1. 01 11月, 2021 1 次提交
    • Z
      Change maybe to optional (#6611) · 380d2414
      Zhanghuihong Guan 提交于
      * initial commit, add code for async construct tensor from numpy array
      * inital commit to change Maybe to Optional
      * delete redundant code
      * replace Maybe with Optional
      * fix compile errors
      * format code
      * changes based on review
      * format code, fix based on review
      * format code
      * fix multiclient type
      * changes based on review
      * changes based on review
      * unify calling to IsMultiClirnt
      * refector multi_client related code
      * restore InMultiClient interface
      * double check for unnecessary changes
      * remove unnecessary changes
      * format code
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/job_conf_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/op_conf_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/op_node_signature_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/core/common/optional.h
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/string_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/scope_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/placement_symbol.cpp
      * Update oneflow/api/python/symbol/op_conf_symbol.cpp
      Co-authored-by: NHoujiang Chen <chenhoujiangcug@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: NTwice <i@twice.moe>
  2. 13 7月, 2021 1 次提交
    • X
      Fea/nn graph/graph build ctx (#5420) · 67272d28
      Xiaoyu Xu 提交于
      * graph api
      * add graph dummy test
      * add test
      * add recursive module mode
      * graph.build test pass
      * add detail check on graph inner node
      * support config and train
      * add repr for debug
      * test buffer
      * test buffer add
      * refine test
      * add comment
      * refine test
      * refactor Node to Block
      * add named_state
      * refine Graph.named_state()
      * add state_tensortuple
      * graph._compile()
      * add mc session 0
      * nn.graph: state tuple to private var; add BlockType; add simple multi client session
      * NNGraphIf
      * rm old graph.cpp
      * nn.graph: add cpp NNGraph; export and call NNGraph
      * add comment
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession
      * nn.Graph: rm prototype MultiClientSession test
      * nn.Graph: add TODO
      * nn.Graph: format for review
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: format
      * nn.Graph: pass flake8 check
      * job_build_ctx
      * support lazy context
      * format
      * lazy mode
      * format
      * format
      * lazy mode add test
      * debug session
      * init session and job_build_context
      * rm temp code
      * build default scope
      * add default scope
      * add scope proto for debug
      * chech scope
      * format
      * refine MultiClientSession.resource
      * address review
      * lazy init scope stack in single-client, instantly init scope stack after MultiClientSession created in multi-client
      * fix typo
      * address review
      * fix clear default session
      * merger and test
      Co-authored-by: NXinqi Li <lixinqi0703106@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: Nleaves-zwx <kunta0932@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: Ncheng cheng <472491134@qq.com>
  3. 27 5月, 2021 1 次提交
  4. 26 12月, 2020 1 次提交
    • L
      Scope with symbol (#4040) · 6626d998
      Li Xinqi 提交于
      * parallel desc with symbol_id
      * migrate ParallelDescSymbol
      * fix code format
      * fix bug in oneflow_testexe
      * Make oneflow worker docker stay alive for 6 hours
      * exception
      * except in pybind11 and python
      * finetune api
      * print traceback
      * fix bug
      * fix format
      * ParallelDesc::cfg_parallel_conf
      * remove traceback in test_checkpoint
      * fix python codeformat
      * del job_build_and_infer_cfg_error.py
      * optimize api struct
      * refactor JobDesc
      * migrate JobConfSymbol
      * del useless lines
      * del useless lines
      * add CompileOptionWrongError
      * add CompileOptionWrongError
      * replace python ScopeSymbol with cpp Scope
      * fix typo
      * fix bug
      * fix conflict
      * fix format
      * fix bug
      * fix conflict
      Co-authored-by: qq_22305325's avatarclackhan <han_binbin@163.com>
      Co-authored-by: NShenghang Tsai <jackalcooper@gmail.com>
      Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>