提交 f1542a90 编写于 作者: L liyong

add pk sampler

上级 717ed427
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
#include "dataset/kernels/data/to_float16_op.h"
#include "dataset/util/random.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_operator.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_pk_sample.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_sample.h"
#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
#include "pybind11/stl.h"
......@@ -152,9 +153,14 @@ void bindDatasetOps(py::module *m) {
(void)py::class_<MindRecordOp, DatasetOp, std::shared_ptr<MindRecordOp>>(*m, "MindRecordOp")
.def_static("get_num_rows", [](const std::string &path) {
.def_static("get_num_rows", [](const std::string &path, const py::object &sampler) {
int64_t count = 0;
THROW_IF_ERROR(MindRecordOp::CountTotalRows(path, &count));
std::shared_ptr<mindrecord::ShardOperator> op;
if (py::hasattr(sampler, "_create_for_minddataset")) {
auto create = sampler.attr("_create_for_minddataset");
op = create().cast<std::shared_ptr<mindrecord::ShardOperator>>();
THROW_IF_ERROR(MindRecordOp::CountTotalRows(path, op, &count));
return count;
......@@ -435,6 +441,16 @@ void bindSamplerOps(py::module *m) {
(void)py::class_<mindrecord::ShardSample, mindrecord::ShardOperator, std::shared_ptr<mindrecord::ShardSample>>(
*m, "MindrecordSubsetRandomSampler")
.def(py::init<std::vector<int64_t>, uint32_t>(), py::arg("indices"), py::arg("seed") = GetSeed());
(void)py::class_<mindrecord::ShardPkSample, mindrecord::ShardOperator, std::shared_ptr<mindrecord::ShardPkSample>>(
*m, "MindrecordPkSampler")
.def(py::init([](int64_t kVal, bool shuffle) {
if (shuffle == true) {
return std::make_shared<mindrecord::ShardPkSample>("label", kVal, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
} else {
return std::make_shared<mindrecord::ShardPkSample>("label", kVal);
(void)py::class_<WeightedRandomSampler, Sampler, std::shared_ptr<WeightedRandomSampler>>(*m, "WeightedRandomSampler")
.def(py::init<std::vector<double>, int64_t, bool>(), py::arg("weights"), py::arg("numSamples"),
......@@ -655,9 +655,10 @@ Status MindRecordOp::LaunchThreadAndInitOp() {
return Status::OK();
Status MindRecordOp::CountTotalRows(const std::string dataset_path, int64_t *count) {
Status MindRecordOp::CountTotalRows(const std::string dataset_path, const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op,
int64_t *count) {
std::unique_ptr<ShardReader> shard_reader = std::make_unique<ShardReader>();
MSRStatus rc = shard_reader->CountTotalRows(dataset_path, count);
MSRStatus rc = shard_reader->CountTotalRows(dataset_path, op, count);
if (rc == MSRStatus::FAILED) {
RETURN_STATUS_UNEXPECTED("MindRecordOp count total rows failed.");
......@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ class MindRecordOp : public ParallelOp {
int32_t num_rows() const { return num_rows_; }
// Getter method
static Status CountTotalRows(const std::string dataset_path, int64_t *count);
static Status CountTotalRows(const std::string dataset_path, const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op,
int64_t *count);
// Getter method
int32_t rows_per_buffer() const { return rows_per_buffer_; }
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ enum ShardType {
enum SamplerType { kCustomTopNSampler, kCustomTopPercentSampler, kSubsetRandomSampler, kPKSampler };
enum ShuffleType { kShuffleCategory, kShuffleSample };
const double kEpsilon = 1e-7;
const int kThreadNumber = 14;
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
......@@ -26,16 +28,34 @@ namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
class ShardCategory : public ShardOperator {
explicit ShardCategory(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &categories);
explicit ShardCategory(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &categories,
int64_t num_elements = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), bool replacement = false);
ShardCategory(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements,
int64_t num_categories = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), bool replacement = false);
~ShardCategory() override{};
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &get_categories() const;
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &get_categories() const { return categories_; }
const std::string GetCategoryField() const { return category_field_; }
int64_t GetNumElements() const { return num_elements_; }
int64_t GetNumCategories() const { return num_categories_; }
bool GetReplacement() const { return replacement_; }
MSRStatus execute(ShardTask &tasks) override;
int64_t GetNumSamples(int64_t dataset_size, int64_t num_classes) override;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> categories_;
std::string category_field_;
int64_t num_elements_;
int64_t num_categories_;
bool replacement_;
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
......@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ class ShardOperator {
