提交 2d6352ab 编写于 作者: F Flowingsun007

replace upsample op with flow.layers.upsample_2d

上级 ea9c95f4
import oneflow as flow
import oneflow.core.operator.op_conf_pb2 as op_conf_util
from oneflow_yolov3.ops.upsample_nearest import upsample_nearest
# from oneflow_yolov3.ops.upsample_nearest import upsample_nearest
from oneflow_yolov3.ops.yolo_detect import yolo_detect, yolo_box_diff, yolo_prob_loss, logistic
from oneflow_yolov3.ops.yolo_nms import yolo_nms
......@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ def _leaky_relu(input, alpha=None, name=None):
def _upsample(input, name=None):
# return flow.detection.upsample_nearest(input, name=name, scale=2, data_format="channels_first")
return upsample_nearest(input, name=name, scale=2, data_format="channels_first")
# return upsample_nearest(input, name=name, scale=2, data_format="channels_first")
return flow.layers.upsample_2d(input, size=2, data_format='NCHW', interpolation="nearest")
def conv_unit(data, num_filter=1, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), pad="same", data_format="NCHW", use_bias=False,
from .upsample_nearest import upsample_nearest
__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
from __future__ import absolute_import
import oneflow as flow
def upsample_nearest(x, scale, name, data_format="channels_first"):
return (
.Input("x", [x])
.Attr("scale", scale)
.Attr("data_format", data_format)
#include "oneflow/core/framework/framework.h"
#include "oneflow/core/kernel/new_kernel_util.h"
namespace oneflow {
namespace {
template<typename T>
__global__ void UpsampleNearestForward(const int64_t nthreads, const T* in_dptr,
const int64_t channel_num, const int64_t height,
const int64_t width, const int64_t new_height,
const int64_t new_width, const float scale_h,
const float scale_w, const bool align_corners, T* out_dptr) {
const int64_t new_area = new_height * new_width;
const int64_t channel_area = channel_num * height * width;
const int64_t channel_new_area = channel_num * new_height * new_width;
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
const int64_t h = (index / new_width) % new_height;
const int64_t w = index % new_width;
const int64_t c = (index / new_area) % channel_num;
const int64_t n = index / channel_new_area;
const int64_t in_h = min((align_corners) ? static_cast<int64_t>(roundf(h * scale_h))
: static_cast<int64_t>(floorf(h * scale_h)),
height - 1);
const int64_t in_w = min((align_corners) ? static_cast<int64_t>(roundf(w * scale_w))
: static_cast<int64_t>(floorf(w * scale_w)),
width - 1);
out_dptr[index] = in_dptr[n * channel_area + (c * height + in_h) * width + in_w];
template<typename T>
__global__ void UpsampleNearestBackward(const int64_t nthreads, const T* dy_dptr,
const int64_t channel_num, const int64_t height,
const int64_t width, const int64_t new_height,
const int64_t new_width, const float scale_h,
const float scale_w, const bool align_corners, T* dx_dptr) {
const int64_t area = height * width;
const int64_t new_area = new_height * new_width;
const int64_t channel_area = channel_num * height * width;
const int64_t channel_new_area = channel_num * new_height * new_width;
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
const int64_t h = (index / new_width) % new_height;
const int64_t w = index % new_width;
const int64_t c = (index / new_area) % channel_num;
const int64_t n = index / channel_new_area;
const int64_t in_h = min((align_corners) ? static_cast<int64_t>(roundf(h * scale_h))
: static_cast<int64_t>(floorf(h * scale_h)),
height - 1);
const int64_t in_w = min((align_corners) ? static_cast<int64_t>(roundf(w * scale_w))
: static_cast<int64_t>(floorf(w * scale_w)),
width - 1);
atomicAdd(dx_dptr + n * channel_area + (c * height + in_h) * width + in_w, dy_dptr[index]);
} // namespace
template<typename T>
class UpsampleNearestGPUKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
UpsampleNearestGPUKernel() = default;
~UpsampleNearestGPUKernel() = default;
void Compute(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) const override {
const user_op::Tensor* x_blob = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
user_op::Tensor* y_blob = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0);
const int32_t scale = ctx->Attr<int32_t>("scale");
const int64_t elem_cnt = y_blob->shape().elem_cnt();
