提交 3cda158a 编写于 作者: F fuzhiye

1.fix int8 conv non-optimize bug

2.Malloc output tensor in runtime for quant cast type op
上级 85364d59
......@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ void PackWeightInt8(int8_t *weight_data, ConvParameter *conv_param, int8_t *pack
for (int m = 0; m < kernel_plane; m++) {
int kernel_plane_stride = m * in_channel;
int packed_kernel_plane_stride = m * C4NUM;
int plane_block = m / C4NUM;
int plane_res = m % C4NUM;
int packed_kernel_plane_stride = plane_block * C4NUM * C4NUM * ic4 * C4NUM + plane_res * C4NUM;
for (int i = 0; i < ic4; i++) {
int channel_block_stride = kernel_plane_stride + i * C4NUM;
int packed_channel_block_size = packed_kernel_plane_stride + i * C4NUM * C4NUM * C4NUM;
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