提交 564395db 编写于 作者: M Mike O'Connor

Merge branch 'master' into categorize-bts

......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def check_signed_by_key(oldfn):
if changes["source"] == "dpkg":
fpr = changes["fingerprint"]
(uid, uid_name) = dak_module.lookup_uid_from_fingerprint(fpr)
(uid, uid_name, is_dm) = dak_module.lookup_uid_from_fingerprint(fpr)
if fpr == "5906F687BD03ACAD0D8E602EFCF37657" or uid == "iwj":
reject("Upload blocked due to hijack attempt 2008/03/19")
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ def validate_sources(suite, component):
filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/source/Sources.gz" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component)
print "Processing %s..." % (filename)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
sys.stderr.write("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output))
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ def validate_packages(suite, component, architecture):
% (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component, architecture)
print "Processing %s..." % (filename)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
sys.stderr.write("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output))
......@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ SELECT s.source, s.version AS experimental, s2.version AS unstable
FROM src_associations sa, source s, source s2, src_associations sa2
WHERE sa.suite = %s AND sa2.suite = %d AND sa.source = s.id
AND sa2.source = s2.id AND s.source = s2.source
AND versioncmp(s.version, s2.version) < 0""" % (experimental_id,
AND s.version < s2.version""" % (experimental_id,
ql = q.getresult()
if ql:
nviu_to_remove = []
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ def main ():
for component in components:
filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/source/Sources.gz" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
sys.stderr.write("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output))
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ def main ():
for architecture in architectures:
filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suite, component, architecture)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
sys.stderr.write("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output))
......@@ -152,8 +152,6 @@ def init():
"Generates Maintainers file for BTS etc"),
"Generates override files"),
"Split the pool/ by architecture groups"),
"Move packages from dists/ to pool/"),
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
# Debian Archive Kit Database Update Script
# Copyright © 2008 Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2008 Roger Leigh <rleigh@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import psycopg2, time
def do_update(self):
print "Note: to be able to enable the the PL/Perl (plperl) procedural language, we do"
print "need postgresql-plperl-$postgres-version installed. Make sure that this is the"
print "case before you continue. Interrupt if it isn't, sleeping 5 seconds now."
print "(We need to be database superuser for this to work!)"
time.sleep (5)
c = self.db.cursor()
print "Enabling PL/Perl language"
c.execute("CREATE LANGUAGE plperl;")
c.execute("CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql;")
print "Adding debversion type to database."
# Not present in all databases, maybe PL/Perl version-dependent?
# c.execute("SET SESSION plperl.use_strict TO 't';")
c.execute("CREATE DOMAIN debversion AS TEXT;")
c.execute("COMMENT ON DOMAIN debversion IS 'Debian package version number';")
c.execute("""ALTER DOMAIN debversion
ADD CONSTRAINT debversion_syntax
CHECK (VALUE !~ '[^-+:.0-9a-zA-Z~]');""")
# From Dpkg::Version::parseversion
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_split (debversion)
RETURNS text[] AS $$
my $ver = shift;
my %verhash;
if ($ver =~ /:/)
$ver =~ /^(\d+):(.+)/ or die "bad version number '$ver'";
$verhash{epoch} = $1;
$ver = $2;
$verhash{epoch} = 0;
if ($ver =~ /(.+)-(.*)$/)
$verhash{version} = $1;
$verhash{revision} = $2;
$verhash{version} = $ver;
$verhash{revision} = 0;
return [$verhash{'epoch'}, $verhash{'version'}, $verhash{'revision'}];
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_split (debversion)
IS 'Split debian version into epoch, upstream version and revision';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_epoch (version debversion)
RETURNS text AS $$
split text[];
split := debversion_split(version);
RETURN split[1];
LANGUAGE plpgsql
COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_epoch (debversion)
IS 'Get debian version epoch';
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_version (version debversion)
RETURNS text AS $$
split text[];
split := debversion_split(version);
RETURN split[2];
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_version (debversion)
IS 'Get debian version upstream version';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_revision (version debversion)
RETURNS text AS $$
split text[];
split := debversion_split(version);
RETURN split[3];
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_revision (debversion)
IS 'Get debian version revision';""")
# From Dpkg::Version::parseversion
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_compare_single (version1 text, version2 text)
RETURNS integer AS $$
sub order{
my ($x) = @_;
##define order(x) ((x) == '~' ? -1 \
# : cisdigit((x)) ? 0 \
# : !(x) ? 0 \
# : cisalpha((x)) ? (x) \
# : (x) + 256)
# This comparison is out of dpkg's order to avoid
# comparing things to undef and triggering warnings.
if (not defined $x or not length $x) {
return 0;
elsif ($x eq '~') {
return -1;
elsif ($x =~ /^\d$/) {
return 0;
elsif ($x =~ /^[A-Z]$/i) {
return ord($x);
else {
return ord($x) + 256;
sub next_elem(\@){
my $a = shift;
return @{$a} ? shift @{$a} : undef;
my ($val, $ref) = @_;
$val = "" if not defined $val;
$ref = "" if not defined $ref;
my @val = split //,$val;
my @ref = split //,$ref;
my $vc = next_elem @val;
my $rc = next_elem @ref;
while (defined $vc or defined $rc) {
my $first_diff = 0;
while ((defined $vc and $vc !~ /^\d$/) or
(defined $rc and $rc !~ /^\d$/)) {
my $vo = order($vc); my $ro = order($rc);
# Unlike dpkg's verrevcmp, we only return 1 or -1 here.
return (($vo - $ro > 0) ? 1 : -1) if $vo != $ro;
$vc = next_elem @val; $rc = next_elem @ref;
while (defined $vc and $vc eq '0') {
$vc = next_elem @val;
while (defined $rc and $rc eq '0') {
$rc = next_elem @ref;
while (defined $vc and $vc =~ /^\d$/ and
defined $rc and $rc =~ /^\d$/) {
$first_diff = ord($vc) - ord($rc) if !$first_diff;
$vc = next_elem @val; $rc = next_elem @ref;
return 1 if defined $vc and $vc =~ /^\d$/;
return -1 if defined $rc and $rc =~ /^\d$/;
return (($first_diff > 0) ? 1 : -1) if $first_diff;
return 0;
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_compare_single (text, text)
IS 'Compare upstream or revision parts of Debian versions';""")
# Logic only derived from Dpkg::Version::parseversion
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_compare (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS integer AS $$
split1 text[];
split2 text[];
result integer;
result := 0;
split1 := debversion_split(version1);
split2 := debversion_split(version2);
-- RAISE NOTICE 'Version 1: %', version1;
-- RAISE NOTICE 'Version 2: %', version2;
-- RAISE NOTICE 'Split 1: %', split1;
-- RAISE NOTICE 'Split 2: %', split2;
IF split1[1] > split2[1] THEN
result := 1;
ELSIF split1[1] < split2[1] THEN
result := -1;
result := debversion_compare_single(split1[2], split2[2]);
IF result = 0 THEN
result := debversion_compare_single(split1[3], split2[3]);
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_compare (debversion, debversion)
IS 'Compare Debian versions';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_eq (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp = 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_eq (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_ne (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp <> 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_ne (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion not equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_lt (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp < 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_lt (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion less-than';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_gt (version1 debversion, version2 debversion) RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp > 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_gt (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion greater-than';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_le (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp <= 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_le (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion less-than-or-equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION debversion_ge (version1 debversion, version2 debversion)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
comp integer;
result boolean;
comp := debversion_compare(version1, version2);
result := comp >= 0;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
c.execute("""COMMENT ON FUNCTION debversion_ge (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion greater-than-or-equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR = (
PROCEDURE = debversion_eq,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = !=);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR = (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR != (
PROCEDURE = debversion_eq,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = =);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR != (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion not equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR < (
PROCEDURE = debversion_lt,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = >=);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR < (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion less-than';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR > (
PROCEDURE = debversion_gt,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = >=);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR > (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion greater-than';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR <= (
PROCEDURE = debversion_le,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = >);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR <= (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion less-than-or-equal';""")
c.execute("""CREATE OPERATOR >= (
PROCEDURE = debversion_ge,
LEFTARG = debversion,
RIGHTARG = debversion,
NEGATOR = <);""")
c.execute("""COMMENT ON OPERATOR >= (debversion, debversion)
IS 'debversion greater-than-or-equal';""")
c.execute("ALTER TABLE source ALTER COLUMN version TYPE debversion;")
c.execute("ALTER TABLE binaries ALTER COLUMN version TYPE debversion;")
c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '2' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
print "FATAL: Unable to apply debversion table update 2!"
print "Error Message: " + str(msg)
print "Database changes have been rolled back."
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Debian Archive Kit Database Update Script
# Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Casadevall <mcasadevall@debian.org>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import psycopg2, time
def do_update(self):
print "Removing no longer used function versioncmp"
c = self.db.cursor()
c.execute("DROP FUNCTION versioncmp(text, text);")
c.execute("UPDATE config SET value = '3' WHERE name = 'db_revision'")
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
print "FATAL: Unable to apply db update 3!"
print "Error Message: " + str(msg)
print "Database changes have been rolled back."
