提交 8b8c929b 编写于 作者: C Christian Noon

Disabled didReceiveChallenge tests on iOS 8.x due to respondsToSelector bug.

上级 782e93d5
......@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ class SessionDelegateTestCase: BaseTestCase {
manager = Alamofire.Manager(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.ephemeralSessionConfiguration())
override func tearDown() {
// MARK: - Tests - Session Invalidation
func testThatSessionDidBecomeInvalidWithErrorClosureIsCalledWhenSet() {
......@@ -66,53 +62,67 @@ class SessionDelegateTestCase: BaseTestCase {
// MARK: - Tests - Session Challenges
func testThatSessionDidReceiveChallengeClosureIsCalledWhenSet() {
// Given
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Override closure should be called")
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
// Given
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Override closure should be called")
var overrideClosureCalled = false
var response: NSHTTPURLResponse?
var overrideClosureCalled = false
var response: NSHTTPURLResponse?
manager.delegate.sessionDidReceiveChallenge = { session, challenge in
overrideClosureCalled = true
return (.PerformDefaultHandling, nil)
manager.delegate.sessionDidReceiveChallenge = { session, challenge in
overrideClosureCalled = true
return (.PerformDefaultHandling, nil)
// When
manager.request(.GET, "https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { closureResponse in
response = closureResponse.response
// When
manager.request(.GET, "https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { closureResponse in
response = closureResponse.response
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(timeout, handler: nil)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(timeout, handler: nil)
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(response?.statusCode, 200)
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(response?.statusCode, 200)
} else {
// This test MUST be disabled on iOS 8.x because `respondsToSelector` is not being called for the
// `URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:` selector when more than one test here is run
// at a time. Whether we flush the URL session of wipe all the shared credentials, the behavior is
// still the same. Until we find a better solution, we'll need to disable this test on iOS 8.x.
func testThatSessionDidReceiveChallengeWithCompletionClosureIsCalledWhenSet() {
// Given
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Override closure should be called")
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
// Given
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Override closure should be called")
var overrideClosureCalled = false
var response: NSHTTPURLResponse?
var overrideClosureCalled = false
var response: NSHTTPURLResponse?
manager.delegate.sessionDidReceiveChallengeWithCompletion = { session, challenge, completion in
overrideClosureCalled = true
completion(.PerformDefaultHandling, nil)
manager.delegate.sessionDidReceiveChallengeWithCompletion = { session, challenge, completion in
overrideClosureCalled = true
completion(.PerformDefaultHandling, nil)
// When
manager.request(.GET, "https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { closureResponse in
response = closureResponse.response
// When
manager.request(.GET, "https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { closureResponse in
response = closureResponse.response
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(timeout, handler: nil)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(timeout, handler: nil)
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(response?.statusCode, 200)
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(response?.statusCode, 200)
} else {
// This test MUST be disabled on iOS 8.x because `respondsToSelector` is not being called for the
// `URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:` selector when more than one test here is run
// at a time. Whether we flush the URL session of wipe all the shared credentials, the behavior is
// still the same. Until we find a better solution, we'll need to disable this test on iOS 8.x.
// MARK: - Tests - Redirects
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