提交 9522f59b 编写于 作者: H huangdongrun

support for tensor indexing in pynative

support tensor slice using constexpr

remove tensorslice metagraph

add pynative testcases
上级 8de8289c
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from .parser import (Parser, create_obj_instance, generate_scope,
get_dataclass_attributes, get_dataclass_methods, get_obj_id,
get_module_namespace, get_obj_type, get_object_key,
get_default_input, get_parse_method_of_class, get_scope_name,
is_class_member, parse_cb, resolve_symbol, create_ellipsis_obj)
is_class_member, parse_cb, resolve_symbol)
from .serialize import *
__all__ = ['parse_cb', 'get_parse_method_of_class', 'get_bprop_method_of_class', 'resolve_symbol',
......@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ __all__ = ['parse_cb', 'get_parse_method_of_class', 'get_bprop_method_of_class',
'get_obj_type', 'get_obj_id', 'create_obj_instance', 'get_module_namespace',
'get_class_member_namespace_symbol', 'get_obj_id', 'Parser', 'get_dataclass_attributes',
'get_dataclass_methods', 'dump_obj', 'load_obj', 'get_dataclass_methods', 'get_scope_name',
'create_slice_obj', 'create_ellipsis_obj']
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ from mindspore.common.dtype import pytype_to_dtype
from mindspore.common.api import _MindSporeFunction
from .namespace import CellNamespace, ClosureNamespace, ClassMemberNamespace
from .resources import parse_object_map, convert_object_map, trope_ns, SYMBOL_UNDEFINE, NO_IMPLEMENT
from ..utils import Slice, Ellipsis_
# define return value
......@@ -70,14 +69,9 @@ parse_expr_statement_white_list = (
def create_ellipsis_obj():
"""Create Slice object"""
return Ellipsis_()
def create_slice_obj(start, end, step):
"""Create Slice object"""
return Slice(start, end, step)
"""Create slice object"""
return slice(start, end, step)
def parse_cb(func, parse_method=None):
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import logging
import os
import inspect
from functools import wraps
from dataclasses import dataclass
def cal_sha256(file_path):
......@@ -100,20 +99,3 @@ def cell_attr_register(fn=None, attrs=None):
if fn is not None:
return wrap_cell(fn)
return wrap_cell
class Slice:
Slice class
start: int
end: int
step: int
class Ellipsis_:
Ellipsis class
......@@ -932,206 +932,6 @@ FuncGraphPtr TupleSlice::GenerateFuncGraph(const AbstractBasePtrList &args_spec_
return ret;
int ConvertBinaryToDecimal(const std::vector<unsigned int> &number_bin) {
unsigned int number_dec = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < number_bin.size(); index++) {
number_dec |= number_bin[index] << index;
return static_cast<int>(number_dec);
void ParseSlice(const AbstractSlicePtr &slice, std::vector<int> *begin, std::vector<int> *end,
std::vector<int> *strides, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Could not slice a dim when it's length less than 1";
int start_default = 0;
int stop_default = length;
int step_default = 1;
int step_value = CheckSliceMember(slice->step(), step_default, "step");
if (step_value < 0) {
start_default = -1;
stop_default = -(length + 1);
begin->push_back(CheckSliceMember(slice->start(), start_default, "begin"));
end->push_back(CheckSliceMember(slice->stop(), stop_default, "stop"));
int GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromTuple(const AbstractTuplePtr &slice_tuple, const std::vector<int> &shape,
std::vector<int> *begin, std::vector<int> *end, std::vector<int> *strides) {
size_t slice_tuple_size = slice_tuple->size();
size_t shape_size = shape.size();
if (slice_tuple_size > shape_size) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "The number of slice data to slice tensor should be less than the rank of tensor,"
"when the rank of tensor is "
<< shape_size << ", the number of slice is " << slice_tuple_size;
std::vector<unsigned int> shrink;
auto slice_tuple_eles = slice_tuple->elements();
size_t ellipsis_num = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < slice_tuple_size; index++) {
if (slice_tuple_eles[index]->isa<AbstractSlice>()) {
AbstractSlicePtr slice = dyn_cast<AbstractSlice>(slice_tuple_eles[index]);
ParseSlice(slice, begin, end, strides, shape[index]);
if (slice_tuple_eles[index]->isa<AbstractScalar>()) {
int ele_index = GetArgScalarValue(dyn_cast<AbstractScalar>(slice_tuple_eles[index]), "slice_tuple");
