标完全相同但是height不同的building的存在,it's not useless!!!
- python里面的heapq模块如果有不懂的同学可以看看这个文章:[heapq](http://blog.csdn.net/calling_wisdom/article/details/41676133)
class Solution(object):
def getSkyline(self, buildings):
:type buildings: List[List[int]]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
idx, n = 0, len(buildings)
liveBuildings, skyline = [], []
while idx < n or len(liveBuildings) > 0:
if len(liveBuildings) == 0 or (idx < n and buildings[idx][0] <= -liveBuildings[0][1]):
start = buildings[idx][0]
while idx < n and buildings[idx][0] == start:
heapq.heappush(liveBuildings, [-buildings[idx][2], -buildings[idx][1]])
idx += 1
start = -liveBuildings[0][1]
while len(liveBuildings) > 0 and -liveBuildings[0][1] <= start:
height = len(liveBuildings) and -liveBuildings[0][0]
if len(skyline) == 0 or skyline[-1][1] != height:
skyline.append([start, height])
return skyline
class Solution(object):
def getSkyline(self, buildings):
:type buildings: List[List[int]]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
events = sorted([(L, -H, R) for L, R, H in buildings] + list(set((R, 0, None) for L, R, H in buildings)))
#events = sorted(event for L, R, H in buildings for event in ((L, -H, R), (R, 0, None)))
res, hp = [[0, 0]], [(0, float("inf"))]
for x, negH, R in events:
while x >= hp[0][1]:
if negH: heapq.heappush(hp, (negH, R))
if res[-1][1] + hp[0][0]:
res += [x, -hp[0][0]],
return res[1:]
public class Solution {
public List<int[]> getSkyline(int[][] buildings) {
List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<int[]>();
if (buildings == null || buildings.length == 0 || buildings[0].length == 0) {
return result;
List<Height> heights = new ArrayList<Height>();
for (int[] building : buildings) {
heights.add(new Height(building[0], -building[2]));
heights.add(new Height(building[1], building[2]));
Collections.sort(heights, new Comparator<Height>() {
public int compare(Height h1, Height h2) {
return h1.index != h2.index ? h1.index - h2.index : h1.height - h2.height;
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(1000, Collections.reverseOrder());
int prev = 0;
for (Height h : heights) {
if (h.height < 0) {
} else {
int cur = pq.peek();
if (cur != prev) {
result.add(new int[]{h.index, cur});
prev = cur;
return result;
class Height {
int index;
int height;
Height(int index, int height) {
this.index = index;
this.height = height;
Author: Keqi Huang
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