未验证 提交 bca2e098 编写于 作者: Z ZZK 提交者: GitHub

Dev Batch Permute (#6441)

* dev torch style permute kernel

* Refine

* fix batch permute launch condition

* fix batch permute dispatch logic

* remove redundant header file

* simplified check logic

* use permute primitives in transpose kernels

* fix batch permute logic and avoid mod

* remove redundant templates

* fix grid step

* add grid for loop to avoid the elementnum is too large

* fix bug when hw is not divided by tile size

* refine format

* add a copy kernel as a baseline

* remove annotation

* add copy kernel

* add sync

* use batch permute for profile

* add copy tile baseline

* simplify params for copy kernel

* add slow copy kernel

* use mul to instead mod and remove copy

* use movement size = 4 when h w is modify by 2

* Add temp process for half2

* add half2 specialized kernel

* remove redundant license

* simplified code

* fix format

* fix comment

* fix comment

* use bad for loop condition

* merge half2 in load

* fix bad for loop in batch permute

* refine

* use align storage

* refine

* fix comment

* fix comment

* fix format

* add const and remove redundant header file

* remove register macro

* refine cuda code

* fix guoran comment

* fix format

* fix some details

* remove cuda graph

* fix for 0d tensor
Co-authored-by: Noneflow-ci-bot <69100618+oneflow-ci-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
上级 38a3746d
......@@ -125,12 +125,10 @@ struct PermuteKernelParams {
constexpr size_t kMaxMovementSize = 16;
constexpr size_t kMaxNumDims = 8;
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params);
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst, size_t count) {
template<size_t num_dims, typename IndexType>
PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> MakePermuteParams(const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst,
size_t count) {
PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params;
params.src_index_helper = NdIndexOffsetHelper<IndexType, num_dims>(src_dims);
int64_t dst_dims[num_dims];
......@@ -140,9 +138,13 @@ void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void
params.src = src;
params.dst = dst;
params.count = static_cast<IndexType>(count);
LaunchKernel<num_dims, movement_size, IndexType>(stream_ctx, params);
return params;
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst, size_t count);
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size>
void DispatchIndexType(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst) {
......@@ -42,16 +42,19 @@ void PermuteKernel(PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params) {
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params) {
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst, size_t count) {
PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params =
MakePermuteParams<num_dims, IndexType>(src_dims, src, permutation, dst, count);
PermuteKernel<num_dims, movement_size, IndexType>(params);
class PermuteImpl : public Permute {
PermuteImpl() = default;
~PermuteImpl() override = default;
using Permute::Launch;
void Launch(StreamContext* stream_ctx, DataType data_type, size_t num_dims,
const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src, const int* permutation,
void* dst) override {
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ namespace permute_internal {
namespace {
constexpr int32_t kMov4TileSize = 32;
constexpr int32_t kMov2TileSize = 64;
constexpr int32_t kBlockRows = 8;
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
__global__ void PermuteKernel(PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params) {
using T = typename std::aligned_storage<movement_size, movement_size>::type;
......@@ -44,12 +48,236 @@ __global__ void PermuteKernel(PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params) {
// (B, X, Y) -> (B, Y, X)
// refer from https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/efficient-matrix-transpose-cuda-cc/
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, size_t tile_size, typename IndexType>
