提交 e177ae88 编写于 作者: O oneflow-bot 提交者: GitHub

Merge branch 'master' into tfrecord_dataloader

Former-commit-id: b611e30be88931ebca4e901246f8d16a10719214
......@@ -229,38 +229,106 @@ REGISTER_BN_INFERENCE_KERNEL(double)
constexpr int64_t kCudaWarpSize = 32;
template<typename T>
__global__ void ReluGpu(int64_t n, const T* x, T* y, int32_t* mask) {
const int32_t lane_id = threadIdx.x % kCudaWarpSize;
const T x_val = x[i];
const bool is_positive = (x_val > 0);
int32_t warp_mask = __ballot_sync(__activemask(), static_cast<int>(is_positive));
if (lane_id == 0) { mask[i / kCudaWarpSize] = warp_mask; }
y[i] = is_positive ? x_val : 0;
__global__ void ReluGpu<half>(int64_t n, const half* x, half* y, int32_t* mask) {
const int32_t lane_id = threadIdx.x % kCudaWarpSize;
const half zero = __float2half(0.0f);
const half x_val = x[i];
const bool is_positive = __hgt(x_val, zero);
int32_t warp_mask = __ballot_sync(__activemask(), static_cast<int>(is_positive));
if (lane_id == 0) { mask[i / kCudaWarpSize] = warp_mask; }
y[i] = is_positive ? x_val : zero;
template<typename T>
__global__ void AddReluGpu(int64_t n, const T* x, const T* addend, T* y) {
__global__ void AddReluGpu(int64_t n, const T* x, const T* addend, T* y, int32_t* mask) {
const int32_t lane_id = threadIdx.x % kCudaWarpSize;
T sum = x[i] + addend[i];
y[i] = sum > 0 ? sum : 0;
const T sum = x[i] + addend[i];
const bool is_positive = (sum > 0);
int32_t warp_mask = __ballot_sync(__activemask(), static_cast<int>(is_positive));
if (lane_id == 0) { mask[i / kCudaWarpSize] = warp_mask; }
y[i] = is_positive ? sum : 0;
__global__ void AddReluGpu<half>(int64_t n, const half* x, const half* addend, half* y) {
__global__ void AddReluGpu<half>(int64_t n, const half* x, const half* addend, half* y,
int32_t* mask) {
const int32_t lane_id = threadIdx.x % kCudaWarpSize;
const half zero = __float2half(0.0f);
const half sum = __hadd(x[i], addend[i]);
if (__hgt(sum, zero)) {
y[i] = sum;
} else {
y[i] = zero;
const bool is_positive = __hgt(sum, zero);
int32_t warp_mask = __ballot_sync(__activemask(), static_cast<int>(is_positive));
if (lane_id == 0) { mask[i / kCudaWarpSize] = warp_mask; }
y[i] = is_positive ? sum : zero;
template<typename T>
void AddRelu(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const T* x, const T* addend, T* y) {
void Relu(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const T* x, T* y, int32_t* mask) {
ReluGpu<T><<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(n), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, device_ctx->cuda_stream()>>>(
n, x, y, mask);
void Relu<float16>(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const float16* x, float16* y, int32_t* mask) {
Relu<half>(device_ctx, n, reinterpret_cast<const half*>(x), reinterpret_cast<half*>(y), mask);
template<typename T>
void AddRelu(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const T* x, const T* addend, T* y, int32_t* mask) {
AddReluGpu<T><<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(n), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, device_ctx->cuda_stream()>>>(
n, x, addend, y);
n, x, addend, y, mask);
void AddRelu<float16>(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const float16* x, const float16* addend,
float16* y) {
float16* y, int32_t* mask) {
AddRelu<half>(device_ctx, n, reinterpret_cast<const half*>(x),
reinterpret_cast<const half*>(addend), reinterpret_cast<half*>(y));
reinterpret_cast<const half*>(addend), reinterpret_cast<half*>(y), mask);
template<typename T>
__global__ void ReluBackwardGpu(int64_t n, const int32_t* mask, const T* dy, T* addend_diff) {
int32_t lane_id = threadIdx.x % kCudaWarpSize;
int32_t mask_val = mask[i / kCudaWarpSize];
bool is_positive = mask_val & (1 << lane_id);
addend_diff[i] = static_cast<T>(is_positive) * dy[i];