end->push_back(ele_index + 1);
if (slice_tuple_eles[index]->isa<AbstractEllipsis>()) {
if (ellipsis_num > 1) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Tensor slice supports at most one ellipsis";
size_t ellipsis_len = shape_size - (slice_tuple_size - 1);
begin->insert(begin->end(), ellipsis_len, 0);
end->insert(end->end(), shape.begin() + index, shape.begin() + index + ellipsis_len);
strides->insert(strides->end(), ellipsis_len, 1);
shrink.insert(shrink.end(), ellipsis_len, 0);
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Slice tuple only could contain slice, int number or ellipsis, but got "
<< slice_tuple_eles[index]->ToString();
if (ellipsis_num == 0) {
for (size_t index = slice_tuple_size; index < shape_size; index++) {
return ConvertBinaryToDecimal(shrink);
int GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromSlice(const AbstractSlicePtr &slice, const std::vector<int> &shape,
std::vector<int> *begin, std::vector<int> *end, std::vector<int> *strides) {
size_t shape_size = shape.size();
if (shape_size == 0) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Could slice a scalar tensor";
ParseSlice(slice, begin, end, strides, shape[0]);
for (size_t index = 1; index < shape_size; index++) {
return 0;
int GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromNumber(const AbstractScalarPtr &scalar, const std::vector<int> &shape,
std::vector<int> *begin, std::vector<int> *end,
std::vector<int> *strides) {
int ele_index = GetArgScalarValue(scalar, "slice_tuple");
end->push_back(ele_index + 1);
for (size_t index = 1; index < shape.size(); index++) {
return 1;
FuncGraphPtr ExpandADim(const FuncGraphPtr &ret_graph, const AnfNodePtr &tensor_node) {
auto PrimExpandDims = GetPythonOps("expand_dims", "mindspore.ops.functional");
ret_graph->set_output(NewCNode({NewValueNode(PrimExpandDims), tensor_node, NewValueNode(0)}, ret_graph));
return ret_graph;
FuncGraphPtr TensorSlice::GenerateFuncGraph(const AbstractBasePtrList &args_spec_list) {
// slice a tensor
// args: tensor, slice or slice tuple
const std::string op_name = std::string("TensorSlice");
abstract::CheckArgsSize(op_name, args_spec_list, 2);
AbstractTensorPtr tensorPtr = abstract::CheckArg<AbstractTensor>(op_name, args_spec_list, 0);
FuncGraphPtr ret_graph = std::make_shared<FuncGraph>();
ret_graph->set_flags(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_CORE, true);
AnfNodePtr tensor_node = ret_graph->add_parameter();
auto shape = tensorPtr->shape()->shape();
std::vector<int> begin;
std::vector<int> end;
std::vector<int> strides;
int shrink_axis_mask;
if (args_spec_list[1]->isa<AbstractTuple>()) {
AbstractTuplePtr tuple_ptr = dyn_cast<AbstractTuple>(args_spec_list[1]);
shrink_axis_mask = GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromTuple(tuple_ptr, shape, &begin, &end, &strides);
} else if (args_spec_list[1]->isa<AbstractSlice>()) {
AbstractSlicePtr slice_ptr = dyn_cast<AbstractSlice>(args_spec_list[1]);
shrink_axis_mask = GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromSlice(slice_ptr, shape, &begin, &end, &strides);
} else if (args_spec_list[1]->isa<AbstractScalar>()) {
AbstractScalarPtr scalar_ptr = dyn_cast<AbstractScalar>(args_spec_list[1]);
if (scalar_ptr->BuildValue()->isa<BoolImm>()) {
if (scalar_ptr->BuildValue()->cast<BoolImmPtr>()->value()) {
return ExpandADim(ret_graph, tensor_node);
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "TensorSlice not support the index is False.";
shrink_axis_mask = GenerateStridedSliceParametersFromNumber(scalar_ptr, shape, &begin, &end, &strides);
} else if (args_spec_list[1]->isa<AbstractEllipsis>()) {
return ret_graph;
} else if (args_spec_list[1]->isa<AbstractNone>()) {
return ExpandADim(ret_graph, tensor_node);
} else {
std::ostringstream args_info;
for (const auto &arg : args_spec_list) {
args_info << arg->ToString() << "\n";
<< "TensorSlice requires the input should be one of [slice, ellipsis, int number, bool, none, tuple] , but got "
<< args_info.str();
auto PrimStridedSliceClass = prim::GetPythonOps("StridedSlice", "mindspore.ops.operations");
auto PrimStridedSlice = ret_graph->NewCNode({NewValueNode(PrimStridedSliceClass), NewValueNode(0), NewValueNode(0),
NewValueNode(0), NewValueNode(0), NewValueNode(shrink_axis_mask)});
{PrimStridedSlice, tensor_node, NewValueNode(begin), NewValueNode(end), NewValueNode(strides)}));
