提交 fc65a9c3 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)

use table as api doc overview

上级 b467937c
......@@ -157,197 +157,125 @@ A `Bot` is a Wechaty instance that control a specific [wechaty-puppet](https://g
4. [wechaty-puppet-ioscat](https://github.com/linyimin-bupt/wechaty-puppet-ioscat) - iPhone App Hook
3. `optoins.puppetOptions: PuppetOptions` puppet options.
#### 1.2 `wechaty.start(): Promise<void>` start the bot
#### 1.3 `wechaty.stop(): Promise<void>` stop the bot
#### 1.4 `wechaty.logonoff(): boolean` get the bot login/logout status
#### 1.5 `wechaty.logout(): Promise<void>` logout the bot
#### 1.6 `wechaty.userSelf(): ContactSelf` return the login-ed bot contact
#### 1.7 `wechaty.say(something)` let bot say something to itself
#### 1.8 Event `wechaty.on('login', ...)` emit after bot login full successful
#### 1.9 Event `wechaty.on('logout', ...)` emit after the bot log out
#### 1.10 Event `wechaty.on('friendship`, ...)` emit when someone sends bot a friend request
#### 1.11 Event `wechaty.on('message', ...)` emit when there's a new message
#### 1.12 Event `wechaty.on('room-join', ...)` emit when anyone join any room
#### 1.13 Event `wechaty.on('room-topic', ...)` emit when someone change room topic
#### 1.14 Event `wechaty.on('room-leave', ...)` emit when anyone leave the room
#### 1.15 Event `wechaty.on('room-invite', ...)` emit when there is a room invitation
#### 1.16 Event `wechaty.on('scan', ...)` A scan event will be emitted when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning
| Wechaty | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | `start(): Promise<void>` | start the bot |
| | `stop(): Promise<void>` | stop the bot |
| | `logonoff(): boolean` | bot login status |
| | `logout(): Promise<void>` | logout the bot |
| | `userSelf(): ContactSelf` | get the login-ed bot contact |
| | `say(text: string): Promise<void>` | let bot say `text` to itself |
| event | `login` | emit after bot login full successful |
| event | `logout` | emit after the bot log out |
| event | `friendship` | emit when someone sends bot a friend request|
| event | `message` | emit when there's a new message |
| event | `room-join` | emit when anyone join any room |
| event | `room-topic` | emit when someone change room topic |
| event | `room-leave` | emit when anyone leave the room |
| event | `room-invite` | emit when there is a room invitation |
| event | `scan` | emit when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning |
### 2 Class `Contact`
All wechat contacts(friends/non-friends) will be encapsulated as a Contact.
#### 2.1 `Contact.find(query: string): Promise<Contact>`
#### 2.2 `Contact.findAll(query: string): Promise<Contact[]>`
#### 2.3 `contact.id: readonly string` Contact id
#### 2.4 `contact.say(something): Promise<void>` say something to this contact
#### 2.5 `contact.self(): boolean` whether this contact is the bot itself
#### 2.6 `contact.name(): string`
#### 2.7 `contact.alias(): Promise<string>` get alias
#### 2.8 `contact.alias(newAlias: string): Promise<void>` set alias
#### 2.9 `contact.friend(): boolean`
#### 2.10 `contact.type(): ContactType`
- ContactType.Unknown
- ContactType.Personal
- ContactType.Official
#### 2.11 `contact.province(): string`
#### 2.12 `contact.city(): string`
#### 2.13 `contact.avatar(): Promise<FileBox>` get profile avatar from contact
#### 2.14 `contact.gender(): ContactGender` get gender
- ContactGender.Unknown
- ContactGender.Male
- ContactGender.Female
| Contact | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| static | `find(query: string): Promise<null | Contact>` | |
| static | `findAll(query: string): Promise<Contact[]>` | |
| property | `id: readonly string` | |
| | `say(text: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `self(): boolean` | |
| | `name(): string` | |
| | `alias(): Promise<string>` | |
| | `alias(newAlias: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `friend(): boolean` | |
| | `type(): ContactType` | |
| | `provence(): string` | |
| | `city(): string` | |
| | `avatar(): Promise<FileBox>` | |
| | `gender(): ContactGender` | |
### 3 Class `ContactSelf`
#### 3.1 `contactSelf.avatar(file: FileBox): Promise<void>` set avatar for bot
#### 3.2 `contactSelf.qrcode(): Promise<string>` get qrcode for bot
#### 3.3 `contactSelf.signature(signature: string)` set signature for bot
| ContactSelf | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | `avatar(file: FileBox): Promise<void>` | set avatar for bot |
| | `qrcode(): Promise<string>` | get qrcode for bot |
| | `signature(text: string): Promise<void>` | set signature for bot |
### 4 Class `Message`
All wechat messages will be encapsulated as a Message.
