提交 97e5e1de 编写于 作者: H hzs 提交者: labuladong


上级 8b8f4135
......@@ -215,4 +215,57 @@ int stoneGame(int[] piles) {
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class Solution:
def stoneGame(self, piles: List[int]) -> bool:
n = len(piles)
# 初始化一个n*n的矩阵 dp数组
dp = [[None] * n for i in range(0, n)]
# 在三角区域填充
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i, n):
dp[i][j] = [0, 0]
# 填入base case
for i in range(0, n):
dp[i][i][0] = piles[i]
dp[i][i][1] = 0
# 斜着遍历数组
for l in range(2, n + 1):
for i in range(0, n-l+1):
j = l + i - 1
# 先手选择最左边或最右边的分数
left = piles[i] + dp[i + 1][j][1]
right = piles[j] + dp[i][j - 1][1]
# 套用状态转移方程
if left > right:
dp[i][j][0] = left
dp[i][j][1] = dp[i + 1][j][0]
dp[i][j][0] = right
dp[i][j][1] = dp[i][j - 1][0]
res = dp[0][n - 1]
return res[0] - res[1] > 0
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