virtual MSRStatus execute(ShardTask &tasks) = 0;
virtual MSRStatus suf_execute(ShardTask &tasks) { return SUCCESS; }
virtual int64_t GetNumSamples(int64_t dataset_size, int64_t num_classes) { return -1; }
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_operator.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_shuffle.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_category.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
class ShardPkSample : public ShardCategory {
ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements);
ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements, int64_t num_categories);
ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements, int64_t num_categories, uint32_t seed);
~ShardPkSample() override{};
MSRStatus suf_execute(ShardTask &tasks) override;
bool shuffle_;
std::shared_ptr<ShardShuffle> shuffle_op_;
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
......@@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ class ShardReader {
/// \brief get the number of rows in database
/// \param[in] file_path the path of ONE file, any file in dataset is fine
/// \param[in] op smart pointer refer to ShardCategory or ShardSample object
/// \param[out] count # of rows
/// \return MSRStatus the status of MSRStatus
MSRStatus CountTotalRows(const std::string &file_path, int64_t *count);
MSRStatus CountTotalRows(const std::string &file_path, const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op, int64_t *count);
/// \brief shuffle task with incremental seed
/// \return void
......@@ -197,6 +198,9 @@ class ShardReader {
/// \brief get NLP flag
bool get_nlp_flag();
/// \brief get all classes
MSRStatus GetAllClasses(const std::string &category_field, std::set<std::string> &categories);
/// \brief sqlite call back function
static int SelectCallback(void *p_data, int num_fields, char **p_fields, char **p_col_names);
......@@ -249,8 +253,8 @@ class ShardReader {
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> &operators);
/// \brief create category-applied task list
int CreateTasksByCategory(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> &operators);
MSRStatus CreateTasksByCategory(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op);
/// \brief create task list in row-reader mode
MSRStatus CreateTasksByRow(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
......@@ -284,6 +288,12 @@ class ShardReader {
MSRStatus ReadBlob(const int &shard_id, const uint64_t &page_offset, const int &page_length, const int &buf_id);
/// \brief get classes in one shard
void GetClassesInShard(sqlite3 *db, int shard_id, const std::string sql, std::set<std::string> &categories);
/// \brief get number of classes
int64_t GetNumClasses(const std::string &file_path, const std::string &category_field);
uint64_t header_size_; // header size
uint64_t page_size_; // page size
......@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ class ShardSample : public ShardOperator {
const std::pair<int, int> get_partitions() const;
MSRStatus execute(ShardTask &tasks) override;
MSRStatus suf_execute(ShardTask &tasks) override;
int64_t GetNumSamples(int64_t dataset_size, int64_t num_classes) override;
int numerator_;
int denominator_;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
class ShardShuffle : public ShardOperator {
explicit ShardShuffle(uint32_t seed = 0);
explicit ShardShuffle(uint32_t seed = 0, ShuffleType shuffle_type = kShuffleCategory);
~ShardShuffle() override{};
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class ShardShuffle : public ShardOperator {
uint32_t shuffle_seed_;
ShuffleType shuffle_type_;
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
......@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ class ShardTask {
std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t>, json> &get_task_by_id(size_t id);
static ShardTask Combine(std::vector<ShardTask> &category_tasks);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t>, json> &get_random_task();
static ShardTask Combine(std::vector<ShardTask> &category_tasks, bool replacement, int64_t num_elements);
uint32_t categories = 1;
......@@ -315,6 +315,43 @@ MSRStatus ShardReader::ReadAllRowsInShard(int shard_id, const std::string &sql,
return ConvertLabelToJson(labels, fs, offsets, shard_id, columns, column_values);
MSRStatus ShardReader::GetAllClasses(const std::string &category_field, std::set<std::string> &categories) {
auto ret = ShardIndexGenerator::GenerateFieldName(std::make_pair(column_schema_id_[category_field], category_field));
if (SUCCESS != ret.first) {
return FAILED;
std::string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + ret.second + " FROM INDEXES";
std::vector<std::thread> threads = std::vector<std::thread>(shard_count_);
for (int x = 0; x < shard_count_; x++) {
threads[x] = std::thread(&ShardReader::GetClassesInShard, this, database_paths_[x], x, sql, std::ref(categories));
for (int x = 0; x < shard_count_; x++) {
return SUCCESS;
void ShardReader::GetClassesInShard(sqlite3 *db, int shard_id, const std::string sql,