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ def read_control (filename):
return (control, control_keys, section, depends, recommends, arch, maintainer)
def read_changes_or_dsc (filename):
def read_changes_or_dsc (suite, filename):
dsc = {}
dsc_file = utils.open_file(filename)
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def read_changes_or_dsc (filename):
for k in dsc.keys():
if k in ("build-depends","build-depends-indep"):
dsc[k] = create_depends_string(split_depends(dsc[k]))
dsc[k] = create_depends_string(suite, split_depends(dsc[k]))
elif k == "architecture":
if (dsc["architecture"] != "any"):
dsc['architecture'] = colour_output(dsc["architecture"], 'arch')
......@@ -307,10 +307,13 @@ def read_changes_or_dsc (filename):
filecontents = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: format_field(x,dsc[x.lower()]), keysinorder))+'\n'
return filecontents
def create_depends_string (depends_tree):
# just look up unstable for now. possibly pull from .changes later
suite = "unstable"
def create_depends_string (suite, depends_tree):
result = ""
if suite == 'experimental':
suite_where = " in ('experimental','unstable')"
suite_where = " ='%s'" % suite
comma_count = 1
for l in depends_tree:
if (comma_count >= 2):
......@@ -321,7 +324,7 @@ def create_depends_string (depends_tree):
result += " | "
# doesn't do version lookup yet.
q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT(b.package), b.version, c.name, su.suite_name FROM binaries b, files fi, location l, component c, bin_associations ba, suite su WHERE b.package='%s' AND b.file = fi.id AND fi.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id AND ba.bin=b.id AND ba.suite = su.id AND su.suite_name='%s' ORDER BY b.version desc" % (d['name'], suite))
q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT(b.package), b.version, c.name, su.suite_name FROM binaries b, files fi, location l, component c, bin_associations ba, suite su WHERE b.package='%s' AND b.file = fi.id AND fi.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id AND ba.bin=b.id AND ba.suite = su.id AND su.suite_name %s ORDER BY b.version desc" % (d['name'], suite_where))
ql = q.getresult()
if ql:
i = ql[0]
......@@ -345,7 +348,7 @@ def create_depends_string (depends_tree):
comma_count += 1
return result
def output_deb_info(filename):
def output_deb_info(suite, filename):
(control, control_keys, section, depends, recommends, arch, maintainer) = read_control(filename)
if control == '':
......@@ -353,9 +356,9 @@ def output_deb_info(filename):
to_print = ""
for key in control_keys :
if key == 'Depends':
field_value = create_depends_string(depends)
field_value = create_depends_string(suite, depends)
elif key == 'Recommends':
field_value = create_depends_string(recommends)
field_value = create_depends_string(suite, recommends)
elif key == 'Section':
field_value = section
elif key == 'Architecture':
......@@ -411,12 +414,12 @@ def get_copyright (deb_filename):
printed_copyrights[copyrightmd5] = "%s (%s)" % (package, deb_filename)
return res+formatted_text(cright)
def check_dsc (dsc_filename):
(dsc) = read_changes_or_dsc(dsc_filename)
def check_dsc (suite, dsc_filename):
(dsc) = read_changes_or_dsc(suite, dsc_filename)
foldable_output(dsc_filename, "dsc", dsc, norow=True)
foldable_output("lintian check for %s" % dsc_filename, "source-lintian", do_lintian(dsc_filename))
def check_deb (deb_filename):
def check_deb (suite, deb_filename):
filename = os.path.basename(deb_filename)
packagename = filename.split('_')[0]
......@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ def check_deb (deb_filename):
foldable_output("control file for %s" % (filename), "binary-%s-control"%packagename,
output_deb_info(deb_filename), norow=True)
output_deb_info(suite, deb_filename), norow=True)
if is_a_udeb:
foldable_output("skipping lintian check for udeb", "binary-%s-lintian"%packagename,
......@@ -452,11 +455,11 @@ def check_deb (deb_filename):
# Read a file, strip the signature and return the modified contents as
# a string.
def strip_pgp_signature (filename):
file = utils.open_file (filename)
inputfile = utils.open_file (filename)
contents = ""
inside_signature = 0
skip_next = 0
for line in file.readlines():
for line in inputfile.readlines():
if line[:-1] == "":
if inside_signature:
......@@ -474,23 +477,23 @@ def strip_pgp_signature (filename):
inside_signature = 0
contents += line
return contents
def display_changes(changes_filename):
changes = read_changes_or_dsc(changes_filename)
def display_changes(suite, changes_filename):
changes = read_changes_or_dsc(suite, changes_filename)
foldable_output(changes_filename, "changes", changes, norow=True)
def check_changes (changes_filename):
changes = utils.parse_changes (changes_filename)
display_changes(changes['distribution'], changes_filename)
files = utils.build_file_list(changes)
for f in files.keys():
if f.endswith(".deb") or f.endswith(".udeb"):
check_deb(changes['distribution'], f)
if f.endswith(".dsc"):
check_dsc(changes['distribution'], f)
# else: => byhand
def main ():
......@@ -524,9 +527,11 @@ def main ():
if f.endswith(".changes"):
elif f.endswith(".deb") or f.endswith(".udeb"):
# default to unstable when we don't have a .changes file
# perhaps this should be a command line option?
check_deb('unstable', file)
elif f.endswith(".dsc"):
check_dsc('unstable', f)
utils.fubar("Unrecognised file type: '%s'." % (f))
......@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@
import sys, os, tempfile
import sys
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
import time
import apt_pkg
from daklib import utils
......@@ -231,18 +235,7 @@ def genchanges(Options, outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs = 14):
if upd.filesizesha1:
if upd.filesizesha1 != oldsizesha1:
print "warning: old file seems to have changed! %s %s => %s %s" % (upd.filesizesha1 + oldsizesha1)
# XXX this should be usable now
#for d in upd.history.keys():
# df = smartopen("%s/%s" % (outdir,d))
# act_sha1size = sizesha1(df)
# df.close()
# exp_sha1size = upd.history[d][1]
# if act_sha1size != exp_sha1size:
# print "patch file %s seems to have changed! %s %s => %s %s" % \
# (d,) + exp_sha1size + act_sha1size
print "info: old file " + oldfile + " changed! %s %s => %s %s" % (upd.filesizesha1 + oldsizesha1)
if Options.has_key("CanonicalPath"): upd.can_path=Options["CanonicalPath"]
......@@ -257,9 +250,14 @@ def genchanges(Options, outdir, oldfile, origfile, maxdiffs = 14):
print "%s: unchanged" % (origfile)
if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir)
w = os.popen("diff --ed - %s | gzip -c -9 > %s.gz" %
(newfile, difffile), "w")
if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
cmd = "diff --ed - %s | gzip -c -9 > %s.gz" % (newfile, difffile)
# Do we need shell=True?
w = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE).stdin
# I bet subprocess can do that better than this, but lets do little steps
pipe_file(oldf, w)
......@@ -306,10 +304,7 @@ def main():
if not Options.has_key("PatchName"):
format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M.%S"
i,o = os.popen2("date +%s" % (format))
Options["PatchName"] = o.readline()[:-1]
Options["PatchName"] = time.strftime( format )
AptCnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration()
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
import sys, os, popen2, tempfile, stat, time, pg
import sys, os, stat, time, pg
import gzip, bz2
import apt_pkg
from daklib import utils
from daklib.dak_exceptions import *
......@@ -77,43 +78,38 @@ def compressnames (tree,type,file):
result.append(file + ".bz2")
return result
def create_temp_file (cmd):
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
r = popen2.popen2(cmd)
r = r[0]
size = 0
while 1:
x = r.readline()
if not x:
del x,r
size += len(x)
return (size, f)
decompressors = { 'zcat' : gzip.GzipFile,
'bzip2' : bz2.BZ2File }
def print_md5sha_files (tree, files, hashop):
path = Cnf["Dir::Root"] + tree + "/"
for name in files:
hashvalue = ""
hashlen = 0
if name[0] == "<":
j = name.index("/")
k = name.index(">")
(cat, ext, name) = (name[1:j], name[j+1:k], name[k+1:])
(size, file_handle) = create_temp_file("%s %s%s%s" %
(cat, path, name, ext))
file_handle = decompressors[ cat ]( "%s%s%s" % (path, name, ext) )
contents = file_handle.read()
hashvalue = hashop(contents)
hashlen = len(contents)
size = os.stat(path + name)[stat.ST_SIZE]
file_handle = utils.open_file(path + name)
file_handle = utils.open_file(path + name)
hashvalue = hashop(file_handle)
hashlen = os.stat(path + name).st_size
if file_handle:
except CantOpenError:
print "ALERT: Couldn't open " + path + name
hash = hashop(file_handle)
out.write(" %s %8d %s\n" % (hash, size, name))
out.write(" %s %8d %s\n" % (hashvalue, hashlen, name))
def print_md5_files (tree, files):
print_md5sha_files (tree, files, apt_pkg.md5sum)
......@@ -239,8 +235,8 @@ def main ():
for arch in AptCnf["tree::%s::Architectures" % (tree)].split():
if arch == "source":
filepath = "%s/%s/Sources" % (sec, arch)
for file in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Sources", filepath):
for cfile in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Sources", filepath):
add_tiffani(files, Cnf["Dir::Root"] + tree, filepath)
disks = "%s/disks-%s" % (sec, arch)
......@@ -251,8 +247,8 @@ def main ():
files.append("%s/%s/md5sum.txt" % (disks, dir))
filepath = "%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (sec, arch)
for file in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Packages", filepath):
for cfile in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Packages", filepath):
add_tiffani(files, Cnf["Dir::Root"] + tree, filepath)
if arch == "source":
......@@ -294,10 +290,10 @@ def main ():
for arch in AptCnf["tree::%s/%s::Architectures" % (tree,dis)].split():
if arch != "source": # always true
for file in compressnames("tree::%s/%s" % (tree,dis),
for cfile in compressnames("tree::%s/%s" % (tree,dis),
"%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (dis, sec, arch)):
elif AptCnf.has_key("tree::%s::FakeDI" % (tree)):
usetree = AptCnf["tree::%s::FakeDI" % (tree)]
sec = AptCnf["tree::%s/main::Sections" % (usetree)].split()[0]
......@@ -306,14 +302,14 @@ def main ():
for arch in AptCnf["tree::%s/main::Architectures" % (usetree)].split():
if arch != "source": # always true
for file in compressnames("tree::%s/main" % (usetree), "Packages", "main/%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (sec, arch)):
for cfile in compressnames("tree::%s/main" % (usetree), "Packages", "main/%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (sec, arch)):
