未验证 提交 1090ac6e 编写于 作者: O ouyanghaley 提交者: GitHub

Update tf2tengine.cpp (#1340)

fix bug, since loader may be 0x0; for example  ["StridedSlice"] = {first = 0, second = 0x0}
上级 4ee982de
......@@ -1938,6 +1938,9 @@ int tensorflow_serializer::generate_graph(ir_graph_t* graph)
op_load_t loader = op_load_map[tf_node->op].second;
if (loader == 0){
if (loader(tf_node, tf_graph, graph, ir_node) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "load op %s func failed in node %s .\n", tf_node->op.c_str(), tf_node->name.c_str());
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