std::set<std::string> &categories) {
if (nullptr == db) {
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> columns;
char *errmsg = nullptr;
int ret = sqlite3_exec(db, common::SafeCStr(sql), SelectCallback, &columns, &errmsg);
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Error in select sql statement, sql:" << common::SafeCStr(sql) << ", error: " << errmsg;
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Get" << static_cast<int>(columns.size()) << " records from shard " << shard_id << " index.";
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(columns.size()); ++i) {
ROW_GROUPS ShardReader::ReadAllRowGroup(std::vector<std::string> &columns) {
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>>> offsets(shard_count_, std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>>{});
......@@ -667,11 +704,64 @@ MSRStatus ShardReader::Finish() {
return SUCCESS;
MSRStatus ShardReader::CountTotalRows(const std::string &file_path, int64_t *count) {
int64_t ShardReader::GetNumClasses(const std::string &file_path, const std::string &category_field) {
ShardHeader sh = ShardHeader();
if (sh.Build(file_path) == FAILED) {
return -1;
auto header = std::make_shared<ShardHeader>(sh);
auto file_paths = header->get_shard_addresses();
auto shard_count = file_paths.size();
auto index_fields = header->get_fields();
std::map<std::string, int64_t> map_schema_id_fields;
for (auto &field : index_fields) {
map_schema_id_fields[field.second] = field.first;
auto ret =
ShardIndexGenerator::GenerateFieldName(std::make_pair(map_schema_id_fields[category_field], category_field));
if (SUCCESS != ret.first) {
return -1;
std::string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + ret.second + " FROM INDEXES";
std::vector<std::thread> threads = std::vector<std::thread>(shard_count);
std::set<std::string> categories;
for (int x = 0; x < shard_count; x++) {
sqlite3 *db = nullptr;
int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(common::SafeCStr(file_paths[x] + ".db"), &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nullptr);
if (SQLITE_OK != rc) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Can't open database, error: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
return -1;
threads[x] = std::thread(&ShardReader::GetClassesInShard, this, db, x, sql, std::ref(categories));
for (int x = 0; x < shard_count; x++) {
return categories.size();
MSRStatus ShardReader::CountTotalRows(const std::string &file_path, const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op,
int64_t *count) {
if (Init(file_path) == FAILED) {
return FAILED;
*count = num_rows_;
int64_t num_samples = num_rows_;
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(op)) {
auto category_op = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(op);
std::string category_field = category_op->GetCategoryField();
auto num_classes = GetNumClasses(file_path, category_field);
num_samples = category_op->GetNumSamples(num_rows_, num_classes);
} else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardSample>(op)) {
num_samples = op->GetNumSamples(num_rows_, 0);
} else {
if (-1 == num_samples) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get dataset size.";
return FAILED;
*count = num_samples;
return SUCCESS;
......@@ -793,6 +883,8 @@ MSRStatus ShardReader::Launch(bool isSimpleReader) {
thread_set_[x] = std::thread(&ShardReader::ConsumerByRow, this, x);
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Launch read thread successfully.";
return SUCCESS;
......@@ -828,44 +920,67 @@ MSRStatus ShardReader::CreateTasksByBlock(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int,
return SUCCESS;
int ShardReader::CreateTasksByCategory(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> &operators) {
MSRStatus ShardReader::CreateTasksByCategory(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
const std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator> &op) {
vector<std::string> columns = GetAllColumns();
int category_operator = -1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < operators.size(); ++i) {
const auto &op = operators[i];
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(op)) category_operator = static_cast<int>(i);
auto category_op = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(op);
auto categories = category_op->get_categories();
int64_t num_elements = category_op->GetNumElements();
if (num_elements <= 0) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Parameter num_element is not positive";
return FAILED;
if (categories.empty() == true) {
std::string category_field = category_op->GetCategoryField();
int64_t num_categories = category_op->GetNumCategories();
if (num_categories <= 0) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Parameter num_categories is not positive";
return FAILED;
std::set<std::string> categories_set;
auto ret = GetAllClasses(category_field, categories_set);
if (SUCCESS != ret) {
return FAILED;
int i = 0;
