上级 d4080bba
......@@ -420,64 +420,97 @@ for (auto it_kp = IMUpose.end() - 1; it_kp != IMUpose.begin(); it_kp--)
dt = it_pcl->curvature / double(1000) - head->offset_time;
/* Transform to the 'end' frame, using only the rotation
* Note: Compensation direction is INVERSE of Frame's moving direction
* So if we want to compensate a point at timestamp-i to the frame-e
* P_compensate = R_imu_e ^ T * (R_i * P_i + T_ei) where T_ei is represented in global frame */
/* 使用旋转将点转换为最终坐标系
* 注意:补偿方向与坐标系移动方向相反。
* 如果我们要将时间戳-i的点补偿到end帧,则
* P_compensate = R_imu_e ^ T *(R_i * P_i T_ei),其中T_ei在全局坐标系中表示 */
// 计算从当前IMU状态到“end”帧的旋转矩阵
M3D R_i(R_imu * Exp(angvel_avr, dt));
// 将点坐标存储在一个3D向量中
V3D P_i(it_pcl->x, it_pcl->y, it_pcl->z);
V3D T_ei(pos_imu + vel_imu * dt + 0.5 * acc_imu * dt * dt - imu_state.pos);
V3D P_compensate = imu_state.offset_R_L_I.conjugate() * (imu_state.rot.conjugate() * (R_i * (imu_state.offset_R_L_I * P_i + imu_state.offset_T_L_I) + T_ei) - imu_state.offset_T_L_I);// not accurate!
// save Undistorted points and their rotation
// 计算从当前IMU状态到“end”帧的平移向量,用全局坐标系表示
V3D T_ei(pos_imu vel_imu * dt 0.5 * acc_imu * dt * dt - imu_state.pos);
// 通过将计算出的旋转和平移应用于本地坐标系中的点坐标,计算补偿点
V3D P_compensate = imu_state.offset_R_L_I.conjugate() * (imu_state.rot.conjugate() * (R_i * (imu_state.offset_R_L_I * P_i imu_state.offset_T_L_I) T_ei) - imu_state.offset_T_L_I);
// 将补偿点和它们的旋转重新存储在点云中
it_pcl->x = P_compensate(0);
it_pcl->y = P_compensate(1);
it_pcl->z = P_compensate(2);
if (it_pcl == pcl_out.points.begin()) break;
// 如果当前点是点云中的第一个点,则跳出循环
if (it_pcl == pcl_out.points.begin()) break;
void ImuProcess::Process(const MeasureGroup &meas, esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom> &kf_state, PointCloudXYZI::Ptr cur_pcl_un_)
double t1,t2,t3;
t1 = omp_get_wtime();
double t1,t2,t3; //定义三个双精度浮点数变量t1,t2,t3用于计时
t1 = omp_get_wtime(); //记录开始时间
if(meas.imu.empty()) {return;};
ROS_ASSERT(meas.lidar != nullptr);
if(meas.imu.empty()) {return;}; //如果IMU数据为空,则返回
if (imu_need_init_)
/// The very first lidar frame
IMU_init(meas, kf_state, init_iter_num);
ROS_ASSERT(meas.lidar != nullptr); //使用ROS的断言函数,确保LIDAR数据不为空
imu_need_init_ = true;
last_imu_ = meas.imu.back();
state_ikfom imu_state = kf_state.get_x();
if (init_iter_num > MAX_INI_COUNT)
cov_acc *= pow(G_m_s2 / mean_acc.norm(), 2);
imu_need_init_ = false;
cov_acc = cov_acc_scale;
cov_gyr = cov_gyr_scale;
ROS_INFO("IMU Initial Done");
// ROS_INFO("IMU Initial Done: Gravity: %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f; state.bias_g: %.4f %.4f %.4f; acc covarience: %.8f %.8f %.8f; gry covarience: %.8f %.8f %.8f",\
// imu_state.grav[0], imu_state.grav[1], imu_state.grav[2], mean_acc.norm(), cov_bias_gyr[0], cov_bias_gyr[1], cov_bias_gyr[2], cov_acc[0], cov_acc[1], cov_acc[2], cov_gyr[0], cov_gyr[1], cov_gyr[2]);
if (imu_need_init_)
/// 第一个激光雷达帧
// 如果需要初始化IMU
// 这是第一个激光雷达帧
IMU_init(meas, kf_state, init_iter_num);
// 调用IMU初始化函数
imu_need_init_ = true;
// 设置标志以指示IMU尚未初始化
last_imu_ = meas.imu.back();
// 获得最新的IMU测量
state_ikfom imu_state = kf_state.get_x();
// 从卡尔曼滤波器获取IMU的当前状态
if (init_iter_num > MAX_INI_COUNT)
cov_acc *= pow(G_m_s2 / mean_acc.norm(), 2);
imu_need_init_ = false;
// 更新加速度计和陀螺仪测量的协方差
// 设置标志以指示IMU已初始化
// 迭代次数足够,IMU初始化完成
cov_acc = cov_acc_scale;
cov_gyr = cov_gyr_scale;
ROS_INFO("IMU Initial Done");
// ROS_INFO("IMU Initial Done: Gravity: %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f; state.bias_g: %.4f %.4f %.4f; acc covarience: %.8f %.8f %.8f; gry covarience: %.8f %.8f %.8f",\
// imu_state.grav[0], imu_state.grav[1], imu_state.grav[2], mean_acc.norm(), cov_bias_gyr[0], cov_bias_gyr[1], cov_bias_gyr[2], cov_acc[0], cov_acc[1], cov_acc[2], cov_gyr[0], cov_gyr[1], cov_gyr[2]);
UndistortPcl(meas, kf_state, *cur_pcl_un_);
// 将加速度计和陀螺仪测量的协方差更新为默认值
