提交 6a5ae9bb 编写于 作者: Z zhanyuan

Optimize matmul int8 sdot

上级 6fd3f2e9
#ifdef __aarch64__
.align 5
.global MatmulInt8DpNeon64
#ifndef __APPLE__
.type MatmulInt8DpNeon64, %function
// int8 RHS 4x8 block
// /-----------------------------------------|
// |v2.b[0] ... v2.b[12] v3.b[0] ... v3.b[12]|
// | ... ... |
// |v2.b[3] ... v2.b[15] v3.b[3] ... v3.b[15]|
// \-----------------------------------------/
// int8 LHS 8x4 block
// /---------------------\ /-------------------------------------------|
// |v0.b[0] ... v0.b[3] | |v16.s[0] ... v16.s[3] v17.s[0] ... v17.s[3]|
// |v0.b[4] ... v0.b[7] |v18.s[0] ... v18.s[3] v19.s[0] ... v19.s[3]|
// |v0.b[8] ... v0.b[11] |v20.s[0] ... v20.s[3] v21.s[0] ... v21.s[3]|
// |v0.b[12] ... v0.b[15]| |v22.s[0] ... v22.s[3] v23.s[0] ... v23.s[3]|
// |v1.b[0] ... v1.b[3] | |v24.s[0] ... v24.s[3] v25.s[0] ... v25.s[3]|
// |v1.b[4] ... v1.b[7] | |v26.s[0] ... v26.s[3] v27.s[0] ... v27.s[3]|
// |v1.b[8] ... v1.b[11]| |v28.s[0] ... v28.s[3] v29.s[0] ... v29.s[3]|
// |v1.b[12] ... v1.b[15]| |v30.s[0] ... v30.s[3] v31.s[0] ... v31.s[3]|
// \---------------------/ \-------------------------------------------/
// int32 accumulators 8x8 block
// int8 RHS 16x8 block
// /-------------|
// |v2 v3 |
// |v6 v7 |
// |v10 v11 |
// |v14 v15 |
// \-------------/
// int8 LHS 8x16 block
// /--------------------\ /-------------|
// |v0 v4 v8 v12| | |
// |v1 v5 v9 v13| | |
// \--------------------/ \-------------/
//void MatmulInt8DpNeon64(const int8_t *a, const int8_t *b, int8_t *dst, int row8, int col8, int deep4,
// const int *a_sums, const int *bias, int act_min, int act_max, int out_zp,
// int multiplier, int left_shift, int right_shift, int row, int col, int stride);
// x0: a(left matrix ptr)
// x1: b(right matrix ptr)
// x2: out ptr
// w3: row8
// w4: col8
// w5: deep4
// x6: a_sums
// x7: bias
// w8: act_min
// w9: act_max
// w10: out_zp
// w11: multiplier
// w12: left_shift
// w13: right_shift
// w14: row
// w15: col
// w24: stride
sub sp, sp, #192
st1 {v8.4s, v9.4s, v10.4s, v11.4s}, [sp], #64
st1 {v12.4s, v13.4s, v14.4s, v15.4s}, [sp], #64
stp x19, x20, [sp], #16
stp x21, x22, [sp], #16
stp x23, x24, [sp], #16
stp x25, x26, [sp], #16
ldr w8, [sp]
ldr w9, [sp, #8]
ldr w10, [sp, #16]
ldr w11, [sp, #24]
ldr w12, [sp, #32]
ldr w13, [sp, #40]
ldr w14, [sp, #48]
ldr w15, [sp, #56]
ldr w24, [sp, #64]
mov w17, #8 // sizeof(int8)*8
mul w21, w5, w17 // the stride of a/b: sizeof(int8)*8*deep4
mov x25, x2
cmp w4, #0 // if at the end of col8
beq End1
mov w16, w3 // reset a row8 counter
mov w23, w14 // reset a row counter
mov x17, x0 // reload a ptr
mov x22, x6 // reload a_sums ptr
cmp w16, #0
beq End2
mov x18, x1 // reload b ptr
mov x19, x7 // reload bias ptr
mov w20, w5 // reload depth
dup v16.4s, wzr
dup v17.4s, wzr
dup v18.4s, wzr
dup v19.4s, wzr
dup v20.4s, wzr
dup v21.4s, wzr
dup v22.4s, wzr
dup v23.4s, wzr
dup v24.4s, wzr
dup v25.4s, wzr
dup v26.4s, wzr
dup v27.4s, wzr
dup v28.4s, wzr
dup v29.4s, wzr
dup v30.4s, wzr
dup v31.4s, wzr
cmp w20, #16
blt LoopD4
ld1 {v0.16b, v1.16b}, [x17], #32