for (auto it = categories_set.begin(); it != categories_set.end() && i < num_categories; ++it) {
categories.emplace_back(category_field, *it);
if (category_operator == -1) return category_operator;
auto categories = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(operators[category_operator])->get_categories();
// Generate task list, a task will create a batch
std::vector<ShardTask> categoryTasks(categories.size());
for (uint32_t categoryNo = 0; categoryNo < categories.size(); ++categoryNo) {
int category_index = 0;
for (const auto &rg : row_group_summary) {
if (category_index >= num_elements) break;
auto shard_id = std::get<0>(rg);
auto group_id = std::get<1>(rg);
auto details = ReadRowGroupCriteria(group_id, shard_id, categories[categoryNo], columns);
if (SUCCESS != std::get<0>(details)) {
return -2;
return FAILED;
auto offsets = std::get<4>(details);
auto number_of_rows = offsets.size();
for (uint32_t iStart = 0; iStart < number_of_rows; iStart += 1) {
categoryTasks[categoryNo].InsertTask(shard_id, group_id, std::get<4>(details)[iStart],
if (category_index < num_elements) {
categoryTasks[categoryNo].InsertTask(shard_id, group_id, std::get<4>(details)[iStart],
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Category #" << categoryNo << " has " << categoryTasks[categoryNo].Size() << " tasks";
tasks_ = ShardTask::Combine(categoryTasks);
return category_operator;
tasks_ = ShardTask::Combine(categoryTasks, category_op->GetReplacement(), num_elements);
if (SUCCESS != (*category_op)(tasks_)) {
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
MSRStatus ShardReader::CreateTasksByRow(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
......@@ -896,14 +1011,26 @@ MSRStatus ShardReader::CreateTasksByRow(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, i
MSRStatus ShardReader::CreateTasks(const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, uint64_t>> &row_group_summary,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> &operators) {
if (block_reader_) {
CreateTasksByBlock(row_group_summary, operators);
if (SUCCESS != CreateTasksByBlock(row_group_summary, operators)) {
return FAILED;
} else {
int category_operator = CreateTasksByCategory(row_group_summary, operators);
if (category_operator == -1) {
CreateTasksByRow(row_group_summary, operators);
int category_operator = -1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < operators.size(); ++i) {
const auto &op = operators[i];
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardCategory>(op)) {
category_operator = static_cast<int>(i);
if (category_operator == -2) {
return FAILED;
if (-1 == category_operator) {
if (SUCCESS != CreateTasksByRow(row_group_summary, operators)) {
return FAILED;
} else {
if (SUCCESS != CreateTasksByCategory(row_group_summary, operators[category_operator])) {
return FAILED;
......@@ -18,11 +18,30 @@
namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
ShardCategory::ShardCategory(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &categories)
: categories_(categories) {}
ShardCategory::ShardCategory(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &categories, int64_t num_elements,
bool replacement)
: categories_(categories),
replacement_(replacement) {}
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &ShardCategory::get_categories() const { return categories_; }
ShardCategory::ShardCategory(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements, int64_t num_categories,
bool replacement)
: categories_({}),
replacement_(replacement) {}
MSRStatus ShardCategory::execute(ShardTask &tasks) { return SUCCESS; }
int64_t ShardCategory::GetNumSamples(int64_t dataset_size, int64_t num_classes) {
if (dataset_size == 0) return dataset_size;
if (dataset_size > 0 && num_categories_ > 0 && num_elements_ > 0) {
return std::min(num_categories_, num_classes) * num_elements_;
return -1;
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_pk_sample.h"
using mindspore::LogStream;
using mindspore::ExceptionType::NoExceptionType;
using mindspore::MsLogLevel::ERROR;
namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
ShardPkSample::ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements)
: ShardCategory(category_field, num_elements, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), true), shuffle_(false) {}
ShardPkSample::ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements, int64_t num_categories)
: ShardCategory(category_field, num_elements, num_categories, true), shuffle_(false) {}
ShardPkSample::ShardPkSample(const std::string &category_field, int64_t num_elements, int64_t num_categories,
uint32_t seed)
: ShardCategory(category_field, num_elements, num_categories, true), shuffle_(true) {
shuffle_op_ = std::make_shared<ShardShuffle>(seed, kShuffleSample); // do shuffle and replacement
MSRStatus ShardPkSample::suf_execute(ShardTask &tasks) {
if (shuffle_ == true) {
if (SUCCESS != (*shuffle_op_)(tasks)) {
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace mindrecord
} // namespace mindspore
