提交 f6f54648 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

2021-09-26 22:24:41

上级 42aa2673
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ public void whenPlayAndWholeHorizontalLineThenWinner() {
The player wins when the whole horizontal line is occupied by his pieces.
# 实施
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ TestNG 提供了更多的特性,并且比 JUnit 更高级。在本章中,我
想象一下,一艘军舰被安置在地球海洋的某个地方。由于现在是 21 世纪,我们可以远程控制这艘船。
Our job will be to create a program that can move the ship around the seas.
因为这是一本 TDD 书籍,本章的主题是单元测试,所以我们将使用 TDD 方法开发一个应用程序,重点是单元测试。在上一章第 3 章*红绿重构——从失败到成功,直到完美*中,您学习了红绿重构过程的理论和实践经验。我们将在此基础上进一步学习如何有效地使用单元测试。具体地说,我们将试着专注于我们正在开发的单元,并学习如何隔离和忽略单元可能使用的依赖项。不仅如此,我们还将努力一次只关注一个需求。出于这个原因,您只收到了高级别的需求;我们应该能够移动位于地球某处的遥控飞船。
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Our job will be to create a program that can move the ship around the seas.
You are given the initial starting point (*x*, *y*) of a ship and the direction (*N*, *S*, *E*, or *W*) it is facing.
您将获得一艘船的初始起点`(x, y)`及其面向的方向(`N``S``E``W`)。
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ public class ShipSpec {
Implement commands that move the ship forwards and backwards (*f* and *b*).
`Location`helper 类已经有了实现此功能的`forward``backward`方法:
......@@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ public void givenEastWhenMoveForwardThenXIncreases() {
Rerun all the tests every time the implementation code changes. 
This ensures that there is no unexpected side-effect caused by code changes.
Every time any part of the implementation code changes, all tests should be run. Ideally, tests are fast to execute and can be run by a developer locally. Once code is submitted to the version control, all tests should be run again to ensure that there was no problem due to code merges. This is especially important when more than one developer is working on the code. CI tools, such as Jenkins, Hudson, Travind, Bamboo, and Go-CD should be used to pull the code from the repository, compile it, and run tests.
每次实现代码的任何部分更改时,都应该运行所有测试。 理想情况下,测试可以快速执行并且可以由开发人员在本地运行。 一旦代码提交给版本控制,所有的测试都应该重新运行,以确保没有由于代码合并引起的问题。 当有多个开发人员在处理代码时,这一点尤其重要。 应该使用 CI 工具,例如 Jenkins、Hudson、Travind、Bamboo 和 Go-CD,从存储库中提取代码、编译它并运行测试。
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ public boolean moveBackward() {
Implement commands that turn the ship left and right (*l* and *r*).
在实现了前面的需求之后,这个需求应该非常容易,因为它可以遵循相同的逻辑。`Location`helper 类已经包含了`turnLeft``turnRight`方法,它们可以精确地执行此需求所要求的内容。我们需要做的就是将它们集成到`Ship`类中。
......@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ public void whenReceiveCommandsFThenForward() {
Write the simplest code to pass the test. This ensures a cleaner and clearer design and avoids unnecessary features 
编写最简单的代码来通过测试。 这确保了更清晰、更清晰的设计,并避免了不必要的功能
The idea is that the simpler the implementation, the better and easier it is to maintain the product. The idea adheres to the KISS principle. It states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complex; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
这个想法是实施越简单,维护产品就越好、越容易。 这个想法遵循 KISS 原则。 它指出,大多数系统如果保持简单而不是变得复杂,则效果最佳; 因此,简单应该是设计的一个关键目标,应该避免不必要的复杂性。
......@@ -535,11 +535,11 @@ public void receiveCommands(String commands) {
Refactor only after all the tests have passed. 
Benefits: refactoring is safe.
If all the implementation code that can be affected has tests and if they are all passing, it is relatively safe to refactor. In most cases, there is no need for new tests; small modifications to existing tests should be enough. The expected outcome of refactoring is to have all the tests passing both before and after the code is modified.
如果所有可能受影响的实现代码都有测试并且都通过了,那么重构相对安全。 在大多数情况下,不需要新的测试; 对现有测试进行小的修改就足够了。 重构的预期结果是让所有测试在修改代码之前和之后都通过。
......@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ If all the implementation code that can be affected has tests and if they are al
Implement wrapping from one edge of the grid to another.
# 规范-行星信息
......@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ public boolean moveForward() {
尽管地球大部分地区被水覆盖(约 70%),但仍有大陆和岛屿可被视为我们遥控船的障碍。我们应该有办法检测我们的下一步行动是否会遇到这些障碍之一。如果发生这种情况,移动应中止,船舶应停留在当前位置并报告障碍物。
Implement surface detection before each move to a new position. If a command encounters a surface, the ship aborts the move, stays on the current position, and reports the obstacle.
在每次移动到新位置之前实施表面检测。 如果命令遇到水面,船舶将中止移动,停留在当前位置,并报告障碍物。
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