+ add example of negative step.

上级 124277f1
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ desc:
# Elements can be a range, e.g. range:1-10, A-Z.
# Use colons to define steps, e.g. range:1-10:2.
# Steps can be decimals, e.g. range: 1-10:0.1.
# Steps can be negative, e.g. range: 9-1:-1
# Intervals can be set as random by R, e.g. range: 1-10:R. Set either random or a specified step.
# Use a file to specify a list, e.g. range: list.txt. If the file name is a relative path, it is based on the config file.
# Use {n} to repeat a element, e.g. range: user1{100},user2{100}.
......@@ -64,16 +65,16 @@ fields:
prefix: int_ # Prefix
postfix: "\t" # Postfix
- field: field_step # Interval steps can be specified.
range: 1-10:2, 1-2:0.1 # 1,3,5,7,9,1, 1.1,1.2...,2
- field: field_step # Interval steps can be specified.
range: 1-10:2, 1-2:0.1,9-1:-1 # 1,3,5,7,9,1, 1.1,1.2...,2,9,8,7,...,1
postfix: "\t"
- field: field_random # Use R to specify randomly. Set either R or a specified step.
range: 1-10:R # 1,5,8...
- field: field_random # Use R to specify randomly. Set either R or a specified step.
range: 1-10:R # 1,5,8...
postfix: "\t"
- field: field_file # Read a list from a file and set it as random.
range: users.txt:R # Using the lines of users.txt as range and set it as random.
- field: field_file # Read a list from a file and set it as random.
range: users.txt:R # Using the lines of users.txt as range and set it as random.
postfix: "\t"
- field: field_loop # Self-loop field.
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