未验证 提交 be2884eb 编写于 作者: Z zhulei 提交者: GitHub

[NPU] Add bilinear_interpolate_v2 (#36971)

上级 4977eb22
......@@ -20,6 +20,369 @@ namespace operators {
using Tensor = framework::Tensor;
using DataLayout = framework::DataLayout;
using DDim = framework::DDim;
using fp16 = paddle::platform::float16;
template <typename T>
struct InterpolateFunction {
explicit InterpolateFunction(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx)
: ctx(ctx) {
place = ctx.GetPlace();
stream = ctx.template device_context<paddle::platform::NPUDeviceContext>()
t0.mutable_data<float>({1}, place);
t1.mutable_data<float>({1}, place);
tn.mutable_data<float>({1}, place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<float>(&t0, static_cast<float>(0));
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<float>(&t1, static_cast<float>(1));
void Arange(int n, Tensor* x) {
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<float>(&tn, static_cast<float>(n));
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Range", {t0, tn, t1}, {*x}, {});
void ReduceSum(const Tensor* x, Tensor* y, const std::vector<int>& dim,
bool keep_dims = true) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("ReduceSumD", {*x}, {*y},
{{"axes", dim}, {"keep_dims", keep_dims}});
void Add(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* y, Tensor* z) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("AddV2", {*x, *y}, {*z}, {});
void Adds(const Tensor* x, float scalar, Tensor* y) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Adds", {*x}, {*y}, {{"value", scalar}});
void Mul(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* y, Tensor* z) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Mul", {*x, *y}, {*z}, {});
void Sub(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* y, Tensor* z) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Sub", {*x, *y}, {*z}, {});
void Cast(const Tensor* x, Tensor* y) {
auto dst_dtype = ConvertToNpuDtype(y->type());
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner(
"Cast", {*x}, {*y}, {{"dst_type", static_cast<int>(dst_dtype)}});
void Gather(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* indices, const int axis,
Tensor* y) {
const auto& runner =
NpuOpRunner("GatherV2D", {*x, *indices}, {*y}, {{"axis", axis}});
void GatherGrad(const Tensor* gy, const Tensor* indices, const int axis,
Tensor* gx) {
// 1 gy swapaxis: axis & 0
int len = (gy->dims()).size();
std::vector<int> axis_swap(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
axis_swap[i] = i;
axis_swap[0] = axis;
axis_swap[axis] = 0;
auto y_new_shape = gy->dims();
auto yt = y_new_shape[axis];
y_new_shape[axis] = y_new_shape[0];
y_new_shape[0] = yt;
Tensor gy_t;
gy_t.mutable_data<T>(y_new_shape, place);
Transpose(gy, &gy_t, axis_swap);
// 2 scatter
auto x_new_shape = gx->dims();
auto xt = x_new_shape[axis];
x_new_shape[axis] = x_new_shape[0];
x_new_shape[0] = xt;
Tensor gx_zero, gx_t;
gx_zero.mutable_data<T>(x_new_shape, place);
gx_t.mutable_data<T>(x_new_shape, place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<T>(&gx_zero, static_cast<T>(0));
Scatter(&gx_zero, indices, &gy_t, &gx_t);
// 3 gx swapaxis: axis, 0
Transpose(&gx_t, gx, axis_swap);
void Scatter(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* index, const Tensor* updates,
Tensor* y) {
const auto& runner =
NpuOpRunner("TensorScatterAdd", {*x, *index, *updates}, {*y}, {});
void Transpose(const Tensor* x, Tensor* y, const std::vector<int>& axis) {
const auto& runner =
NpuOpRunner("TransposeD", {*x}, {*y}, {{"perm", axis}});
void Muls(const Tensor* x, float scalar, Tensor* y) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Muls", {*x}, {*y}, {{"value", scalar}});
void Maximum(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* y, Tensor* z) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Maximum", {*x, *y}, {*z}, {});