ld1 {v2.16b, v3.16b}, [x18], #32
sdot v16.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[0]
sdot v18.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[1]
sdot v20.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[2]
sdot v22.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[3]
ld1 {v4.16b, v5.16b}, [x17], #32
sdot v24.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[0]
sdot v26.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[1]
sdot v28.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[2]
sdot v30.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[3]
ld1 {v6.16b, v7.16b}, [x18], #32
sdot v17.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[0]
sdot v19.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[1]
sdot v21.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[2]
sdot v23.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[3]
sdot v25.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[0]
sdot v27.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[1]
sdot v29.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[2]
sdot v31.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[3]
ld1 {v8.16b, v9.16b}, [x17], #32
sdot v16.4s, v6.16b, v4.4b[0]
sdot v18.4s, v6.16b, v4.4b[1]
sdot v20.4s, v6.16b, v4.4b[2]
sdot v22.4s, v6.16b, v4.4b[3]
sdot v24.4s, v6.16b, v5.4b[0]
sdot v26.4s, v6.16b, v5.4b[1]
sdot v28.4s, v6.16b, v5.4b[2]
sdot v30.4s, v6.16b, v5.4b[3]
ld1 {v10.16b, v11.16b}, [x18], #32
sdot v17.4s, v7.16b, v4.4b[0]
sdot v19.4s, v7.16b, v4.4b[1]
sdot v21.4s, v7.16b, v4.4b[2]
sdot v23.4s, v7.16b, v4.4b[3]
sdot v25.4s, v7.16b, v5.4b[0]
sdot v27.4s, v7.16b, v5.4b[1]
sdot v29.4s, v7.16b, v5.4b[2]
sdot v31.4s, v7.16b, v5.4b[3]
ld1 {v12.16b, v13.16b}, [x17], #32
sdot v16.4s, v10.16b, v8.4b[0]
sdot v18.4s, v10.16b, v8.4b[1]
sdot v20.4s, v10.16b, v8.4b[2]
sdot v22.4s, v10.16b, v8.4b[3]
sdot v24.4s, v10.16b, v9.4b[0]
sdot v26.4s, v10.16b, v9.4b[1]
sdot v28.4s, v10.16b, v9.4b[2]
sdot v30.4s, v10.16b, v9.4b[3]
ld1 {v14.16b, v15.16b}, [x18], #32
sdot v17.4s, v11.16b, v8.4b[0]
sdot v19.4s, v11.16b, v8.4b[1]
sdot v21.4s, v11.16b, v8.4b[2]
sdot v23.4s, v11.16b, v8.4b[3]
sdot v25.4s, v11.16b, v9.4b[0]
sdot v27.4s, v11.16b, v9.4b[1]
sdot v29.4s, v11.16b, v9.4b[2]
sdot v31.4s, v11.16b, v9.4b[3]
sdot v16.4s, v14.16b, v12.4b[0]
sdot v18.4s, v14.16b, v12.4b[1]
sdot v20.4s, v14.16b, v12.4b[2]
sdot v22.4s, v14.16b, v12.4b[3]
sdot v24.4s, v14.16b, v13.4b[0]
sdot v26.4s, v14.16b, v13.4b[1]
sdot v28.4s, v14.16b, v13.4b[2]
sdot v30.4s, v14.16b, v13.4b[3]
sdot v17.4s, v15.16b, v12.4b[0]
sdot v19.4s, v15.16b, v12.4b[1]
sdot v21.4s, v15.16b, v12.4b[2]
sdot v23.4s, v15.16b, v12.4b[3]
sdot v25.4s, v15.16b, v13.4b[0]
sdot v27.4s, v15.16b, v13.4b[1]
sdot v29.4s, v15.16b, v13.4b[2]
sdot v31.4s, v15.16b, v13.4b[3]
subs w20, w20, #16 // depth - 16
b L3
cmp w20, #0
beq End3
ld1 {v0.16b, v1.16b}, [x17], #32
ld1 {v2.16b, v3.16b}, [x18], #32
sdot v16.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[0]
sdot v18.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[1]