return ret_graph;
FuncGraphPtr TupleGetItemTensor::GenerateFuncGraph(const AbstractBasePtrList &args_spec_list) {
// select indexed item
// args: tuple of items, index
......@@ -1162,11 +962,6 @@ REGISTER_PYBIND_DEFINE(TupleSlice_, ([](const py::module *m) {
.def(py::init<std::string &>());
REGISTER_PYBIND_DEFINE(TensorSlice_, ([](const py::module *m) {
(void)py::class_<TensorSlice, MetaFuncGraph, std::shared_ptr<TensorSlice>>(*m, "TensorSlice_")
.def(py::init<std::string &>());
REGISTER_PYBIND_DEFINE(TupleGetItemTensor_, ([](const py::module *m) {
(void)py::class_<TupleGetItemTensor, MetaFuncGraph, std::shared_ptr<TupleGetItemTensor>>(
*m, "TupleGetItemTensor_")
......@@ -175,16 +175,6 @@ class TupleSlice : public MetaFuncGraph {
using TupleSlicePtr = std::shared_ptr<TupleSlice>;
class TensorSlice : public MetaFuncGraph {
explicit TensorSlice(const std::string &name) : MetaFuncGraph(name) {}
~TensorSlice() override = default;
MS_DECLARE_PARENT(TensorSlice, MetaFuncGraph)
FuncGraphPtr GenerateFuncGraph(const AbstractBasePtrList &args_spec_list) override;
friend bool operator==(const TensorSlice &lhs, const TensorSlice &rhs) { return lhs.name_ == rhs.name_; }
using TensorSlicePtr = std::shared_ptr<TensorSlice>;
class TupleGetItemTensor : public MetaFuncGraph {
explicit TupleGetItemTensor(const std::string &name) : MetaFuncGraph(name) {}
......@@ -209,6 +209,28 @@ bool ConvertTensor(const py::object &obj, ValuePtr *const data) {
return true;
bool ConvertSlice(const py::object &obj, ValuePtr *const data) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Converting slice object";
py::slice slice_obj = obj.cast<py::slice>();
auto convert_func = [obj](std::string attr) -> ValuePtr {
auto py_attr = py::getattr(obj, attr.c_str());
if (py::isinstance<py::none>(py_attr)) {
return kNone;
} else if (py::isinstance<py::int_>(py_attr)) {
int value = py::cast<int>(py_attr);
return MakeValue(value);
} else {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Slice should contain only int or none";
ValuePtr start = convert_func("start");
ValuePtr stop = convert_func("stop");
ValuePtr step = convert_func("step");
*data = std::make_shared<ValueSlice>(start, stop, step);
return true;
FuncGraphPtr ConvertToBpropCut(py::object obj) {
std::vector<std::string> results = data_converter::GetObjKey(obj);
std::string obj_key = results[0];
......@@ -321,6 +343,10 @@ bool ConvertData(const py::object &obj, ValuePtr *const data, bool use_signature
converted = std::make_shared<StringImm>(py::cast<std::string>(obj));
} else if (py::isinstance<py::dict>(obj)) {
ret = ConvertDict(obj, &converted, use_signature);
} else if (py::isinstance<py::slice>(obj)) {
ret = ConvertSlice(obj, &converted);
} else if (py::isinstance<py::ellipsis>(obj)) {
converted = kEllipsis;
} else if (py::isinstance<py::tuple>(obj)) {
ret = ConvertTuple(obj, &converted, use_signature);
} else if (py::hasattr(obj, PYTHON_CELL_AS_LIST)) {
......@@ -353,11 +353,9 @@ py::dict ConvertAbstractToPython(const AbstractBasePtr &abs_base) {
auto value = abs_base->cast<AbstractRefPtr>()->ref();
dic = ConvertAbstractToPython(value);
} else if (abs_base->isa<AbstractEllipsis>()) {
auto arg_slice = dyn_cast<AbstractEllipsis>(abs_base);
std::vector<int> shape;
dic["shape"] = shape;
dic["dtype"] = arg_slice->BuildType();
dic["value"] = BuildValue(arg_slice->BuildValue());
dic["shape"] = py::none();
dic["dtype"] = py::ellipsis();
dic["value"] = py::ellipsis();
} else if (abs_base->isa<AbstractTuple>()) {
auto arg_tuple = dyn_cast<AbstractTuple>(abs_base);
size_t len = arg_tuple->size();
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ py::object ValuePtrToPyData(const ValuePtr &value) {
ret = rets;
} else if (value->isa<EllipsisObj>()) {
ret = parse::python_adapter::CallPyFn(parse::PYTHON_MOD_PARSE_MODULE, parse::PYTHON_PARSE_CLASS_ELLIPSIS);
ret = py::ellipsis();
} else if (value->isa<ValueSlice>()) {
auto slice = value->cast<ValueSlicePtr>();
auto start = ValuePtrToPyData(slice->start());
......@@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ class Parameter:
res.default_input = res.default_input / other
return res
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
return self
def set_parameter_data(self, data):
"""Set `default_input` of current `Parameter`."""