elif AptCnf.has_key("bindirectory::%s" % (tree)):
for file in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Packages", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Packages" % (tree)]):
for file in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Sources", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Sources" % (tree)]):
for cfile in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Packages", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Packages" % (tree)]):
for cfile in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Sources", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Sources" % (tree)]):
print "ALERT: no tree/bindirectory for %s" % (tree)
......@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ def process_packages (filename, suite, component, archive):
def do_sources(sources, suite, component, server):
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (sources, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s" % (output), result)
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ def get_uid_info():
byname = {}
byid = {}
q = projectB.query("SELECT id, uid, name FROM uid")
for (id, uid, name) in q.getresult():
byname[uid] = (id, name)
byid[id] = (uid, name)
for (keyid, uid, name) in q.getresult():
byname[uid] = (keyid, name)
byid[keyid] = (uid, name)
return (byname, byid)
def get_fingerprint_info():
......@@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ class Keyring:
uid = entry["uid"][0]
name = get_ldap_name(entry)
fingerprints = entry["keyFingerPrint"]
id = None
keyid = None
for f in fingerprints:
key = fpr_lookup.get(f, None)
if key not in keys: continue
keys[key]["uid"] = uid
if id != None: continue
id = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[id] = (uid, name)
byname[uid] = (id, name)
if keyid != None: continue
keyid = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[keyid] = (uid, name)
byname[uid] = (keyid, name)
return (byname, byuid)
......@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ class Keyring:
keys[x]["uid"] = format % "invalid-uid"
uid = format % keys[x]["email"]
id = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[id] = (uid, keys[x]["name"])
byname[uid] = (id, keys[x]["name"])
keyid = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[keyid] = (uid, keys[x]["name"])
byname[uid] = (keyid, keys[x]["name"])
keys[x]["uid"] = uid
if any_invalid:
uid = format % "invalid-uid"
id = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[id] = (uid, "ungeneratable user id")
byname[uid] = (id, "ungeneratable user id")
keyid = database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
byuid[keyid] = (uid, "ungeneratable user id")
byname[uid] = (keyid, "ungeneratable user id")
return (byname, byuid)
......@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ def main():
(db_uid_byname, db_uid_byid) = get_uid_info()
### Update full names of applicable users
for id in desuid_byid.keys():
uid = (id, desuid_byid[id][0])
name = desuid_byid[id][1]
oname = db_uid_byid[id][1]
for keyid in desuid_byid.keys():
uid = (keyid, desuid_byid[keyid][0])
name = desuid_byid[keyid][1]
oname = db_uid_byid[keyid][1]
if name and oname != name:
changes.append((uid[1], "Full name: %s" % (name)))
projectB.query("UPDATE uid SET name = '%s' WHERE id = %s" %
(pg.escape_string(name), id))
(pg.escape_string(name), keyid))
# The fingerprint table (fpr) points to a uid and a keyring.
# If the uid is being decided here (ldap/generate) we set it to it.
......@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ def main():
fpr = {}
for z in keyring.keys.keys():
id = db_uid_byname.get(keyring.keys[z].get("uid", None), [None])[0]
if id == None:
id = db_fin_info.get(keyring.keys[z]["fingerprints"][0], [None])[0]
keyid = db_uid_byname.get(keyring.keys[z].get("uid", None), [None])[0]
if keyid == None:
keyid = db_fin_info.get(keyring.keys[z]["fingerprints"][0], [None])[0]
for y in keyring.keys[z]["fingerprints"]:
fpr[y] = (id,keyring_id)
fpr[y] = (keyid,keyring_id)
# For any keys that used to be in this keyring, disassociate them.
# We don't change the uid, leaving that for historical info; if
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ SELECT f.fingerprint, f.id, u.uid FROM fingerprint f, uid u WHERE f.uid = u.id
print "Assigning %s to 0x%s." % (uid, fingerprint)
elif existing_uid == uid:
elif '@' not in existing_ui:
elif '@' not in existing_uid:
q = projectB.query("UPDATE fingerprint SET uid = %s WHERE id = %s" % (uid_id, fingerprint_id))
print "Promoting DM %s to DD %s with keyid 0x%s." % (existing_uid, uid, fingerprint)
......@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ def main():
# Process any additional Maintainer files (e.g. from pseudo packages)
for filename in extra_files:
file = utils.open_file(filename)
for line in file.readlines():
extrafile = utils.open_file(filename)
for line in extrafile.readlines():
line = utils.re_comments.sub('', line).strip()
if line == "":
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def main():
if not packages.has_key(package) or version == '*' \
or apt_pkg.VersionCompare(packages[package]["version"], version) < 0:
packages[package] = { "maintainer": maintainer, "version": version }
package_keys = packages.keys()
......@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ def main ():
override_suite = Cnf["Suite::%s::OverrideCodeName" % (suite)]
for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
if component == "mixed":
continue; # Ick
continue # Ick
for otype in Cnf.ValueList("OverrideType"):
if otype == "deb":
suffix = ""
elif otype == "udeb":
if component == "contrib":
continue; # Ick2
continue # Ick2
suffix = ".debian-installer"
elif otype == "dsc":
suffix = ".src"
......@@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ def write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, list, packages, dislocated_files):
output = utils.open_file(filename, "w")
# Generate the final list of files
files = {}
for id in list:
path = packages[id]["path"]
filename = packages[id]["filename"]
file_id = packages[id]["file_id"]
for fileid in list:
path = packages[fileid]["path"]
filename = packages[fileid]["filename"]
file_id = packages[fileid]["file_id"]
if suite == "stable" and dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
filename = dislocated_files[file_id]
......@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ def write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, list, packages, dislocated_files):
keys = files.keys()
# Write the list of files out
for file in keys:
for outfile in keys:
......@@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ def write_filelist(suite, component, arch, type, list, packages, dislocated_file
output = utils.open_file(filename, "w")
# Generate the final list of files
files = {}
for id in list:
path = packages[id]["path"]
filename = packages[id]["filename"]
file_id = packages[id]["file_id"]
pkg = packages[id]["pkg"]
for fileid in list:
path = packages[fileid]["path"]
filename = packages[fileid]["filename"]
file_id = packages[fileid]["file_id"]
pkg = packages[fileid]["pkg"]
if suite == "stable" and dislocated_files.has_key(file_id):
filename = dislocated_files[file_id]
......@@ -264,12 +264,12 @@ def write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files):
suite = packages[unique_id]["suite"]
component = packages[unique_id]["component"]
arch = packages[unique_id]["arch"]
type = packages[unique_id]["type"]
packagetype = packages[unique_id]["type"]
d.setdefault(suite, {})
d[suite].setdefault(component, {})
d[suite][component].setdefault(arch, {})
d[suite][component][arch].setdefault(type, [])
d[suite][component][arch].setdefault(packagetype, [])
# Flesh out the index
if not Options["Suite"]:
suites = Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List()
......@@ -282,7 +282,6 @@ def write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files):
components = utils.split_args(Options["Component"])
udeb_components = Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::UdebComponents" % (suite))
udeb_components = udeb_components
for component in components:
d[suite].setdefault(component, {})
if component in udeb_components:
......@@ -299,8 +298,8 @@ def write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files):
types = [ "dsc" ]
types = binary_types
for type in types:
d[suite][component][arch].setdefault(type, [])
for packagetype in types:
d[suite][component][arch].setdefault(packagetype, [])
# Then walk it
for suite in d.keys():
if Cnf.has_key("Suite::%s::Components" % (suite)):
......@@ -308,25 +307,25 @@ def write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files):
for arch in d[suite][component].keys():
if arch == "all":
for type in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
list = d[suite][component][arch][type]
for packagetype in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
filelist = d[suite][component][arch][packagetype]
# If it's a binary, we need to add in the arch: all debs too
if arch != "source":
archall_suite = Cnf.get("Make-Suite-File-List::ArchAllMap::%s" % (suite))
if archall_suite:
elif d[suite][component].has_key("all") and \
write_filelist(suite, component, arch, type, list,
write_filelist(suite, component, arch, packagetype, filelist,
packages, dislocated_files)
else: # legacy-mixed suite
list = []
filelist = []
for component in d[suite].keys():
for arch in d[suite][component].keys():
for type in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, list, packages, dislocated_files)
for packagetype in d[suite][component][arch].keys():
write_legacy_mixed_filelist(suite, filelist, packages, dislocated_files)
......@@ -369,13 +368,13 @@ SELECT s.id, s.source, 'source', s.version, l.path, f.filename, c.name, f.id,
packages = {}
unique_id = 0
for i in ql:
(id, pkg, arch, version, path, filename, component, file_id, suite, type) = i
(sourceid, pkg, arch, version, path, filename, component, file_id, suite, filetype) = i
# 'id' comes from either 'binaries' or 'source', so it's not unique
unique_id += 1
packages[unique_id] = Dict(id=id, pkg=pkg, arch=arch, version=version,
packages[unique_id] = Dict(sourceid=sourceid, pkg=pkg, arch=arch, version=version,
path=path, filename=filename,
component=component, file_id=file_id,
suite=suite, type = type)
suite=suite, filetype = filetype)
write_filelists(packages, dislocated_files)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Prepare and maintain partial trees by architecture
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Daniel Silverstone <dsilvers@digital-scurf.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
