提交 a48d54ed 编写于 作者: baidwwy's avatar baidwwy 🏋

class false

上级 3a9dfb31
-- @Author : GGELUA
-- @Date : 2021-09-17 08:26:43
-- @Last Modified by: baidwwy
-- @Last Modified time: 2021-12-13 17:59:05
-- @Last Modified by : baidwwy
-- @Last Modified time : 2022-03-10 09:45:35
local _CLASS, _METAS = package.loaded, {}
local type = type
......@@ -97,11 +97,19 @@ local function class(name, ...)
cobj = {
--初始化 = false,[name] = false,
创建 = function(...)
local obj = setmetatable({}, meta)
local obj, ret = (setmetatable({}, meta))
if cobj[name] then --初始化
return obj, cobj[name](obj, ...)
ret = {cobj[name](obj, ...)}
return obj, class_new(obj, cobj, meta, ...)
if not ret then
ret = {class_new(obj, cobj, meta, ...)}
if ret[1] == false then
return table.unpack(ret)
return obj, table.unpack(ret)
--_METAS[name] = meta
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