__global__ void BatchTransposeKernel(const void* src_ptr, void* dst_ptr, IndexType H, IndexType W,
IndexType num_tile_rows, IndexType num_tile_cols,
int32_t block_nums) {
using T = typename std::aligned_storage<movement_size, movement_size>::type;
__shared__ T tile[tile_size][tile_size + 1]; // To avoid bank conflict.
const T* src = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(src_ptr);
T* dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(dst_ptr);
IndexType batch_num_tile = num_tile_rows * num_tile_cols;
for (int i = blockIdx.x, step = gridDim.x; i < block_nums; i += step) {
const IndexType batch_index = i / batch_num_tile; // the index of batch.
const IndexType flatten_index =
i - batch_index * batch_num_tile; // equal to i % (num_tile_rows*num_tile_cols). the
// flatten index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType row_index = flatten_index / num_tile_cols; // the row index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType col_index =
- row_index
* num_tile_cols; // equal to k % num_tile_cols. the col index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType offset = batch_index * H * W;
IndexType x = col_index * tile_size + threadIdx.x;
IndexType y = row_index * tile_size + threadIdx.y;
if (x < W) {
IndexType y_range =
((tile_size - threadIdx.y) < (H - y)) ? (tile_size - threadIdx.y) : (H - y);
#pragma unroll
// each thread process 4 elements.
// `i < y_range` equals to: `threadIdx.y + i < tile_size && y + i < H`.
for (int i = 0; i < y_range; i += kBlockRows) {
tile[threadIdx.y + i][threadIdx.x] = src[offset + (y + i) * W + x];
x = row_index * tile_size + threadIdx.x;
y = col_index * tile_size + threadIdx.y;
if (x < H) {
IndexType x_range =
((tile_size - threadIdx.y) < (W - y)) ? (tile_size - threadIdx.y) : (W - y);
#pragma unroll
// `i < x_range` equals to: `threadIdx.y + i < tile_size && y + i < W`.
for (int i = 0; i < x_range; i += kBlockRows) {
dst[offset + (y + i) * H + x] = tile[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y + i];
Here is a Movementsie=2 version of Batch Transpose.
When the H W can be divided by 2. we can read data use movementsize=4, and write back as
template<size_t num_dims, size_t tile_size, typename IndexType>
__global__ void BatchTransposeMovement2Kernel(const void* src_ptr, void* dst_ptr, IndexType rows,
IndexType cols, IndexType num_tile_rows,
IndexType num_tile_cols, int32_t block_nums) {
static_assert(tile_size % 2 == 0);
using T_MOV2 = typename std::aligned_storage<2, 2>::type;
using T_MOV4 = typename std::aligned_storage<4, 4>::type;
const T_MOV4* src = reinterpret_cast<const T_MOV4*>(src_ptr);
T_MOV4* dst = reinterpret_cast<T_MOV4*>(dst_ptr);
// Use union structure to process Load and Store.
__shared__ union {
T_MOV2 tile_m2[tile_size][tile_size + 2]; // half [64][66]
T_MOV4 tile_m4[tile_size][tile_size / 2 + 1]; // half2 [64][33]
} tile_mem;
IndexType batch_num_tile = num_tile_rows * num_tile_cols;
for (int i = blockIdx.x, step = gridDim.x; i < block_nums; i += step) {
const IndexType batch_index = i / batch_num_tile; // the index of batch.
const IndexType flatten_index =
i - batch_index * batch_num_tile; // equal to i%(num_tile_rows*num_tile_cols). the flatten
// index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType row_index = flatten_index / num_tile_cols; // the row index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType col_index =
- row_index
* num_tile_cols; // equal to k % num_tile_cols. the col index of tile in a batch.
const IndexType offset = batch_index * rows * cols;
IndexType x =
col_index * tile_size + threadIdx.x * 2; // cause each thread process a half2 element, we
// need to multiply 2 for threadIdx.x.
IndexType y = row_index * tile_size + threadIdx.y;
if (x < cols) {
// each thread process 4 elements.
IndexType y_range =
((tile_size - threadIdx.y) < (rows - y)) ? (tile_size - threadIdx.y) : (rows - y);
#pragma unroll
// `i < y_range` equals to: `threadIdx.y + i < tile_size && y + i < rows`.
for (int i = 0; i < y_range; i += kBlockRows) {
// each thread load a half2.
