FasterRcnn is a two-stage target detection network,This network uses a region proposal network (RPN), which can share the convolution features of the whole image with the detection network, so that the calculation of region proposal is almost cost free. The whole network further combines RPN and FastRcnn into a network by sharing the convolution features.
Each row is an image annotation which split by space, the first column is a relative path of image, the others are box and class infomations of the format [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,class]. We read image from an image path joined by the `IMAGE_DIR`(dataset directory) and the relative path in `ANNO_PATH`(the TXT file path), `IMAGE_DIR` and `ANNO_PATH` are setting in ``.
## Example structure
## Running the example
### Train
#### Usage
# distributed training
# standalone training
> About rank_table.json, you can refer to the [distributed training tutorial](
#### Result
Training result will be stored in the example path, whose folder name begins with "train" or "train_parallel". You can find checkpoint file together with result like the followings in loss.log.