未验证 提交 737e7c3c 编写于 作者: D Dahan Gong 提交者: GitHub

benchmark: support a new argument: device (#1262)

上级 44af3fdf
......@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ int benchmark_threads = 1;
int benchmark_model = -1;
int benchmark_cluster = 0;
int benchmark_mask = 0xFFFF;
std::string benchmark_device = "";
context_t s_context;
int benchmark_graph(options_t* opt, const char* name, const char* file, int height, int width, int channel, int batch)
// create graph, load tengine model xxx.tmfile
graph_t graph = create_graph(nullptr, "tengine", file);
graph_t graph = create_graph(s_context, "tengine", file);
if (nullptr == graph)
fprintf(stderr, "Tengine Benchmark: Create graph failed.\n");
......@@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cmd.add<int>("cpu_cluster", 'p', "cpu cluster [0:auto, 1:big, 2:middle, 3:little]", false, 0);
cmd.add<int>("model", 's', "benchmark which model, \"-1\" means all models", false, -1);
cmd.add<int>("cpu_mask", 'a', "benchmark on masked cpu core(s)", false, -1);
cmd.add<std::string>("device", 'd', "device name (should be upper-case)", false);
cmd.parse_check(argc, argv);
......@@ -152,12 +155,25 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
benchmark_model = cmd.get<int>("model");
benchmark_cluster = cmd.get<int>("cpu_cluster");
benchmark_mask = cmd.get<int>("cpu_mask");
benchmark_device = cmd.get<std::string>("device");
if (benchmark_device.empty())
benchmark_device = "CPU";
for (int i = 0; i < benchmark_device.length(); i++)
benchmark_device[i] = ::toupper(benchmark_device[i]);
fprintf(stdout, "Tengine benchmark:\n");
fprintf(stdout, " loops: %d\n", benchmark_loop);
fprintf(stdout, " threads: %d\n", benchmark_threads);
fprintf(stdout, " cluster: %d\n", benchmark_cluster);
fprintf(stdout, " affinity: 0x%X\n", benchmark_mask);
fprintf(stdout, " device: %s\n", benchmark_device.c_str());
// initialize tengine
if (0 != init_tengine())
......@@ -167,6 +183,17 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf(stdout, "Tengine-lite library version: %s\n", get_tengine_version());
s_context = create_context("ctx", benchmark_device.empty() ? 0 : 1);
if (!benchmark_device.empty())
int ret = set_context_device(s_context, benchmark_device.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (0 != ret)
fprintf(stderr, "Set context device failed: %d.\n", ret);
return false;
struct options opt;
opt.num_thread = benchmark_threads;
opt.precision = TENGINE_MODE_FP32;
......@@ -253,6 +280,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/* release tengine */
fprintf(stderr, "ALL TEST DONE.\n");
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