if isinstance(data, bool):
......@@ -144,6 +144,13 @@ class Tensor(Tensor_):
out = tensor_operator_registry.get('__le__')(self, other)
return out
def __getitem__(self, index):
out = tensor_operator_registry.get('__getitem__')(self, index)
return out
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
return self
def __gt__(self, other):
out = tensor_operator_registry.get('__gt__')(self, other)
return out
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
from functools import partial
from mindspore import context
from ..._c_expression import EnvInstance_, GradOperation_, HyperMap_, Map_, MultitypeFuncGraph_, Tail_, TensorSlice_, \
from ..._c_expression import EnvInstance_, GradOperation_, HyperMap_, Map_, MultitypeFuncGraph_, Tail_, \
TupleAdd_, TupleSlice_, UnpackCall_, ZipOperation_, ListAppend_, TupleGetItemTensor_
from ...common import dtype as mstype
from ...common.api import ms_function, _pynative_exec, _wrap_func
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from .. import functional as F
from ...common.parameter import Parameter
__all__ = [EnvInstance_, TensorSlice_, TupleAdd_, TupleSlice_, UnpackCall_, TupleGetItemTensor_]
__all__ = [EnvInstance_, TupleAdd_, TupleSlice_, UnpackCall_, TupleGetItemTensor_]
def add_flags(fn, **flags):
......@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ from . import _constexpr_utils as const_utils
from ... import functional as F
from ... import operations as P
from ...composite import base
from ....common.tensor import Tensor
from ....common import dtype as mstype
from ....common._register_for_tensor import tensor_operator_registry
hyper_map = base.HyperMap()
pack = P.Pack(axis=-1)
......@@ -152,3 +154,101 @@ def generate_updates_from_tensor(data, index, value, op_type):
if need_broadcast:
return broadcast(updates_shape, value)
return value
def tensor_getitem(self, index):
"""Handle tensor getitem"""
if isinstance(index, Tensor):
return tensor_index_by_tensor(self, index)
if isinstance(index, tuple):
return tensor_index_by_tuple(self, index)
if isinstance(index, int):
return tensor_index_by_number(self, index)
if isinstance(index, slice):
return tensor_index_by_slice(self, index)
if isinstance(index, bool):
return tensor_index_by_bool(self, index)
if index is ...:
return self
raise IndexError("Only support integers, slices(`:`), ellipsis(`...`), None, bool and tensor with int32,\
got {} with type{}".format(index, type(index)))
tensor_operator_registry.register("__getitem__", tensor_getitem)
def tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_tensor(data, tuple_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a tuple of tensor."""
indices = generate_indices_from_tuple_of_tensor(data,
result = F.gather_nd(data, indices)
return result
def tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data, tuple_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a tuple of mixed tensor."""
indices = generate_indices_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data,
result = F.gather_nd(data, indices)
return result
def tensor_index_by_slice(data, slice_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a single slice"""
begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides = const_utils.get_stride_info_from_slice(F.shape(data), slice_index)
return F.strided_slice(data, begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides)
def tensor_index_by_integer(data, number):
"""Tensor getitem by a single integer number"""
begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides = const_utils.get_stride_info_from_integer(F.shape(data), number)
shrink_axis_mask = 1
return P.StridedSlice(0, 0, 0, 0, shrink_axis_mask)(data, begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides)
def tensor_index_by_bool(data, bool_value):
"""Tensor getitem by a single bool value"""
if bool_value:
return F.expand_dims(data, 0)
return const_utils.raise_index_error("bool value as indexing ,false is not supported")
def tensor_index_by_number(data, number):
"""Tensor getitem by a Number which may be integer/float/bool value"""
number_type = const_utils.check_number_index_type(number)
if number_type == const_utils.BOOL_:
return tensor_index_by_bool(data, number)
if number_type == const_utils.INT_:
return tensor_index_by_integer(data, number)
return const_utils.raise_index_error("Only support integers, slices(`:`), ellipsis(`...`), None and bool")
def tensor_index_by_tensor(data, tensor_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a single tensor"""
dtype_valid = const_utils.check_index_tensor_dtype(F.dtype(tensor_index),
if dtype_valid:
return F.gather(data, tensor_index, 0)
return const_utils.raise_index_error("Only support integers, slices(`:`), ellipsis(`...`), None and bool")
def tensor_index_by_tuple_slice(data, t):
"""Tensor getitem by a tuple of slice"""
begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides, shrink_axis_mask = \
const_utils.get_stride_info_from_tuple(F.shape(data), t)
return P.StridedSlice(0, 0, 0, 0, shrink_axis_mask)(data, begin_strides, end_strides, step_strides)
def tensor_index_by_tuple(data, tuple_index):
"""Tensor getitem by tuple of various types"""
indexes_types = hyper_map(F.typeof, tuple_index)
index_elements_type = const_utils.tuple_index_elements_type(indexes_types, const_utils.TENSOR_GETITEM)
if index_elements_type == const_utils.NO_TENSOR:
return tensor_index_by_tuple_slice(data, tuple_index)
if index_elements_type == const_utils.ALL_TENSOR:
return tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_tensor(data, tuple_index)
return tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data, tuple_index)
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import numpy as np
from ...primitive import constexpr
from .... import log as logger
from ...._extends.utils import Slice, Ellipsis_
from ....common import dtype as mstype
from ....common.tensor import Tensor
from ....ops import _utils as op_utils
......@@ -41,6 +40,11 @@ SET_ITEM_BY_ONE_TENSOR = 0
def raise_index_error(msg):
raise IndexError(msg)
def check_equal(param1, param2, msg="{},{}"):
"""Checks whether the two parameters are equal or not."""