void Minimum(const Tensor* x, const Tensor* y, Tensor* z) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Minimum", {*x, *y}, {*z}, {});
void Floor(const Tensor* x, Tensor* y) {
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Floor", {*x}, {*y}, {});
platform::Place place;
aclrtStream stream;
const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx;
Tensor t0;
Tensor t1;
Tensor tn;
template <>
void InterpolateFunction<fp16>::Arange(int n, Tensor* x) {
Tensor x_fp32(framework::proto::VarType::FP32);
x_fp32.mutable_data<float>(x->dims(), place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<float>(&tn, static_cast<float>(n));
const auto& runner = NpuOpRunner("Range", {t0, tn, t1}, {x_fp32}, {});
Cast(&x_fp32, x);
void InterpolateParamCompute(const float scale_h, const float scale_w,
const bool align_corners, const int align_mode,
const DataLayout& data_layout, const DDim& indim,
const DDim& outdim, int* axis_h, int* axis_w,
int* in_h, int* in_w, int* out_h, int* out_w,
float* ratio_h, float* ratio_w) {
if (data_layout == DataLayout::kNCHW) {
*axis_h = 2;
*axis_w = 3;
} else {
*axis_h = 1;
*axis_w = 2;
*out_h = outdim[*axis_h];
*out_w = outdim[*axis_w];
*in_h = indim[*axis_h];
*in_w = indim[*axis_w];
*ratio_h = 0.0f;
*ratio_w = 0.0f;
if (*out_h > 1) {
*ratio_h =
? static_cast<float>(*in_h - 1) / (*out_h - 1)
: (scale_h > 0 ? 1 / scale_h : static_cast<float>(*in_h) / *out_h);
if (*out_w > 1) {
*ratio_w =
? static_cast<float>(*in_w - 1) / (*out_w - 1)
: (scale_w > 0 ? 1 / scale_w : static_cast<float>(*in_w) / *out_w);
template <typename T>
void BilinearParamTensorCompute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx,
const DataLayout& data_layout, int in_h,
int in_w, int out_h, int out_w, bool align_cond,
float ratio_h, float ratio_w, Tensor* h0,
Tensor* h1, Tensor* w0, Tensor* w1,
Tensor* coef_h0, Tensor* coef_h1,
Tensor* coef_w0, Tensor* coef_w1) {
InterpolateFunction<T> F(ctx);
auto place = ctx.GetPlace();
Tensor _h0, _w0;
_h0.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
_w0.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
F.Arange(out_h, &_h0);
F.Arange(out_w, &_w0);
if (align_cond) {
F.Adds(&_h0, static_cast<float>(0.5), &_h0);
F.Adds(&_w0, static_cast<float>(0.5), &_w0);
F.Muls(&_h0, ratio_h, &_h0);
F.Muls(&_w0, ratio_w, &_w0);
F.Adds(&_h0, static_cast<float>(-0.5), &_h0);
F.Adds(&_w0, static_cast<float>(-0.5), &_w0);
} else {
F.Muls(&_h0, ratio_h, &_h0);
F.Muls(&_w0, ratio_w, &_w0);
Tensor zero_t;
Tensor one_t;
zero_t.mutable_data<T>({1}, place);
one_t.mutable_data<T>({1}, place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<T>(&zero_t, static_cast<T>(0));
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<T>(&one_t, static_cast<T>(1));
F.Maximum(&_h0, &zero_t, &_h0);
F.Maximum(&_w0, &zero_t, &_w0);
Tensor _h0_floor, _w0_floor;
_h0_floor.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
_w0_floor.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
F.Floor(&_h0, &_h0_floor);
F.Floor(&_w0, &_w0_floor);
F.Cast(&_h0_floor, h0);
F.Cast(&_w0_floor, w0);
Tensor one_int;
one_int.mutable_data<int>({1}, place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<int>(&one_int, static_cast<int>(1));
F.Add(h0, &one_int, h1);
F.Add(w0, &one_int, w1);
Tensor t_max_h, t_max_w;
t_max_h.mutable_data<int>({1}, place);
t_max_w.mutable_data<int>({1}, place);
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<int>(&t_max_h, static_cast<int>(in_h - 1));
FillNpuTensorWithConstant<int>(&t_max_w, static_cast<int>(in_w - 1));
F.Minimum(h1, &t_max_h, h1);
F.Minimum(w1, &t_max_w, w1);
F.Sub(&_h0, &_h0_floor, coef_h1);
F.Sub(&_w0, &_w0_floor, coef_w1);
F.Sub(&one_t, coef_h1, coef_h0);
F.Sub(&one_t, coef_w1, coef_w0);
if (data_layout == DataLayout::kNCHW) {
coef_h0->Resize({out_h, 1});
coef_h1->Resize({out_h, 1});
} else {
coef_h0->Resize({out_h, 1, 1});
coef_h1->Resize({out_h, 1, 1});
coef_w0->Resize({out_w, 1});
coef_w1->Resize({out_w, 1});
