提交 c7c58358 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!5125 add create_dict_iterator parameter num_epochs api

Merge pull request !5125 from anzhengqi/add-num_epochs-api
......@@ -1130,6 +1130,8 @@ class Dataset:
columns (list[str], optional): List of columns to be used to specify the order of columns
(default=None, means all columns).
num_epochs (int, optional): max epochs that iterator can be iteratered,
if num_epochs = -1, iterator can be iteratered infinit epochs (default=-1)
Iterator, list of ndarray.
......@@ -1155,6 +1157,10 @@ class Dataset:
The data retrieved will be a dictionary. The order
of the columns in the dictionary may not be the same as the original order.
num_epochs (int, optional): max epochs that iterator can be iteratered,
if num_epochs = -1, iterator can be iteratered infinit epochs (default=-1)
Iterator, dictionary of column_name-ndarray pair.
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