## <kinnison> So Martin, do you have a quote for me yet?
## <tbm> Make something damned stupid up and attribute it to me, that's okay
import sys
import apt_pkg
from stat import S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK, S_ISREG
import os
import cPickle
import daklib.utils
## Master path is the main repository
#MASTER_PATH = "/org/ftp.debian.org/scratch/dsilvers/master"
MASTER_PATH = "***Configure Mirror-Split::FTPPath Please***"
TREE_ROOT = "***Configure Mirror-Split::TreeRootPath Please***"
TREE_DB_ROOT = "***Configure Mirror-Split::TreeDatabasePath Please***"
trees = []
Cnf = None
# A MirrorSplitTarget is a representation of a target. It is a set of archs, a path
# and whether or not the target includes source.
class MirrorSplitTarget:
def __init__(self, name, archs, source):
self.name = name
self.root = "%s/%s" % (TREE_ROOT,name)
self.archs = archs.split(",")
self.source = source
self.dbpath = "%s/%s.db" % (TREE_DB_ROOT,name)
self.db = MirrorSplitDB()
if os.path.exists( self.dbpath ):
self.db.load_from_file( self.dbpath )
## Save the db back to disk
def save_db(self):
self.db.save_to_file( self.dbpath )
## Returns true if it's a poolish match
def poolish_match(self, path):
for a in self.archs:
if path.endswith( "_%s.deb" % (a) ):
return 1
if path.endswith( "_%s.udeb" % (a) ):
return 1
if self.source:
if (path.endswith( ".tar.gz" ) or
path.endswith( ".diff.gz" ) or
path.endswith( ".dsc" )):
return 1
return 0
## Returns false if it's a badmatch distswise
def distish_match(self,path):
for a in self.archs:
if path.endswith("/Contents-%s.gz" % (a)):
return 1
if path.find("/binary-%s/" % (a)) != -1:
return 1
if path.find("/installer-%s/" % (a)) != -1:
return 1
if path.find("/source/") != -1:
if self.source:
return 1
return 0
if path.find("/Contents-") != -1:
return 0
if path.find("/binary-") != -1:
return 0
if path.find("/installer-") != -1:
return 0
return 1
# The applicable function is basically a predicate. Given a path and a
# target object its job is to decide if the path conforms for the
# target and thus is wanted.
# 'verbatim' is a list of files which are copied regardless
# it should be loaded from a config file eventually
verbatim = [
verbprefix = [
def applicable(path, target):
if path.startswith("/pool/"):
return target.poolish_match(path)
if (path.startswith("/dists/") or
return target.distish_match(path)
if path in verbatim:
return 1
for prefix in verbprefix:
if path.startswith(prefix):
return 1
return 0
# A MirrorSplitDir is a representation of a tree.
# It distinguishes files dirs and links
# Dirs are dicts of (name, MirrorSplitDir)
# Files are dicts of (name, inode)
# Links are dicts of (name, target)
class MirrorSplitDir:
def __init__(self):
self.dirs = {}
self.files = {}
self.links = {}
# A MirrorSplitDB is a container for a MirrorSplitDir...
class MirrorSplitDB:
## Initialise a MirrorSplitDB as containing nothing
def __init__(self):
self.root = MirrorSplitDir()
def _internal_recurse(self, path):
bdir = MirrorSplitDir()
dl = os.listdir( path )
dirs = []
for ln in dl:
lnl = os.lstat( "%s/%s" % (path, ln) )
if S_ISDIR(lnl[0]):
elif S_ISLNK(lnl[0]):
bdir.links[ln] = os.readlink( "%s/%s" % (path, ln) )
elif S_ISREG(lnl[0]):
bdir.files[ln] = lnl[1]
daklib.utils.fubar( "Confused by %s/%s -- not a dir, link or file" %
( path, ln ) )
for d in dirs:
bdir.dirs[d] = self._internal_recurse( "%s/%s" % (path,d) )
return bdir
## Recurse through a given path, setting the sequence accordingly
def init_from_dir(self, dirp):
self.root = self._internal_recurse( dirp )
## Load this MirrorSplitDB from file
def load_from_file(self, fname):
f = open(fname, "r")
self.root = cPickle.load(f)
## Save this MirrorSplitDB to a file
def save_to_file(self, fname):
f = open(fname, "w")
cPickle.dump( self.root, f, 1 )
# Helper functions for the tree syncing...
def _pth(a,b):
return "%s/%s" % (a,b)
def do_mkdir(targ,path):
if not os.path.exists( _pth(targ.root, path) ):
os.makedirs( _pth(targ.root, path) )
def do_mkdir_f(targ,path):
do_mkdir(targ, os.path.dirname(path))
def do_link(targ,path):
os.link( _pth(MASTER_PATH, path),
_pth(targ.root, path))
def do_symlink(targ,path,link):
os.symlink( link, _pth(targ.root, path) )
def do_unlink(targ,path):
os.unlink( _pth(targ.root, path) )
def do_unlink_dir(targ,path):
os.system( "rm -Rf '%s'" % _pth(targ.root, path) )
# Reconciling a target with the sourcedb
def _internal_reconcile( path, srcdir, targdir, targ ):
# Remove any links in targdir which aren't in srcdir
# Or which aren't applicable
rm = []
for k in targdir.links.keys():
if applicable( _pth(path, k), targ ):
if not srcdir.links.has_key(k):
for k in rm:
#print "-L-", _pth(path,k)
do_unlink(targ, _pth(path,k))
del targdir.links[k]
# Remove any files in targdir which aren't in srcdir
# Or which aren't applicable
rm = []
for k in targdir.files.keys():
if applicable( _pth(path, k), targ ):
if not srcdir.files.has_key(k):
for k in rm:
#print "-F-", _pth(path,k)
do_unlink(targ, _pth(path,k))
del targdir.files[k]
# Remove any dirs in targdir which aren't in srcdir
rm = []
for k in targdir.dirs.keys():
if not srcdir.dirs.has_key(k):
for k in rm:
#print "-D-", _pth(path,k)
do_unlink_dir(targ, _pth(path,k))
del targdir.dirs[k]
# Add/update files
for k in srcdir.files.keys():
if applicable( _pth(path,k), targ ):
if not targdir.files.has_key(k):
#print "+F+", _pth(path,k)
do_link( targ, _pth(path,k) )
targdir.files[k] = srcdir.files[k]
if targdir.files[k] != srcdir.files[k]:
#print "*F*", _pth(path,k)
do_unlink( targ, _pth(path,k) )
do_link( targ, _pth(path,k) )
targdir.files[k] = srcdir.files[k]
# Add/update links
for k in srcdir.links.keys():
if applicable( _pth(path,k), targ ):
if not targdir.links.has_key(k):
targdir.links[k] = srcdir.links[k];
#print "+L+",_pth(path,k), "->", srcdir.links[k]
do_symlink( targ, _pth(path,k), targdir.links[k] )
if targdir.links[k] != srcdir.links[k]:
do_unlink( targ, _pth(path,k) )
targdir.links[k] = srcdir.links[k]
#print "*L*", _pth(path,k), "to ->", srcdir.links[k]
do_symlink( targ, _pth(path,k), targdir.links[k] )
# Do dirs
for k in srcdir.dirs.keys():
if not targdir.dirs.has_key(k):
targdir.dirs[k] = MirrorSplitDir()
#print "+D+", _pth(path,k)
_internal_reconcile( _pth(path,k), srcdir.dirs[k],
targdir.dirs[k], targ )
def reconcile_target_db( src, targ ):
_internal_reconcile( "", src.root, targ.db.root, targ )
def load_config():
global TREE_ROOT
global trees
MASTER_PATH = Cnf["Mirror-Split::FTPPath"]
TREE_ROOT = Cnf["Mirror-Split::TreeRootPath"]
TREE_DB_ROOT = Cnf["Mirror-Split::TreeDatabasePath"]
for a in Cnf.ValueList("Mirror-Split::BasicTrees"):
trees.append( MirrorSplitTarget( a, "%s,all" % a, 1 ) )
for n in Cnf.SubTree("Mirror-Split::CombinationTrees").List():
archs = Cnf.ValueList("Mirror-Split::CombinationTrees::%s" % n)
source = 0
if "source" in archs:
source = 1
archs = ",".join(archs)
trees.append( MirrorSplitTarget( n, archs, source ) )
def do_list ():
print "Master path",MASTER_PATH
print "Trees at",TREE_ROOT
print "DBs at",TREE_DB_ROOT
for tree in trees:
print tree.name,"contains",", ".join(tree.archs),
if tree.source:
print " [source]"
print ""
def do_help ():
print """Usage: dak mirror-split [OPTIONS]
Generate hardlink trees of certain architectures
-h, --help show this help and exit
-l, --list list the configuration and exit
def main ():
global Cnf
Cnf = daklib.utils.get_conf()
Arguments = [('h',"help","Mirror-Split::Options::Help"),
arguments = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv)
Cnf["Mirror-Split::Options::cake"] = ""
Options = Cnf.SubTree("Mirror-Split::Options")
print "Loading configuration..."
