未验证 提交 4d4d67f0 编写于 作者: S Skylot

fix: remove shadowed catch handlers (#1377)

上级 97e8a349
package jadx.core.dex.visitors;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
......@@ -15,12 +16,16 @@ import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AFlag;
import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AType;
import jadx.core.dex.info.ClassInfo;
import jadx.core.dex.instructions.InsnType;
import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.InsnNode;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.MethodNode;
import jadx.core.dex.trycatch.CatchAttr;
import jadx.core.dex.trycatch.ExcHandlerAttr;
import jadx.core.dex.trycatch.ExceptionHandler;
import jadx.core.dex.visitors.typeinference.TypeCompare;
import jadx.core.dex.visitors.typeinference.TypeCompareEnum;
import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxException;
import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException;
import static jadx.core.dex.visitors.ProcessInstructionsVisitor.getNextInsnOffset;
......@@ -51,7 +56,7 @@ public class AttachTryCatchVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
tries.forEach(tryData -> LOG.debug(" - {}", tryData));
for (ITry tryData : tries) {
List<ExceptionHandler> handlers = attachHandlers(mth, tryData.getCatch(), insnByOffset);
List<ExceptionHandler> handlers = convertToHandlers(mth, tryData.getCatch(), insnByOffset);
if (handlers.isEmpty()) {
......@@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ public class AttachTryCatchVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
private static List<ExceptionHandler> attachHandlers(MethodNode mth, ICatch catchBlock, InsnNode[] insnByOffset) {
private static List<ExceptionHandler> convertToHandlers(MethodNode mth, ICatch catchBlock, InsnNode[] insnByOffset) {
int[] handlerOffsetArr = catchBlock.getHandlers();
String[] handlerTypes = catchBlock.getTypes();
......@@ -117,6 +122,7 @@ public class AttachTryCatchVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
if (allHandlerOffset >= 0) {
Utils.addToList(list, createHandler(mth, insnByOffset, allHandlerOffset, null));
checkAndFilterHandlers(mth, list);
return list;
......@@ -143,6 +149,45 @@ public class AttachTryCatchVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
return handler;
private static void checkAndFilterHandlers(MethodNode mth, List<ExceptionHandler> list) {
if (list.size() <= 1) {
// Remove shadowed handlers (with same or narrow type compared to previous)
TypeCompare typeCompare = mth.root().getTypeCompare();
Iterator<ExceptionHandler> it = list.iterator();
ArgType maxType = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
ExceptionHandler handler = it.next();
ArgType maxCatch = maxCatchFromHandler(handler, typeCompare);
if (maxType == null) {
maxType = maxCatch;
} else {
TypeCompareEnum result = typeCompare.compareObjects(maxType, maxCatch);
if (result.isWiderOrEqual()) {
LOG.debug("Removed shadowed catch handler: {}, from list: {}", handler, list);
private static ArgType maxCatchFromHandler(ExceptionHandler handler, TypeCompare typeCompare) {
List<ClassInfo> catchTypes = handler.getCatchTypes();
if (catchTypes.isEmpty()) {
return ArgType.THROWABLE;
if (catchTypes.size() == 1) {
return catchTypes.get(0).getType();
return catchTypes.stream()
.orElseThrow(() -> new JadxRuntimeException("Failed to get max type from catch list: " + catchTypes));
private static InsnNode insertNOP(InsnNode[] insnByOffset, int offset) {
InsnNode nop = new InsnNode(InsnType.NOP, 0);
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jadx.core.dex.info.ClassInfo;
import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType;
import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType.WildcardBound;
import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.PrimitiveType;
......@@ -42,6 +43,17 @@ public class TypeCompare {
return compareObjects(first.getType(), second.getType());
public TypeCompareEnum compareTypes(ClassInfo first, ClassInfo second) {
return compareObjects(first.getType(), second.getType());
public TypeCompareEnum compareObjects(ArgType first, ArgType second) {
if (first == second || Objects.equals(first, second)) {
return TypeCompareEnum.EQUAL;
