提交 2015efdc 编写于 作者: U unknown


上级 cc332e40
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("query.Query", "ImporterRecord", null, false);
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("query.Query", "Importer", null, false);
var _self = this;
o2.ContractImporter = new Class({
Extends: MWF.QImporter,
doImportData: function(){
var date = new Date();
var data = this.getData();
if( this.options.type === "update" ){
var multiData = {};
if( this.options.manyForOne ){
var list = multiData[d.docData.contractSerial];
if( !list )list = multiData[d.docData.contractSerial] = [];
this.updataToDatabase( multiData, data.length );
this.recordId = json.data;
this.lookupAction.executImportModel(this.json.id, {
"recordId": this.recordId,
"data" : data
}, function () {
this.progressBar.showImporting( this.recordId, function( data ){
data.data = data;
data.rowList = this.rowList;
this.fireEvent("afterImport", data);
return data;
}.bind(this), date);
}.bind(this), function (xhr) {
var requestJson = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
this.app.notice(requestJson.message, "error");
getUpdateAction: function(){
if( this.updateAction )return;
if( this.options.path ){
this.updateAction = o2.Actions.load("x_cms_assemble_control").DataAction.updateWithDocumentWithPath0;
this.updateAction = o2.Actions.load("x_cms_assemble_control").DataAction.updateWithDocument;
updataToDatabase: function(needUpdateData, totalCount){
var executeCount = 0;
var failCount = 0;
var promiseList = [];
Object.each(needUpdateData, function(d, key){
var bundle = this.dataBundleMap[key].bundle;
var pathList = this.options.path.split(".");
var path0 = pathList.shift();
var data = {};
this.setDataWithPath(data, pathList.join("."), d);
var argus = [bundle].concat( path0, [data], function () {
executeCount += d.length;
this.progressBar.showUpdateImporting( {
count: totalCount,
executeCount: executeCount,
failCount: failCount,
status: "导入中"
}.bind(this), function () {
failCount += d.length;
this.progressBar.showUpdateImporting( {
count: totalCount,
executeCount: executeCount,
failCount: failCount,
status: "导入中"
var p = this.updateAction.apply(null, argus);
Promise.all(promiseList).then(function () {
var status = "导入成功";
if( failCount > 0 ){
status = executeCount > 0 ? "部分成功" : "导入失败"
var d = {
count: totalCount,
executeCount: executeCount,
failCount: failCount,
status: status,
data : needUpdateData
this.progressBar.showUpdateImporting( d );
this.fireEvent("afterImport", d);
}.bind(this), function (e) {
this.app.notice(e.message, "error");
importFromExcel : function(){
this.rowList = [];
this.identityMapImported = {};
this.personMapImported = {};
this.unitMapImported = {};
this.groupMapImported = {};
this.excelUtils.upload( this.getDateColIndexArray(), function (importedData) {
importedData = importedData.filter(function (array) {
for( var i=0; i<array.length; i++ ){
if(array[i])return true;
return false;
if( !importedData.length )return;
var titleLength = importedData[0].length;
importedData.each(function (array) {
for( var i=0; i<titleLength; i++){
if( typeOf(array[i]) === "null" )array[i] = "";
this.progressBar = new o2.ContractImporter.ProgressBar( this, {
"disableDetailButton": true,
"onPostShow": function(){
this.importedData = importedData;
if( this.importedData.length > 0 )this.importedData.shift();
this.fireEvent("beforeImport", [this.importedData]);
Promise.resolve( this.importedData.promise ).then(function () {
Promise.resolve( this.queryBundle() ).then(function(map){
this.dataBundleMap = map;
function () {
this.importedData.each( function( lineData, lineIndex ){
this.rowList.push( new o2.ContractImporter.Row( this, lineData, lineIndex ) )
var isValid = this.json.enableValid ? this.checkImportedData() : this.checkNecessaryImportedData();
Promise.resolve(isValid).then(function ( isValid1 ) {
if( isValid1 ){
this.progressBar.importerId = this.importerId;
queryBundle: function(){
var contractSerials = this.importedData.map(function(d){
return d[0]; //合同编号
return o2.Actions.load("x_query_assemble_surface").ViewAction.executeWithQuery("aeeced46-7251-4c18-8bad-666539525d91", "b94e50e2-488f-461f-80f7-e51902718cb0",{
filterList: [{
"comparison": contractSerials.length === 1 ? "equals" : "in",
"value": contractSerials.join(","),
var map = {};
map[g.data.contractSerial] = g;
return map;
setDataWithPath: function(obj, path, data){
var names = path.split(".");
var d = obj;
Array.each(names, function (n, idx) {
if( idx === names.length -1 )return;
if ( !d[n] ){
var value = this.isNumberString( names[idx+1] ) ? [] : {};
var n1 = this.isNumberString( n ) ? n.toInt() : n;
d[n1] = value;
d = d[n1];
d = d[n];
d[names[names.length -1]] = data;
isNumberString: function(string){
return string.toInt().toString() === string;
o2.ContractImporter.Row = new Class({
Extends: MWF.QImporter.Row,
checkCMS : function( notCheckName ){
var lp = this.lp;
var errorTextList = [];
var errorTextListExcel = [];
var contractSerial = this.data.contractSerial;
if( this.importer.options.type === "update" ){
if(!this.importer.dataBundleMap[this.data.contractSerial] ){
errorTextList.push(this.getCol("contractSerial", false) + '未在系统中找到合同编号为"'+ contractSerial +'"'+ "的合同档案" + lp.fullstop );
errorTextListExcel.push( this.getCol("contractSerial", false) + '未在系统中找到合同编号为"'+ contractSerial +'"'+ "的合同档案" + lp.fullstop );
if(this.importer.dataBundleMap[this.data.contractSerial] ){
errorTextList.push(this.getCol("contractSerial", false) + '系统中已经存在合同编号为"'+ contractSerial +'"'+ "的合同档案,不能重复导入" + lp.fullstop );
errorTextListExcel.push( this.getCol("contractSerial", false) + '系统中已经存在合同编号为"'+ contractSerial +'"'+ "的合同档案,不能重复导入" + lp.fullstop );
this.errorTextList = this.errorTextList.concat( errorTextList );
this.errorTextListExcel = this.errorTextListExcel.concat( errorTextListExcel );
if(errorTextList.length > 0){
return false;
return true;
o2.ContractImporter.ProgressBar = new Class({
Extends: MWF.QImporter.ProgressBar,
showUpdateImporting: function( statusData ){
if( !this.setedContentHtml ){
this.setedContentHtml = true;
this.currentDate = new Date();
var data = statusData;
this.status = data.status;
if( data.status === "待导入" ) { //有其他人正在导入或上次导入还未完成
}else if( data.status === "导入中" ){ //导入中
this.setMessageTitle( this.lp.importDataTitle );
this.setMessageText( this.lp.importDataContent.replace( "{count}", data.executeCount));
this.updateProgress( data );
}else{ //已经结束, 状态有 "导入成功","部分成功","导入失败"
this.transferComplete( data );
// this.setSize();
this.define("importFormExcel", function(app, view, options){
var importer = new o2.ContractImporter(this.form.getApp().content, {
"name" : view, //(String)必选,导入模型的名称、别名或ID
"application" : app //(String)必选,导入模型所在应用的名称、别名或ID
}, options, this.form.getApp(), this);
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