sdot v20.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[2]
sdot v22.4s, v2.16b, v0.4b[3]
sdot v24.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[0]
sdot v26.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[1]
sdot v28.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[2]
sdot v30.4s, v2.16b, v1.4b[3]
sdot v17.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[0]
sdot v19.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[1]
sdot v21.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[2]
sdot v23.4s, v3.16b, v0.4b[3]
sdot v25.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[0]
sdot v27.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[1]
sdot v29.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[2]
sdot v31.4s, v3.16b, v1.4b[3]
subs w20, w20, #4 // depth - 4
b LoopD4
// Add (Bias+Depth*Za*Zb-Za*Bsums)
ld1 {v15.4s}, [x19], #16
ld1 {v14.4s}, [x19], #16
add v16.4s, v16.4s, v15.4s
add v18.4s, v18.4s, v15.4s
add v20.4s, v20.4s, v15.4s
add v22.4s, v22.4s, v15.4s
add v24.4s, v24.4s, v15.4s
add v26.4s, v26.4s, v15.4s
add v28.4s, v28.4s, v15.4s
add v30.4s, v30.4s, v15.4s
add v17.4s, v17.4s, v14.4s
add v19.4s, v19.4s, v14.4s
add v21.4s, v21.4s, v14.4s
add v23.4s, v23.4s, v14.4s
add v25.4s, v25.4s, v14.4s
add v27.4s, v27.4s, v14.4s
add v29.4s, v29.4s, v14.4s
add v31.4s, v31.4s, v14.4s
// Subtract (Asums*Zb)
ld1 {v13.4s}, [x22], #16
ld1 {v12.4s}, [x22], #16
dup v0.4s, v13.s[0]
dup v1.4s, v13.s[1]
dup v2.4s, v13.s[2]
dup v3.4s, v13.s[3]
dup v4.4s, v12.s[0]
dup v5.4s, v12.s[1]
dup v6.4s, v12.s[2]
dup v7.4s, v12.s[3]
sub v16.4s, v16.4s, v0.4s
sub v17.4s, v17.4s, v0.4s
sub v18.4s, v18.4s, v1.4s
sub v19.4s, v19.4s, v1.4s
sub v20.4s, v20.4s, v2.4s
sub v21.4s, v21.4s, v2.4s
sub v22.4s, v22.4s, v3.4s
sub v23.4s, v23.4s, v3.4s
sub v24.4s, v24.4s, v4.4s
sub v25.4s, v25.4s, v4.4s
sub v26.4s, v26.4s, v5.4s
sub v27.4s, v27.4s, v5.4s
sub v28.4s, v28.4s, v6.4s
sub v29.4s, v29.4s, v6.4s
sub v30.4s, v30.4s, v7.4s
sub v31.4s, v31.4s, v7.4s
// Apply left shift
dup v11.4s, w12
sqshl v16.4s, v16.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v17.4s, v17.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v18.4s, v18.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v19.4s, v19.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v20.4s, v20.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v21.4s, v21.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v22.4s, v22.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v23.4s, v23.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v24.4s, v24.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v25.4s, v25.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v26.4s, v26.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v27.4s, v27.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v28.4s, v28.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v29.4s, v29.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v30.4s, v30.4s, v11.4s
sqshl v31.4s, v31.4s, v11.4s
// Apply the fixed-point part of the multiplier.
