提交 a40e9e6f 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!2001 fix MindDataset distribute shuffle error

Merge pull request !2001 from guozhijian/fix_MindDataset_distribute_bug
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_distributed_sample.h"
#include "mindrecord/include/shard_reader.h"
#include "common/utils.h"
......@@ -1385,9 +1386,18 @@ void ShardReader::Reset() {
void ShardReader::ShuffleTask() {
for (const auto &op : operators_) {
if (block_reader_ || !std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardShuffle>(op)) continue;
if (SUCCESS != (*op)(tasks_)) {
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "Reshuffle reader tasks failed.";
if (block_reader_) {
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardShuffle>(op)) {
if (SUCCESS != (*op)(tasks_)) {
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "Reshuffle reader tasks failed.";
} else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ShardDistributedSample>(op)) {
if (SUCCESS != op->PreExecute(tasks_)) {
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "Distribute reshuffle reader tasks failed.";
......@@ -232,6 +232,139 @@ def test_cv_minddataset_partition_tutorial(add_and_remove_cv_file):
assert partitions(9) == 2
def test_cv_minddataset_partition_tutorial_check_shuffle_result(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minddataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
num_shards = 3
epoch1 = []
epoch2 = []
epoch3 = []
for partition_id in range(num_shards):
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers,
num_shards=num_shards, shard_id=partition_id)
data_set = data_set.repeat(3)
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- partition : {} ------------------------".format(partition_id))
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: {}-----------------------".format(item["file_name"]))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} -----------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
if num_iter <= 4:
epoch1.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 1 list
elif num_iter <= 8:
epoch2.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 2 list
epoch3.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 3 list
assert num_iter == 12
assert len(epoch1) == 4
assert len(epoch2) == 4
assert len(epoch3) == 4
assert epoch1 not in (epoch2, epoch3)
assert epoch2 not in (epoch1, epoch3)
assert epoch3 not in (epoch1, epoch2)
epoch1 = []
epoch2 = []
epoch3 = []
def test_cv_minddataset_check_shuffle_result(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minddataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
num_readers = 4
epoch1 = []
epoch2 = []
epoch3 = []
data_set = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers)
data_set = data_set.repeat(3)
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: {}-----------------------".format(item["file_name"]))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} -----------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
if num_iter <= 10:
epoch1.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 1 list
elif num_iter <= 20:
epoch2.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 2 list
epoch3.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 3 list
assert num_iter == 30
assert len(epoch1) == 10
assert len(epoch2) == 10
assert len(epoch3) == 10
assert epoch1 not in (epoch2, epoch3)
assert epoch2 not in (epoch1, epoch3)
assert epoch3 not in (epoch1, epoch2)
epoch1_new_dataset = []
epoch2_new_dataset = []
epoch3_new_dataset = []
data_set2 = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers)
data_set2 = data_set2.repeat(3)
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set2.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: {}-----------------------".format(item["file_name"]))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} -----------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
if num_iter <= 10:
epoch1_new_dataset.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 1 list
elif num_iter <= 20:
epoch2_new_dataset.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 2 list
epoch3_new_dataset.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 3 list
assert num_iter == 30
assert len(epoch1_new_dataset) == 10
assert len(epoch2_new_dataset) == 10
assert len(epoch3_new_dataset) == 10
assert epoch1_new_dataset not in (epoch2_new_dataset, epoch3_new_dataset)
assert epoch2_new_dataset not in (epoch1_new_dataset, epoch3_new_dataset)
assert epoch3_new_dataset not in (epoch1_new_dataset, epoch2_new_dataset)
assert epoch1 == epoch1_new_dataset
assert epoch2 == epoch2_new_dataset
assert epoch3 == epoch3_new_dataset
epoch1_new_dataset2 = []
epoch2_new_dataset2 = []
epoch3_new_dataset2 = []
data_set3 = ds.MindDataset(CV_FILE_NAME + "0", columns_list, num_readers)
data_set3 = data_set3.repeat(3)
num_iter = 0
for item in data_set3.create_dict_iterator():
logger.info("-------------- item[file_name]: {}-----------------------".format(item["file_name"]))
logger.info("-------------- item[label]: {} -----------------------".format(item["label"]))
num_iter += 1
if num_iter <= 10:
epoch1_new_dataset2.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 1 list
elif num_iter <= 20:
epoch2_new_dataset2.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 2 list
epoch3_new_dataset2.append(item["file_name"]) # save epoch 3 list
assert num_iter == 30
assert len(epoch1_new_dataset2) == 10
assert len(epoch2_new_dataset2) == 10
assert len(epoch3_new_dataset2) == 10
assert epoch1_new_dataset2 not in (epoch2_new_dataset2, epoch3_new_dataset2)
assert epoch2_new_dataset2 not in (epoch1_new_dataset2, epoch3_new_dataset2)
assert epoch3_new_dataset2 not in (epoch1_new_dataset2, epoch2_new_dataset2)
assert epoch1 != epoch1_new_dataset2
assert epoch2 != epoch2_new_dataset2
assert epoch3 != epoch3_new_dataset2
def test_cv_minddataset_dataset_size(add_and_remove_cv_file):
"""tutorial for cv minddataset."""
columns_list = ["data", "file_name", "label"]
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