• F
    [WIP] Add Keypoint R-CNN (#69) · e0a525a0
    Francisco Massa 提交于
    * [WIP] Keypoints inference on C2 models work
    * Training seems to work
    Still gives slightly worse results
    * e2e training works but gives 3 and 5 mAP less
    * Add modification proposed by @ChangErgou
    Improves mAP by 1.5 points, to 0.514 and 0.609
    * Keypoints reproduce expected results
    * Clean coco.py
    * Linter + remove unnecessary code
    * Merge criteria for empty bboxes in has_valid_annotation
    * Remove trailing print
    * Add demo support for keypoints
    Still need further cleanups and improvements, like adding fields support for the other ops in Keypoints
    * More cleanups and misc improvements
    * Fixes after rebase
    * Add information to the readme
    * Fix md formatting
e2e_keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_quick.yaml 1.3 KB