提交 bf26571a 编写于 作者: A Ansgar Burchardt

dak/clean_suites.py: update for multi-archive changes

上级 d0c59ca0
......@@ -69,47 +69,40 @@ def check_binaries(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
# Get the list of binary packages not in a suite and mark them for
# deletion.
q = session.execute("""
SELECT b.file, f.filename
FROM binaries b
LEFT JOIN files f
ON (b.file = f.id)
WHERE f.last_used IS NULL
(SELECT ba.bin FROM bin_associations ba)
(SELECT bqf.fileid FROM build_queue_files bqf)""")
for i in q.fetchall():
Logger.log(["set lastused", i[1]])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("UPDATE files SET last_used = :lastused WHERE id = :fileid AND last_used IS NULL",
{'lastused': now_date, 'fileid': i[0]})
if not Options["No-Action"]:
# Check for any binaries which are marked for eventual deletion
# but are now used again.
q = session.execute("""
SELECT b.file, f.filename
FROM binaries b
LEFT JOIN files f
ON (b.file = f.id)
WHERE f.last_used IS NOT NULL
AND (b.id IN
(SELECT ba.bin FROM bin_associations ba)
OR f.id IN
(SELECT bqf.fileid FROM build_queue_files bqf))""")
for i in q.fetchall():
Logger.log(["unset lastused", i[1]])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("UPDATE files SET last_used = NULL WHERE id = :fileid", {'fileid': i[0]})
if not Options["No-Action"]:
query = """
WITH usage AS (
af.archive_id AS archive_id,
af.file_id AS file_id,
af.component_id AS component_id,
BOOL_OR(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bin_associations ba
JOIN suite s ON ba.suite = s.id
WHERE ba.bin = b.id
AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id))
AS in_use
FROM files_archive_map af
JOIN binaries b ON af.file_id = b.file
GROUP BY af.archive_id, af.file_id, af.component_id
UPDATE files_archive_map af
SET last_used = CASE WHEN usage.in_use THEN NULL ELSE :last_used END
FROM usage, files f, archive
WHERE af.archive_id = usage.archive_id AND af.file_id = usage.file_id AND af.component_id = usage.component_id
AND ((af.last_used IS NULL AND NOT usage.in_use) OR (af.last_used IS NOT NULL AND usage.in_use))
AND af.file_id = f.id
AND af.archive_id = archive.id
RETURNING archive.name, f.filename, af.last_used IS NULL"""
res = session.execute(query, {'last_used': now_date})
for i in res:
op = "set lastused"
if i[2]:
op = "unset lastused"
Logger.log([op, i[0], i[1]])
......@@ -118,75 +111,62 @@ def check_sources(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
# Get the list of source packages not in a suite and not used by
# any binaries.
q = session.execute("""
SELECT s.id, s.file, f.filename
FROM source s
LEFT JOIN files f
ON (s.file = f.id)
WHERE f.last_used IS NULL
(SELECT sa.source FROM src_associations sa)
(SELECT b.source FROM binaries b)
AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT esr.src_id FROM extra_src_references esr)
(SELECT bqf.fileid FROM build_queue_files bqf)""")
#### XXX: this should ignore cases where the files for the binary b
#### have been marked for deletion (so the delay between bins go
#### byebye and sources go byebye is 0 instead of StayOfExecution)
for i in q.fetchall():
source_id = i[0]
dsc_file_id = i[1]
dsc_fname = i[2]
# Mark the .dsc file for deletion
Logger.log(["set lastused", dsc_fname])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("""UPDATE files SET last_used = :last_used
WHERE id = :dscfileid AND last_used IS NULL""",
{'last_used': now_date, 'dscfileid': dsc_file_id})
# Mark all other files references by .dsc too if they're not used by anyone else
x = session.execute("""SELECT f.id, f.filename FROM files f, dsc_files d
WHERE d.source = :sourceid AND d.file = f.id""",
{'sourceid': source_id})
for j in x.fetchall():
file_id = j[0]
file_name = j[1]
y = session.execute("SELECT id FROM dsc_files d WHERE d.file = :fileid", {'fileid': file_id})
if len(y.fetchall()) == 1:
Logger.log(["set lastused", file_name])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("""UPDATE files SET last_used = :lastused
WHERE id = :fileid AND last_used IS NULL""",
{'lastused': now_date, 'fileid': file_id})
if not Options["No-Action"]:
# Check for any sources which are marked for deletion but which
# are now used again.
q = session.execute("""
SELECT f.id, f.filename FROM source s, files f, dsc_files df
WHERE f.last_used IS NOT NULL AND s.id = df.source AND df.file = f.id
AND ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM src_associations sa WHERE sa.source = s.id))
OR (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM extra_src_references esr WHERE esr.src_id = s.id))
OR (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.source = s.id))
OR (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM build_queue_files bqf WHERE bqf.fileid = s.file)))""")
#### XXX: this should also handle deleted binaries specially (ie, not
#### reinstate sources because of them
for i in q.fetchall():
Logger.log(["unset lastused", i[1]])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("UPDATE files SET last_used = NULL WHERE id = :fileid",
{'fileid': i[0]})
# TODO: the UPDATE part is the same as in check_binaries. Merge?
query = """
WITH usage AS (
af.archive_id AS archive_id,
af.file_id AS file_id,
af.component_id AS component_id,
BOOL_OR(EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM src_associations sa
JOIN suite s ON sa.suite = s.id
WHERE sa.source = df.source
AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id)
OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af_bin
JOIN binaries b ON af_bin.file_id = b.file
WHERE b.source = df.source
AND af_bin.archive_id = af.archive_id)
OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM extra_src_references esr
JOIN bin_associations ba ON esr.bin_id = ba.bin
JOIN binaries b ON ba.bin = b.id
JOIN suite s ON ba.suite = s.id
WHERE esr.src_id = df.source
AND s.archive_id = af.archive_id))
AS in_use
FROM files_archive_map af
JOIN dsc_files df ON af.file_id = df.file
GROUP BY af.archive_id, af.file_id, af.component_id
if not Options["No-Action"]:
UPDATE files_archive_map af
SET last_used = CASE WHEN usage.in_use THEN NULL ELSE :last_used END
FROM usage, files f, archive
WHERE af.archive_id = usage.archive_id AND af.file_id = usage.file_id AND af.component_id = usage.component_id
AND ((af.last_used IS NULL AND NOT usage.in_use) OR (af.last_used IS NOT NULL AND usage.in_use))
AND af.file_id = f.id
AND af.archive_id = archive.id
RETURNING archive.name, f.filename, af.last_used IS NULL
res = session.execute(query, {'last_used': now_date})
for i in res:
op = "set lastused"
if i[2]:
op = "unset lastused"
Logger.log([op, i[0], i[1]])
......@@ -200,26 +180,22 @@ def check_files(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
print "Checking for unused files..."
q = session.execute("""
SELECT id, filename FROM files f
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.file = f.id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.file = f.id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM changes_pool_files cpf WHERE cpf.fileid = f.id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM build_queue_files qf WHERE qf.fileid = f.id)
AND last_used IS NULL
ORDER BY filename""")
ql = q.fetchall()
if len(ql) > 0:
utils.warn("check_files found something it shouldn't")
for x in ql:
utils.warn("orphaned file: %s" % x)
Logger.log(["set lastused", x[1], "ORPHANED FILE"])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("UPDATE files SET last_used = :lastused WHERE id = :fileid",
{'lastused': now_date, 'fileid': x[0]})
UPDATE files_archive_map af
SET last_used = :last_used
FROM files f, archive
WHERE af.file_id = f.id
AND af.archive_id = archive.id
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b WHERE b.file = af.file_id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.file = af.file_id)
AND af.last_used IS NULL
RETURNING archive.name, f.filename""", {'last_used': now_date})
for x in q:
utils.warn("orphaned file: {0}".format(x))
Logger.log(["set lastused", x[0], x[1], "ORPHANED FILE"])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
if not Options["No-Action"]:
def clean_binaries(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
# We do this here so that the binaries we remove will have their
......@@ -227,14 +203,19 @@ def clean_binaries(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
# XXX: why doesn't this remove the files here as well? I don't think it
# buys anything keeping this separate
print "Cleaning binaries from the DB..."