template <typename T>
void BilinearFwdNpu(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx, const Tensor* input,
Tensor* output, const float scale_h, const float scale_w,
const bool align_corners, const int align_mode,
const DataLayout& data_layout) {
InterpolateFunction<T> F(ctx);
auto place = ctx.GetPlace();
auto outdim = output->dims();
auto indim = input->dims();
int axis_h, axis_w;
int out_h, out_w, in_h, in_w;
float ratio_h, ratio_w;
InterpolateParamCompute(scale_h, scale_w, align_corners, align_mode,
data_layout, indim, outdim, &axis_h, &axis_w, &in_h,
&in_w, &out_h, &out_w, &ratio_h, &ratio_w);
Tensor h0, h1, w0, w1;
h0.mutable_data<int>({out_h}, place);
h1.mutable_data<int>({out_h}, place);
w0.mutable_data<int>({out_w}, place);
w1.mutable_data<int>({out_w}, place);
Tensor coef_h0, coef_h1, coef_w0, coef_w1;
coef_h0.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
coef_h1.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
coef_w0.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
coef_w1.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
bool align_cond = align_mode == 0 && !align_corners;
BilinearParamTensorCompute<T>(ctx, data_layout, in_h, in_w, out_h, out_w,
align_cond, ratio_h, ratio_w, &h0, &h1, &w0,
&w1, &coef_h0, &coef_h1, &coef_w0, &coef_w1);
Tensor input_gather_h0, input_gather_h1;
auto dim_gather_h = indim;
dim_gather_h[axis_h] = out_h;
input_gather_h0.mutable_data<T>(dim_gather_h, place);
input_gather_h1.mutable_data<T>(dim_gather_h, place);
F.Gather(input, &h0, axis_h, &input_gather_h0);
F.Gather(input, &h1, axis_h, &input_gather_h1);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h0, &coef_h0, &input_gather_h0);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h1, &coef_h1, &input_gather_h1);
Tensor out_x4;
out_x4.mutable_data<T>({4, outdim[0], outdim[1], outdim[2], outdim[3]},
Tensor input_gather_h0_w0 = out_x4.Slice(0, 1);
Tensor input_gather_h0_w1 = out_x4.Slice(1, 2);
Tensor input_gather_h1_w0 = out_x4.Slice(2, 3);
Tensor input_gather_h1_w1 = out_x4.Slice(3, 4);
F.Gather(&input_gather_h0, &w0, axis_w, &input_gather_h0_w0);
F.Gather(&input_gather_h0, &w1, axis_w, &input_gather_h0_w1);
F.Gather(&input_gather_h1, &w0, axis_w, &input_gather_h1_w0);
F.Gather(&input_gather_h1, &w1, axis_w, &input_gather_h1_w1);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h0_w0, &coef_w0, &input_gather_h0_w0);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h0_w1, &coef_w1, &input_gather_h0_w1);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h1_w0, &coef_w0, &input_gather_h1_w0);
F.Mul(&input_gather_h1_w1, &coef_w1, &input_gather_h1_w1);
F.ReduceSum(&out_x4, output, std::vector<int>{0}, false);
template <typename T>
void BilinearBwdNpu(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx, const Tensor* gout,
Tensor* gin, const float scale_h, const float scale_w,
const bool align_corners, const int align_mode,
const DataLayout& data_layout) {
InterpolateFunction<T> F(ctx);
auto place = ctx.GetPlace();
auto outdim = gout->dims();
auto indim = gin->dims();
int axis_h, axis_w;
int out_h, out_w, in_h, in_w;
float ratio_h, ratio_w;
InterpolateParamCompute(scale_h, scale_w, align_corners, align_mode,
data_layout, indim, outdim, &axis_h, &axis_w, &in_h,
&in_w, &out_h, &out_w, &ratio_h, &ratio_w);
Tensor h0, h1, w0, w1;
h0.mutable_data<int>({out_h}, place);
h1.mutable_data<int>({out_h}, place);
w0.mutable_data<int>({out_w}, place);
w1.mutable_data<int>({out_w}, place);
Tensor coef_h0, coef_h1, coef_w0, coef_w1;
coef_h0.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
coef_h1.mutable_data<T>({out_h}, place);
coef_w0.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
coef_w1.mutable_data<T>({out_w}, place);
bool align_cond = align_mode == 0 && !align_corners;
BilinearParamTensorCompute<T>(ctx, data_layout, in_h, in_w, out_h, out_w,
align_cond, ratio_h, ratio_w, &h0, &h1, &w0,