......@@ -54,7 +58,8 @@ def check_ellipsis_shape_size(data_shape, value_shape, data_size, value_size):
"""Checks the shape and size of the sensor and value."""
if data_shape == value_shape or data_size == value_size or value_size == 1:
return True
raise ValueError("The value(shape={}), can not assign to tensor(shape={}).".format(value_shape, data_shape))
raise ValueError("The value(shape={}), can not assign to tensor(shape={}).".format(
value_shape, data_shape))
......@@ -63,16 +68,18 @@ def check_tensor_setitem_index(index, element_type=None):
if index is None:
raise IndexError("Tensor's index cannot be None.")
# eg. Tensor[Slice] = u
if isinstance(index, Slice):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return True
# eg. Tensor[tuple] = u
if isinstance(index, tuple):
if not index:
raise IndexError("Tensor's index cannot be empty.")
# eg. Tensor[tuple(Slice...)] = u
if isinstance(index[0], (Slice, Ellipsis_, int)):
return True
raise IndexError("Index of type '{}' is not supported yet.".format(type(index[0])))
# eg. Tensor[tuple(Slice,...)] = u
for item in index:
if not isinstance(item, (slice, type(...), int)):
raise IndexError(
"Index of type '{}' is not supported yet.".format(type(item)))
return True
# eg. Tensor[Tensor[dtype=bool]] = u
if isinstance(index, mstype.tensor_type):
if element_type is None or element_type != mstype.bool_:
......@@ -81,7 +88,8 @@ def check_tensor_setitem_index(index, element_type=None):
"{} type is not supported yet.".format(element_type))
return True
raise IndexError("Index of type '{}' is not supported yet.".format(type(index)))
raise IndexError(
"Index of type '{}' is not supported yet.".format(type(index)))
......@@ -116,12 +124,12 @@ def slice_expand(input_slices, shape):
index = 0
slices = None
# Slice or tuple(Slice...)
if isinstance(input_slices, Slice):
if isinstance(input_slices, slice):
slices = (input_slices,)
elif isinstance(input_slices, (tuple, list)) and input_slices and isinstance(input_slices[0], (Slice, Ellipsis_)):
elif isinstance(input_slices, (tuple, list)) and input_slices and isinstance(input_slices[0], (slice, type(...))):
is_have_ellipsis = False
for _, element in enumerate(input_slices):
if isinstance(element, Ellipsis_):
if isinstance(element, type(...)):
is_have_ellipsis = True
if is_have_ellipsis:
......@@ -130,10 +138,9 @@ def slice_expand(input_slices, shape):
slices = input_slices
raise IndexError("Tensor's index type is not supported yet.")
for s in slices:
start = 0 if (s.start is None) else s.start
stop = shape[index] if (s.end is None) else s.end
stop = shape[index] if (s.stop is None) else s.stop
step = 1 if (s.step is None) else s.step
......@@ -151,11 +158,11 @@ def ellipsis2slice(input_, shape):
"""Converts ellipsis to slice."""
input_slice = input_
result = []
if isinstance(input_, Ellipsis_):
if isinstance(input_, type(...)):
input_slice = (input_,)
ell_count = 0
for _, element in enumerate(input_slice):
if not isinstance(element, Ellipsis_):
if not isinstance(element, type(...)):
ell_count += 1
......@@ -163,7 +170,7 @@ def ellipsis2slice(input_, shape):
raise IndexError("There cannot be more than one ellisis (...) in the index of the tensor, "
"but it is currently {}".format(input_slice))
for _ in range(len(shape) - len(input_slice) + 1):
result.append(Slice(None, None, None))
result.append(slice(None, None, None))
return tuple(result)
......@@ -196,7 +203,8 @@ def slice2indices(input_slices, shape):
def check_indices(indices_size, index):
"""Checks indices whether is empty."""
if indices_size < 1:
raise IndexError("The tensor's index is unreasonable. index:{}".format(index))
raise IndexError(
"The tensor's index is unreasonable. index:{}".format(index))
return indices_size
......@@ -230,7 +238,7 @@ def tuple_element_is_slice(indexs):
raise IndexError("Tensor's index cannot be empty.")
if isinstance(indexs, tuple):
for _, ele in enumerate(indexs):
if not isinstance(ele, Slice):
if not isinstance(ele, slice):
return False
return True
return False
......@@ -285,7 +293,8 @@ def check_value_elements(data_dtype, types):
if scalars_number == len(types):
raise TypeError(f"For '{TENSOR_SETITEM}', the value does not support scalar and tensor mixing, but got {types}.")
raise TypeError(
f"For '{TENSOR_SETITEM}', the value does not support scalar and tensor mixing, but got {types}.")
