提交 8ed0b27e 编写于 作者: J Joerg Jaspert


Added script from thomas
Signed-off-by: NJoerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
上级 be23f99a
2008-12-16 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
* tools/logs.py: Added script from Thomas.
2008-12-15 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
* config/debian/cron.hourly: Call the removals.pl
# (c) 2008 Thomas Viehmann
# Free software licensed under the GPL version 2 or later
import os,re,datetime, sys
import tempfile, time
CACHE_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),'time_cache')
GRAPH_DIR = '/home/tviehmann/public_html/stat'
LINE = re.compile(r'(?:|.*/)dinstall_(\d{4})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{2})-(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.log\.bz2:'+
r'Archive maintenance timestamp \d+ \(([^\)]*)\): (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$')
UNSAFE = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z/\._:0-9\- ]')
graphs = {"dinstall1": {"keystolist":["pg_dump1", "i18n 1", "accepted", "make-suite-file-list", "apt-ftparchive",
"pdiff", "release files", "w-b", "i18n 2", "apt-ftparchive cleanup"],
"dinstall2": {"keystolist":['External Updates', 'p-u-new', 'o-p-u-new', 'cruft', 'import-keyring', 'overrides', 'cleanup', 'scripts', 'mirror hardlinks', 'stats', 'compress'],
#'mirror hardlinks', 'apt-ftparchive', 'logremove', 'startup', 'import-keyring', 'release files', 'accepted', 'stats', 'o-p-u-new', 'i18n 2', 'locked part finished', 'i18n 1', 'cruft', 'pdiff', 'init', 'cleanup', , 'p-u-new', 'run-parts', 'compress', 'scripts', 'expire_dumps', 'removed', 'make-suite-file-list', 'pg_dump1', 'pg_dump2', 'overrides', 'reports', 'merkel projectb push', 'buildd', 'apt-ftparchive cleanup', 'w-b'
wantkeys = set()
for tmp in graphs.values():
wantkeys |= set(tmp["keystolist"])
d = {}
kl = []
ks = set()
if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE):
for l in open(CACHE_FILE):
dt, l = l.split('\t',1)
l = map(lambda x: (lambda y: (y[0],float(y[1])))(x.split(':',1)), l.split('\t'))
newk = [x[0] for x in l if x[0] not in ks]
kl += newk
ks |= set(newk)
d[dt] = dict(l)
olddt = None
args = sys.argv[1:]
m = UNSAFE.search(' '.join(args))
if m:
raise Exception("I don't like command line arguments including char '%s'"%m.group(0))
if args:
for l in os.popen('bzgrep -H "Archive maintenance timestamp" "'+'" "'.join(args)+'"'):
m = LINE.match(l)
if not m:
raise Exception("woops '%s'"%l)
g = map(lambda x: (not x.isdigit() and x) or int(x), m.groups())
dt = datetime.datetime(*g[:6])
if olddt != dt:
oldsecs = 0
olddt = dt
dt2 = datetime.datetime(*(g[:3]+g[-3:]))
secs = (dt2-dt).seconds
assert secs >= 0 # should add 24*60*60
k = g[6]
d.setdefault(str(dt),{})[k] = (secs-oldsecs)/60.0
oldsecs = secs
if k not in ks:
if (wantkeys-ks):
print >> sys.stderr, "warning, requested keys not found in any log: "+' '.join(wantkeys-ks)
datakeys = d.keys()
datakeys = datakeys[-ITEMS_TO_KEEP:]
f = open(CACHE_FILE+".tmp","w")
for dk in datakeys:
print >> f, dk+'\t'+'\t'.join(
["%s:%s"%(k,str(d[dk][k])) for k in kl if k in d[dk]])
os.rename(CACHE_FILE+".tmp", CACHE_FILE)
def dump_file(outfn,keystolist, showothers):
showothers = (showothers and 1) or 0
# careful, outfn is NOT ESCAPED
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
otherkeys = ks-set(keystolist)
print >>f, '\t'.join(keystolist+showothers*['other'])
for k in datakeys:
v = d[k]
others = sum(map(lambda x: v.get(x,0),otherkeys))
print >>f, k+'\t'+'\t'.join(map(lambda x: str(v.get(x,0)), keystolist)+showothers*[str(others)])
n = f.name
p = os.popen("R --vanilla --slave > /dev/null","w")
d = read.table("%(datafile)s", sep = "\t")
#d[["ts"]] <- as.POSIXct(d[["timestamp"]])
k = setdiff(names(d),c("ts","timestamp"))
palette(c("midnightblue", "gold", "turquoise", "cyan", "black", "red", "OrangeRed", "green3", "blue",
"magenta", "tomato4",
"violetred2","thistle4", "steelblue2", "springgreen4",
bitmap(file = "%(outfile)s", type="png16m",width=16.9,height=11.8)
barplot(t(d[,k]), col=palette(), xlab="date",ylab="time/minutes"
par(xpd = TRUE)
ncol=3,fill=1:15) #,xjust=1,yjust=1)
text(xinch(10),par("usr")[4]+yinch(.5),"%(title)s", cex=2)
'title':((not showothers)*"partial ")+"dinstall times"})
assert not p.close()
for afn,params in graphs.items():
dump_file(os.path.join(GRAPH_DIR,afn+'.png'), **params)
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