dup v10.4s, w11
sqrdmulh v16.4s, v16.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v17.4s, v17.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v18.4s, v18.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v19.4s, v19.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v20.4s, v20.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v21.4s, v21.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v22.4s, v22.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v23.4s, v23.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v24.4s, v24.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v25.4s, v25.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v26.4s, v26.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v27.4s, v27.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v28.4s, v28.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v29.4s, v29.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v30.4s, v30.4s, v10.4s
sqrdmulh v31.4s, v31.4s, v10.4s
// Apply right shift
dup v9.4s, w13
and v0.16b, v9.16b, v16.16b
sshr v0.4s, v0.4s, #31
sqadd v16.4s, v16.4s, v0.4s
srshl v16.4s, v16.4s, v9.4s
and v1.16b, v9.16b, v17.16b
sshr v1.4s, v1.4s, #31
sqadd v17.4s, v17.4s, v1.4s
srshl v17.4s, v17.4s, v9.4s
and v2.16b, v9.16b, v18.16b
sshr v2.4s, v2.4s, #31
sqadd v18.4s, v18.4s, v2.4s
srshl v18.4s, v18.4s, v9.4s
and v3.16b, v9.16b, v19.16b
sshr v3.4s, v3.4s, #31
sqadd v19.4s, v19.4s, v3.4s
srshl v19.4s, v19.4s, v9.4s
and v0.16b, v9.16b, v20.16b
sshr v0.4s, v0.4s, #31
sqadd v20.4s, v20.4s, v0.4s
srshl v20.4s, v20.4s, v9.4s
and v1.16b, v9.16b, v21.16b
sshr v1.4s, v1.4s, #31
sqadd v21.4s, v21.4s, v1.4s
srshl v21.4s, v21.4s, v9.4s
and v2.16b, v9.16b, v22.16b
sshr v2.4s, v2.4s, #31
sqadd v22.4s, v22.4s, v2.4s
srshl v22.4s, v22.4s, v9.4s
and v3.16b, v9.16b, v23.16b
sshr v3.4s, v3.4s, #31
sqadd v23.4s, v23.4s, v3.4s
srshl v23.4s, v23.4s, v9.4s
and v0.16b, v9.16b, v24.16b
sshr v0.4s, v0.4s, #31
sqadd v24.4s, v24.4s, v0.4s
srshl v24.4s, v24.4s, v9.4s
and v1.16b, v9.16b, v25.16b
sshr v1.4s, v1.4s, #31
sqadd v25.4s, v25.4s, v1.4s
srshl v25.4s, v25.4s, v9.4s
and v2.16b, v9.16b, v26.16b
sshr v2.4s, v2.4s, #31
sqadd v26.4s, v26.4s, v2.4s
srshl v26.4s, v26.4s, v9.4s
and v3.16b, v9.16b, v27.16b
sshr v3.4s, v3.4s, #31
sqadd v27.4s, v27.4s, v3.4s
srshl v27.4s, v27.4s, v9.4s
and v0.16b, v9.16b, v28.16b
sshr v0.4s, v0.4s, #31
sqadd v28.4s, v28.4s, v0.4s
srshl v28.4s, v28.4s, v9.4s
and v1.16b, v9.16b, v29.16b
sshr v1.4s, v1.4s, #31
sqadd v29.4s, v29.4s, v1.4s
srshl v29.4s, v29.4s, v9.4s
and v2.16b, v9.16b, v30.16b
sshr v2.4s, v2.4s, #31
sqadd v30.4s, v30.4s, v2.4s
srshl v30.4s, v30.4s, v9.4s
and v3.16b, v9.16b, v31.16b
sshr v3.4s, v3.4s, #31
sqadd v31.4s, v31.4s, v3.4s
srshl v31.4s, v31.4s, v9.4s
// Add the destination zero point
dup v8.4s, w10
add v16.4s, v16.4s, v8.4s
add v17.4s, v17.4s, v8.4s
add v18.4s, v18.4s, v8.4s
add v19.4s, v19.4s, v8.4s
add v20.4s, v20.4s, v8.4s
add v21.4s, v21.4s, v8.4s
add v22.4s, v22.4s, v8.4s
add v23.4s, v23.4s, v8.4s
add v24.4s, v24.4s, v8.4s
add v25.4s, v25.4s, v8.4s
add v26.4s, v26.4s, v8.4s
add v27.4s, v27.4s, v8.4s
add v28.4s, v28.4s, v8.4s
add v29.4s, v29.4s, v8.4s
add v30.4s, v30.4s, v8.4s
add v31.4s, v31.4s, v8.4s
// Apply the act_min bound
dup v7.4s, w8
smax v16.4s, v16.4s, v7.4s
smax v17.4s, v17.4s, v7.4s
smax v18.4s, v18.4s, v7.4s
smax v19.4s, v19.4s, v7.4s
// Apply the act_min bound
dup v6.4s, w9
smin v16.4s, v16.4s, v6.4s
smin v17.4s, v17.4s, v6.4s
smin v18.4s, v18.4s, v6.4s
smin v19.4s, v19.4s, v6.4s
// int32 -> int16
sqxtn v0.4h, v16.4s
sqxtn2 v0.8h, v17.4s
sqxtn v1.4h, v18.4s
sqxtn2 v1.8h, v19.4s
sqxtn v2.4h, v20.4s