......@@ -295,7 +304,8 @@ def get_index_tensor_dtype(dtype):
return INT_
if dtype == mstype.bool_:
return BOOL_
raise IndexError(f"For '{TENSOR_SETITEM}', the index tensor data type '{dtype}' is not supported.")
raise IndexError(
f"For '{TENSOR_SETITEM}', the index tensor data type '{dtype}' is not supported.")
......@@ -313,7 +323,8 @@ def check_index_tensor_dtype(dtype, op_name):
"""Check a tensor data type."""
if dtype == mstype.int32:
return True
raise IndexError(f"For '{op_name}', the index tensor data type should be mstype.int32, but got {dtype}.")
raise IndexError(
f"For '{op_name}', the index tensor data type should be mstype.int32, but got {dtype}.")
......@@ -332,7 +343,8 @@ def generate_broadcast_shape(shapes, op_name):
for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
logger.debug(f"Broadcasts the {i}th tensor, the shape is {shape}.")
broadcast_shape = op_utils.get_broadcast_shape(broadcast_shape, shape, op_name)
broadcast_shape = op_utils.get_broadcast_shape(
broadcast_shape, shape, op_name)
except ValueError as ex:
raise IndexError(ex)
return tuple(broadcast_shape)
......@@ -398,7 +410,8 @@ def convert_ellipsis_to_tensors(slice_number,
if isinstance(ele, tuple):
shape.extend([1] * len(ele))
if array is None:
raise ValueError(f"For '{op_name}', generate tensors from ellipsis failed.")
raise ValueError(
f"For '{op_name}', generate tensors from ellipsis failed.")
array = np.reshape(array, shape)
reps = compute_multiples(shape, final_shape)
tensor = Tensor(np.tile(array, reps))
......@@ -428,7 +441,8 @@ def convert_slice_to_tensor(slice_number, final_shape, indexes_shapes_info, op_n
if array is None:
raise ValueError(f"For '{op_name}', generate tensor from 'slice' failed.")
raise ValueError(
f"For '{op_name}', generate tensor from 'slice' failed.")
array = np.reshape(array, shape)
reps = compute_multiples(shape, final_shape)
tensor = Tensor(np.tile(array, reps))
......@@ -523,14 +537,15 @@ def generate_index_info_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data_shape,
tensor_count += 1
elif isinstance(ele_type, mstype.slice_type):
slice_obj = slice(slice_indexes[slice_count].start,
# Use list to represent slicing result.
indexes_info[pos] = list(range(data_shape[pos]))[slice_obj]
slice_count += 1
elif isinstance(ele_type, mstype.ellipsis_type):
if ellipsis_num != 0:
raise IndexError(f"For '{op_name}', the index could only contain one ellipsis.")
raise IndexError(
f"For '{op_name}', the index could only contain one ellipsis.")
ellipsis_occupied_dims = data_rank - indexes_size + 1
for j in range(pos, pos + ellipsis_occupied_dims):
# Use list to represent slicing result.
......@@ -540,7 +555,8 @@ def generate_index_info_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data_shape,
raise IndexError(f"For '{op_name}', the index elements only support "
f"'Tensor', 'int', 'Slice', 'Ellipsis', but got {ele_type}.")
broadcast_shape, final_shape, indexes_shapes_info = \
_derive_result_shape_info_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(indexes_info, index_tensors_info, op_name)
indexes_info, index_tensors_info, op_name)
return broadcast_shape, final_shape, indexes_shapes_info, ellipsis_occupied_dims
......@@ -556,10 +572,12 @@ def _derive_result_shape_info_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(indexes_info, index_te
"""Derive the resulting shape information from the a tuple index of mixed tensors."""
