提交 d6f27f5a 编写于 作者: M ms_yan

repair parameter problem in Uniform augmentation

上级 a510ecc8
......@@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ class Pad(cde.PadOp):
class UniformAugment(cde.UniformAugOp):
Tensor operation to perform randomly selected augmentation
Tensor operation to perform randomly selected augmentation.
operations: list of C++ operations (python OPs are not accepted).
NumOps (int): number of OPs to be selected and applied.
num_ops (int): number of OPs to be selected and applied.
>>> transforms_list = [c_transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from .utils import Inter, Border
from ...transforms.validators import check_pos_int32, check_pos_float32, check_value, check_uint8, FLOAT_MAX_INTEGER, \
check_bool, check_2tuple, check_range, check_list, check_type, check_positive, INT32_MAX
def check_inter_mode(mode):
if not isinstance(mode, Inter):
raise ValueError("Invalid interpolation mode.")
......@@ -838,7 +839,7 @@ def check_uniform_augmentation(method):
if num_ops > len(operations):
raise ValueError("num_ops is greater than operations list size")
if not isinstance(operations, list):
raise ValueError("operations is not a python list")
raise TypeError("operations is not a python list")
for op in operations:
if not isinstance(op, TensorOp):
raise ValueError("operations list only accepts C++ operations.")
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