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# GitLab CI/CD

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html)

*   [Overview](#overview)
*   [Getting started](#getting-started)
*   [Concepts](#concepts)
*   [Configuration](#configuration)
*   [Feature set](#feature-set)
*   [Examples](#examples)
*   [Administration](#administration-core-only)
*   [References](#references)
    *   [Why GitLab CI/CD?](#why-gitlab-cicd)
    *   [Breaking changes](#breaking-changes)
        *   [13.0](#130)
        *   [12.0](#120)
        *   [11.0](#110)
        *   [10.0](#100)
        *   [9.0](#90)

# GitLab CI/CD[](#gitlab-cicd "Permalink")

GitLab CI / CD 是 GitLab 内置的工具,用于通过[连续方法](introduction/index.html#introduction-to-cicd-methodologies)进行软件开发:

*   持续集成(CI)
*   连续交付(CD)
*   持续部署(CD)

**注意:**开箱即用的管理系统可以将维护工具链所花费的时间减少 10%或更多. 观看我们的["精通持续软件开发"](https://about.gitlab.com/webcast/mastering-ci-cd/)网络广播,以了解连续方法以及 GitLab 的内置 CI 如何帮助您简化和扩展软件开发.

## Overview[](#overview "Permalink")

持续集成的工作原理是将小的代码块推送到 Git 存储库中托管的应用程序代码库中,并且每次推送时,都要运行脚本管道来构建,测试和验证代码更改,然后再将其合并到主分支中.

持续交付和部署包括进一步的 CI,可在每次推送到存储库默认分支时将应用程序部署到生产环境.


有关这些方法和 GitLab CI / CD 的完整概述,请阅读 GitLab 的 CI / CD [简介](introduction/index.html) .

GitLab CI / CD 的视频演示: [演示:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iXFbchozdY) GitLab 的 CI / CD.

<figure class="video-container"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1iXFbchozdY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></figure>

## Getting started[](#getting-started "Permalink")

GitLab CI / CD 由位于存储库根目录的名为`.gitlab-ci.yml`的文件配置. 该文件创建[管道](pipelines/index.html) ,该[管道](pipelines/index.html)运行以更改存储库中的代码. 管道包含一个或多个顺序运行的阶段,每个阶段可以包含一个或多个并行运行的作业. 这些作业(或脚本)由[GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/)代理执行.

要开始使用 GitLab CI / CD,我们建议您通读以下文档:

*   [How GitLab CI/CD works](introduction/index.html#how-gitlab-cicd-works).
*   [Fundamental pipeline architectures](pipelines/pipeline_architectures.html).
*   [GitLab CI/CD basic workflow](introduction/index.html#basic-cicd-workflow).
*   [Step-by-step guide for writing `.gitlab-ci.yml` for the first time](../user/project/pages/getting_started/pages_from_scratch.html).

如果您要从其他 CI / CD 工具迁移,请查看我们方便的参考资料:

*   [Migrating from CircleCI](migration/circleci.html)
*   [Migrating from Jenkins](jenkins/index.html)

您也可以使用 UI 中提供的[`.gitlab-ci.yml`模板](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/tree/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates)之一来开始使用. 您可以通过创建新文件,选择适合您的应用程序的模板并根据需要进行调整来使用它们:

[![Use a `.gitlab-ci.yml` template](img/e006fccde54b694d8c0f506a675942e0.png)](img/add_file_template_11_10.png)

有关更广泛的概述,请参阅《 [CI / CD 入门](quick_start/README.html)指南》.

熟悉 GitLab CI / CD 的工作原理后,请参阅[`.gitlab-ci.yml`完整参考,](yaml/README.html)以获取可以设置和使用的所有属性.

**注意:** GitLab CI / CD 和[共享运行](runners/README.html#shared-runners)器在 GitLab.com 中启用,并且对所有用户可用,仅限于[用户的管道配额](../user/gitlab_com/index.html#shared-runners) .