index_tensor_info_key = list(index_tensors_info.keys())
index_tensor_info_value = list(index_tensors_info.values())
broadcast_shape = generate_broadcast_shape(index_tensor_info_value, op_name)
broadcast_shape = generate_broadcast_shape(
index_tensor_info_value, op_name)
final_shape = []
indexes_shapes_info = []
mixed_tensors_continuous = _judge_tuple_of_mixed_tensors_continuous(index_tensor_info_key)
mixed_tensors_continuous = _judge_tuple_of_mixed_tensors_continuous(
if mixed_tensors_continuous:
tensor_shape_dealt = False
for ele in indexes_info.values():
......@@ -638,3 +656,98 @@ def get_np_eps(input_dtype):
nptype = mstype.dtype_to_nptype(input_dtype)
eps = np.finfo(nptype).eps
return float(eps)
def check_number_index_type(number):
"""Check if it is int or bool number"""
if isinstance(number, bool):
return BOOL_
if isinstance(number, int):
return INT_
raise IndexError("Only support integers, slices(`:`), ellipsis(`...`), None and bool, got {0} type is {1} "
.format(number, type(number)))
def get_stride_info_from_slice(data_shape, slice_index):
"""Get stride info from a python slice"""
begin, end, step = get_slice_stride(data_shape[0], slice_index)
begin_strides = [begin]
end_strides = [end]
step_strides = [step]
for end in data_shape[1:]:
return tuple(begin_strides), tuple(end_strides), tuple(step_strides)
def get_stride_info_from_integer(data_shape, number):
"""Get stride info from a integer"""
begin_strides = [number]
end_strides = [number+1]
step_strides = [1]
for end in data_shape[1:]:
return tuple(begin_strides), tuple(end_strides), tuple(step_strides)
def get_slice_stride(dim_size, index_slice):
"""Get slice stride info"""
step = 1 if index_slice.step is None else index_slice.step
start_default = 0
stop_default = dim_size
if step < 0:
start_default = -1
stop_default = -(dim_size+1)
start = start_default if index_slice.start is None else index_slice.start
stop = stop_default if index_slice.stop is None else index_slice.stop
return start, stop, step
def get_stride_info_from_tuple(data_shape, index_tuple):
"""Get stride info from a tuple"""
begin_strides = []
end_strides = []
step_strides = []
index_size = len(index_tuple)
data_shape_size = len(data_shape)
shrink_axis = 0
index_count = 0
ellipsis_count = 0
for idx, item in enumerate(index_tuple):
if isinstance(item, slice):
start, stop, step = get_slice_stride(data_shape[idx], item)
index_count = index_count + 1
elif isinstance(item, int):
end_strides.append(item + 1)
shrink_axis = shrink_axis + (1 << index_count)
index_count = index_count + 1
elif item is ...:
ellipsis_count = ellipsis_count + 1
if ellipsis_count > 1:
raise IndexError("An index can have only one ellipsis (...)")
ellipsis_range_size = data_shape_size - (index_size - 1)
begin_strides.extend([0] * (ellipsis_range_size))
[i for i in data_shape[index_count: index_count + (ellipsis_range_size)]])
step_strides.extend([1] * (ellipsis_range_size))
index_count = index_count + ellipsis_range_size
raise IndexError("Not supported index data type, got ",
item, " type is ", type(item))
for item in range(index_count, data_shape_size):
return tuple(begin_strides), tuple(end_strides), tuple(step_strides), shrink_axis
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
"""Implementation for getitem."""
from . import _compile_utils as compile_utils
from . import _constexpr_utils as const_utils
from .. import base
from ... import functional as F
......@@ -50,29 +49,6 @@ _tuple_slice = _TupleSlice('tuple_slice')
"""_tuple_slice is an metafuncgraph object which will slice a tuple."""
class _TensorSlice(base.TensorSlice_):
Slices a tensor.
data (Tensor): A tensor to be sliced.
s (slice): The index to slice tuple data.
Tensor, consists of some elements of data.
def __init__(self, name):
base.TensorSlice_.__init__(self, name)
def __call__(self, *args):
_tensor_slice = _TensorSlice('tensor_slice')
"""_tensor_slice is an metafuncgraph object which will slice a tensor."""
class _TupleGetItemTensor(base.TupleGetItemTensor_):
Getting item of tuple by tensor index.
......@@ -182,13 +158,13 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_number(data, number_index):
Tensor, element type is as same as the element type of data.
return _tensor_slice(data, number_index)
return compile_utils.tensor_index_by_number(data, number_index)
@getitem.register("Tensor", "None")
def _tensor_getitem_by_none(data, index):
Getting item of tensor by None.
For none indexing , expand data with one dim
data (Tensor): A tensor.
......@@ -197,7 +173,7 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_none(data, index):
Tensor, element type is as same as the element type of data.
return _tensor_slice(data, index)
return F.expand_dims(data, 0)
@getitem.register("Tensor", "Slice")
......@@ -212,13 +188,13 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_slice(data, slice_index):
Tensor, element type is same as the element type of data.
return _tensor_slice(data, slice_index)
return compile_utils.tensor_index_by_slice(data, slice_index)
@getitem.register("Tensor", "Tensor")
def _tensor_getitem_by_tensor(data, tensor_index):
Getting item of tensor by slice.
Getting item of tensor by tensor indice.
data (Tensor): A tensor.
......@@ -227,18 +203,13 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_tensor(data, tensor_index):
Tensor, element type is same as the element type of data.
check_dtypes = const_utils.check_index_tensor_dtype(F.dtype(tensor_index),
result = None
if check_dtypes:
result = F.gather(data, tensor_index, 0)
return result
return compile_utils.tensor_index_by_tensor(data, tensor_index)
@getitem.register("Tensor", "Tuple")
def _tensor_getitem_by_tuple(data, tuple_index):
Getting item of tensor by slice tuple.
Getting item of tensor by tuple.
data (Tensor): A tensor.