#### 4.1 `Message.find(query: string): Promise<Message>` search message in the recent cache
#### 4.2 `Message.findAll(query: string): Promise<Message[]>`
#### 4.3 `message.from(): Contact`
#### 4.4 `message.to(): Contact`
#### 4.5 `message.room(): null | Room`
#### 4.6 `message.text(): string`
#### 4.7 `message.say(text: string, mention?: Contact[]): Promise<void>`
#### 4.8 `message.type(): MessageType`
- MessageType.Text
- MessageType.Image
- MessageType.Audio
- MessageType.Video
- MessageType.Attachment
#### 4.9 `message.self(): boolean`
#### 4.10 `message.mention(): Contact[]`
#### 4.11 `message.mentionSelf(): boolean`
#### 4.12 `message.forward(to: Contact): Promise<void>`
#### 4.13 `message.age(): number`
#### 4.14 `message.toFileBox(): Promise<FileBox>`
#### 4.15 `message.toContact(): Promise<Contact>`
| Message | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| static | `find(query: string): Promise<null | Message>` | |
| static | `findAll(query: string): Promise<Message[]>` | |
| | `from(): Contact` | |
| | `to(): Contact` | |
| | `room(): null | Room` | |
| | `text(): string` | |
| | `say(text: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `type(): MessageType` | |
| | `self(): boolean` | |
| | `mention(): Contact[]` | |
| | `mentionSelf(): boolean` | |
| | `forward(to: Contact): Promise<void>` | |
| | `age(): number` | |
| | `toFileBox(): Promise<FileBox>` | |
| | `toContact(): Promise<Contact>` | |
### 5 Class `Room`
All wechat rooms(groups) will be encapsulated as a Room.
#### 5.1 `room.create(contactList: Contact[], topic?: string): Promise<Room>`
#### 5.2 `room.find(query: string): Promise<null | Room>`
#### 5.3 `room.findAll(query?: string): Promise<room[]>`
#### 5.4 `room.id: readonly string`
#### 5.5 `room.say(something: string): Promise<void>`
#### 5.6 `room.add(contact: Contact): Promise<void>`
#### 5.7 `room.del(contact: Cotnact): Promise<void>`
#### 5.8 `room.quit(): Promise<void>`
#### 5.9 `room.topic(): Promise<string` get topic
#### 5.10 `room.topic(newTopic: string): Promise<void>` set topic
#### 5.11 `room.announce(announcement: string): Promise<void>`
#### 5.12`room.qrcode(): Promise<string>` get a qrcode for joining this room
#### 5.13 `room.alias(contact: Cotnact): Promise<string>` get the room alias from a room member contact
#### 5.14 `room.has(contact: Contact): Promise<boolean>`
#### 5.15 `room.memberAll(query?: string): Promise<Contact[]>`
#### 5.16 `room.member(query: string): Promise<null | Contact>`
#### 5.17 `room.owner(): null | Contact`
#### 5.18 Event `room.on('join', ...)` emit when anyone join any room
#### 5.19 Event `room.on('topic', ...)` emit when someone change room topic
#### 5.20 Event `room.on('leave', ...)` emit when anyone leave the room
| Room | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| static | `create(contactList: Contact[], topic?: string): Promise<Room>` | |
| static | `find(query: string): Promise<null | Room>` | |
| static | `findAll(query: string): Promise<Room[]>` | |
| property | `id: readonly string` | |
| | `say(text: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `add(contact: Contact): Promise<void>` | |
| | `del(contact: Contact): Promise<void>` | |
| | `quit(): Promise<void>` | |
| | `topic(): Promise<string>` | |
| | `topic(newTopic: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `announce(text: string): Promise<void>` | |
| | `qrcode(): Promise<string>` | |
| | `alias(contact: Contact): Promise<string>` | |
| | `has(contact: Contact): Promise<boolean>` | |
| | `memberAll(query?: string): Promise<Contact[]>` | |
| | `member(query: string): Promise<null | Contact>` | |
| | `owner(): null | Contact` | |
| event | `join` | emit when anyone join any room |
| event | `topic` | emit when someone change room topic |
| event | `leave` | emit when anyone leave the room |
| event | `invite` | emit when receive a room invitation |
### 6 Class `Friendship`
Send, receive friend request, and friend confirmation events.
#### 6.1 `Friendship.add(contact: Cotnact, hello?: string): Promise<void>` send a friend invitation to contact
#### 6.2 `friendship.accept(): Promise<void>`
#### 6.3 `friendship.hello(): string` get the hello string from a friendship invitation
#### 6.4 `friendship.contact(): Contact`
#### 6.5 `friendship.type(): FriendshipType`
- FriendshipType.Confirm
- FriendshipType.Receive
- FriendshipType.Verify
| Friendship | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | `add(contact: Contact, hello?: string): Promise<void>` | send a friend invitation to contact |
| | `accept(): Promise<void>` | |
| | `hello(): string` | get the hello string from a friendship invitation |
| | `contact(): Contact` | |
| | `type(): FriendshipType` | |
### 7 Class `RoomInvitation`
Accept room invitation
#### 7.1 `roomInvitation.accept(): Promise<void>`
#### 7.2 `roomInvitation.inviter(): Contact`
#### 7.3 `roomInvitation.topic(): Promise<string>`
#### 7.4 `roomInvitation.date(): Date`
| RoomInvitation | API | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | `accept(): Promise<void>` | |
| | `inviter(): Contact` | |
| | `topic(): Promise<string>` | |
| | `date(): Date` | |
......@@ -550,6 +550,15 @@ export class Room extends Accessory implements Sayable {
* })
* }
* @example <caption>Event:invite </caption>
* const bot = new Wechaty()
* await bot.start()
* // after logged in...
* const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat
* if (room) {
* room.on('invite', roomInvitation => roomInvitation.accept())
* }
public on (event: RoomEventName, listener: (...args: any[]) => any): this {
log.verbose('Room', 'on(%s, %s)', event, typeof listener)
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