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# Hello Spring Security

This section covers the minimum setup for how to use Spring Security with Spring Boot.

|   |The completed application can be found [in our samples repository](<br/>For your convenience, you can download a minimal Spring Boot + Spring Security application by [clicking here](,security).|

## Updating Dependencies

The only step you need to do is update the dependencies by using [Maven](../getting-spring-security.html#getting-maven-boot) or [Gradle](../getting-spring-security.html#getting-gradle-boot).

## Starting Hello Spring Security Boot

You can now [run the Spring Boot application]( by using the Maven Plugin’s `run` goal.
The following example shows how to do so (and the beginning of the output from doing so):

Example 1. Running Spring Boot Application

$ ./mvn spring-boot:run
INFO 23689 --- [  restartedMain] .s.s.UserDetailsServiceAutoConfiguration :

Using generated security password: 8e557245-73e2-4286-969a-ff57fe326336


## Spring Boot Auto Configuration

Spring Boot automatically:

* Enables Spring Security’s default configuration, which creates a servlet `Filter` as a bean named `springSecurityFilterChain`.
  This bean is responsible for all the security (protecting the application URLs, validating submitted username and passwords, redirecting to the log in form, and so on) within your application.

* Creates a `UserDetailsService` bean with a username of `user` and a randomly generated password that is logged to the console.

* Registers the `Filter` with a bean named `springSecurityFilterChain` with the Servlet container for every request.

Spring Boot is not configuring much, but it does a lot.
A summary of the features follows:

* Require an authenticated user for any interaction with the application

* Generate a default login form for you

* Let the user with a username of `user` and a password that is logged to the console to authenticate with form-based authentication (in the preceding example, the password is `8e557245-73e2-4286-969a-ff57fe326336`)

* Protects the password storage with BCrypt

* Lets the user log out

* [CSRF attack]( prevention

* [Session Fixation]( protection

* Security Header integration

  * [HTTP Strict Transport Security]( for secure requests

  * [X-Content-Type-Options]( integration

  * Cache Control (can be overridden later by your application to allow caching of your static resources)

  * [X-XSS-Protection]( integration

  * X-Frame-Options integration to help prevent [Clickjacking](

* Integrate with the following Servlet API methods:

  * [`HttpServletRequest#getRemoteUser()`](

  * [`HttpServletRequest.html#getUserPrincipal()`](

  * [`HttpServletRequest.html#isUserInRole(java.lang.String)`](

  * [`HttpServletRequest.html#login(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)`](,%20java.lang.String))

  * [`HttpServletRequest.html#logout()`](

[Servlet Applications](index.html)[Architecture](architecture.html)