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# Authentication Services

This creates an instance of Spring Security’s `ProviderManager` class, which needs to be configured with a list of one or more `AuthenticationProvider` instances.
These can either be created using syntax elements provided by the namespace, or they can be standard bean definitions, marked for addition to the list using the `authentication-provider` element.

## \<authentication-manager\>

Every Spring Security application which uses the namespace must have include this element somewhere.
It is responsible for registering the `AuthenticationManager` which provides authentication services to the application.
All elements which create `AuthenticationProvider` instances should be children of this element.

### \<authentication-manager\> Attributes

* **alias**This attribute allows you to define an alias name for the internal instance for use in your own configuration.

* **erase-credentials**If set to true, the AuthenticationManager will attempt to clear any credentials data in the returned Authentication object, once the user has been authenticated.
  Literally it maps to the `eraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication` property of the [`ProviderManager`](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-providermanager).

* **id**This attribute allows you to define an id for the internal instance for use in your own configuration.
  It is the same as the alias element, but provides a more consistent experience with elements that use the id attribute.

### Child Elements of \<authentication-manager\>

* [authentication-provider](#nsa-authentication-provider)

* [ldap-authentication-provider](ldap.html#nsa-ldap-authentication-provider)

## \<authentication-provider\>

Unless used with a `ref` attribute, this element is shorthand for configuring a `DaoAuthenticationProvider`.`DaoAuthenticationProvider` loads user information from a `UserDetailsService` and compares the username/password combination with the values supplied at login.
The `UserDetailsService` instance can be defined either by using an available namespace element (`jdbc-user-service` or by using the `user-service-ref` attribute to point to a bean defined elsewhere in the application context).

### Parent Elements of \<authentication-provider\>

* [authentication-manager](#nsa-authentication-manager)

### \<authentication-provider\> Attributes

* **ref**Defines a reference to a Spring bean that implements `AuthenticationProvider`.

If you have written your own `AuthenticationProvider` implementation (or want to configure one of Spring Security’s own implementations as a traditional bean for some reason, then you can use the following syntax to add it to the internal list of `ProviderManager`:

  <security:authentication-provider ref="myAuthenticationProvider" />
<bean id="myAuthenticationProvider" class="com.something.MyAuthenticationProvider"/>

* **user-service-ref**A reference to a bean that implements UserDetailsService that may be created using the standard bean element or the custom user-service element.

### Child Elements of \<authentication-provider\>

* [jdbc-user-service](#nsa-jdbc-user-service)

* [ldap-user-service](ldap.html#nsa-ldap-user-service)

* [password-encoder](#nsa-password-encoder)

* [user-service](#nsa-user-service)

## \<jdbc-user-service\>

Causes creation of a JDBC-based UserDetailsService.

### \<jdbc-user-service\> Attributes

* **authorities-by-username-query**An SQL statement to query for a user’s granted authorities given a username.

The default is

select username, authority from authorities where username = ?

* **cache-ref**Defines a reference to a cache for use with a UserDetailsService.

* **data-source-ref**The bean ID of the DataSource which provides the required tables.

* **group-authorities-by-username-query**An SQL statement to query user’s group authorities given a username.
  The default is

  select, g.group_name, ga.authority
  groups g, group_members gm, group_authorities ga
  gm.username = ? and = ga.group_id and = gm.group_id

* **id**A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the context.

* **role-prefix**A non-empty string prefix that will be added to role strings loaded from persistent storage (default is "ROLE\_").
  Use the value "none" for no prefix in cases where the default is non-empty.

* **users-by-username-query**An SQL statement to query a username, password, and enabled status given a username.
  The default is

  select username, password, enabled from users where username = ?

## \<password-encoder\>

Authentication providers can optionally be configured to use a password encoder as described in the [Password Storage](../../../features/authentication/password-storage.html#authentication-password-storage).
This will result in the bean being injected with the appropriate `PasswordEncoder` instance.

### Parent Elements of \<password-encoder\>

* [authentication-provider](#nsa-authentication-provider)

* [password-compare](#nsa-password-compare)

### \<password-encoder\> Attributes

* **hash**Defines the hashing algorithm used on user passwords.
  We recommend strongly against using MD4, as it is a very weak hashing algorithm.

* **ref**Defines a reference to a Spring bean that implements `PasswordEncoder`.

## \<user-service\>

Creates an in-memory UserDetailsService from a properties file or a list of "user" child elements.
Usernames are converted to lower-case internally to allow for case-insensitive lookups, so this should not be used if case-sensitivity is required.

### \<user-service\> Attributes

* **id**A bean identifier, used for referring to the bean elsewhere in the context.

* **properties**The location of a Properties file where each line is in the format of


### Child Elements of \<user-service\>

* [user](#nsa-user)

## \<user\>

Represents a user in the application.

### Parent Elements of \<user\>

* [user-service](#nsa-user-service)

### \<user\> Attributes

* **authorities**One of more authorities granted to the user.
  Separate authorities with a comma (but no space).

* **disabled**Can be set to "true" to mark an account as disabled and unusable.

* **locked**Can be set to "true" to mark an account as locked and unusable.

* **name**The username assigned to the user.

* **password**The password assigned to the user.
  This may be hashed if the corresponding authentication provider supports hashing (remember to set the "hash" attribute of the "user-service" element).
  This attribute be omitted in the case where the data will not be used for authentication, but only for accessing authorities.
  If omitted, the namespace will generate a random value, preventing its accidental use for authentication.
  Cannot be empty.

[XML Namespace](index.html)[Web Security](http.html)