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(elem_cnt), 1024, 0, ctx->device_ctx()->cuda_stream()>>>(
elem_cnt, x_blob->dptr<T>(), x_blob->shape().At(1), x_blob->shape().At(2),
x_blob->shape().At(3), y_blob->shape().At(2), y_blob->shape().At(3), 1.f / scale,
1.f / scale, false, y_blob->mut_dptr<T>());
bool AlwaysComputeWhenAllOutputsEmpty() const override { return false; }
template<typename T>
class UpsampleNearestGradGPUKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
UpsampleNearestGradGPUKernel() = default;
~UpsampleNearestGradGPUKernel() = default;
void Compute(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) const override {
user_op::Tensor* dx_blob = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("dx", 0);
if (dx_blob == nullptr) { return; }
Memset<DeviceType::kGPU>(ctx->device_ctx(), dx_blob->mut_dptr<T>(), 0,
dx_blob->shape().elem_cnt() * sizeof(T));
const user_op::Tensor* dy_blob = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("dy", 0);
const int32_t scale = ctx->Attr<int32_t>("scale");
const int64_t elem_cnt = dy_blob->shape().elem_cnt();
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(elem_cnt), 1024, 0, ctx->device_ctx()->cuda_stream()>>>(
elem_cnt, dy_blob->dptr<T>(), dx_blob->shape().At(1), dx_blob->shape().At(2),
dx_blob->shape().At(3), dy_blob->shape().At(2), dy_blob->shape().At(3), 1.f / scale,
1.f / scale, false, dx_blob->mut_dptr<T>());
bool AlwaysComputeWhenAllOutputsEmpty() const override { return false; }
REGISTER_USER_KERNEL("upsample_nearest") \
.SetCreateFn<UpsampleNearestGPUKernel<dtype>>() \
.SetIsMatchedHob(user_op::HobTrue()); \
REGISTER_USER_KERNEL("upsample_nearest_grad") \
.SetCreateFn<UpsampleNearestGradGPUKernel<dtype>>() \
.Attr("scale", UserOpAttrType::kAtInt32)
.Attr("data_format", UserOpAttrType::kAtString)
.SetTensorDescInferFn([](user_op::InferContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
const Shape* x_shape = ctx->Shape4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
Shape* y_shape = ctx->Shape4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0);
const int32_t scale = ctx->Attr<int32_t>("scale");
if (ctx->Attr<std::string>("data_format") != "channels_first" || x_shape->NumAxes() != 4) {
LOG(FATAL) << "upsample_nearest only supports NCHW";
*y_shape =
Shape({x_shape->At(0), x_shape->At(1), scale * x_shape->At(2), scale * x_shape->At(3)});
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
.SetBatchAxisInferFn([](user_op::BatchAxisContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
*ctx->BatchAxis4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0) = *ctx->BatchAxis4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
.SetGetSbpFn([](user_op::SbpContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
ctx->NewBuilder().Split(user_op::OpArg("x", 0), 0).Split(user_op::OpArg("y", 0), 0).Build();
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
.Attr("scale", UserOpAttrType::kAtInt32)
.Attr("data_format", UserOpAttrType::kAtString)
.SetTensorDescInferFn([](user_op::InferContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
const Shape* dy_shape = ctx->Shape4ArgNameAndIndex("dy", 0);
Shape* dx_shape = ctx->Shape4ArgNameAndIndex("dx", 0);
const int32_t scale = ctx->Attr<int32_t>("scale");
if (ctx->Attr<std::string>("data_format") != "channels_first" || dy_shape->NumAxes() != 4) {
LOG(FATAL) << "upsample_nearest only supports NCHW";
*dx_shape = Shape(
{dy_shape->At(0), dy_shape->At(1), dy_shape->At(2) / scale, dy_shape->At(3) / scale});
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
.SetGetSbpFn([](user_op::SbpContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
ctx->NewBuilder().Split(user_op::OpArg("dy", 0), 0).Split(user_op::OpArg("dx", 0), 0).Build();
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
.SetGenBackwardOpConfFn([](const user_op::UserOpWrapper& op, user_op::AddOpFn AddOp) {
if (op.NeedGenGradTensor4OpInput("x", 0)) {
user_op::UserOpConfWrapperBuilder builder(op.op_name() + "_grad");
user_op::UserOpConfWrapper grad_op =
.Input("dy", op.GetGradTensorWithOpOutput("y", 0))
.Attr("scale", op.attr<int32_t>("scale"))
.Attr("data_format", op.attr<std::string>("data_format"))
op.BindGradTensorWithOpInput(grad_op.output("dx", 0), "x", 0);
} // namespace oneflow
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