......@@ -247,13 +218,7 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_tuple(data, tuple_index):
Tensor, element type is same as the element type of data.
indexes_types = compile_utils.hyper_map(F.typeof, tuple_index)
index_elements_type = const_utils.tuple_index_elements_type(indexes_types, const_utils.TENSOR_GETITEM)
if index_elements_type == const_utils.NO_TENSOR:
return _tensor_slice(data, tuple_index)
if index_elements_type == const_utils.ALL_TENSOR:
return _tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_tensor(data, tuple_index)
return _tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data, tuple_index)
return compile_utils.tensor_index_by_tuple(data, tuple_index)
@getitem.register("Tensor", "Ellipsis")
......@@ -268,22 +233,4 @@ def _tensor_getitem_by_ellipsis(data, ellipsis_index):
Tensor, same as data.
return _tensor_slice(data, ellipsis_index)
def _tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_tensor(data, tuple_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a tuple of tensor."""
indices = compile_utils.generate_indices_from_tuple_of_tensor(data,
result = F.gather_nd(data, indices)
return result
def _tensor_getitem_by_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data, tuple_index):
"""Tensor getitem by a tuple of mixed tensor."""
indices = compile_utils.generate_indices_from_tuple_of_mixed_tensors(data,
result = F.gather_nd(data, indices)
return result
return data
......@@ -240,156 +240,6 @@ TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TupleSlice_arg_slice_step_positive) {
ASSERT_EQ(real, expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceBySlice) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtrGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractBasePtrList eles;
AbstractScalarPtr start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
AbstractScalarPtr stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(6);
AbstractScalarPtr step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractSlicePtr slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, slice};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSlicePtrGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({3, 7, 8});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceBySliceTuple) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSliceGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractBasePtrList eles;
AbstractScalarPtr start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(0);
AbstractScalarPtr stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(6);
AbstractScalarPtr step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
AbstractSlicePtr slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(5);
step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(8);
step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(3);
slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractTuplePtr slice_tuple = std::make_shared<AbstractTuple>(eles);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, slice_tuple};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSliceGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({3, 4, 2});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceBySliceTupleToReduceDimension) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSliceGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractBasePtrList eles;
AbstractScalarPtr start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
AbstractScalarPtr stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(5);
AbstractScalarPtr step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
AbstractSlicePtr slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
AbstractScalarPtr elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
stop_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(6);
step = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
slice = std::make_shared<AbstractSlice>(start_index, stop_index, step);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractTuplePtr slice_tuple = std::make_shared<AbstractTuple>(eles);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, slice_tuple};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSliceGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({2, 4});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceByScalar) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSliceGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractScalarPtr start_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(2);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, start_index};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSliceGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({7, 8});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceByScalarTuple) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSliceGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractBasePtrList eles;
AbstractScalarPtr elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(1);
elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(3);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractTuplePtr slice_tuple = std::make_shared<AbstractTuple>(eles);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, slice_tuple};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSliceGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({8});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_TensorSliceByScalarTupleToScalar) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr tensorSlicePtr = std::make_shared<prim::TensorSlice>("tensor_slice");
FuncGraphPtr tensorSliceGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(tensorSlicePtr, 2);
AbstractBasePtrList eles;
AbstractScalarPtr elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(3);
elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(0);
elem_index = std::make_shared<AbstractScalar>(6);
AbstractTensorPtr tensor = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({6, 7, 8});
AbstractTuplePtr slice_tuple = std::make_shared<AbstractTuple>(eles);
AbstractBasePtrList args_spec_list = {tensor, slice_tuple};
AbstractTensorPtr ret = dyn_cast<AbstractTensor>(engine_->Run(tensorSliceGraphPtr, args_spec_list).inferred->abstract());
if (ret == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Cast ret to abstract array failed.";
AbstractTensorPtr expect = UTCompositeUtils::ArrayInt32Of({});
ASSERT_EQ(*ret, *expect);
TEST_F(TestComposite, test_UnpackCall_3args) {
MetaFuncGraphPtr unPackCallPtr = std::make_shared<prim::UnpackCall>("UnPackCall");
FuncGraphPtr unPackCallGraphPtr = UTCompositeUtils::MakeFuncGraph(unPackCallPtr, 3);
......@@ -107,5 +107,5 @@ class TestUnsupportParam():
def test_Sgd_init(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
paramsTensor = Tensor(np.zeros([1, 2, 3]))
paramsTensor = Parameter(Tensor(np.zeros([1, 2, 3])), "x")
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ from ....mindspore_test_framework.pipeline.forward.compile_forward \
import pipeline_for_compile_forward_ge_graph_for_case_by_case_config, \
class NetWorkSlicePositive(Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(NetWorkSlicePositive, self).__init__()
......@@ -528,6 +527,7 @@ def test_tensor_assign():
# 2. A[::, 1:, ...] = scalar/tensor
net = TensorAssignWithTupleEllipsis()
net(Ta, b)
Tc = Tensor(1, mstype.float32)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
net(Ta, Tc)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ def test_select_grad():
sens = Tensor(np.ones_like(out.asnumpy()).astype(np.float32))
args = [cond, x, y, sens]
gout = gfn(*args)
expect_cond = np.zeros_like(cond)
expect_cond = np.zeros_like(cond.asnumpy())
expect_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1]])
expect_y = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
assert np.all(gout[0].asnumpy() == expect_cond)
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