return compareObjectsNoPreCheck(first, second);
* Compare two type and return result for first argument (narrow, wider or conflict)
......@@ -81,7 +93,7 @@ public class TypeCompare {
boolean firstObj = first.isObject();
boolean secondObj = second.isObject();
if (firstObj && secondObj) {
return compareObjects(first, second);
return compareObjectsNoPreCheck(first, second);
} else {
// primitive types conflicts with objects
if (firstObj && secondPrimitive) {
......@@ -159,7 +171,7 @@ public class TypeCompare {
return CONFLICT;
private TypeCompareEnum compareObjects(ArgType first, ArgType second) {
private TypeCompareEnum compareObjectsNoPreCheck(ArgType first, ArgType second) {
boolean objectsEquals = first.getObject().equals(second.getObject());
boolean firstGenericType = first.isGenericType();
boolean secondGenericType = second.isGenericType();
......@@ -262,7 +274,7 @@ public class TypeCompare {
return NARROW;
for (ArgType extendType : extendTypes) {
TypeCompareEnum res = compareObjects(extendType, objType);
TypeCompareEnum res = compareObjectsNoPreCheck(extendType, objType);
if (!res.isNarrow()) {
return res;
......@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ public enum TypeCompareEnum {
return this == WIDER || this == WIDER_BY_GENERIC;
public boolean isWiderOrEqual() {
return isEqual() || isWider();
public boolean isNarrow() {
return this == NARROW || this == NARROW_BY_GENERIC;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -16,8 +17,9 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions;
......@@ -95,6 +97,8 @@ public abstract class IntegrationTest extends TestUtils {
protected boolean useEclipseCompiler;
private int targetJavaVersion = 8;
private boolean saveTestJar = false;
protected Map<Integer, String> resMap = Collections.emptyMap();
private boolean allowWarnInCode;
......@@ -457,17 +461,28 @@ public abstract class IntegrationTest extends TestUtils {
Path outTmp = FileUtils.createTempDir("jadx-tmp-classes");
List<File> files = StaticCompiler.compile(compileFileList, outTmp.toFile(), withDebugInfo, useEclipseCompiler, targetJavaVersion);
if (saveTestJar) {
saveToJar(files, outTmp);
// remove classes which are parents for test class
String clsName = clsFullName.substring(clsFullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
files.removeIf(next -> !next.getName().contains(clsName));
return files;
protected static String removeLineComments(ClassNode cls) {
String code = cls.getCode().getCodeStr().replaceAll("\\W*//.*", "");
return code;
private void saveToJar(List<File> files, Path baseDir) throws IOException {
Path jarFile = Files.createTempFile("tests-" + getTestName() + '-', ".jar");
try (JarOutputStream jar = new JarOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(jarFile))) {
for (File file : files) {
Path fullPath = file.toPath();
Path relativePath = baseDir.relativize(fullPath);
JarEntry entry = new JarEntry(relativePath.toString());
LOG.info("Test jar saved to: {}", jarFile.toAbsolutePath());
public JadxArgs getArgs() {
......@@ -540,4 +555,9 @@ public abstract class IntegrationTest extends TestUtils {
protected void printDisassemble() {
this.printDisassemble = true;
// Use only for debug purpose
protected void saveTestJar() {
this.saveTestJar = true;
package jadx.tests.integration.trycatch;
import jadx.tests.api.IntegrationTest;
import jadx.tests.api.extensions.profiles.TestProfile;
import jadx.tests.api.extensions.profiles.TestWithProfiles;
import static jadx.tests.api.utils.assertj.JadxAssertions.assertThat;
public class TestNestedTryCatch3 extends IntegrationTest {
public static class TestCls {
public I test() {
try {
try {
return new A();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return new B();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return new C();
private interface I {
private static class A implements I {
private static class B implements I {
private static class C implements I {
@TestWithProfiles({ TestProfile.JAVA8, TestProfile.DX_J8 })
public void test() {
.containsOne("return new A();")
.containsOne("return new B();")
.containsOne("return new C();")
.countString(2, "} catch (Throwable ");
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