1. 26 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  2. 15 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  3. 01 10月, 2021 1 次提交
    • L
      Refactor eager critical section (#6408) · 092fef2a
      Li Xinqi 提交于
      * backup code
      * EventRecord
      * auto format by CI
      * remove deprecated binary test cases
      * refactor valatile to atomic
      * add StreamType::InitInstructionStatusIf/StreamType::DeleteInstructionStatusIf
      * merge from branch profiling_nn_graph
      * address comments
      * EventRecordProvider
      * more comments for XXXStatusQuerier::SetLaunched
      * more comments for SharedEventRecord::Init
      * address comments
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <ci-bot@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: Ncheng cheng <472491134@qq.com>
  4. 30 9月, 2021 2 次提交
  5. 24 9月, 2021 2 次提交
  6. 14 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  7. 13 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  8. 12 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  9. 10 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  10. 09 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  11. 08 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  12. 03 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  13. 01 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  14. 31 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  15. 27 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  16. 21 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  17. 17 8月, 2021 2 次提交
  18. 11 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  19. 10 8月, 2021 1 次提交
    • L
      Get parallel_id and parallel_num through rank and world size in DDP (#5717) · 963cc01b
      leaves-zwx 提交于
      * get parallel_id and parallel_num through rank and world size in dpp
      * address review
      * coco reader support parallel distribution
      * fix that device not set
      * test parallel for ofrecord reader
      * update test
      * update test
      * erase illegal check
      * test success
      * add GPTIndexedBinDataReader module
      * test distributed GPTIndexedBinDataReader
      * fix that LogicalTensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex unimplemented in local kernel init context
      * graph handle TensorTuple output
      * fix COCOReader forward
      * update test_gpt_data_loader
      * test_coco_reader
      * auto format by CI
      * fix block call return not supporting tensor tuple
      * fix IsMirroredParallelContext
      * convert TensorTuple to tuple of Tensor
      * check
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <ci-bot@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
  20. 08 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  21. 04 8月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      nn.Graph with training (#5662) · c39d083d
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * pass test on linear with training
      * Refactor RuntimeCtx for multi-runtime
      * refactor inplace to support nn graph
      * block support iterator
      * block iter add check
      * fix scalar_mul op conf build
      * deal with inplace after merge master
      * add alexnet graph test
      * add cpu test and format
      * cout to glog
      * deal with Job run finish bug
      * refactor lazy deal with inplace
      * deal with 0D tensor
      * update data path
      * address review
      * deal with lazy default attr
      * mv according to ci
      * merge master
      * fix for ci
      * fix for ci limit
      Co-authored-by: Nchengtbf <472491134@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
  22. 28 7月, 2021 2 次提交
  23. 26 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • S
      Rm oneflow export and experimental (#5589) · 4780aae5
      Shenghang Tsai 提交于
      * refine
      * change abs.py for test
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * add
      * refeom
      * refine
      * refine
      * refien
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refien
      * add check
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * skip license
      * refine
      * refien
      * refine
      * refien
      * refien
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine acos
      * refien
      * remove enable_eager_execution() in oneflow/python
      remove @experimental_api decorator for apis, except that ones
      having same name with single client api.
      * remove all import oneflow.experimental in doctest
      * replace oneflow.experimental with oneflow in docstr
      * reformat
      * auto format by CI
      * refine
      * refien
      * refine
      * refien
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refein
      * refine
      * remove signle client twice api
      * refine
      * refine
      * refine
      * refien
      * refien
      * refine
      * refien
      * refien
      * refien
      * refine
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refeine
      * refein
      * refien
      * fix
      * remove experimental of nn
      * refine
      * rm oneflow.experimental.F
      * refein
      * refine
      * refien
      * refein
      * okokok
      * remove experimental in test/modules and test/tensor
      * refein
      * oneflow.python => oneflow
      * rm absolute_import
      * remove experimental in test/dataloader
      * remove experimental call in nn/modules
      * remove experimental from nn/ framework/ test_utils
      * remove experimental in functionalpy
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * fix python reserved words
      * refein
      * fix alias
      * refein
      * refien
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refine
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * add
      * refein
      * refein
      * remove experimental of new merge
      * fix
      * rm
      * refien
      * mv setuppy
      * refien
      * skip fmod grad test
      * remove experimental of fmod
      * refein
      * setup py proj
      * refien
      * fix error when do multi case test on graph
      * remove outdated rst files
      * refine and add new rst files
      * refein
      * check in src
      * format
      * revert test_fmod.py
      * refien
      * remove all experimental in python/nn dir (done!)