&w1, &coef_h0, &coef_h1, &coef_w0, &coef_w1);
Tensor gy_w0, gy_w1;
gy_w0.mutable_data<T>(outdim, place);
gy_w1.mutable_data<T>(outdim, place);
F.Mul(gout, &coef_w0, &gy_w0);
F.Mul(gout, &coef_w1, &gy_w1);
auto dim_gather_h = indim;
dim_gather_h[axis_h] = out_h;
Tensor g_gather_w0, g_gather_w1;
g_gather_w0.mutable_data<T>(dim_gather_h, place);
g_gather_w1.mutable_data<T>(dim_gather_h, place);
w0.Resize({out_w, 1});
w1.Resize({out_w, 1});
F.GatherGrad(&gy_w0, &w0, axis_w, &g_gather_w0);
F.GatherGrad(&gy_w1, &w1, axis_w, &g_gather_w1);
F.Add(&g_gather_w0, &g_gather_w1, &g_gather_w0);
F.Mul(&g_gather_w0, &coef_h1, &g_gather_w1);
F.Mul(&g_gather_w0, &coef_h0, &g_gather_w0);
Tensor gx_0, gx_1;
gx_0.mutable_data<T>(indim, place);
gx_1.mutable_data<T>(indim, place);
h0.Resize({out_h, 1});
h1.Resize({out_h, 1});
F.GatherGrad(&g_gather_w0, &h0, axis_h, &gx_0);
F.GatherGrad(&g_gather_w1, &h1, axis_h, &gx_1);
F.Add(&gx_0, &gx_1, gin);
template <typename DeviceContext, typename T>
class InterpolateV2NPUKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
......@@ -39,19 +402,6 @@ class InterpolateV2NPUKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
int n, c, in_d, in_h, in_w;
ExtractNCDWH(input_dims, data_layout, &n, &c, &in_d, &in_h, &in_w);
input->layout(), data_layout,
"Interpolate OP's input tensor layout should equal to attr "
"data_layout, but got tensor layout <%s>, attr layout <%s>",
framework::DataLayoutToString(input->layout()), data_layout_str));
output->layout(), data_layout,
"Interpolate OP's output tensor layout should equal to attr "
"data_layout, but got tensor layout <%s>, attr layout <%s>",
framework::DataLayoutToString(output->layout()), data_layout_str));
auto interp_method = ctx.Attr<std::string>("interp_method");
bool align_corners = ctx.Attr<bool>("align_corners");
......@@ -156,17 +506,22 @@ class InterpolateV2NPUKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
ctx.template device_context<paddle::platform::NPUDeviceContext>()
NpuOpRunner runner;
// To-do(qili93): need to support bilineare, try ResizeD
// Add bilineare by zhulei
if ("nearest" == interp_method) {
NpuOpRunner runner;
.AddInput(std::vector<int32_t>{out_h, out_w})
.AddAttr("align_corners", align_corners)
.AddAttr("half_pixel_centers", false);
} else if ("bilinear" == interp_method) {
int align_mode = ctx.Attr<int>("align_mode");
BilinearFwdNpu<T>(ctx, input, output, scale_h, scale_w, align_corners,
align_mode, data_layout);
......@@ -184,27 +539,6 @@ class InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
int n, c, in_d, in_h, in_w;
ExtractNCDWH(input->dims(), data_layout, &n, &c, &in_d, &in_h, &in_w);
input->layout(), data_layout,
"Interpolate OP's input tensor layout should equal to attr "
"data_layout, but got tensor layout <%s>, attr layout <%s>",
framework::DataLayoutToString(input->layout()), data_layout_str));
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output_grad->layout(), data_layout,
"Interpolate OP's output_grad tensor layout should "
"equal to attr data_layout, but got tensor layout is "
"<%s>, and attr layout is <%s>",
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(input_grad->layout(), data_layout,
"Interpolate OP's input_grad tensor layout should "
"equal to attr data_layout, but got tensor layout is "
"<%s>, and attr layout is <%s>",
auto interp_method = ctx.Attr<std::string>("interp_method");
bool align_corners = ctx.Attr<bool>("align_corners");
......@@ -301,17 +635,21 @@ class InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
ctx.template device_context<paddle::platform::NPUDeviceContext>()
NpuOpRunner runner;
// To-do(qili93): need to support bilineare, try ResizeGradD
if ("nearest" == interp_method) {
NpuOpRunner runner;
.AddInput(std::vector<int32_t>{in_h, in_w})
.AddAttr("align_corners", align_corners)
.AddAttr("half_pixel_centers", false);
} else if ("bilinear" == interp_method) {