tile_mem.tile_m4[threadIdx.y + i][threadIdx.x] = src[(offset + (y + i) * cols + x) / 2];
x = row_index * tile_size + threadIdx.x * 2; // cause each thread process a half2 element, we
// need to multiply 2 for threadIdx.x.
y = col_index * tile_size + threadIdx.y;
if (x < rows) {
IndexType x_range =
((tile_size - threadIdx.y) < (cols - y)) ? (tile_size - threadIdx.y) : (cols - y);
#pragma unroll
// `i < x_range` equals to: `threadIdx.y + i < tile_size && y + i < cols`.
for (int i = 0; i < x_range; i += kBlockRows) {
When write back as column, it cannot be stored as half2 directly.
So we split as 2 half elements, and write back separately.
union {
T_MOV4 m4;
T_MOV2 m2[2];
} tmp_storage;
tmp_storage.m2[0] = tile_mem.tile_m2[threadIdx.x * 2][threadIdx.y + i];
tmp_storage.m2[1] = tile_mem.tile_m2[threadIdx.x * 2 + 1][threadIdx.y + i];
dst[(offset + (y + i) * rows + x) / 2] = tmp_storage.m4;
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, size_t tile_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchBatchTransposeKernel(cudaStream_t& cuda_stream,
const PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType>& params,
const IndexType& num_batches, const IndexType& rows,
const IndexType& cols) {
IndexType num_tile_rows = (rows + tile_size - 1) / tile_size;
IndexType num_tile_cols = (cols + tile_size - 1) / tile_size;
const int32_t block_nums = num_batches * num_tile_rows * num_tile_cols;
int32_t checked_block_nums = std::min(block_nums, kCudaMaxBlocksNum);
if (tile_size == kMov2TileSize) {
const int32_t half2_thread = tile_size / 2; // cause each thread process two half elements.
BatchTransposeMovement2Kernel<num_dims, kMov2TileSize, IndexType>
<<<checked_block_nums, dim3(half2_thread, kBlockRows), 0, cuda_stream>>>(
params.src, params.dst, rows, cols, num_tile_rows, num_tile_cols,
block_nums); // Set threads num as 32x8 cause each threads
// process 4 elements to 32x32 share memory.
} else {
BatchTransposeKernel<num_dims, movement_size, tile_size, IndexType>
<<<checked_block_nums, dim3(tile_size, kBlockRows), 0, cuda_stream>>>(
params.src, params.dst, rows, cols, num_tile_rows, num_tile_cols, block_nums);
template<size_t tile_size, typename IndexType>
bool CheckIfGreaterEqualThanTileSize(const IndexType& rows, const IndexType& cols) {
if (rows < tile_size || cols < tile_size) { return false; }
return true;
template<size_t num_dims, size_t tile_size, typename IndexType>
bool CheckLaunchBatchTranspose(const int* permutation, const IndexType& num_batches,
const IndexType& rows, const IndexType& cols) {
if (CheckIfGreaterEqualThanTileSize<tile_size, IndexType>(rows, cols)) {
if (num_batches == 1) {
// 2d tensor case: (0, 1) -> (1, 0)
return true;
} else if (num_dims == 3 && permutation[2] == 1 && permutation[1] == 2) {
// 3d tensor case: (0, 1, 2) -> (0, 2, 1)
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
template<typename IndexType, size_t movement_size>
bool CheckUseMov2(const IndexType& rows, const IndexType& cols, const void* src, void* dst) {
auto src_ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(src);
auto dst_ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(dst);
return (movement_size == 2) && (rows % 2 == 0) && (cols % 2 == 0) && (src_ptr % 4 == 0)
&& (dst_ptr % 4 == 0);
template<size_t num_dims, typename IndexType>
void InferBatchTransposeShape(const int64_t* src_dims, IndexType* num_batches, IndexType* rows,
IndexType* cols) {
if (num_dims == 2) {
*num_batches = 1;
*rows = src_dims[0];
*cols = src_dims[1];
} else {
*num_batches = src_dims[0];
*rows = src_dims[1];
*cols = src_dims[2];
template<size_t num_dims, size_t movement_size, typename IndexType>
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params) {
void LaunchKernel(StreamContext* stream_ctx, const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src,
const int* permutation, void* dst, size_t count) {
PermuteKernelParams<num_dims, IndexType> params =
MakePermuteParams<num_dims, IndexType>(src_dims, src, permutation, dst, count);
cudaStream_t cuda_stream =
PermuteKernel<num_dims, movement_size, IndexType>
