提交 9e8c4f37 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!5070 Fix wrong index error msg

Merge pull request !5070 from fanglei/new_case
......@@ -438,8 +438,9 @@ VectorRef CompileGraph::SplitNodes(const FuncGraphPtr &graph) {
void CompileGraph::Push(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
if (slots_.count(node) > 0) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Push failed node in slots:" << node->DebugString()
<< " NodeInfo: " << trace::GetDebugInfo(node->debug_info());
MS_LOG(WARNING) << "Push failed node in slots:" << node->DebugString()
<< " NodeInfo: " << trace::GetDebugInfo(node->debug_info());
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Push node: " << node->DebugString(true) << " height_: " << height_
<< " is parameter: " << node->isa<Parameter>();
......@@ -341,13 +341,15 @@ void FinalVM::InstSwitchLayer(const VectorRef &args) {
if (!backend_->GetIndex(index, &idx_value)) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Not supported type to be casted to int.";
auto ori_value = idx_value;
if (idx_value < 0) {
// Add support negative index range [-size, -1].
idx_value += size;
if (idx_value < 0 || idx_value >= size) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << __FUNCTION__ << " given index " << idx_value << " out of range. Please make sure the value "
<< "of index in [" << -size << ", " << size << "), and the type is int32.";
MS_EXCEPTION(IndexError) << __FUNCTION__ << " given index " << ori_value
<< " out of range. Please make sure the value "
<< "of index in [" << -size << ", " << size << "), and the type is int32.";
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "End";
......@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ def test_switch_layer():
assert ret
idx3 = Tensor(3, mstype.int32)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
value = net(data, idx3, idx2)
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