......@@ -56,6 +56,24 @@ ShardSample::ShardSample(const std::vector<int64_t> &indices, uint32_t seed)
shuffle_op_ = std::make_shared<ShardShuffle>(seed);
int64_t ShardSample::GetNumSamples(int64_t dataset_size, int64_t num_classes) {
if (sampler_type_ == kCustomTopNSampler) {
return no_of_samples_;
if (sampler_type_ == kCustomTopPercentSampler) {
if (dataset_size % denominator_ == 0) {
return dataset_size / denominator_ * numerator_;
} else {
return dataset_size / denominator_ * numerator_ + 1;
if (sampler_type_ == kSubsetRandomSampler) {
return indices_.size();
return -1;
const std::pair<int, int> ShardSample::get_partitions() const {
if (numerator_ == 1 && denominator_ > 1) {
return std::pair<int, int>(denominator_, partition_id_);
......@@ -20,25 +20,33 @@
namespace mindspore {
namespace mindrecord {
ShardShuffle::ShardShuffle(uint32_t seed) : shuffle_seed_(seed) {}
ShardShuffle::ShardShuffle(uint32_t seed, ShuffleType shuffle_type)
: shuffle_seed_(seed), shuffle_type_(shuffle_type) {}
MSRStatus ShardShuffle::execute(ShardTask &tasks) {
if (tasks.categories < 1) {
return FAILED;
uint32_t individual_size = tasks.Size() / tasks.categories;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> new_permutations(tasks.categories, std::vector<int>(individual_size));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tasks.categories; i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < individual_size; j++) new_permutations[i][j] = static_cast<int>(j);
std::shuffle(new_permutations[i].begin(), new_permutations[i].end(), std::default_random_engine(shuffle_seed_));
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < individual_size; j++) {
if (shuffle_type_ == kShuffleSample) {
if (tasks.permutation_.empty() == true) {
std::shuffle(tasks.permutation_.begin(), tasks.permutation_.end(), std::default_random_engine(shuffle_seed_));
} else { // shuffle unit like: (a1, b1, c1),(a2, b2, c2),..., (an, bn, cn)
uint32_t individual_size = tasks.Size() / tasks.categories;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> new_permutations(tasks.categories, std::vector<int>(individual_size));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tasks.categories; i++) {
tasks.permutation_.push_back(new_permutations[i][j] * static_cast<int>(tasks.categories) + static_cast<int>(i));
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < individual_size; j++) new_permutations[i][j] = static_cast<int>(j);
std::shuffle(new_permutations[i].begin(), new_permutations[i].end(), std::default_random_engine(shuffle_seed_));
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < individual_size; j++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tasks.categories; i++) {
tasks.permutation_.push_back(new_permutations[i][j] * static_cast<int>(tasks.categories) + static_cast<int>(i));
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace mindrecord
......@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ void ShardTask::InsertTask(int shard_id, int group_id, const std::vector<uint64_
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Into insert task, shard_id: " << shard_id << ", group_id: " << group_id
<< ", label: " << label.dump() << ", size of task_list_: " << task_list_.size() << ".";
task_list_.emplace_back(std::make_tuple(shard_id, group_id), offset, label);
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Out of insert task, shard_id: " << shard_id << ", group_id: " << group_id
<< ", label: " << label.dump() << ", size of task_list_: " << task_list_.size() << ".";
void ShardTask::InsertTask(std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t>, json> task) {
......@@ -44,9 +42,6 @@ void ShardTask::InsertTask(std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t
<< ", group_id: " << std::get<1>(std::get<0>(task)) << ", label: " << std::get<2>(task).dump()
<< ", size of task_list_: " << task_list_.size() << ".";
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Out of insert task, shard_id: " << std::get<0>(std::get<0>(task))
<< ", group_id: " << std::get<1>(std::get<0>(task)) << ", label: " << std::get<2>(task).dump()
<< ", size of task_list_: " << task_list_.size() << ".";
void ShardTask::PopBack() { task_list_.pop_back(); }
......@@ -69,18 +64,39 @@ std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t>, json> &ShardTask::get_ta
return task_list_[id];
ShardTask ShardTask::Combine(std::vector<ShardTask> &category_tasks) {
std::tuple<std::tuple<int, int>, std::vector<uint64_t>, json> &ShardTask::get_random_task() {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, task_list_.size() - 1);
return task_list_[dis(gen)];
ShardTask ShardTask::Combine(std::vector<ShardTask> &category_tasks, bool replacement, int64_t num_elements) {
ShardTask res;
if (category_tasks.empty()) return res;
auto total_categories = category_tasks.size();
res.categories = static_cast<uint32_t>(total_categories);
auto minTasks = category_tasks[0].Size();
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < total_categories; i++) {
