• I
    Moved English link (#5189) · a8354814
    Ian Channing 提交于
    The 'View the English list' link is easy to miss at the top - especially on the https://ebookfoundation.github.io site because the links are much smaller there.
    The link is squashed in under the main title and before the Intro title - so skimming the page skips over the link.
    But then if you miss this link you come to the title 'In Other Written Languages' which then makes no sense - because you can't see the English list anywhere.
    I've create a 'Books' section so that its similar to the 'Free Online Courses' and 'Cheat Sheets' and then put the English link at the top. This seems more logical and easier to skim.
README.md 6.3 KB