      * remove experimental in test/graph
      * refein
      * refein
      * format
      * add ignore
      * refein
      * add linagl
      * refei
      * refine rst
      * update build whl
      * fix
      * refein
      * refein
      * refine
      * refine
      * auto format by CI
      * add license
      * add step
      * refine
      * refien
      * refein
      * update paths
      * updatte paths
      * refine
      * reifne
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * rrefien
      * refien
      * refein
      * refine scatter_nd
      * refine oneflow.rst
      * refein
      * from . import linalg
      from . import autograd
      from . import optim
      * refein
      * refine load_minst's docstring
      add image.rst module.rst
      refine rst files
      * reformat
      * remove Graph api
      * fix file name
      * refien
      * fix oneflow.nn.image
      * import oneflow.nn.image
      * refein
      * fix from . import lr_scheduler
      * fix
      * refeine
      * refein
      * refein
      * rm todo
      * rm unused box
      * refein
      * refien
      * refein
      * refien
      * add ignore
      * fix distributed api
      * refein
      * refein
      * refine
      * refine
      * fix doctest
      * refein
      * update
      * refien
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * refein
      * fix colition
      * refien
      * refien
      * fix doc
      * fix module doc
      * fmt
      * auto format by CI
      * create moduels
      * fix
      * fix
      * auto format by CI
      * fix proto problem
      * update cmake
      * refien
      * refein
      * refienrefein
      * refien
      * refein
      * add ignore
      * refein
      * refein
      * refien
      * auto format by CI
      * refein
      * refei
      * refein
      * refien
      * refein
      * udpate commit
      * add ignore
      * fix
      * refein
      * refein
      * fix saved_model
      * rjefein
      * refein
      Co-authored-by: NGehangZhang <649975329@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: NYaoChi <later@usopp.net>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <ci-bot@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: Nstrint <xiaoyulink@gmail.com>
  24. 25 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • C
      nn.Graph call and launch impl (#5580) · 3dcb9939
      cheng cheng 提交于
      * nn.Graph call and launch impl
      * Fix bug of 1.pybind11 list->vector; 2.GlobalJobDesc in NNGraph Compile
      * Fix bug: AutoTick Multi-Client callback notifier lbn
      * Fix bug: callback notifier op check in multi-client
      * Fix bug: CheckOpGraph in multi-client
      * Fix bug of MultiClientSessionContext new ProfileConf
      * Fix bug of create NONE type kernel; add note; refine PlanUtil::PopulateOpAttibute
      * Fix bug: CallbackNotifier kernel dtype with uint8; change tick dtype; Feat: add Kernel create fault-tolerant
      * inputs tensor list
      * rollback of hack
      * Using TensorTuple for RunLazyNNGraph
      * Fix bug: WaitAndSendIdsKernel handle for Multi-Client
      * skip graph runnable test
      * refine
      * skip test graph optimizer for nn.Graph train job completer error
      * Skip SetDefaultVariableConf JobPass in Multi-Client
      * Fix bug: register_variable_op_names_and_tensors args with TensorTuple
      * refine test graphs
      * rm experimental in new scripts
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
  25. 24 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • G
      remove outdated doctest api and "@experimental_api" (#5564) · 8e9e61db
      GehangZhang 提交于
      * change doctest code in abs.py
      * del >>> flow.enable_eager_execution() in  modules/abs.py
      * del @experimental_api
      * del @experimental_api
      * slove doctest not pass
      * change abs.py for test
      * refine acos
      * remove enable_eager_execution() in oneflow/python
      remove @experimental_api decorator for apis, except that ones
      having same name with single client api.
      * remove all import oneflow.experimental in doctest
      * replace oneflow.experimental with oneflow in docstr
      * reformat
      * auto format by CI
      * remove signle client twice api
      * refine
      * remove experimental of nn
      * okokok
      * remove experimental in test/modules and test/tensor
      * remove experimental in test/dataloader
      * remove experimental call in nn/modules
      * remove experimental from nn/ framework/ test_utils
      * remove experimental in functionalpy
      * remove experimental of new merge
      * skip fmod grad test
      * remove experimental of fmod
      * fix error when do multi case test on graph
      * remove outdated rst files
      * refine and add new rst files
      * format
      * revert test_fmod.py
      * remove all experimental in python/nn dir (done!)