minTasks = std::min(minTasks, category_tasks[i].Size());
for (uint32_t task_no = 0; task_no < minTasks; task_no++) {
if (replacement == false) {
auto minTasks = category_tasks[0].Size();
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < total_categories; i++) {
minTasks = std::min(minTasks, category_tasks[i].Size());
for (uint32_t task_no = 0; task_no < minTasks; task_no++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_categories; i++) {
} else {
auto maxTasks = category_tasks[0].Size();
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < total_categories; i++) {
maxTasks = std::max(maxTasks, category_tasks[i].Size());
if (num_elements != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
maxTasks = static_cast<decltype(maxTasks)>(num_elements);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_categories; i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < maxTasks; j++) {
return res;
......@@ -1882,7 +1882,8 @@ class MindDataset(SourceDataset):
block_reader (bool, optional): Whether read data by block mode (default=False).
sampler (Sampler, optional): Object used to choose samples from the
dataset (default=None, sampler is exclusive
with shuffle and block_reader). Support list: SubsetRandomSampler.
with shuffle and block_reader). Support list: SubsetRandomSampler,
ValueError: If num_shards is specified but shard_id is None.
......@@ -1915,8 +1916,10 @@ class MindDataset(SourceDataset):
if block_reader is True:
logger.warning("WARN: global shuffle is not used.")
if sampler is not None and isinstance(sampler, samplers.SubsetRandomSampler) is False:
raise ValueError("the sampler is not supported yet.")
if sampler is not None:
if isinstance(sampler, samplers.SubsetRandomSampler) is False and \
isinstance(sampler, samplers.PKSampler) is False:
raise ValueError("the sampler is not supported yet.")
# sampler exclusive
if block_reader is True and sampler is not None:
......@@ -1952,7 +1955,7 @@ class MindDataset(SourceDataset):
Number, number of batches.
num_rows = MindRecordOp.get_num_rows(self.dataset_file)
num_rows = MindRecordOp.get_num_rows(self.dataset_file, self.sampler)
if self.partitions is not None and self.partitions[0] > 0:
if num_rows % self.partitions[0] == 0:
num_rows = num_rows // self.partitions[0]
......@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ class PKSampler(BuiltinSampler):
def create(self):
return cde.PKSampler(self.num_val, self.shuffle)
def _create_for_minddataset(self):
return cde.MindrecordPkSampler(self.num_val, self.shuffle)
class RandomSampler(BuiltinSampler):
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "utils/log_adapter.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_category.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_pk_sample.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_reader.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_sample.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_shuffle.h"
......@@ -146,6 +147,57 @@ TEST_F(TestShardOperator, TestShardSamplePartition) {
ASSERT_TRUE(i <= 10);
TEST_F(TestShardOperator, TestShardPkSamplerBasic) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << common::SafeCStr(FormatInfo("Test pk sampler"));
std::string file_name = "./imagenet.shard01";
auto column_list = std::vector<std::string>{"file_name", "label"};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> ops;
ops.push_back(std::make_shared<ShardPkSample>("label", 2));
ShardReader dataset;
dataset.Open(file_name, 4, column_list, ops);
int i = 0;
while (true) {
auto x = dataset.GetNext();
if (x.empty()) break;
std::cout << "index: " << i << ", filename: " << common::SafeCStr((std::get<1>(x[0]))["file_name"])
<< ", label: " << common::SafeCStr((std::get<1>(x[0]))["label"].dump()) << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE(i == 20);
} // namespace mindrecord
TEST_F(TestShardOperator, TestShardPkSamplerNumClass) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << common::SafeCStr(FormatInfo("Test pk sampler"));
std::string file_name = "./imagenet.shard01";
auto column_list = std::vector<std::string>{"file_name", "label"};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShardOperator>> ops;
ops.push_back(std::make_shared<ShardPkSample>("label", 2, 3, 0));
ShardReader dataset;
dataset.Open(file_name, 4, column_list, ops);
int i = 0;
while (true) {
auto x = dataset.GetNext();
if (x.empty()) break;
std::cout << "index: " << i << ", filename: " << common::SafeCStr((std::get<1>(x[0]))["file_name"])
<< ", label: " << common::SafeCStr((std::get<1>(x[0]))["label"].dump()) << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE(i == 6);
} // namespace mindrecord
TEST_F(TestShardOperator, TestShardCategory) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << common::SafeCStr(FormatInfo("Test read imageNet"));
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def add_and_remove_cv_file():
if os.path.exists("{}.db".format(x)):
writer = FileWriter(CV_FILE_NAME, FILES_NUM)
