未验证 提交 5d7ea02e 编写于 作者: J Jesse Glick


上级 27c83f9c
package jenkins.security
import hudson.FilePath
import hudson.Functions
import hudson.Util
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
public class DefaultConfidentialStoreTest {
def tmp;
void setup() {
tmp = Util.createTempDir()
void tearDown() {
void roundtrip() {
tmp.deleteDir() // let ConfidentialStore create a directory
def store = new DefaultConfidentialStore(tmp);
def key = new ConfidentialKey("test") {};
// basic roundtrip
def str = "Hello world!"
store.store(key, str.bytes)
assert new String(store.load(key))==str
// data storage should have some stuff
assert new File(tmp,"test").exists()
assert new File(tmp,"master.key").exists()
assert !new File(tmp,"test").text.contains("Hello") // the data shouldn't be a plain text, obviously
if (!Functions.isWindows())
assert (new FilePath(tmp).mode()&0777) == 0700 // should be read only
// if the master key changes, we should gracefully fail to load the store
new File(tmp,"master.key").delete()
def store2 = new DefaultConfidentialStore(tmp)
assert new File(tmp,"master.key").exists() // we should have a new key now
assert store2.load(key)==null;
package jenkins.security;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Functions;
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
public class DefaultConfidentialStoreTest {
public TemporaryFolder tmpRule = new TemporaryFolder();
public void roundtrip() throws Exception {
File tmp = new File(tmpRule.getRoot(), "tmp"); // let ConfidentialStore create a directory
DefaultConfidentialStore store = new DefaultConfidentialStore(tmp);
ConfidentialKey key = new ConfidentialKey("test") {};
// basic roundtrip
String str = "Hello world!";
store.store(key, str.getBytes());
assertEquals(str, new String(store.load(key)));
// data storage should have some stuff
assertTrue(new File(tmp, "test").exists());
assertTrue(new File(tmp, "master.key").exists());
assertThat(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(tmp, "test")), not(containsString("Hello"))); // the data shouldn't be a plain text, obviously
if (!Functions.isWindows()) {
assertEquals(0700, new FilePath(tmp).mode() & 0777); // should be read only
// if the master key changes, we should gracefully fail to load the store
new File(tmp, "master.key").delete();
DefaultConfidentialStore store2 = new DefaultConfidentialStore(tmp);
assertTrue(new File(tmp, "master.key").exists()); // we should have a new key now
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