• K
    Marked various mode-link as inside. · 5f806d8f
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi 提交于
    - When marked inside, moving the mouse to <A> and clicking the context menu becomes easier,
      because you can move the mouse toward the hot spot area and it'll activate.
      Otherwise you have to move the mouse over to <A>, then move the mouse on the side, click it,
      then click the menu, which adds cognitive stress.
    - Marking model link as inside creates an empty space to the right of <A>, which looks
      odd if hyperlinks appear inline or if some other text follows it.
    Given that, my guiding principle for this change is:
    - any model link that is the last child of a block element gets marked as inside
    - I've adjust a few text to get rid of the single-letter training text after a model link,
      like "(#3)" to "- #3"
    - If another inline element follows a model link, leave it as is.
      This does create an ugly overlap.
buildListTable.jelly 3.1 KB