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME, True)
cv_schema_json = {"id": {"type": "int32"},
"file_name": {"type": "string"},
"label": {"type": "int32"},
......@@ -61,6 +61,59 @@ def add_and_remove_cv_file():
def test_cv_minddataset_pk_sample_basic(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minderdataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
sampler = ds.PKSampler(2)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 6
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- cv reader basic: {} ------------------------".format(num_iter))
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: \
{}------------------------".format("".join([chr(x) for x in item["file_name"]])))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} ----------------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
def test_cv_minddataset_pk_sample_shuffle(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minderdataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
sampler = ds.PKSampler(3, None, True)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 9
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- cv reader basic: {} ------------------------".format(num_iter))
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: \
{}------------------------".format("".join([chr(x) for x in item["file_name"]])))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} ----------------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
def test_cv_minddataset_pk_sample_out_of_range(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minderdataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
sampler = ds.PKSampler(5, None, True)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 15
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- cv reader basic: {} ------------------------".format(num_iter))
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: \
{}------------------------".format("".join([chr(x) for x in item["file_name"]])))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} ----------------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_basic(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minderdataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
......@@ -69,8 +122,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_basic(add_and_remove_cv_file):
sampler = ds.SubsetRandomSampler(indices)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 5
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
......@@ -93,8 +145,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_replica(add_and_remove_cv_file):
sampler = ds.SubsetRandomSampler(indices)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 6
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
......@@ -117,8 +168,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_empty(add_and_remove_cv_file):
sampler = ds.SubsetRandomSampler(indices)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 0
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
......@@ -133,7 +183,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_empty(add_and_remove_cv_file):
assert num_iter == 0
def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_out_range(add_and_remove_cv_file):
def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_out_of_range(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minderdataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
......@@ -141,8 +191,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_out_range(add_and_remove_cv_file):
sampler = ds.SubsetRandomSampler(indices)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 5
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
......@@ -165,8 +214,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_negative(add_and_remove_cv_file):
sampler = ds.SubsetRandomSampler(indices)
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 5
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
......@@ -181,7 +229,7 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_subset_random_sample_negative(add_and_remove_cv_file):
assert num_iter == 5
def get_data(dir_name):
def get_data(dir_name, sampler=False):
usage: get data from imagenet dataset
......@@ -191,7 +239,10 @@ def get_data(dir_name):
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
raise IOError("Directory {} not exists".format(dir_name))
img_dir = os.path.join(dir_name, "images")
ann_file = os.path.join(dir_name, "annotation.txt")
if sampler:
ann_file = os.path.join(dir_name, "annotation_sampler.txt")
ann_file = os.path.join(dir_name, "annotation.txt")
with open(ann_file, "r") as file_reader:
lines = file_reader.readlines()
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def test_minddataset(add_and_remove_cv_file):
assert ds1_json == ds2_json
data = get_data(CV_DIR_NAME)
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 10
assert data_set.get_dataset_size() == 5
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
num_iter += 1
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