print "Loaded."
if Options.has_key("Help"):
if Options.has_key("List"):
src = MirrorSplitDB()
print "Scanning", MASTER_PATH
print "Scanned"
for tree in trees:
print "Reconciling tree:",tree.name
reconcile_target_db( src, tree )
print "Saving updated DB...",
print "Done"
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from daklib import utils
from daklib import database
import apt_pkg, os, sys, pwd, time, re, commands
re_taint_free = re.compile(r"^['/;\-\+\.~\s\w]+$");
re_taint_free = re.compile(r"^['/;\-\+\.~\s\w]+$")
Cnf = None
Options = None
......@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ def main ():
# Retrieve current section/priority...
oldsection, oldsourcesection, oldpriority = None, None, None
for type in ['source', 'binary']:
for packagetype in ['source', 'binary']:
eqdsc = '!='
if type == 'source':
if packagetype == 'source':
eqdsc = '='
q = projectB.query("""
SELECT priority.priority AS prio, section.section AS sect, override_type.type AS type
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def main ():
utils.fubar("%s is ambiguous. Matches %d packages" % (package,q.ntuples()))
r = q.getresult()
if type == 'binary':
if packagetype == 'binary':
oldsection = r[0][1]
oldpriority = r[0][0]
......@@ -109,32 +109,32 @@ def reject (str, prefix="Rejected: "):
def check():
for file in files.keys():
for checkfile in files.keys():
# The .orig.tar.gz can disappear out from under us is it's a
# duplicate of one in the archive.
if not files.has_key(file):
if not files.has_key(checkfile):
# Check that the source still exists
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
source_version = files[file]["source version"]
source_package = files[file]["source package"]
if files[checkfile]["type"] == "deb":
source_version = files[checkfile]["source version"]
source_package = files[checkfile]["source package"]
if not changes["architecture"].has_key("source") \
and not Upload.source_exists(source_package, source_version, changes["distribution"].keys()):
reject("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, file))
reject("no source found for %s %s (%s)." % (source_package, source_version, checkfile))
# Version and file overwrite checks
if not installing_to_stable:
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
reject(Upload.check_binary_against_db(file), "")
elif files[file]["type"] == "dsc":
reject(Upload.check_source_against_db(file), "")
(reject_msg, is_in_incoming) = Upload.check_dsc_against_db(file)
if files[checkfile]["type"] == "deb":
reject(Upload.check_binary_against_db(checkfile), "")
elif files[checkfile]["type"] == "dsc":
reject(Upload.check_source_against_db(checkfile), "")
(reject_msg, is_in_incoming) = Upload.check_dsc_against_db(checkfile)
reject(reject_msg, "")
# propogate in the case it is in the override tables:
if changes.has_key("propdistribution"):
for suite in changes["propdistribution"].keys():
if Upload.in_override_p(files[file]["package"], files[file]["component"], suite, files[file].get("dbtype",""), file):
if Upload.in_override_p(files[checkfile]["package"], files[checkfile]["component"], suite, files[checkfile].get("dbtype",""), checkfile):
propogate[suite] = 1
nopropogate[suite] = 1
......@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ def check():
changes["distribution"][suite] = 1
for file in files.keys():
for checkfile in files.keys():
# Check the package is still in the override tables
for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
if not Upload.in_override_p(files[file]["package"], files[file]["component"], suite, files[file].get("dbtype",""), file):
reject("%s is NEW for %s." % (file, suite))
if not Upload.in_override_p(files[checkfile]["package"], files[checkfile]["component"], suite, files[checkfile].get("dbtype",""), checkfile):
reject("%s is NEW for %s." % (checkfile, suite))
......@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ def install ():
# Add the .dsc file to the DB
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "dsc":
for newfile in files.keys():
if files[newfile]["type"] == "dsc":
package = dsc["source"]
version = dsc["version"] # NB: not files[file]["version"], that has no epoch
maintainer = dsc["maintainer"]
......@@ -295,26 +295,26 @@ def install ():
changedby_id = database.get_or_set_maintainer_id(changedby)
fingerprint_id = database.get_or_set_fingerprint_id(dsc["fingerprint"])
install_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
filename = files[file]["pool name"] + file
dsc_component = files[file]["component"]
dsc_location_id = files[file]["location id"]
filename = files[newfile]["pool name"] + newfile
dsc_component = files[newfile]["component"]
dsc_location_id = files[newfile]["location id"]
if dsc.has_key("dm-upload-allowed") and dsc["dm-upload-allowed"] == "yes":
dm_upload_allowed = "true"
dm_upload_allowed = "false"
if not files[file].has_key("files id") or not files[file]["files id"]:
files[file]["files id"] = database.set_files_id (filename, files[file]["size"], files[file]["md5sum"], files[file]["sha1sum"], files[file]["sha256sum"], dsc_location_id)
if not files[newfile].has_key("files id") or not files[newfile]["files id"]:
files[newfile]["files id"] = database.set_files_id (filename, files[newfile]["size"], files[newfile]["md5sum"], files[newfile]["sha1sum"], files[newfile]["sha256sum"], dsc_location_id)
projectB.query("INSERT INTO source (source, version, maintainer, changedby, file, install_date, sig_fpr, dm_upload_allowed) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', %s, %s)"
% (package, version, maintainer_id, changedby_id, files[file]["files id"], install_date, fingerprint_id, dm_upload_allowed))
% (package, version, maintainer_id, changedby_id, files[newfile]["files id"], install_date, fingerprint_id, dm_upload_allowed))
for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
suite_id = database.get_suite_id(suite)
projectB.query("INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source) VALUES (%d, currval('source_id_seq'))" % (suite_id))
# Add the source files to the DB (files and dsc_files)
projectB.query("INSERT INTO dsc_files (source, file) VALUES (currval('source_id_seq'), %d)" % (files[file]["files id"]))
projectB.query("INSERT INTO dsc_files (source, file) VALUES (currval('source_id_seq'), %d)" % (files[newfile]["files id"]))
for dsc_file in dsc_files.keys():
filename = files[file]["pool name"] + dsc_file
filename = files[newfile]["pool name"] + dsc_file
# If the .orig.tar.gz is already in the pool, it's
# files id is stored in dsc_files by check_dsc().
files_id = dsc_files[dsc_file].get("files id", None)
......@@ -343,30 +343,30 @@ def install ():
# Add the .deb files to the DB
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
package = files[file]["package"]
version = files[file]["version"]
maintainer = files[file]["maintainer"]
for newfile in files.keys():
if files[newfile]["type"] == "deb":
package = files[newfile]["package"]
version = files[newfile]["version"]
maintainer = files[newfile]["maintainer"]
maintainer = maintainer.replace("'", "\\'")
maintainer_id = database.get_or_set_maintainer_id(maintainer)
fingerprint_id = database.get_or_set_fingerprint_id(changes["fingerprint"])
architecture = files[file]["architecture"]
architecture = files[newfile]["architecture"]
architecture_id = database.get_architecture_id (architecture)
type = files[file]["dbtype"]
source = files[file]["source package"]
source_version = files[file]["source version"]
filename = files[file]["pool name"] + file
if not files[file].has_key("location id") or not files[file]["location id"]:
files[file]["location id"] = database.get_location_id(Cnf["Dir::Pool"],files[file]["component"],utils.where_am_i())
if not files[file].has_key("files id") or not files[file]["files id"]:
files[file]["files id"] = database.set_files_id (filename, files[file]["size"], files[file]["md5sum"], files[file]["sha1sum"], files[file]["sha256sum"], files[file]["location id"])
filetype = files[newfile]["dbtype"]
source = files[newfile]["source package"]
source_version = files[newfile]["source version"]
filename = files[newfile]["pool name"] + newfile
if not files[newfile].has_key("location id") or not files[newfile]["location id"]:
files[newfile]["location id"] = database.get_location_id(Cnf["Dir::Pool"],files[newfile]["component"],utils.where_am_i())
if not files[newfile].has_key("files id") or not files[newfile]["files id"]:
files[newfile]["files id"] = database.set_files_id (filename, files[newfile]["size"], files[newfile]["md5sum"], files[newfile]["sha1sum"], files[newfile]["sha256sum"], files[newfile]["location id"])
source_id = database.get_source_id (source, source_version)
if source_id:
projectB.query("INSERT INTO binaries (package, version, maintainer, source, architecture, file, type, sig_fpr) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d)"
% (package, version, maintainer_id, source_id, architecture_id, files[file]["files id"], type, fingerprint_id))
% (package, version, maintainer_id, source_id, architecture_id, files[newfile]["files id"], filetype, fingerprint_id))
raise NoSourceFieldError, "Unable to find a source id for %s (%s), %s, file %s, type %s, signed by %s" % (package, version, architecture, file, type, sig_fpr)
raise NoSourceFieldError, "Unable to find a source id for %s (%s), %s, file %s, type %s, signed by %s" % (package, version, architecture, newfile, filetype, changes["fingerprint"])
for suite in changes["distribution"].keys():
suite_id = database.get_suite_id(suite)
projectB.query("INSERT INTO bin_associations (suite, bin) VALUES (%d, currval('binaries_id_seq'))" % (suite_id))
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ def install ():
# First move the files to the new location
legacy_filename = qid["path"] + qid["filename"]
pool_location = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[file]["component"])
pool_location = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[newfile]["component"])
pool_filename = pool_location + os.path.basename(qid["filename"])
destination = Cnf["Dir::Pool"] + pool_location
utils.move(legacy_filename, destination)
......@@ -414,11 +414,11 @@ def install ():
projectB.query("UPDATE dsc_files SET file = %s WHERE source = %s AND file = %s" % (new_files_id, database.get_source_id(changes["source"], changes["version"]), orig_tar_id))
# Install the files into the pool
for file in files.keys():
destination = Cnf["Dir::Pool"] + files[file]["pool name"] + file
utils.move(file, destination)
Logger.log(["installed", file, files[file]["type"], files[file]["size"], files[file]["architecture"]])
install_bytes += float(files[file]["size"])
for newfile in files.keys():
destination = Cnf["Dir::Pool"] + files[newfile]["pool name"] + newfile
utils.move(newfile, destination)
Logger.log(["installed", newfile, files[newfile]["type"], files[newfile]["size"], files[newfile]["architecture"]])
install_bytes += float(files[newfile]["size"])
