提交 b138ff4a 编写于 作者: L Luca Falavigna

cruft-report: propose removal of outdated non-free binaries

Signed-off-by: NLuca Falavigna <dktrkranz@debian.org>
上级 86121fc4
......@@ -506,6 +506,77 @@ def get_suite_binaries(suite, session):
def report_outdated_nonfree(suite, session):
packages = {}
query = """WITH outdated_sources AS (
SELECT s.source, s.version, s.id
FROM source s
JOIN src_associations sa ON sa.source = s.id
WHERE sa.suite IN (
FROM suite
WHERE suite_name = :suite )
AND sa.created < (now() - interval :delay)
EXCEPT SELECT s.source, max(s.version) AS version, max(s.id)
FROM source s
JOIN src_associations sa ON sa.source = s.id
WHERE sa.suite IN (
FROM suite
WHERE suite_name = :suite )
AND sa.created < (now() - interval :delay)
GROUP BY s.source ),
binaries AS (
SELECT b.package, s.source, (
SELECT a.arch_string
FROM architecture a
WHERE a.id = b.architecture ) AS arch
FROM binaries b
JOIN outdated_sources s ON s.id = b.source
JOIN bin_associations ba ON ba.bin = b.id
JOIN override o ON o.package = b.package AND o.suite = ba.suite
WHERE ba.suite IN (
FROM suite
WHERE suite_name = :suite )
AND o.component IN (
FROM component
WHERE name = 'non-free' ) )
SELECT DISTINCT package, source, arch
FROM binaries
ORDER BY source, package, arch"""
res = session.execute(query, {'suite': suite, 'delay': "'15 days'"})
for package in res:
binary = package[0]
source = package[1]
arch = package[2]
if arch == 'all':
if not source in packages:
packages[source] = {}
if not binary in packages[source]:
packages[source][binary] = set()
if packages:
title = 'Outdated non-free binaries in suite %s' % suite
message = '"[auto-cruft] outdated non-free binaries"'
print '%s\n%s\n' % (title, '-' * len(title))
for source in sorted(packages):
archs = set()
binaries = set()
print '* package %s has outdated non-free binaries' % source
print ' - suggested command:'
for binary in sorted(packages[source]):
archs = archs.union(packages[source][binary])
print ' dak rm -m %s -s %s -a %s -p -R -b %s\n' % \
(message, suite, ','.join(archs), ' '.join(binaries))
def main ():
global suite, suite_id, source_binaries, source_versions
......@@ -535,9 +606,9 @@ def main ():
# Set up checks based on mode
if Options["Mode"] == "daily":
checks = [ "nbs", "nviu", "nvit", "obsolete source", "nfu" ]
checks = [ "nbs", "nviu", "nvit", "obsolete source", "outdated non-free", "nfu" ]
elif Options["Mode"] == "full":
checks = [ "nbs", "nviu", "nvit", "obsolete source", "nfu", "dubious nbs", "bnb", "bms", "anais" ]
checks = [ "nbs", "nviu", "nvit", "obsolete source", "outdated non-free", "nfu", "dubious nbs", "bnb", "bms", "anais" ]
elif Options["Mode"] == "bdo":
checks = [ "nbs", "obsolete source" ]
......@@ -570,6 +641,9 @@ def main ():
if "nbs" in checks:
reportAllNBS(suite_name, suite_id, session)
if "outdated non-free" in checks:
report_outdated_nonfree(suite_name, session)
bin_not_built = {}
if "bnb" in checks:
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