## Concepts[](#concepts "Permalink")

GitLab CI / CD 使用许多概念来描述和运行您的构建和部署.

| Concept | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Pipelines](pipelines/index.html) | Structure your CI/CD process through pipelines. |
| [Environment variables](variables/README.html) | 根据变量/值键对重用值. |
| [Environments](environments/index.html) | 将您的应用程序部署到不同的环境(例如,登台,生产). |
| [Job artifacts](pipelines/job_artifacts.html) | 输出,使用和重用作业工件. |
| [Cache dependencies](caching/index.html) | 缓存您的依赖项以加快执行速度. |
| [GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/) | 配置自己的 GitLab 运行程序以执行脚本. |

## Configuration[](#configuration "Permalink")

GitLab CI / CD 支持多种配置选项:

| Configuration | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Schedule pipelines](pipelines/schedules.html) | 计划管道以根据需要运行. |
| [Custom path for `.gitlab-ci.yml`](pipelines/settings.html#custom-ci-configuration-path) | 为 CI / CD 配置文件定义自定义路径. |
| [Git submodules for CI/CD](git_submodules.html) | 配置作业以使用 Git 子模块. |
| [SSH keys for CI/CD](ssh_keys/README.html) | 在 CI 管道中使用 SSH 密钥. |
| [Pipeline triggers](triggers/README.html) | 通过 API 触发管道. |
| [Pipelines for Merge Requests](merge_request_pipelines/index.html) | 设计用于在合并请求中运行管道的管道结构. |
| [Integrate with Kubernetes clusters](../user/project/clusters/index.html) | 将您的项目连接到 Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE)或现有的 Kubernetes 集群. |
| [Optimize GitLab and Runner for large repositories](large_repositories/index.html) | 处理大型存储库的推荐策略. |
| [`.gitlab-ci.yml` full reference](yaml/README.html) | 您可以在 GitLab CI / CD 中使用的所有属性. |


## Feature set[](#feature-set "Permalink")

使用庞大的 GitLab CI / CD 可以轻松地针对特定目的进行配置. 根据 DevOps 阶段,其功能集在下表中列出.

| Feature | Description |
| --- | --- |
| **Configure** |   |
| [Auto DevOps](../topics/autodevops/index.html) | 设置应用的整个生命周期. |
| [ChatOps](chatops/README.html) | 从聊天中触发 CI 作业,并将结果发送回通道. |
| **Verify** |   |
| [Browser Performance Testing](../user/project/merge_requests/browser_performance_testing.html) | 快速确定即将发生的代码更改对浏览器性能的影响. |
| [Load Performance Testing](../user/project/merge_requests/load_performance_testing.html) | 快速确定未决代码更改对服务器性能的影响. |
| [CI services](services/README.html) | 将 Docker 容器与您的基本映像链接起来. |
| [Code Quality](../user/project/merge_requests/code_quality.html) | 分析您的源代码质量. |
| [GitLab CI/CD for external repositories](ci_cd_for_external_repos/index.html) | 结合使用 GitHub 和 Bitbucket Cloud 中的存储库,获得 GitLab CI / CD 的优势. |
| [Interactive Web Terminals](interactive_web_terminal/index.html) | 打开一个交互式 Web 终端以调试正在运行的作业. |
| [JUnit tests](junit_test_reports.html) | 直接在合并请求中识别脚本失败. |
| [Using Docker images](docker/using_docker_images.html) | 将 GitLab 和 GitLab Runner 与 Docker 结合使用来构建和测试应用程序. |
| **Release** |   |
| [Auto Deploy](../topics/autodevops/stages.html#auto-deploy) | 将您的应用程序部署到 Kubernetes 集群中的生产环境. |
| [Building Docker images](docker/using_docker_build.html) | 使用 GitLab CI / CD 维护基于 Docker 的项目. |
| [Canary Deployments](../user/project/canary_deployments.html) | 仅将功能部件运送到一部分吊舱中,并让一定比例的用户群访问临时部署的功能部件. |
| [Deploy Boards](../user/project/deploy_boards.html) | 检查 Kubernetes 上运行的每个 CI / CD 环境的当前运行状况和状态. |
| [Feature Flags](../operations/feature_flags.html) | 在功能标记后部署功能. |
| [GitLab Pages](../user/project/pages/index.html) | 部署静态网站. |
| [GitLab Releases](../user/project/releases/index.html) | 将发行说明添加到 Git 标签. |
| [Review Apps](review_apps/index.html) | 配置 GitLab CI / CD 预览代码更改. |
| [Cloud deployment](cloud_deployment/index.html) | 将您的应用程序部署到主要的云提供商. |
| **Secure** |   |
| [Container Scanning](../user/application_security/container_scanning/index.html) | 检查您的 Docker 容器是否存在已知漏洞. |
| [Dependency Scanning](../user/application_security/dependency_scanning/index.html) | 分析您的依赖项是否存在已知漏洞. |
| [License Compliance](../user/compliance/license_compliance/index.html) | 在项目依赖项中搜索其许可证. |
| [Security Test reports](../user/application_security/index.html) | 检查应用程序漏洞. |

