提交 2e49bd1b 编写于 作者: O Olivier Lamy

oups missed to add a file

上级 33c33414
package hudson.maven.util;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.maven.execution.AbstractExecutionListener;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildFailure;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildSuccess;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildSummary;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionEvent;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
* Logs execution events to a user-supplied logger.
* @author Benjamin Bentmann
public class ExecutionEventLogger
extends AbstractExecutionListener
private final Logger logger;
private static final int LINE_LENGTH = 72;
public ExecutionEventLogger( Logger logger )
if ( logger == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "logger missing" );
this.logger = logger;
private static String chars( char c, int count )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( count );
for ( int i = count; i > 0; i-- )
buffer.append( c );
return buffer.toString();
private static String getFormattedTime( long time )
String pattern = "s.SSS's'";
if ( time / 60000L > 0 )
pattern = "m:s" + pattern;
if ( time / 3600000L > 0 )
pattern = "H:m" + pattern;
DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( pattern );
fmt.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
return fmt.format( new Date( time ) );
public void projectDiscoveryStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
logger.info( "Scanning for projects..." );
public void sessionStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() && event.getSession().getProjects().size() > 1 )
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( "Reactor Build Order:" );
logger.info( "" );
for ( MavenProject project : event.getSession().getProjects() )
logger.info( project.getName() );
public void sessionEnded( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
if ( event.getSession().getProjects().size() > 1 )
logReactorSummary( event.getSession() );
logResult( event.getSession() );
logStats( event.getSession() );
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
private void logReactorSummary( MavenSession session )
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( "Reactor Summary:" );
logger.info( "" );
MavenExecutionResult result = session.getResult();
for ( MavenProject project : session.getProjects() )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 128 );
buffer.append( project.getName() );
buffer.append( ' ' );
while ( buffer.length() < LINE_LENGTH - 21 )
buffer.append( '.' );
buffer.append( ' ' );
BuildSummary buildSummary = result.getBuildSummary( project );
if ( buildSummary == null )
buffer.append( "SKIPPED" );
else if ( buildSummary instanceof BuildSuccess )
buffer.append( "SUCCESS [" );
buffer.append( getFormattedTime( buildSummary.getTime() ) );
buffer.append( "]" );
else if ( buildSummary instanceof BuildFailure )
buffer.append( "FAILURE [" );
buffer.append( getFormattedTime( buildSummary.getTime() ) );
buffer.append( "]" );
logger.info( buffer.toString() );
private void logResult( MavenSession session )
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
if ( session.getResult().hasExceptions() )
logger.info( "BUILD FAILURE" );
logger.info( "BUILD SUCCESS" );
private void logStats( MavenSession session )
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
Date finish = new Date();
long time = finish.getTime() - session.getRequest().getStartTime().getTime();
String wallClock = session.getRequest().isThreadConfigurationPresent() ? " (Wall Clock)" : "";
logger.info( "Total time: " + getFormattedTime( time ) + wallClock );
logger.info( "Finished at: " + finish );
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
long MB = 1024 * 1024;
logger.info( "Final Memory: " + ( r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory() ) / MB + "M/" + r.totalMemory() / MB + "M" );
public void projectSkipped( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
logger.info( chars( ' ', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( "Skipping " + event.getProject().getName() );
logger.info( "This project has been banned from the build due to previous failures." );
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
public void projectStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
logger.info( chars( ' ', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( "Building " + event.getProject().getName() + " " + event.getProject().getVersion() );
logger.info( chars( '-', LINE_LENGTH ) );
public void mojoSkipped( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isWarnEnabled() )
logger.warn( "Goal " + event.getMojoExecution().getGoal()
+ " requires online mode for execution but Maven is currently offline, skipping" );
public void mojoStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 128 );
buffer.append( "--- " );
append( buffer, event.getMojoExecution() );
append( buffer, event.getProject() );
buffer.append( " ---" );
logger.info( "" );
logger.info( buffer.toString() );
public void forkStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 128 );
buffer.append( ">>> " );
append( buffer, event.getMojoExecution() );
append( buffer, event.getProject() );
buffer.append( " >>>" );
logger.info( "" );
logger.info( buffer.toString() );
public void forkSucceeded( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 128 );
buffer.append( "<<< " );
append( buffer, event.getMojoExecution() );
append( buffer, event.getProject() );
buffer.append( " <<<" );
logger.info( "" );
logger.info( buffer.toString() );
private void append( StringBuilder buffer, MojoExecution me )
buffer.append( me.getArtifactId() ).append( ':' ).append( me.getVersion() );
buffer.append( ':' ).append( me.getGoal() );
if ( me.getExecutionId() != null )
buffer.append( " (" ).append( me.getExecutionId() ).append( ')' );
private void append( StringBuilder buffer, MavenProject project )
buffer.append( " @ " ).append( project.getArtifactId() );
public void forkedProjectStarted( ExecutionEvent event )
if ( logger.isInfoEnabled() && event.getMojoExecution().getForkedExecutions().size() > 1 )
logger.info( chars( ' ', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( chars( '>', LINE_LENGTH ) );
logger.info( "Forking " + event.getProject().getName() + " " + event.getProject().getVersion() );
logger.info( chars( '>', LINE_LENGTH ) );
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