提交 431bc8bf 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!1553 change hook function grad input to tuple

Merge pull request !1553 from wangqiuliang/r0.3
......@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ BaseRef FinalVM::RunHook(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const VectorRef &args) {
if (_hook_grad.find(cell_id) != _hook_grad.end()) {
py::tuple hook_args = py::tuple(3);
hook_args[0] = cell_id;
hook_args[1] = _hook_grad[cell_id];
hook_args[2] = py_args[2];
hook_args[1] = py::make_tuple(_hook_grad[cell_id]);
hook_args[2] = py::make_tuple(py_args[2]);
py::function fn_hook = prim->hook();
obj = fn_hook(*hook_args);
if (py::isinstance<py::none>(obj)) {
......@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ BaseRef FinalVM::RunHook(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const VectorRef &args) {
} else {
py::function fn_hook = prim->hook();
obj = fn_hook(py_args[2]);
obj = fn_hook(py::make_tuple(py_args[2]));
if (py::isinstance<py::none>(obj)) {
obj = py_args[2];
......@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ def weight_variable():
def cell_hook_function(cell_id, grad_input, grad_output):
assert(grad_output.asnumpy().shape == (32, 6, 14, 14))
assert(grad_input.asnumpy().shape == (32, 16, 10, 10))
assert(grad_output[0].asnumpy().shape == (32, 6, 14, 14))
assert(grad_input[0].asnumpy().shape == (32, 16, 10, 10))
def var_hook_function(grad_out):
print("grad:", grad_out)
assert(grad_out.asnumpy().shape == (32, 120))
assert(grad_out[0].asnumpy().shape == (32, 120))
class LeNet5(nn.Cell):
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