template<typename T>
void ReluBackward(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const int32_t* mask, const T* dy,
T* addend_diff) {
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(n), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, device_ctx->cuda_stream()>>>(
n, mask, dy, addend_diff);
void ReluBackward<float16>(DeviceCtx* device_ctx, int64_t n, const int32_t* mask, const float16* dy,
float16* addend_diff) {
ReluBackward<half>(device_ctx, n, mask, reinterpret_cast<const half*>(dy),
template<typename T>
......@@ -354,12 +422,14 @@ class NormalizationTrainKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
if (ctx->user_op_conf().op_type_name() == "normalization_add_relu") {
CHECK(!ctx->user_op_conf().has_input("_add_to_output", 0));
const int64_t elem_cnt = x->shape().elem_cnt();
auto* mask = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("reserve_space", 0);
if (ctx->user_op_conf().has_input("addend", 0)) {
const auto* addend = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("addend", 0);
AddRelu(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, y->dptr<T>(), addend->dptr<T>(), y->mut_dptr<T>());
AddRelu(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, y->dptr<T>(), addend->dptr<T>(), y->mut_dptr<T>(),
} else {
NewKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU>::Relu(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, y->dptr<T>(),
Relu(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, y->dptr<T>(), y->mut_dptr<T>(),
......@@ -443,12 +513,12 @@ class NormalizationGradUserKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
bn_dy_ptr = dy->dptr();
} else if (ctx->user_op_conf().op_type_name() == "normalization_add_relu_grad") {
const int64_t elem_cnt = dy->shape().elem_cnt();
const auto* mask = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("reserve_space", 0);
user_op::Tensor* y = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0);
if (ctx->user_op_conf().has_output("addend_diff", 0)) {
user_op::Tensor* addend_diff = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("addend_diff", 0);
NewKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU>::ReluBackward(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, nullptr,
y->dptr<T>(), dy->dptr<T>(),
ReluBackward(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, mask->dptr<int32_t>(), dy->dptr<T>(),
bn_workspace_ptr = tmp_buffer->mut_dptr();
bn_workspace_size = tmp_buffer->shape().elem_cnt();
bn_dy_ptr = addend_diff->dptr();
......@@ -457,9 +527,8 @@ class NormalizationGradUserKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
const size_t relu_dx_size =
GetCudaAlignedSize(dy->shape().elem_cnt() * GetSizeOfDataType(dy->data_type()));
CHECK_GE(tmp_buffer_size, relu_dx_size);
NewKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU>::ReluBackward(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, nullptr,
y->dptr<T>(), dy->dptr<T>(),
ReluBackward(ctx->device_ctx(), elem_cnt, mask->dptr<int32_t>(), dy->dptr<T>(),
bn_workspace_ptr = tmp_buffer->mut_dptr<char>() + relu_dx_size;
bn_workspace_size = tmp_buffer_size - relu_dx_size;
bn_dy_ptr = tmp_buffer->dptr();
......@@ -191,8 +191,10 @@ REGISTER_USER_OP("normalization_add_relu")
MakeFwTensorDescInferFn([](user_op::InferContext* ctx, const user_op::TensorDesc* x,
user_op::TensorDesc* reserve_space) -> Maybe<void> {
*reserve_space->mut_data_type() = DataType::kChar;
*reserve_space->mut_shape() = Shape({1});
const auto* x_desc = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
*reserve_space->mut_data_type() = DataType::kInt32;
*reserve_space->mut_shape() =
Shape({static_cast<int64_t>(RoundUp(x_desc->shape().elem_cnt(), 32) / 32)});
return Maybe<void>::Ok();
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