## Examples[](#examples "Permalink")

在" [CI 实例"](examples/README.html)页面上查找示例项目代码和教程,以将 GitLab CI / CD 与各种应用程序框架,语言和平台结合使用.

GitLab 还提供了[示例项目,这些项目已](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples)预先配置为使用 GitLab CI / CD.

## Administration[](#administration-core-only "Permalink")

作为 GitLab 管理员,您可以将 GitLab CI / CD 的默认行为更改为:

*   An [entire GitLab instance](../user/admin_area/settings/continuous_integration.html).
*   具体项目,使用[管道设置](pipelines/settings.html) .


*   [How to enable or disable GitLab CI/CD](enable_or_disable_ci.html).
*   Other [CI administration settings](../administration/index.html#continuous-integration-settings).

## References[](#references "Permalink")

### Why GitLab CI/CD?[](#why-gitlab-cicd "Permalink")


*   [Why you might chose GitLab CI/CD](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/10/17/gitlab-ci-oohlala/).
*   [Reasons you might migrate from another platform](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/07/22/building-our-web-app-on-gitlab-ci/).
*   [5 Teams that made the switch to GitLab CI/CD](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2019/04/25/5-teams-that-made-the-switch-to-gitlab-ci-cd/)

另请参阅[为什么选择 CI / CD?](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OGgk2Tcxbpl7DJaIOzCX4Vqg3dlwfELC3u2jEeCBbDk) 介绍.

### Breaking changes[](#breaking-changes "Permalink")

随着 GitLab CI / CD 的发展,必须进行一些重大更改. 这些是:

#### 13.0[](#130 "Permalink")

*   [Remove Backported `os.Expand`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4915)
*   [Remove Fedora 29 package support](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/16158)
*   [Remove macOS 32-bit support](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/25466)
*   [Removed `debug/jobs/list?v=1` endpoint](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/6361)
*   [Remove support for array of strings when defining services for Docker executor](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4922)
*   [Remove `--docker-services` flag on register command](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/6404)
*   [Remove legacy build directory caching](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4180)
*   [Remove `FF_USE_LEGACY_VOLUMES_MOUNTING_ORDER` feature flag](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/6581)
*   [Remove support for Windows Server 1803](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/6553)

#### 12.0[](#120 "Permalink")

*   [Use refspec to clone/fetch Git repository](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4069).
*   [Old cache configuration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4070).
*   [Old metrics server configuration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4072).
*   [Remove `FF_K8S_USE_ENTRYPOINT_OVER_COMMAND`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4073).
*   [Remove Linux distributions that reach EOL](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/merge_requests/1130).
*   [Update command line API for helper images](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4013).
*   [Remove old `git clean` flow](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4175).

#### 11.0[](#110 "Permalink")

*   没有重大变化.

#### 10.0[](#100 "Permalink")

*   没有重大变化.

#### 9.0[](#90 "Permalink")

*   [为 GitLab 9.0 重命名 CI 变量](variables/deprecated_variables.html#gitlab-90-renamed-variables) . 了解不建议使用的 CI 变量以及在 GitLab 9.0+中应使用的内容.
*   [新的 CI 作业权限模型](../user/project/new_ci_build_permissions_model.html) . 查看 GitLab 8.12 中的更改及其对工作的影响. 有一种新方法可以访问作业中的 Git 子模块和 LFS 对象.