int align_mode = ctx.Attr<int>("align_mode");
BilinearBwdNpu<T>(ctx, output_grad, input_grad, scale_h, scale_w,
align_corners, align_mode, data_layout);
......@@ -330,3 +668,13 @@ REGISTER_OP_NPU_KERNEL(
ops::InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, plat::float16>);
ops::InterpolateV2NPUKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::InterpolateV2NPUKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, plat::float16>);
ops::InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::InterpolateV2NPUGradKernel<plat::NPUDeviceContext, plat::float16>);
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ if (WITH_ASCEND_CL)
# Note: the following test cases has running time more than 120s
set_tests_properties(test_nearest_interp_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)
set_tests_properties(test_nearest_interp_v2_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)
set_tests_properties(test_bilinear_interp_v2_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)
set_tests_properties(test_stack_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300)
set_tests_properties(test_conv2d_transpose_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)
set_tests_properties(test_conv2d_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300)
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import unittest
import numpy as np
import sys
from op_test import OpTest
import paddle.fluid.core as core
import paddle.fluid as fluid
from paddle.nn.functional import interpolate
import paddle
from test_bilinear_interp_v2_op import bilinear_interp_np
class TestBilinearInterpOp(OpTest):
def set_npu(self):
self.__class__.use_npu = True
self.place = paddle.NPUPlace(0)
def setUp(self):
self.out_size = None
self.actual_shape = None
self.data_layout = 'NCHW'
self.op_type = "bilinear_interp_v2"
input_np = np.random.random(self.input_shape).astype(self.dtype)
if self.data_layout == "NCHW":
in_h = self.input_shape[2]
in_w = self.input_shape[3]
in_h = self.input_shape[1]
in_w = self.input_shape[2]
scale_h = 0
scale_w = 0
if self.scale:
if isinstance(self.scale, float) or isinstance(self.scale, int):
if self.scale > 0.:
scale_h = scale_w = float(self.scale)
if isinstance(self.scale, list) and len(self.scale) == 1:
scale_w = scale_h = self.scale[0]
elif isinstance(self.scale, list) and len(self.scale) > 1:
scale_w = self.scale[1]
scale_h = self.scale[0]
out_h = int(in_h * scale_h)
out_w = int(in_w * scale_w)
out_h = self.out_h
out_w = self.out_w
output_np = bilinear_interp_np(input_np, out_h, out_w, scale_w, scale_h,
self.out_size, self.actual_shape,
self.align_corners, self.align_mode,
self.inputs = {'X': input_np}
if self.out_size is not None:
self.inputs['OutSize'] = self.out_size
if self.actual_shape is not None:
self.inputs['OutSize'] = self.actual_shape
self.attrs = {
'out_h': self.out_h,
'out_w': self.out_w,
'interp_method': self.interp_method,
'align_corners': self.align_corners,
'align_mode': self.align_mode,
'data_layout': self.data_layout
if self.scale:
if isinstance(self.scale, float) or isinstance(self.scale, int):
if self.scale > 0.:
self.scale = [self.scale]
if isinstance(self.scale, list) and len(self.scale) == 1:
self.scale = [self.scale[0], self.scale[0]]
self.attrs['scale'] = self.scale
self.outputs = {'Out': output_np}
def test_check_output(self):
self.check_output_with_place(self.place, atol=self.atol)
def test_check_grad(self):
self.__class__.exist_check_grad = True
if self.dtype == 'float16':
self.max_relative_error = 0.005
inputs_to_check = ['X']
output_names = ['Out']
no_grad_set = set()
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()
cpu_grads = self._get_gradient(inputs_to_check, cpu_place, output_names,
npu_grads = self._get_gradient(inputs_to_check, self.place,
output_names, no_grad_set)
self._assert_is_close(cpu_grads, npu_grads, inputs_to_check,
"Gradient Check between places")