# Copy the .changes file across for suite which need it.
copy_changes = {}
......@@ -457,14 +457,14 @@ def install ():
dest_dir = Cnf["Dir::QueueBuild"]
if Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::SecurityQueueBuild"):
dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, suite)
for file in files.keys():
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, file)
for newfile in files.keys():
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, newfile)
# Remove it from the list of packages for later processing by apt-ftparchive
projectB.query("UPDATE queue_build SET in_queue = 'f', last_used = '%s' WHERE filename = '%s' AND suite = %s" % (now_date, dest, suite_id))
if not Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::SecurityQueueBuild"):
# Update the symlink to point to the new location in the pool
pool_location = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[file]["component"])
src = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Pool"], pool_location, os.path.basename(file))
pool_location = utils.poolify (changes["source"], files[newfile]["component"])
src = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Pool"], pool_location, os.path.basename(newfile))
if os.path.islink(dest):
os.symlink(src, dest)
......@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ def stable_install (summary, short_summary):
projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
# Add the source to stable (and remove it from proposed-updates)
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "dsc":
for newfile in files.keys():
if files[newfile]["type"] == "dsc":
package = dsc["source"]
version = dsc["version"]; # NB: not files[file]["version"], that has no epoch
q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM source WHERE source = '%s' AND version = '%s'" % (package, version))
......@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ def stable_install (summary, short_summary):
projectB.query("INSERT INTO src_associations (suite, source) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (suite_id, source_id))
# Add the binaries to stable (and remove it/them from proposed-updates)
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
package = files[file]["package"]
version = files[file]["version"]
architecture = files[file]["architecture"]
for newfile in files.keys():
if files[newfile]["type"] == "deb":
package = files[newfile]["package"]
version = files[newfile]["version"]
architecture = files[newfile]["architecture"]
q = projectB.query("SELECT b.id FROM binaries b, architecture a WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.version = '%s' AND (a.arch_string = '%s' OR a.arch_string = 'all') AND b.architecture = a.id" % (package, version, architecture))
ql = q.getresult()
if not ql:
......@@ -535,13 +535,13 @@ def stable_install (summary, short_summary):
os.unlink (new_changelog_filename)
new_changelog = utils.open_file(new_changelog_filename, 'w')
for file in files.keys():
if files[file]["type"] == "deb":
new_changelog.write("stable/%s/binary-%s/%s\n" % (files[file]["component"], files[file]["architecture"], file))
elif utils.re_issource.match(file):
new_changelog.write("stable/%s/source/%s\n" % (files[file]["component"], file))
for newfile in files.keys():
if files[newfile]["type"] == "deb":
new_changelog.write("stable/%s/binary-%s/%s\n" % (files[newfile]["component"], files[newfile]["architecture"], newfile))
elif utils.re_issource.match(newfile):
new_changelog.write("stable/%s/source/%s\n" % (files[newfile]["component"], newfile))
new_changelog.write("%s\n" % (file))
new_changelog.write("%s\n" % (newfile))
chop_changes = queue.re_fdnic.sub("\n", changes["changes"])
new_changelog.write(chop_changes + '\n\n')
if os.access(changelog_filename, os.R_OK) != 0:
......@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ def sort_changes(changes_files):
class Section_Completer:
def __init__ (self):
self.sections = []
self.matches = []
q = projectB.query("SELECT section FROM section")
for i in q.getresult():
......@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ class Section_Completer:
class Priority_Completer:
def __init__ (self):
self.priorities = []
self.matches = []
q = projectB.query("SELECT priority FROM priority")
for i in q.getresult():
......@@ -309,8 +311,8 @@ def index_range (index):
def edit_new (new):
# Write the current data to a temporary file
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
temp_file = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'w')
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
temp_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
print_new (new, 0, temp_file)
# Spawn an editor on that file
......@@ -455,8 +457,8 @@ def edit_overrides (new):
def edit_note(note):
# Write the current data to a temporary file
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
temp_file = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'w')
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
temp_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
......@@ -493,15 +495,16 @@ def check_pkg ():
stdout_fd = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = less_fd
changes = utils.parse_changes (Upload.pkg.changes_file)
examine_package.display_changes(changes['distribution'], Upload.pkg.changes_file)
files = Upload.pkg.files
for f in files.keys():
if files[f].has_key("new"):
ftype = files[f]["type"]
if ftype == "deb":
examine_package.check_deb(changes['distribution'], f)
elif ftype == "dsc":
examine_package.check_dsc(changes['distribution'], f)
sys.stdout = stdout_fd
except IOError, e:
......@@ -560,12 +563,12 @@ def add_overrides (new):
def prod_maintainer ():
# Here we prepare an editor and get them ready to prod...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
answer = 'E'
while answer == 'E':
os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
f = utils.open_file(temp_filename)
f = os.fdopen(fd)
prod_message = "".join(f.readlines())
print "Prod message:"
......@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ def lookup_uid_from_fingerprint(fpr):
q = Upload.projectB.query("SELECT u.uid, u.name, k.debian_maintainer FROM fingerprint f JOIN keyrings k ON (f.keyring=k.id), uid u WHERE f.uid = u.id AND f.fingerprint = '%s'" % (fpr))
qs = q.getresult()
if len(qs) == 0:
return (None, None)
return (None, None, None)
return qs[0]
......@@ -1303,14 +1303,14 @@ def is_stableupdate ():
def do_stableupdate (summary, short_summary):
print "Moving to PROPOSED-UPDATES holding area."
Logger.log(["Moving to proposed-updates", pkg.changes_file]);
Logger.log(["Moving to proposed-updates", pkg.changes_file])
move_to_dir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::ProposedUpdates"], perms=0664)
# Check for override disparities
Upload.Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary;
Upload.Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary
......@@ -1332,14 +1332,14 @@ def is_oldstableupdate ():
def do_oldstableupdate (summary, short_summary):
print "Moving to OLDSTABLE-PROPOSED-UPDATES holding area."
Logger.log(["Moving to oldstable-proposed-updates", pkg.changes_file]);
Logger.log(["Moving to oldstable-proposed-updates", pkg.changes_file])
move_to_dir(Cnf["Dir::Queue::OldProposedUpdates"], perms=0664)
# Check for override disparities
Upload.Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary;
Upload.Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary
......@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ def reject (reject_message = ""):
# If we weren't given a manual rejection message, spawn an editor
# so the user can add one in...
if not reject_message:
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
answer = 'E'
while answer == 'E':
os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
f = utils.open_file(temp_filename)
f = os.fdopen(fd)
reject_message = "".join(f.readlines())
print "Reject message:"
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def reverse_depends_check(removals, suites, arches=None):
for component in components:
filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suites[0], component, architecture)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
(result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if (result != 0):
utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output), result)
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def reverse_depends_check(removals, suites, arches=None):
for component in components:
filename = "%s/dists/%s/%s/source/Sources.gz" % (Cnf["Dir::Root"], suites[0], component)
# apt_pkg.ParseTagFile needs a real file handle and can't handle a GzipFile instance...
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
result, output = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (filename, temp_filename))
if result != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s\n" % (output))
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ def main ():
# If we don't have a reason; spawn an editor so the user can add one
# Write the rejection email out as the <foo>.reason file
if not Options["Reason"] and not Options["No-Action"]:
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
result = os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
if result != 0:
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def do_pkg(changes_file):
changes = Upload.pkg.changes
changes["suite"] = copy.copy(changes["distribution"])
distribution = changes["distribution"].keys()[0]
# Find out what's new
new = queue.determine_new(changes, files, projectB, 0)
......@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ def do_pkg(changes_file):
html_header(changes["source"], filestoexamine)
examine_package.display_changes( distribution, Upload.pkg.changes_file)
for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".dsc"), filestoexamine):
examine_package.check_dsc(distribution, fn)
for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".deb") or fn.endswith(".udeb"), filestoexamine):
examine_package.check_deb(distribution, fn)
if sys.stdout != stdout_fd:
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import psycopg2, sys, fcntl, os
import apt_pkg
import time
import errno
from daklib import database
from daklib import utils
......@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ from daklib import utils
Cnf = None
projectB = None
required_database_schema = 1
required_database_schema = 3
......@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ Updates dak's database schema to the lastest version. You should disable crontab
value TEXT
c.execute("INSERT INTO config VALUES ( nextval('config_id_seq'), 'db_revision', '0')");
c.execute("INSERT INTO config VALUES ( nextval('config_id_seq'), 'db_revision', '0')")
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
......@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ Updates dak's database schema to the lastest version. You should disable crontab
c = self.db.cursor()
q = c.execute("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'db_revision';");
q = c.execute("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'db_revision';")
return c.fetchone()[0]
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class DakError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=""):
self.args = str(message)
self.message = str(message)
......@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
import sys, time, types
import sys
import time
import types
......@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ suite_version_cache = {}
def init (config, sql):
""" database module init. Just sets two variables"""
global Cnf, projectB
Cnf = config
......@@ -53,6 +56,11 @@ def init (config, sql):
def do_query(q):
Executes a database query q. Writes statistics to stderr and returns
the result.