sqxtn2 v2.8h, v21.4s
sqxtn v3.4h, v22.4s
sqxtn2 v3.8h, v23.4s
sqxtn v4.4h, v24.4s
sqxtn2 v4.8h, v25.4s
sqxtn v5.4h, v26.4s
sqxtn2 v5.8h, v27.4s
sqxtn v6.4h, v28.4s
sqxtn2 v6.8h, v29.4s
sqxtn v7.4h, v30.4s
sqxtn2 v7.8h, v31.4s
// int16 -> int8
sqxtn v8.8b, v0.8h
sqxtn2 v8.16b, v1.8h
sqxtn v9.8b, v2.8h
sqxtn2 v9.16b, v3.8h
sqxtn v10.8b, v4.8h
sqxtn2 v10.16b, v5.8h
sqxtn v11.8b, v6.8h
sqxtn2 v11.16b, v7.8h
cmp w23, #8
blt Write // if rows < 8
cmp w15, #8
blt Write // if cols < 8
st1 {v8.d}[0], [x2], x24
st1 {v8.d}[1], [x2], x24
st1 {v9.d}[0], [x2], x24
st1 {v9.d}[1], [x2], x24
st1 {v10.d}[0], [x2], x24
st1 {v10.d}[1], [x2], x24
st1 {v11.d}[0], [x2], x24
st1 {v11.d}[1], [x2], x24
b Endwrite
cmp w15, #8
bge WriteCol8
cmp w15, #7
beq WriteCol7
cmp w15, #6
beq WriteCol6
cmp w15, #5
beq WriteCol5
cmp w15, #4
beq WriteCol4
cmp w15, #3
beq WriteCol3
cmp w15, #2
beq WriteCol2
cmp w15, #1
beq WriteCol1
st1 {v8.d}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
st1 {v8.d}[1], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.d}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.d}[1], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.d}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.d}[1], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.d}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.d}[1], [x2], x24
b Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.h}[2], [x26], #2
st1 {v8.b}[6], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.h}[6], [x26], #2
st1 {v8.b}[14], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.h}[2], [x26], #2
st1 {v9.b}[6], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.h}[6], [x26], #2
st1 {v9.b}[14], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.h}[2], [x26], #2
st1 {v10.b}[6], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.h}[6], [x26], #2
st1 {v10.b}[14], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.h}[2], [x26], #2
st1 {v11.b}[6], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.h}[6], [x26], #2
st1 {v11.b}[14], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
b Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.h}[2], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.h}[6], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.h}[2], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.h}[6], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.h}[2], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.h}[6], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.h}[2], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.h}[6], [x26], #2
add x2, x2, x24
b Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.b}[4], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v8.b}[12], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.b}[4], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v9.b}[12], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.b}[4], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v10.b}[12], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[0], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.b}[4], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.s}[2], [x26], #4
st1 {v11.b}[12], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
b Endwrite
st1 {v8.s}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
st1 {v8.s}[2], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.s}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.s}[2], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.s}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.s}[2], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.s}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.s}[2], [x2], x24
b Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.h}[0], [x26], #2
st1 {v8.b}[2], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v8.h}[4], [x26], #2
st1 {v8.b}[10], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.h}[0], [x26], #2
st1 {v9.b}[2], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v9.h}[4], [x26], #2
st1 {v9.b}[10], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.h}[0], [x26], #2
st1 {v10.b}[2], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v10.h}[4], [x26], #2
st1 {v10.b}[10], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.h}[0], [x26], #2
st1 {v11.b}[2], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
mov x26, x2
st1 {v11.h}[4], [x26], #2
st1 {v11.b}[10], [x26], #1
add x2, x2, x24
b Endwrite
st1 {v8.h}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
st1 {v8.h}[4], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.h}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.h}[4], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.h}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.h}[4], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.h}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.h}[4], [x2], x24
b Endwrite
st1 {v8.b}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #1
beq Endwrite
st1 {v8.b}[8], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #2
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.b}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #3
beq Endwrite
st1 {v9.b}[8], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #4
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.b}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #5
beq Endwrite
st1 {v10.b}[8], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #6
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.b}[0], [x2], x24
cmp w23, #7
beq Endwrite
st1 {v11.b}[8], [x2], x24
b Endwrite
sub w16, w16, #8 // a row8 counter - 8
sub w23, w23, #8 // a row counter - 8
b L2
sub w4, w4, #8 // b col8 counter - 8
sub w15, w15, #8 // b col counter - 8
add x1, x1, x21 // b ptr + stride
add x7, x7, #32 // bias ptr + stride
add x25, x25, #8 // output + stride(8 * sizeof(int8))
mov x2, x25
b L1
sub sp, sp, #192
ld1 {v8.4s, v9.4s, v10.4s, v11.4s}, [sp], #64
ld1 {v12.4s, v13.4s, v14.4s, v15.4s}, [sp], #64
ldp x19, x20, [sp], #16
ldp x21, x22, [sp], #16
ldp x23, x24, [sp], #16
ldp x25, x26, [sp], #16
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "nnacl/op_base.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -28,6 +29,10 @@ extern void IndirectGemmInt8_24x4_dp(int8_t *dst, const int8_t *src, const int8_
extern void MatMulOptR4Int8Neon64(const int8_t *a, const int8_t *b, int *dst, int row4, int col4, int deep16,
const int *input_sum, const int *bias);
extern void MatmulInt8DpNeon64(const int8_t *a, const int8_t *b, int8_t *dst, int row8, int col8, int deep4,
const int *a_sums, const int *bias, int act_min, int act_max, int out_zp, int multiplier,
int left_shift, int right_shift, int row, int col, int stride);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -51,6 +56,7 @@ void MatMulRInt8_optimize_handler(const int8_t *a, const int8_t *b, int8_t *dst,
size_t stride, const int32_t *input_sum, const int32_t *bias, int32_t *left_shift,
int32_t *right_shift, int32_t *multiplier, int32_t output_zp, int32_t mini,
int32_t maxi, bool per_channel) {
return MatmulInt8DpNeon64(a, b, dst, UP_ROUND(row, 8), UP_ROUND(col, 8), deep_4, input_sum, bias, mini, maxi,
output_zp, multiplier[0], left_shift[0], right_shift[0], row, col, col);
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