      * remove experimental in test/graph
      * add linagl
      * refine rst
      * refine scatter_nd
      * refine oneflow.rst
      * refine load_minst's docstring
      add image.rst module.rst
      refine rst files
      * reformat
      * remove Graph api
      * fix file name
      * fix index
      Co-authored-by: NYaoChi <later@usopp.net>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <ci-bot@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: Nstrint <xiaoyulink@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: Ntsai <jackalcooper@gmail.com>
  26. 22 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      Fea/nn graph/optimizer (#5533) · e5589c0a
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * add test on add input to graph
      * add var into graph
      * LazyInterpreter for FetchOutputOpExpr and set op parallel_distribution
      * refine input var build
      * split file
      * rename
      * mini refine
      * add complete_graph_config
      * add sgd
      * fix style
      * Add note
      * LazyInterpret::ApplyImpl for UserOpExpr
      * refine test scripts
      * add output to graph
      * format
      * tensor.backward to lazy_add_loss(tensor)
      * Fix bug of LazyInterpret UserOpExpr for change output lbns
      * Add test user op expr test
      * fix note mistake
      * add userop and test
      * rename
      * add idea on l2 to variable op
      * add scale in sgd
      * refactor add loss
      * revert change on tensor_name_scope
      * fix typo
      * check is lazy in tensor.backward
      * rm useless state_tensortuple in nn.Graph
      Co-authored-by: Nchengtbf <472491134@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
  27. 21 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      Fea/nn graph/forward graph (#5516) · ab8aab8b
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * add test on add input to graph
      * add var into graph
      * LazyInterpreter for FetchOutputOpExpr and set op parallel_distribution
      * refine input var build
      * split file
      * rename
      * mini refine
      * Add note
      * LazyInterpret::ApplyImpl for UserOpExpr
      * refine test scripts
      * add output to graph
      * format
      * Fix bug of LazyInterpret UserOpExpr for change output lbns
      * Add test user op expr test
      * fix note mistake
      * add userop and test
      * address review
      * address review
      * save i/o/s op_name and tensor for c_nn_graph
      * address review
      * adjust test
      * refine build_graph_state
      Co-authored-by: Nchengtbf <472491134@qq.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
  28. 15 7月, 2021 1 次提交
  29. 13 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      Fea/nn graph/graph build ctx (#5420) · 67272d28
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * graph api
      * add graph dummy test
      * add test
      * add recursive module mode
      * graph.build test pass
      * add detail check on graph inner node
      * support config and train
      * add repr for debug
      * test buffer
      * test buffer add
      * refine test
      * add comment
      * refine test
      * refactor Node to Block
      * add named_state
      * refine Graph.named_state()
      * add state_tensortuple
      * graph._compile()
      * add mc session 0
      * nn.graph: state tuple to private var; add BlockType; add simple multi client session
      * NNGraphIf
      * rm old graph.cpp
      * nn.graph: add cpp NNGraph; export and call NNGraph
      * add comment
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession test
      * nn.Graph: add TODO
      * nn.Graph: format for review
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: pass flake8 check
      * job_build_ctx
      * support lazy context
      * format
      * lazy mode
      * format
      * format
      * lazy mode add test
      * debug session
      * init session and job_build_context
      * rm temp code
      * build default scope
      * add default scope
      * add scope proto for debug
      * chech scope
      * format
      * refine MultiClientSession.resource
      * address review
      * lazy init scope stack in single-client, instantly init scope stack after MultiClientSession created in multi-client
      * fix typo
      * address review
      * fix clear default session
      * merger and test
      Co-authored-by: NXinqi Li <lixinqi0703106@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nleaves-zwx <kunta0932@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: Ncheng cheng <472491134@qq.com>
  30. 09 7月, 2021 2 次提交
    • X
      Fea/nn graph/graph name (#5413) · 041e441f
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * graph api
      * add graph dummy test
      * add test
      * add recursive module mode
      * graph.build test pass
      * add detail check on graph inner node
      * support config and train
      * add repr for debug
      * test buffer
      * test buffer add
      * refine test
      * add comment
      * refine test
      * refactor Node to Block
      * add named_state
      * refine Graph.named_state()
      * add state_tensortuple
      * graph._compile()
      * add mc session 0
      * nn.graph: state tuple to private var; add BlockType; add simple multi client session
      * NNGraphIf
      * rm old graph.cpp
      * nn.graph: add cpp NNGraph; export and call NNGraph
      * add comment
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession test
      * nn.Graph: add TODO
      * nn.Graph: hack to get Graph object name
      * nn.Graph: get obj name
      * nn.Graph: get obj name 2
      * nn.Graph: format for review
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: pass flake8 check
      * Update graph.py
      * name with init count
      * name with init count 2
      Co-authored-by: NXinqi Li <lixinqi0703106@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
    • X
      rm nn.Graph.train (#5424) · a94748f1
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * rm nn.Graph.train
      * Update graph.py
      GraphCofig default predict
      * Update test_graph.py
  31. 07 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      nn.Graph python (#5309) · 0a821433
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * graph api
      * add graph dummy test
      * add test
      * add recursive module mode
      * graph.build test pass
      * add detail check on graph inner node
      * support config and train
      * add repr for debug
      * test buffer
      * test buffer add
      * refine test
      * add comment
      * refine test
      * refactor Node to Block
      * add named_state
      * refine Graph.named_state()
      * add state_tensortuple
      * graph._compile()
      * add mc session 0
      * nn.graph: state tuple to private var; add BlockType; add simple multi client session
      * NNGraphIf
      * rm old graph.cpp
      * nn.graph: add cpp NNGraph; export and call NNGraph
      * add comment
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession test
      * nn.Graph: add TODO
      * nn.Graph: format for review
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: pass flake8 check
      Co-authored-by: NXinqi Li <lixinqi0703106@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: Ncheng cheng <472491134@qq.com>