// 打印一条消息,说明IMU初始化已完成
// 打开IMU调试文件以进行写入
t2 = omp_get_wtime();
t3 = omp_get_wtime();
// cout<<"[ IMU Process ]: Time: "<<t3 - t1<<endl;
\ No newline at end of file
// 调用UndistortPcl函数对点云进行去畸变处理
UndistortPcl(meas, kf_state, *cur_pcl_un_);
t2 = omp_get_wtime(); // 记录程序运行时间
t3 = omp_get_wtime();
// 输出程序运行时间
// cout<<"[ IMU Process ]: Time: "<<t3 - t1<<endl;
#// 包含所需的头文件
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h>
#include <livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg.h>
using namespace std;
// 定义点云类型和点云指针类型
typedef pcl::PointXYZINormal PointType;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointType> PointCloudXYZI;
// 定义枚举类型,表示不同型号的激光雷达和不同的特征类型等
enum LID_TYPE{AVIA = 1, VELO16, OUST64}; //{1, 2, 3}
enum Feature{Nor, Poss_Plane, Real_Plane, Edge_Jump, Edge_Plane, Wire, ZeroPoint};
enum Surround{Prev, Next};
enum E_jump{Nr_nor, Nr_zero, Nr_180, Nr_inf, Nr_blind};
// 宏定义,用于判断激光点坐标是否合法
#define IS_VALID(a) ((abs(a)>1e8) ? true : false)
// 定义了一个结构体 orgtype(车辆感知系统中的障碍物类型),包含以下成员变量:
// range:障碍物到车辆的距离
// dista:车辆到障碍物的距离
// angle:车辆与障碍物的夹角,包括左右两个角度
// intersect:障碍物与车辆轨迹的交点数目,默认为2
// edj:障碍物前后两个点的换道预测值(E_jump类型),默认为Nr_nor
// ftype:障碍物类型,包括Normal、Pedestrian、Cyclist等,默认为Nor
struct orgtype
double range;
double dista;
double angle[2];
double intersect;
E_jump edj[2];
Feature ftype;
// 构造函数,初始值为0或默认值
range = 0;
edj[Prev] = Nr_nor;
edj[Next] = Nr_nor;
ftype = Nor;
intersect = 2;
namespace velodyne_ros {
struct EIGEN_ALIGN16 Point {
float intensity;
float time;
uint16_t ring;
} // namespace velodyne_ros
(float, x, x)
(float, y, y)
(float, z, z)
(float, intensity, intensity)
(float, time, time)
(uint16_t, ring, ring)
namespace ouster_ros {
struct EIGEN_ALIGN16 Point {
float intensity;
uint32_t t;
uint16_t reflectivity;
uint8_t ring;
uint16_t ambient;
uint32_t range;
} // namespace ouster_ros
// clang-format off
(float, x, x)
(float, y, y)
(float, z, z)
(float, intensity, intensity)
// use std::uint32_t to avoid conflicting with pcl::uint32_t
(std::uint32_t, t, t)
(std::uint16_t, reflectivity, reflectivity)
(std::uint8_t, ring, ring)
(std::uint16_t, ambient, ambient)
(std::uint32_t, range, range)
class Preprocess
void process(const livox_ros_driver::CustomMsg::ConstPtr &msg, PointCloudXYZI::Ptr &pcl_out);
void process(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg, PointCloudXYZI::Ptr &pcl_out);
void set(bool feat_en, int lid_type, double bld, int pfilt_num);
// sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr pointcloud;
PointCloudXYZI pl_full, pl_corn, pl_surf;
PointCloudXYZI pl_buff[128]; //maximum 128 line lidar
vector<orgtype> typess[128]; //maximum 128 line lidar
int lidar_type, point_filter_num, N_SCANS;;
double blind;
bool feature_enabled, given_offset_time;
ros::Publisher pub_full, pub_surf, pub_corn;
void avia_handler(const livox_ros_driver::CustomMsg::ConstPtr &msg);
void oust64_handler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg);
void velodyne_handler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg);
void give_feature(PointCloudXYZI &pl, vector<orgtype> &types);
void pub_func(PointCloudXYZI &pl, const ros::Time &ct);
int plane_judge(const PointCloudXYZI &pl, vector<orgtype> &types, uint i, uint &i_nex, Eigen::Vector3d &curr_direct);
bool small_plane(const PointCloudXYZI &pl, vector<orgtype> &types, uint i_cur, uint &i_nex, Eigen::Vector3d &curr_direct);
bool edge_jump_judge(const PointCloudXYZI &pl, vector<orgtype> &types, uint i, Surround nor_dir);
int group_size;
double disA, disB, inf_bound;
double limit_maxmid, limit_midmin, limit_maxmin;
double p2l_ratio;
double jump_up_limit, jump_down_limit;
double cos160;
double edgea, edgeb;
double smallp_intersect, smallp_ratio;
double vx, vy, vz;
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