def init_test_case(self):
self.interp_method = 'bilinear'
self.input_shape = [2, 3, 5, 7]
self.out_h = 60
self.out_w = 25
self.scale = 1.5
self.align_corners = False
self.align_mode = 1
self.dtype = 'float32'
self.atol = 1e-5
class TestBilinearInterpCaseFP16(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCaseFP16, self).init_test_case()
self.dtype = 'float16'
self.atol = 1e-2
class TestBilinearInterpCase1(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase1, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [4, 1, 7, 8]
self.out_h = 1
self.out_w = 1
self.scale = 0.
class TestBilinearInterpCase2(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase2, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [3, 3, 9, 6]
self.out_h = 12
self.out_w = 12
self.scale = 0.
class TestBilinearInterpCase3(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase3, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [1, 1, 32, 64]
self.out_h = 64
self.out_w = 32
self.scale = 0.
class TestBilinearInterpCase4(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase4, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [4, 1, 7, 8]
self.out_h = 1
self.out_w = 1
self.scale = 0.
self.out_size = np.array([2, 2]).astype("int32")
class TestBilinearInterpCase5(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase5, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [3, 3, 9, 6]
self.out_h = 12
self.out_w = 12
self.scale = 0.
self.out_size = np.array([11, 11]).astype("int32")
class TestBilinearInterpCase6(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase6, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [1, 1, 32, 64]
self.out_h = 64
self.out_w = 32
self.scale = 0.
self.out_size = np.array([65, 33]).astype("int32")
class TestBilinearInterpCase7(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpCase7, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [1, 1, 32, 64]
self.out_h = 64
self.out_w = 32
self.scale = [2.0, 0.5]
class TestBilinearInterpSame(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpSame, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [2, 3, 32, 64]
self.out_h = 32
self.out_w = 64
self.scale = 0.
class TestBilinearInterpActualShape(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpActualShape, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [3, 2, 32, 16]
self.out_h = 64
self.out_w = 32
self.scale = 0.
self.out_size = np.array([66, 40]).astype("int32")
class TestBilinearInterpDataLayout(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpDataLayout, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [2, 5, 5, 3]
self.out_h = 2
self.out_w = 2
self.scale = 0.
self.out_size = np.array([3, 3]).astype("int32")
self.data_layout = "NHWC"
class TestBilinearInterpOtherMethod1(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def set_align_mode(self):
self.align_corners = False
self.align_mode = 1
class TestBilinearInterpWithMethod2(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def set_align_mode(self):
self.align_corners = False
self.align_mode = 0
class TestBilinearInterpWithMethod3(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def set_align_mode(self):
self.align_corners = True
self.align_mode = 0
class TestBilinearInterpScale1(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpScale1, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [2, 3, 5, 7]
self.out_h = 60
self.out_w = 25
self.scale = 2.
class TestBilinearInterpScale2(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpScale2, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [2, 3, 5, 7]
self.out_h = 60
self.out_w = 25
self.scale = 1.
class TestBilinearInterpZero(TestBilinearInterpOp):
def init_test_case(self):
super(TestBilinearInterpZero, self).init_test_case()
self.input_shape = [2, 3, 5, 7]
self.out_h = 60
self.out_w = 25
self.scale = 0.2
self.align_mode = 0
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