sys.stderr.write("query: \"%s\" ... " % (q))
before = time.time()
r = projectB.query(q)
......@@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ def do_query(q):
def get_suite_id (suite):
""" Returns database suite_id for given suite, caches result. """
global suite_id_cache
if suite_id_cache.has_key(suite):
......@@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ def get_suite_id (suite):
return suite_id
def get_section_id (section):
""" Returns database section_id for given section, caches result. """
global section_id_cache
if section_id_cache.has_key(section):
......@@ -101,6 +111,7 @@ def get_section_id (section):
return section_id
def get_priority_id (priority):
""" Returns database priority_id for given priority, caches result. """
global priority_id_cache
if priority_id_cache.has_key(priority):
......@@ -117,6 +128,7 @@ def get_priority_id (priority):
return priority_id
def get_override_type_id (type):
""" Returns database override_id for given override_type type, caches result. """
global override_type_id_cache
if override_type_id_cache.has_key(type):
......@@ -133,6 +145,7 @@ def get_override_type_id (type):
return override_type_id
def get_architecture_id (architecture):
""" Returns database architecture_id for given architecture, caches result. """
global architecture_id_cache
if architecture_id_cache.has_key(architecture):
......@@ -149,6 +162,7 @@ def get_architecture_id (architecture):
return architecture_id
def get_archive_id (archive):
""" Returns database archive_id for given archive, caches result. """
global archive_id_cache
archive = archive.lower()
......@@ -167,6 +181,7 @@ def get_archive_id (archive):
return archive_id
def get_component_id (component):
""" Returns database component_id for given component, caches result. """
global component_id_cache
component = component.lower()
......@@ -185,6 +200,18 @@ def get_component_id (component):
return component_id
def get_location_id (location, component, archive):
Returns database location_id for given combination of
The 3 parameters are the database ids returned by the respective
"get_foo_id" functions.
The result will be cached.
global location_id_cache
cache_key = location + '_' + component + '_' + location
......@@ -208,6 +235,7 @@ def get_location_id (location, component, archive):
return location_id
def get_source_id (source, version):
""" Returns database source_id for given combination of source and version, caches result. """
global source_id_cache
cache_key = source + '_' + version + '_'
......@@ -225,6 +253,7 @@ def get_source_id (source, version):
return source_id
def get_suite_version(source, suite):
""" Returns database version for a given source in a given suite, caches result. """
global suite_version_cache
cache_key = "%s_%s" % (source, suite)
......@@ -250,6 +279,14 @@ def get_suite_version(source, suite):
def get_or_set_maintainer_id (maintainer):
If maintainer does not have an entry in the maintainer table yet, create one
and return its id.
If maintainer already has an entry, simply return its id.
Result is cached.
global maintainer_id_cache
if maintainer_id_cache.has_key(maintainer):
......@@ -267,6 +304,14 @@ def get_or_set_maintainer_id (maintainer):
def get_or_set_keyring_id (keyring):
If keyring does not have an entry in the keyring table yet, create one
and return its id.
If keyring already has an entry, simply return its id.
Result is cached.
global keyring_id_cache
if keyring_id_cache.has_key(keyring):
......@@ -284,6 +329,14 @@ def get_or_set_keyring_id (keyring):
def get_or_set_uid_id (uid):
If uid does not have an entry in the uid table yet, create one
and return its id.
If uid already has an entry, simply return its id.
Result is cached.
global uid_id_cache
if uid_id_cache.has_key(uid):
......@@ -301,6 +354,14 @@ def get_or_set_uid_id (uid):
def get_or_set_fingerprint_id (fingerprint):
If fingerprintd does not have an entry in the fingerprint table yet, create one
and return its id.
If fingerprint already has an entry, simply return its id.
Result is cached.
global fingerprint_id_cache
if fingerprint_id_cache.has_key(fingerprint):
......@@ -318,6 +379,25 @@ def get_or_set_fingerprint_id (fingerprint):
def get_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
Returns -1, -2 or the file_id for a given combination of
The database is queried using filename and location_id, size and md5sum are for
extra checks.
Return values:
-1 - The given combination of arguments result in more (or less) than
one result from the database
-2 - The given size and md5sum do not match the values in the database
anything else is a file_id
Result is cached.
global files_id_cache
cache_key = "%s_%d" % (filename, location_id)
......@@ -344,6 +424,14 @@ def get_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
def get_or_set_queue_id (queue):
If queue does not have an entry in the queue_name table yet, create one
and return its id.
If queue already has an entry, simply return its id.
Result is cached.
global queue_id_cache
if queue_id_cache.has_key(queue):
......@@ -361,6 +449,12 @@ def get_or_set_queue_id (queue):
def set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location_id):
Insert a new entry into the files table.
Returns the new file_id
global files_id_cache
projectB.query("INSERT INTO files (filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location) VALUES ('%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)" % (filename, long(size), md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location_id))
......@@ -380,6 +474,7 @@ def set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, location_id):
def get_maintainer (maintainer_id):
""" Return the name of the maintainer behind maintainer_id """
global maintainer_cache
if not maintainer_cache.has_key(maintainer_id):
......@@ -391,9 +486,27 @@ def get_maintainer (maintainer_id):
def get_suites(pkgname, src=False):
""" Return the suites in which pkgname is. If src is True, query for source package, else binary. """
if src:
sql = "select suite_name from source, src_associations,suite where source.id=src_associations.source and source.source='%s' and src_associations.suite = suite.id"%pkgname
sql = """
SELECT suite_name
FROM source,
WHERE source.id = src_associations.source
AND source.source = '%s'
AND src_associations.suite = suite.id
""" % (pkgname)
sql = "select suite_name from binaries, bin_associations,suite where binaries.id=bin_associations.bin and package='%s' and bin_associations.suite = suite.id"%pkgname
sql = """
SELECT suite_name
FROM binaries,
WHERE binaries.id = bin_associations.bin
AND package = '%s'
AND bin_associations.suite = suite.id
""" % (pkgname)
q = projectB.query(sql)
return map(lambda x: x[0], q.getresult())
......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ class Upload:
self.Cnf = Cnf
self.accept_count = 0
self.accept_bytes = 0L
self.reject_message = ""
self.pkg = Pkg(changes = {}, dsc = {}, dsc_files = {}, files = {},
legacy_source_untouchable = {})
......@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ class Upload:
if not changes.has_key("distribution") or not isinstance(changes["distribution"], DictType):
changes["distribution"] = {}
override_summary ="";
override_summary =""
file_keys = files.keys()
for file_entry in file_keys:
......@@ -499,19 +500,18 @@ distribution."""
if changes["architecture"].has_key("source") and \
dsc.has_key("bts changelog"):
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename(Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"],
dotprefix=1, perms=0644)
version_history = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'w')
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename(Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"], prefix=".")
version_history = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
version_history.write(dsc["bts changelog"])
filename = "%s/%s" % (Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"],
os.rename(temp_filename, filename)
os.chmod(filename, 0644)
# Write out the binary -> source mapping.
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename(Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"],
dotprefix=1, perms=0644)
debinfo = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'w')
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename(Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"], prefix=".")
debinfo = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
for file_entry in file_keys:
f = files[file_entry]
if f["type"] == "deb":
......@@ -523,6 +523,7 @@ distribution."""
filename = "%s/%s" % (Cnf["Dir::Queue::BTSVersionTrack"],
os.rename(temp_filename, filename)
os.chmod(filename, 0644)
self.queue_build("accepted", Cnf["Dir::Queue::Accepted"])
......@@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ distribution."""