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(params.count), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, cuda_stream>>>(params);
if (num_dims == 2 || num_dims == 3) {
IndexType num_batches;
IndexType rows;
IndexType cols;
InferBatchTransposeShape<num_dims, IndexType>(src_dims, &num_batches, &rows, &cols);
if (CheckLaunchBatchTranspose<num_dims, kMov4TileSize>(params.permutation, num_batches, rows,
cols)) {
if (CheckUseMov2<IndexType, movement_size>(rows, cols, src, dst)) {
LaunchBatchTransposeKernel<num_dims, 2, kMov2TileSize, IndexType>(cuda_stream, params,
num_batches, rows, cols);
} else {
LaunchBatchTransposeKernel<num_dims, movement_size, kMov4TileSize, IndexType>(
cuda_stream, params, num_batches, rows, cols);
} else {
PermuteKernel<num_dims, movement_size, IndexType>
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(params.count), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, cuda_stream>>>(params);
} else {
PermuteKernel<num_dims, movement_size, IndexType>
<<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(params.count), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, cuda_stream>>>(params);
class PermuteImpl : public Permute {
......@@ -58,6 +286,7 @@ class PermuteImpl : public Permute {
PermuteImpl() = default;
~PermuteImpl() override = default;
using Permute::Launch;
void Launch(StreamContext* stream_ctx, DataType data_type, size_t num_dims,
const int64_t* src_dims, const void* src, const int* permutation,
void* dst) override {
......@@ -13,58 +13,60 @@ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "oneflow/core/common/protobuf.h"
#include "oneflow/core/framework/framework.h"
#include "oneflow/core/kernel/new_kernel_util.h"
#include "oneflow/core/kernel/cuda_graph_support.h"
#include "oneflow/core/primitive/include/permute.h"
namespace oneflow {
namespace user_op {
template<DeviceType device_type, typename T>
template<typename Context>
std::unique_ptr<primitive::Permute> NewPermutePrimitive(Context* ctx) {
const int64_t num_dims = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("output", 0)->shape().NumAxes();
return primitive::NewPrimitive<primitive::PermuteFactory>(ctx->device_type(), num_dims);
class TransposeKernel final : public OpKernel, public user_op::CudaGraphSupport {
TransposeKernel() = default;
~TransposeKernel() override = default;
void Compute(KernelComputeContext* ctx) const override {
auto primitive = NewPermutePrimitive(ctx);
const Tensor* tensor_in = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("input", 0);
Tensor* tensor_out = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("output", 0);
const auto& perm = ctx->Attr<std::vector<int32_t>>("perm");
const ShapeView& in_shape = tensor_in->shape();
const ShapeView& out_shape = tensor_out->shape();
NewKernelUtil<device_type>::Transpose(ctx->device_ctx(), in_shape.NumAxes(), in_shape,
out_shape, perm, in_shape.elem_cnt(),
tensor_in->dptr<T>(), tensor_out->mut_dptr<T>());
DataType dtype = tensor_out->data_type();
size_t num_dims = tensor_in->shape().NumAxes();
const int64_t* src_dims = in_shape.ptr();
int64_t elem_cnt = tensor_out->shape().elem_cnt();
if (elem_cnt != 0) {
primitive->Launch(ctx->stream_ctx(), dtype, num_dims, src_dims, tensor_in->dptr(),
perm.data(), tensor_out->mut_dptr());
} else {
// For 0-d Tensor
bool AlwaysComputeWhenAllOutputsEmpty() const override { return false; }
#define REGISTER_TRANSPOSE_KERNEL(device, dtype) \
.SetCreateFn<TransposeKernel<device, dtype>>() \
.SetIsMatchedHob((user_op::HobDeviceTag() == device) \
& (user_op::HobDataType("input", 0) == GetDataType<dtype>::value) \
& (user_op::HobDataType("output", 0) == GetDataType<dtype>::value));
hob::HobContextGetter<user_op::KernelRegContext, bool> PermutePrimitiveExists() {
return user_op::HobCtxGetter<bool>("PermutePrimitiveExists",
[](const user_op::KernelRegContext& ctx) {
return NewPermutePrimitive(&ctx).operator bool();
#ifdef WITH_CUDA
.SetIsMatchedHob(PermutePrimitiveExists() == true);
} // namespace user_op
} // namespace oneflow
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