print "Deleting from binaries table... "
for bin in session.query(DBBinary).join(DBBinary.poolfile).filter(PoolFile.last_used <= delete_date):
Logger.log(["delete binary", bin.poolfile.filename])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
if not Options["No-Action"]:
q = session.execute("""
DELETE FROM binaries b
USING files f
WHERE f.id = b.file
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af
WHERE af.file_id = b.file
AND (af.last_used IS NULL OR af.last_used >= :delete_date))
RETURNING f.filename
""", {'delete_date': delete_date})
for b in q:
Logger.log(["delete binary", b[0]])
......@@ -262,31 +243,47 @@ def clean(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
# Delete from source
print "Deleting from source table... "
q = session.execute("""
SELECT s.id, f.filename FROM source s, files f
WHERE f.last_used <= :deletedate
AND s.file = f.id
AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT src_id FROM extra_src_references)""", {'deletedate': delete_date})
for s in q.fetchall():
Logger.log(["delete source", s[1], s[0]])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
session.execute("DELETE FROM dsc_files WHERE source = :s_id", {"s_id":s[0]})
session.execute("DELETE FROM source WHERE id = :s_id", {"s_id":s[0]})
deleted_sources AS (
USING files f
WHERE source.file = f.id
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af
WHERE af.file_id = source.file
AND (af.last_used IS NULL OR af.last_used >= :delete_date))
RETURNING source.id AS id, f.filename AS filename
deleted_dsc_files AS (
DELETE FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.source IN (SELECT id FROM deleted_sources)
RETURNING df.file AS file_id
now_unused_source_files AS (
UPDATE files_archive_map af
SET last_used = :delete_date -- Kill it now. We waited long enough before removing the .dsc.
WHERE af.file_id IN (SELECT file_id FROM deleted_dsc_files)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dsc_files df WHERE df.file = af.file_id)
SELECT filename FROM deleted_sources""",
{'delete_date': delete_date})
for s in q:
Logger.log(["delete source", s[0]])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
# Delete files from the pool
old_files = session.query(PoolFile).filter(PoolFile.last_used <= delete_date)
old_files = session.query(ArchiveFile).filter(ArchiveFile.last_used <= delete_date).join(Archive)
if max_delete is not None:
old_files = old_files.limit(max_delete)
print "Limiting removals to %d" % max_delete
for pf in old_files:
filename = os.path.join(pf.location.path, pf.filename)
for af in old_files:
filename = af.path
if not os.path.exists(filename):
utils.warn("can not find '%s'." % (filename))
Logger.log(["database referred to non-existing file", af.path])
Logger.log(["delete pool file", filename])
Logger.log(["delete archive file", filename])
if os.path.isfile(filename):
if os.path.islink(filename):
count += 1
......@@ -302,12 +299,16 @@ SELECT s.id, f.filename FROM source s, files f
if os.path.exists(dest_filename):
dest_filename = utils.find_next_free(dest_filename)
Logger.log(["move to morgue", filename, dest_filename])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
utils.move(filename, dest_filename)
if af.archive.use_morgue:
Logger.log(["move to morgue", filename, dest_filename])
utils.move(filename, dest_filename)
Logger.log(["removed file", filename])
if not Options["No-Action"]:
......@@ -317,6 +318,16 @@ SELECT s.id, f.filename FROM source s, files f
Logger.log(["total", count, utils.size_type(size)])
print "Cleaned %d files, %s." % (count, utils.size_type(size))
# Delete entries in files no longer referenced by any archive
query = """
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM files_archive_map af WHERE af.file_id = f.id)
if not Options["No-Action"]:
def clean_maintainers(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session):
......@@ -385,8 +396,7 @@ def clean_empty_directories(session):
count = 0
cursor = session.execute(
"SELECT DISTINCT(path) FROM location WHERE type = :type",
{'type': 'pool'},
"""SELECT DISTINCT(path) FROM archive"""
bases = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
......@@ -454,6 +464,8 @@ def main():
clean_fingerprints(now_date, delete_date, max_delete, session)
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