# If we weren't given a manual rejection message, spawn an
# editor so the user can add one in...
if manual and not reject_message:
temp_filename = utils.temp_filename()
(fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
answer = 'E'
while answer == 'E':
......@@ -1032,7 +1033,8 @@ SELECT s.version, su.suite_name FROM source s, src_associations sa, suite su
# for example, the package was in potato but had an -sa
# upload in woody. So we need to choose the right one.
x = ql[0]; # default to something sane in case we don't match any or have only one
# default to something sane in case we don't match any or have only one
x = ql[0]
if len(ql) > 1:
for i in ql:
......@@ -1053,7 +1055,8 @@ SELECT s.version, su.suite_name FROM source s, src_associations sa, suite su
actual_size = os.stat(old_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
found = old_file
suite_type = x[2]
dsc_files[dsc_file]["files id"] = x[3]; # need this for updating dsc_files in install()
# need this for updating dsc_files in install()
dsc_files[dsc_file]["files id"] = x[3]
# See install() in process-accepted...
self.pkg.orig_tar_id = x[3]
self.pkg.orig_tar_gz = old_file
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import codecs, commands, email.Header, os, pwd, re, select, socket, shutil, \
sys, tempfile, traceback, stat
import apt_pkg
import database
import time
from dak_exceptions import *
......@@ -397,25 +398,24 @@ def parse_checksums(where, files, manifest, hashname):
field = 'checksums-%s' % hashname
if not field in manifest:
return rejmsg
input = manifest[field]
for line in input.split('\n'):
for line in manifest[field].split('\n'):
if not line:
hash, size, file = line.strip().split(' ')
if not files.has_key(file):
checksum, size, checkfile = line.strip().split(' ')
if not files.has_key(checkfile):
# TODO: check for the file's entry in the original files dict, not
# the one modified by (auto)byhand and other weird stuff
# rejmsg.append("%s: not present in files but in checksums-%s in %s" %
# (file, hashname, where))
if not files[file]["size"] == size:
if not files[checkfile]["size"] == size:
rejmsg.append("%s: size differs for files and checksums-%s entry "\
"in %s" % (file, hashname, where))
"in %s" % (checkfile, hashname, where))
files[file][hash_key(hashname)] = hash
files[checkfile][hash_key(hashname)] = checksum
for f in files.keys():
if not files[f].has_key(hash_key(hashname)):
rejmsg.append("%s: no entry in checksums-%s in %s" % (file,
rejmsg.append("%s: no entry in checksums-%s in %s" % (checkfile,
hashname, where))
return rejmsg
......@@ -569,8 +569,7 @@ switched to 'email (name)' format."""
def send_mail (message, filename=""):
# If we've been passed a string dump it into a temporary file
if message:
filename = tempfile.mktemp()
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0700)
(fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write (fd, message)
os.close (fd)
......@@ -686,11 +685,11 @@ def regex_safe (s):
# Perform a substition of template
def TemplateSubst(map, filename):
file = open_file(filename)
template = file.read()
templatefile = open_file(filename)
template = templatefile.read()
for x in map.keys():
template = template.replace(x,map[x])
return template
......@@ -786,13 +785,13 @@ def find_next_free (dest, too_many=100):
def result_join (original, sep = '\t'):
list = []
resultlist = []
for i in xrange(len(original)):
if original[i] == None:
return sep.join(list)
return sep.join(resultlist)
......@@ -1119,7 +1118,7 @@ on error."""
return "%s: tainted filename" % (filename)
# Invoke gpgv on the file
status_read, status_write = os.pipe();
status_read, status_write = os.pipe()
cmd = "gpgv --status-fd %s --keyring /dev/null %s" % (status_write, filename)
(_, status, _) = gpgv_get_status_output(cmd, status_read, status_write)
......@@ -1191,7 +1190,7 @@ used."""
return None
# Build the command line
status_read, status_write = os.pipe();
status_read, status_write = os.pipe()
cmd = "gpgv --status-fd %s %s %s %s" % (
status_write, gpg_keyring_args(keyrings), sig_filename, data_filename)
......@@ -1231,11 +1230,22 @@ used."""
if keywords.has_key("NODATA"):
reject("no signature found in %s." % (sig_filename))
bad = 1
if keywords.has_key("EXPKEYSIG"):
args = keywords["EXPKEYSIG"]
if len(args) >= 1:
key = args[0]
reject("Signature made by expired key 0x%s" % (key))
bad = 1
if keywords.has_key("KEYEXPIRED") and not keywords.has_key("GOODSIG"):
args = keywords["KEYEXPIRED"]
if len(args) >= 1:
key = args[0]
reject("The key (0x%s) used to sign %s has expired." % (key, sig_filename))
timestamp = args[0]
if timestamp.count("T") == 0:
expiredate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(timestamp))
expiredate = timestamp
reject("The key used to sign %s has expired on %s" % (sig_filename, expiredate))
bad = 1
if bad:
......@@ -1348,26 +1358,16 @@ def clean_symlink (src, dest, root):
def temp_filename(directory=None, dotprefix=None, perms=0700):
def temp_filename(directory=None, prefix="dak", suffix=""):
"""Return a secure and unique filename by pre-creating it.
If 'directory' is non-null, it will be the directory the file is pre-created in.
If 'dotprefix' is non-null, the filename will be prefixed with a '.'."""
If 'prefix' is non-null, the filename will be prefixed with it, default is dak.
If 'suffix' is non-null, the filename will end with it.
if directory:
old_tempdir = tempfile.tempdir
tempfile.tempdir = directory
filename = tempfile.mktemp()
if dotprefix:
filename = "%s/.%s" % (os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename))
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, perms)
if directory:
tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdir
Returns a pair (fd, name).
return filename
return tempfile.mkstemp(suffix, prefix, directory)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ echo "Known debian maintainers:"
psql --html projectb <<EOF
SELECT uid.uid, uid.name, f.fingerprint
FROM uid LEFT OUTER JOIN fingerprint f ON (uid.id = f.uid)
WHERE uid.uid LIKE 'dm:%'
WHERE uid.uid LIKE '%@%'
ORDER BY uid.uid;
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ psql --html projectb <<EOF
JOIN uid u ON
(m.name LIKE u.name || ' <%>' OR
m.name LIKE '% <' || substring(u.uid FROM 4) || '>')
WHERE u.uid LIKE 'dm:%' AND sa.suite = 5
WHERE u.uid LIKE '%@%' AND sa.suite = 5
ORDER BY uid.uid;
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ EOF
echo "Packages debian maintainers may update:"
psql --html projectb <<EOF
SELECT s.source, s.version, u.uid
SELECT s.source, space_separated_list(s.version), u.uid
FROM src_uploaders su JOIN source s ON (su.source = s.id)
JOIN src_associations sa ON (s.id = sa.source)
JOIN maintainer m ON (su.maintainer = m.id)
JOIN uid u ON (m.name LIKE u.name || ' <%>' OR
m.name LIKE '% <' || substring(u.uid FROM 4) || '>')
WHERE u.uid LIKE 'dm:%' AND sa.suite = 5
m.name LIKE '% <' || substring(u.uid FROM 4) || '>')
WHERE s.dm_upload_allowed = 't' GROUP BY s.source, s.version, u.uid
ORDER BY u.uid, s.source, s.version;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ psql --html projectb <<EOF
SELECT s.source, s.version, s.install_date, u.uid
FROM source s JOIN fingerprint f ON (s.sig_fpr = f.id)
JOIN uid u ON (f.uid = u.id)
WHERE u.uid LIKE 'dm:%'
WHERE u.uid LIKE '%@%'
ORDER BY u.uid, s.source, s.version;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ psql --html projectb <<EOF
FROM binaries b JOIN architecture a ON (b.architecture = a.id)
JOIN fingerprint f ON (b.sig_fpr = f.id)
JOIN uid u ON (f.uid = u.id)
WHERE u.uid LIKE 'dm:%'
WHERE u.uid LIKE '%@%'
ORDER BY u.uid, b.package, b.version;
set -e
set -u
yes n | find ${FTPDIR} -type f -mmin +15 -print0 -exec mv -i --target-directory=${SSHDIR} "{}" +
#!/usr/bin/make -f
CXXFLAGS = -I/usr/include/postgresql/ -I`pg_config --includedir-server` -fPIC -Wall
CFLAGS = -fFIC -Wall `pg_config --cflags`
LDFLAGS = `pg_config --ldflags`
LIBS = -lapt-pkg `pg_config --libs`
C++ = g++
all: sql-aptvc.so
sql-aptvc.o: sql-aptvc.cpp
sql-aptvc.so: sql-aptvc.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -shared -o $@ $<
rm -f sql-aptvc.so sql-aptvc.o
/* Wrapper round apt's version compare functions for PostgreSQL. */
/* Copyright (C) 2001, James Troup <james@nocrew.org> */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* NB: do not try to use the VERSION-1 calling conventions for
C-Language functions; it works on i386 but segfaults the postgres
child backend on Sparc. */
#include <apt-pkg/debversion.h>
extern "C"
#include <postgres.h>
#include <fmgr.h>
int versioncmp(text *A, text *B);
versioncmp (text *A, text *B)
int result, txt_size;
char *a, *b;
a = (char *) palloc(txt_size+1);
memcpy(a, VARDATA(A), txt_size);
a[txt_size] = '\0';
b = (char *) palloc(txt_size+1);
memcpy(b, VARDATA(B), txt_size);
b[txt_size] = '\0';
result = debVS.CmpVersion (a, b);
pfree (a);
pfree (b);
return (result);
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ was superseded by another one.
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to __BUG_NUMBER__@__BUG_SERVER__.
The full log for this bug can be viewed at http://__BUG_SERVER__/__BUG_NUMBER__
This message was generated automatically; if you believe that there is
a problem with it please contact the archive administrators by mailing
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ dinstall should run 4 times a day at 01:52, 07:52, 13:52, 19:52 (all times in UT
<font size="-2">Made by Eduard Bloch &lt;blade@debian.org&gt;
<br>Small update to use 12h dinstall by Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
<br>Small update to use 6h dinstall by Mike O'Connor (stew)
<br>Please check this <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2008/12/msg00114.html">announcement</a> about dinstall every 6 hours.
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